well played JTRIG niggers, well played indeed.
JTRIG trivially used FOXACID to QUANTUM INSERT attack Inforwars CDN backend, and swap out the real video file with a subtly altered file showing tranny videos on Alex's phone.
JTRIG knew Alex's base on ultratrad Zig Forums would turn on him if it was revealed that he jacks it to traps.
but look at Alex's sexual history. we already know he into Escorts. he married one. if Alex was a closeted faggot, that info would have been leaked years ago to defame him.
hell, back in August 2016, when Crooked Hillary blamed Alex Jones by name in her infamous "deplorables" speech which helped cost her the election, she would have moved $50 million from her CFoundation slush fund to pay Perkins Coie to hire every trap hooker in Austin to struct around the Infowars studio block wearing banana hammock thongs to entice Alex into an emcounter. Perkins Coie would bribe the crooked FBI surveillance team to wire the fucking hotel room with 50 cameras to record Alex sucking trapcock. then Perkins Coie would bribe some MI6 double agent to leak the video with a porno dossier to Michael Isikoff at Yahoo News, who would publish it and destroy Alex's reputation.
but that didn't happen.
i am also suspicious of this because of the improbably miraculous timing. Alex gets censored off of every major Internet platform ahead of the midterms, then this smear coincidentally occurs.
sure pal, this isn't a staged hack on Infowars committed by JTRIG who are still tampering in US elections to coup Trump.
Trump should fucking retaliate against the pirate islands of the UK by leaking the Panama Papers dox which prove Prime Minister Theresa May's husband owns several illegal shell corporations, forcing her resignation and calling new elections.
hello Comrade Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn, buh-bye kike Lobby moles infiltrating Downing St.
JTRIG better tread very.very carefully playing coup games against the US, cuz we can flick our pinky finger and overthrow their whole govt before they've eaten their bangers and mash breakfast, mate.
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