President God Emperor Trump to bomb Syria again in the near future: Russian MoD

President God Emperor Trump to bomb Syria again in the near future: Russian MoD

Terrorists are preparing a chemical weapons attack to frame Damascus and provoke an international reaction, the Russian Defense Ministry said, adding that it would be used as a pretext for the US and its allies to strike Syria.

The provocations are being prepared by militants from Al-Nusra Front (now known as Tahrir al-Sham) in Idlib province, northwestern Syria, according to Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

The attack would be used as a pretext for US, UK and French airstrikes on Syrian targets, Konashenkov added. USS ‘The Sullivans,’ an Arleigh Burke-class Aegis guided missile destroyer, has already been deployed in the Persian Gulf a couple of days ago, he said.

The destroyer has 56 cruise missiles on board, according to data from the Russian Defence Ministry.

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Never learns from the election but to repeat the mistakes.

So stop kvetching and nuke Afrimerica already, Jewtin.

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It's accurate though, because that ZOG puppet of yours is doing everything that Shillary promised.

You chesscucks are the worst.



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You can only dream.

By dismantling every shred of the nigger king legacy?

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I hate nu-memes and nigger-talk

Genius chess grandmaster Trump has painted himself into the corner with his previous two missile strikes. In the event of another false flag, he will either
1)be forced to admit that the previous two times were fake too
2)he will have to escalate further beyond his previous missile strikes, at risk of making himself look weak if he half asses it

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Why in Gods name would Assad use chemical weapons, especially after such public warning? They've basically ensured any claim of chemical weapons usage is a false fucking flag.
God damn this is sloppy as fuck.

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Fuck's sake dude at least be subtle about it.
Or are you actually an admin boy trying to run damage control by trying to espouse the anti-Trump narrative and making as gay as possible?
Either way dude, just fucking try harder, this is embarrassing as fuck. I'm embarrassed for you.

Another empty airstrip?

How soft is your boi pussy faggot?

Slightly harder than that clit you call a penis, you fuckin' loser.

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Some weak ass bantz you got there friend. Loser? Really? Take your bitch ass to the huffpo comment section.

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Anything for israel!

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Missile strikes are still ok given how little the last cuck did. He'll take out a few empty buildings and claim its the greatest missile strike of all time.

Gotta get Cohen off the front page.

If you really think this is about sliding that thread then you could just easily bump it instead of bitching here.
Anyone who doesn't use the catalog is retard anyway.

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I voted for Trump to reverse white decline in the US. If he has to nuke Syria, I'd oppose it, but I'll turn a blind eye if he can step up the deportations.

I know Assad is kind of Zig Forums's adopted pet in the ME, but if Trump smashing him will distract the kikes from the major objective, we'll build a statue to the Lion of Damascus in the white ethnostate.

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The front page of the newspapers, retard.

The problem is Trump isn't doing much with the borders. He needs to fucking IGNORE the judges undermining his lawful authority.

Agreed and checked.

This appears to be a Bolton & Bibi production, see

I'm not a mind reader, user.
If you say front page while on Zig Forums, what else was I supposed to assume?

Makes you wonders why he hasn't done it.

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Shoot down ZOG planes. Problem solved

BASED Zog-Emperor

got a nice captcha as well

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Sage for not realizing Israel is an ally of Trump and therefore our ally against ZOG too.

fucking hell this thread is full of hasbara shitskins and jidf using shitty third world english vocabularies, and citing some shill author from RT no less, even if RT is somewhat neutral on their reporting

literally no one's going to pay attention to your shitty narcissistic ye olde english script lines you fucking sandniggers

Hope you're right and Bashar kicks ass in northern Hama and Idlib anyway. The shit RT author is probably helping to establishing a narrative. It's better than fucking nothing happening, even if it's probably going to amount to another false flag.

Wonder how many reports for this garbage thread have been dismissed so far.

Will Assad's curse strike down (((Trump))) as well?


And how many times has this piece of shit faggot used this image to start an anti-american or anti-trump thread, anyway, and why are we supposed to care more about the wellbeing of some desert shithole than keeping Trump in office? Syria are not our allies. They are not enemies, but they are not allies either. It doesn't matter how badly you want them to be, because they never will be, because outside of Assad's family, Syrians are just more shitty brown people.

Go die in a fucking hole

Gee whiz why would anyone have any quarrel with the United States?

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yes let's bomb syria and invade iran ! it's high time we should give israel its greater israel already and the whole of the middle eastern while we're at it. you niggers really think the most problematic kikes are in isrel ? you really think the kikes currently parasiting other countries will just go to israel and stop being kikes if you give them the ME ? how fucking stupid can you get ?


Rolling for them to bomb the Israeli-controlled Golan heights.

He's not distracting anyone. Do you think these jews are retarded or blind? They're clever little bastards, I'll give them that. They're not dogs you can trick by pretending to throw a stick. >Go get it jew, good boy. Stupid jew, I never threw the stick ha ha.

Exactly, that's why it's important to keep Assad in charge to keep a lid on these barbarians. Look at the migrant mess we've got after ZOG took out Ghaddafi.

I wonder if this is to be his "Kosovo" (ala Bill Clinton) in light of all the DC/DOJ swamp drama. Hopefully he'll realize this won't buy him much, maybe a bit of time, but ultimately it won't change the course…Time would be better spent attacking his real enemies; Declassify the DeepState fuckery and start the firing squads.

The jews manufacture the terrorist event and then the jews bomb the terrorists (all of it is 'justified'). The DESTROYERS of Earth continue their masquerade and perform their typical jewish bullshit. Meh…

Didn't you hear? The Alt-Kikes like ZOG jew cuck Ryan Faulk have decided there will be no 'White Ethnostate' now…so now that we have developed the idea of Ethno-Globe the Alt-Kikes are going to tear down the rest of the entire movement piece by fucking piece including Zig Forums. They made the Alt-Kike so that that they could be 'kings over us in a new totalitarian state' but didn't like the fact that we took it to its LOGICAL conclusion ETHNO-GLOBE…AN ENTIRE WORLD WITHOUT THEM OR THEIR DISGUSTING FUCKING NIGGER PETS.

Based zognald giving John McCain his final wishes


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This. At this point the overton window has shifted far enough that wanting anything less than complete genocide of all non-whites in the world, without a single exception made, is cuckoldery. The entire world is white territory, and anyone who thinks otherwise will end up being an enemy and a traitor. I really think all the civnats on here are non-whites/racemixed mutts anyways, trying to steer the movement to their liking

Fat chance. It's a dishonorable war that creates needless suffering for fucking kikes. No good will come of it and we should be ashamed to support it in any rationalize, not like this nigger is gonna build the wall anyway.

I read that the government is concerned that a small nuclear power might take out up to 60 American cities using 100kt to 1 Mt nukes.
If it's all air bursts, there would be very little fallout.
Humm. No Detroit, San Francisco, Jew New York..
How could America recover from such a thing?

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So, gas attacks against alien sand niggers, and we go to war, cuz human rights.
But hack up with babies with shovels in South Africa, as part of the SA's white genocide, and we'll have someone study it.

Bolton is a shabbos goy, user. Selling out white people to support the Jews is what he does.

We're all straight here, faggot. No one cares if you think you're pretty.

Correct. I see these half caste muts all the time IRL and I am appalled by the degeneracy that they don't even know they are displaying with all their cuck porn and their debased 'desires' that rule their world rather than their own mastery of their environment. They are nothing more than 'dead leaves' attempting to influence what clearly has mastered them (their unbridled desire), rejected them as weak and shit them out. Somehow they have made a 'heroism' out of their own physical and mental weakness and inability to control themselves and valor out of their own degenerate desire. Kek.

1) You don't have the power to even create a small white ethnostate, it is in no way doable for you to genocide everyone who isn't white.
2) You're already jewed into not understanding that "white" is a collection of peoples, and you'll probably end up genocided yourself as part of the process.
3) That the (((Nazis))) Jew meme want to (((genocide))) Jew meme the world is … well, lets just say you're not paying attention to how Jewing works.

He's not Andrew Jackson. He can't pull off what Andrew Jackson did to an idiot Judge.

We are pretty far beyond your level of understanding, kid. It is only because you are not an Aryan that you don't know or understand what we are discussing. You are also displaying a real significant lack of imagination AND understanding of who really rules the Earth and to whom it belongs.

Can Syria legally bomb their own lands that are occupied by Israel? Can Israel protest that they took the land by war, so Syrian can't legally take it back by war?

So, you got nukes in your back pocket? Are you trying to make the movement look like a bunch of fucking delusional retards?

Why in the fuck would I nuke the planet. I am not a fucking jew, you retard…I don't want to destroy life. God, you kikes are pathetic.

Nice try. But we're keeping Assad and deporting shitskins too. Don't try to bait and switch us.

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If greater Israel comes into existence, it would be like the cold war all over again with Israel overtly threatening the rest of the world with nukes. Their ultimate goal is the enslavement of all non-Jews by any means necessary. If you give up and become their slave they will chop your balls off and make you an enoch bitch boy so that you can't fight back.

My god, you guys are pretty far behind the bell curve. Israel isn't 'threatening' specific people with their nukes…they are threatening the planet itself. Exactly like the parasite they are, they need something specific to hold over Life's head so that it won't end them. But their time is up no matter what they do…and their continuance is not worth all of the Life on the planet because they are Death personified and they are going to kill the planet ANYWAYS with their policy if left to rampage on Earth. It is a no-win situation for EVERYONE, it is just that you guys can see the game play out yet. Who brings planet destroying weapons to a game of chess…only someone with the intention of destroying an entire planet…no matter how the 'game' goes. You are thinking so small, it is a wonder that you can feed and care for yourselves on a day to day basis. How many jewish orchestrated Fukushima terrorist events do you think this planet can take before she is ended no matter what you do to save her?

Point out you can't genocide all non-whites,
you start throwing shit.
Ask you how you're going to do that.
More shit.
With representatives like you, no wonder the normies think we're all retards.

This argument reeks of Jewry

But we can and will. God's on the side of His people, the white race, and His will is that every non-white be slaughtered burnt. Non-whites are already dead bones in a body. Keep dreaming that you'll win

Trump-cucks just want something to believe in, user. They can't accept that the kikes run the entire show and that they're simply going to kill us all.

There aren't any deportations. You hope too mcuh

Show me the numbers then. Prove that Trump is doing anything he promised to the level he promised.

You hope too much. Honestly, nothing should have ever existed at all. We can't save the planet. We can't save ourselves. Nobody is fighting back and Samson Looms Ever Forward.

Ironically, it appears that the Jews are taking out Trump with a coup.

God is evil and you hope too much. Go away, alt-kike.

Creation is a Crime against the Created.

Muh movement. Muh freedoms. Muh ethno-globe. Muh e-celebs. Muh leaders.

All movements are retarded. All phyisical meet ups are compromised.

We wouldn't. The resulting poisoning of the Great Lakes and the rest of the waters of the US via nuclear fallout and radiation means that all the rurals will die slow and painfully.

You. Hope. Too. Much.

Going to need a bandaid for the cut I just got

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Sure thing kikeyfy.


Quite a few actually. Life is very resilient, and I have yet to see the evidence of the outrageous claims people make about Fukushima wiping out swaths of life in the Pacific Ocean. Bikini Atoll is thriving with life right now and so is the area around Chernobyl. The radiation threat is greatly over exaggerated.

Well, aren't you the savage little kike. Now I understand.


Yes, we know, Germany will go 1488 within 5 minutes of US troops leaving Europe, hang the Muslims and niggers, gas the kikes for real this time, and build a statue of Hitler bigger than the Statue of Liberty. There will be no resistance from the "Refugees Welcome" crowd whatsoever.

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1) Air burst, the most effective use of nukes on cities, produces almost no fallout.
2) I live on the Pacific coast. Even with surface burst, I wouldn't see fallout, as the prevailing winds will carry it to the east.

Kikey is why I hate red text, particularly All cap red text.

Hi Ashes and Echoes. Reported.

Well? I'm right. How do you plan to stop them? Right now. It can't take longer than 5 years; we don't have even that long.


=Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Report all you want, I just wait the ban out and come back LEGALLY when the ban expires.==

That is because the KIKES are running scared right now…they know that we are going to genocide them and their disgusting subhuman mongrel trash that they have bred for themselves upon the earth. They also know that there is no place for them to run to…it is going to get hot and heavy anons…this is the day of our ultimate TRIUMPH and the day of the destruction of the demon kikes that have been plaguing the Earth for thousands of years. They are AFRAID ANONS…let that sink in and SAVOR IT…what you are seeing here is their fear…I see it everywhere now, denial of the ETHNO-GLOBE concept in every ALT-KIKE influenced place they have a foothold. When their disgusting fucking trash subhumans are gone there is NO PLACE FOR THEM TO HIDE.

How does it feel to be so emotionally fragile that the color and size of text causes an emotional response in you?

they should draw a line in the sand and say if anybody airstrikes Syria then their planes will get shutdown. whether it's Israel, USA, France, Turkey, whatever.. if they're in the Syrian airspace, shoot 'em down

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And post tweets. Now you're getting the picture.

Things good for Jews: Trump immediately jumps into action and gives it to them

Things good for Whites: Trump posts a tweet and claims to be working on it, MAGAtards cum in their undies and then ignore it when Trump never delivers

I can sense that the collapse of international Jewry is coming closer every day. An incredible number of people are openly naming Jews, and that number is rising exponentially. Likewise, the non-whites and cuckolds are now openly calling for white genocide. For a recent example, 'people' on twitter are saying that whites in South Africa deserve to be murdered. It's hard to find someone who is still on the fence between the two sides. These are signs of the times, and Mystery Babylon is cracking

Trump is good as a delay tactic until they position themselves to genocide us. That is all he is and all he ever was.


This, don't forget the weapons grade spergouts when you call them out on it as well.

kikes kikes weasel like

Or he could do nothing and cuck literally everybody

On the flip side