Trump is a jewish pu-
Trump is a jewish pu-
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Bibi will shit his pants.
Trump's not wrong, for once.
Shills btfo
Also, the fact that the Troll in Chief allies himself with a country 100% composed of shitposters shouldn't surprise anyone.
This infographic is the first thing that came to my mind as I read that tweet.
Not an argument. Aussies are the jews of the commonwealth
Israel wasn't even exempted IIRC.
You're thinking of potato niggers, aussies are generally welcome in all parts of the world, especially with honorary aryans. They also stick to themselves and fight historical battles against mother nature that literally does everything in it's power to kill them every single day. They also embrace their history and provide some of the greatest modern white culture, especially memes.
Reported for reddit thread.
Based OZ also made my willy happy while at Perth. Only time I felt like a light drinker, actually.
somebody was going to call them jews. like clockwork.
You know what, maybe Aus wants to come over here and bomb a few buildings, then turn in our intelligence agents overseas, then blow an aircraft carrier out of the water, then put a couple hundred dual-citizens into our government, then send a bunch of shitskins to live with us, then insert themselves into our media, then turn our girls into boys and our boys into girls, then act like us and say stupid shit to get the world to hate us….
maybe then we will send them 55 billion a year for being our closest ally
it's Zig Forums. Only way to not be called a kike is to not post and be unknown.
kikes btfo yet again
yeah. Historic battles.
Trump is in the WWE Hall Of Fame.
all lurkers are kikes.
Like clockwork.
Our new deputy Prime Minister is actually Jewish btw. Our last PM Malcolm Turnbull said his mother was Jewish. You'll find most Aussies like to make jew jokes however, not necessarily because they hate yids, but they make for good jokes, often about how cheap they are, and if it's the right crowd holocaust jokes go down fine.
fuck off faggot
I kinda feel like looking up some australian recipes for barbecue now.
Beef sausages, tomato sauce and onion. The onion needs to be cook, slice the onion, put it one the bbq, pour olive oil over the onion and cook until the onion starts to brown. If you're a shitcunt who can't manage that go to Bunnings.
Yes, Israel was not excluded, only Australia was. Bibi tried to lobby but was shut down.
Donald Trump national NAC conference Australia 2011
oh wait
What a fucking sore ass cunt.
Welp fun's over boys- thread got anchored. Disappointing
Faggot mods. Yes you polvol3.
The eternal anglo posts again.
Why is this thread being anchored and not the thread about Alex Jones watching tranny porn?
Congratulations to our staunch ZOG ally Australia for their new prime minister & Jewish deputy prime minister and treasurer Josh Frydenberg….you fucking dickhead OP, new liberal party admin is just as chronically jewish as the last, which was lead by a Malcom 'I may have some jewish heritage' Turnbull. Here's a picture of the deputy PM & treasurer being sworn in his cute little hat. OP is a poofter
…and sworn in with Jewish book, which is unconstitutional.
didn't know that. got an article?
2 threads arguing over whether or not Alex Jones watched tranny porn but this thread gets anchored
Still true given the person elected is a fuckin kike.
Mods are kikes.
Stay mad kikefy2.
That is a fact. The cowboy culture is astonishingly similar. Americans got it from the Spanish (who once controlled half of what is America). I assume the Australians got it from the Americans?
Does anyone know if Australian country developed separate from American country. Sounds like some American influence but country music is basically Irish and Scottish music at heart.
A B S O L U T E L Y A N G L O E D . C O M
Doubt they have Bunnings in burgerland, user. They'd have to go to walmart and play frogger, dodging the obeasts zipping around on shart carts.
Asia is very important to him.
Niggers and gooks unite.
Trump regularly kvetches about Iran, already started with it during the elections, and promised the kikes he'd do something about it for them. Make no mistake he's a ZOG puppet through and through. The wave of kikes he surfed in on should've given that away right from the bat.
It's unanchored now so it was probably just kikes kvetching about aussies and mods being lazy
Chinks are considered apes, not Asians.
That Poofta fairy cunt needs to be flogged
Fascinating…. I fully support a realignment of American interests overseas to an Australia-centric perspective as opposed to Israel-centric.
Fuck the Middle East, lets team up with the Australians and conquer Antarctica. There's probably tons of oil and shit down there.
Actually, the potato, which isn't even european, was fukt by anglo larping jews larping as christians. They used the problem they caused to force convert people using gibs. Families that didn't move or convert, died. Stupid fuks should have known how to not die but I guess that's what jew religion, in this case, catholic, gets you.
Get a shrimp and throw it in the barbie
Well, I am sure it was to kill theIrish more but it would have been shorter, yeah. The reall fucked up thing is they were still exporting lobsters, which would have helped. I'd eat sea bugs to survive. But I would also know how to farm and care for chickens and sheep, so I can't really wrap my head around how they were so much like the people of a modern city in their inability to care for themselves.
That's not how famines work, numbnuts. First the staple crop(s) fail, then you eat everything you have in storage, then you eat your animals to survive, then you start foraging for things like slugs and lobsters, then you die.
Oh, kikey/polvol2.
Every kiked shithole is a friend of ZOG.
plus, the jews are all like a rampant virus throughout the anglosphere.
How do we get Trump to give a shout out to Aussie's as top shitposters, too? There simply is none greater in the shitpost-sphere
Or perhaps the Anglos shouldn't have been such pagans (classical liberals) and believe that 'nature will automatically fix this'.
step off old man, fuck off, yeah
reminder that the Australians let their government take all of their guns
So Trump doesn't love Israel because he flubbed and said he loves the AuzBongs?
Is this Q-larp shit or a bad trolling attempt?
I don't understand why the Bogs don't just eliminate the jews from earth?
That infographic needs to add that the world's worst shitposters in the world are israeli and pro-israeli kikes as well which make ausfailian ausfags seem like a barely noticeable nuisance.
lol down under maroons. I've once seen a dust devil 50% less than that thing and well defined, but the dust it was kicking up was very fine so I had no problem going into it. Pretty awesome natural wonder to experience first hand at least once in your life.
Worse, mass reddit invasion.
you kids chans dont know anything about the world but pretend to be "based" you are brainwashed liberal nazis and dont even know it lol
Israel is US military outpost with a independent culture. jews dont control shit in reality. But the small brains of the brainwashed liberal nazis here cant see reality.
??? Is it a negative number or is it the only country that gets 0$, because I'm pretty sure there are many countries that get 0$ in aid.
Above the niggers asking for gibs, the top aid recipients are all in the Sandbox. It looks like Israel is placating their neighbors on the American taxpayers dime.
jew shills
Make Australia Great Again
This has got to be a swipe at europe and canada.
early reminder that IOTBW is happening again this Halloween; pre-order stickers and get ready
Lmao, hopefully we can get a prototype (for SA) program going where Aussie NEETS overwhelmed with their choice on of south asian sheila
He's seen this meme
Oh yeah, what this guy said
I know you're a shill because you didn't call Australians tranny whores.
Oh. My. Fuck. I love you user kek!
Oi, stay away from Halloween.
You can have the whole of Movember.
I'm checking these 9111 trips.
December 2018: So what if the Democrat party has collapsed?!? DRUMPF is still a KIKE puppet!
April 2019: Sanctions against South Africa? Drumpf is a KIKE! Fuck you, Imkampfy, you will never be White!
April 2020: I don't care about the supreme court! DRUMPF is still a kike! My MGTOW thread got deleted!
August 2020: So what if antifas are now targets of the FBI and GOP governors? Drumf still sucks and fuck you, Le Donald! Stop supporting him! Don't vote! All IRL groups are compromised honeypots!
November 2020: God-damn, stop supporting DRUMPF, nu-pol!
February 2021: I don't care about the South African intervention, Drumpf is still a kike! I hate what Pol has become, stop supporting him! Patrick Little is still a kike plant, don't join his movement!
April 2022: Okay Pol, the FBI have given me new orders on the 20th, I was paid all along by the US governement to shill against Trump and for you to become no life incels.
Pure coincidence!
Voting for noobs.
He's gonna be fucking pissed.
< "Don't vote! Hillary would have been the exact same as the orange ape! Every single White activist group is compromised as well!"
Was that done at the Old Parliament House?
Australia was actually in rl taken over by a Masonic coup, the government was taken over when the Queen of England recognized Australian Government as independent and sovereign so they used to still have to get approval from the house of Lord's for passing bills and whatnot. After that their government was obviously changed and should have been dissolved and a referendum was supposed to be held by the people but they didn't do anything 😂😂 and no one knows because they the Canada of the south 😘 you are no better than the abos 😂🤣🤣
The Deputy Prime Minister you have now appears to be some sort of Irish Mick.
You let NK rape you?
Nice friendship you have there, would be a shame if (((something))) would happen
and that's a good thing
actually no, Frydenberg is the deputy leader of the Liberal Party
In Australia the leader of the Nationals is the deputy PM in a Coalition Government Think CDU/CSU in Germany, who by the way is someone who in the past wrote faggots are a bunch of diseased degenerates
Frydenberg however is the Tresurer fitting a stereotype
This wasn't made by an Australian, everything knows its da criket on 'straya day