Patrick Little EXPOSED

Friendly reminder that Patrick Little is a CIA/US military psychological warfare operator and anyone that voted for him on June 5th is compromised and on a federal watchlist.

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Fucking imkamphy smdh, can’t believe I trusted that kike when I made him mod.

SAGE for faggotry.

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Morpheus, fuck off

i personally gave him 400k to keep him going for awhile. we are taking back america for the white people. this is an inside job. feel good that we are working for the people again. hail king George.

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Godamn shills are in full force today.

Impersonating a board owner are we?

God the fucker advertises himself now.

Would sage for eceleb faggotry but this thread is a useful reminder that cianiggers will be running a bunch of candidates this time around after kicking their old compromised assets out of congress.

We do it for free

Shills are a telltale sign of fear. The kikes fear what Little says and does.

Sage for shill thread.

Yet you post no proof. That bullshit archive you kept spamming the stream chat with doesn't count. It's all a bunch of speculation and FUD, nothing concrete. Do you really expect people to believe that the Jew is naming itself now?

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What is having schizophrenia like? Do you eat normal foods, etc. Just curious.

daily reminder that this is obvious because EVEYONE is controlled opposition and CIA

I'll bad-jacket your skin off faggot.

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omg reported

Were all probably on a federal watchlist faggot.

Forgot to sage

Hahaha, I don’t impersonate anybody. Kamphy is also Bulgarian like me, sad thing is I thought he wouldn’t be such a fucking faggot and have codemonkey shoah him. I am Lazia Cus, I was a Zig Forums mod in the older days but now I’m one of the globals.

hes an IT guy wtf are you talking about?

sage for low effort

reply because fuck patrick little piece of shit

Every one says everyone else glows in the dark or is a kike.
If that's true, just give the fuck up.



Bump, gotta keep this alive.

Sides eviscerated. Kek

Rope yourself faggot.


I don't know what to believe anymore

Yes. that's the goal behind all these shit posts.


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Gotta love it when butthurt Little shills show their hand.

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Friendly reminder that you're an idiot. He's an IT guy.

Fuck off Ryan

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