Well well well, ICE needs a new place to eat

Well well well, ICE needs a new place to eat.


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deport all illegals
arrest all employers of illegals

How to draw attention of my illegal practice in my business

Pretty much this. You can't fix stupid.

It's nice that they make it so easy. Find these restaurants addresses and report them.

God damn fuck these cunts.

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There is a distinct connection of the following Restaurant related items the SJW/Lib/Left/Dem push agenda and blame society via guilt trips;
E-Verify is mean.
Tipping; Pushing up minimum tip to 25%, whaa whaa ppl just trying to get by on a scaled back wage, tear.
Illegals in the back, whaa whaa, poor illegals just trying to get by and feed their kids, tear.
Purple Hair-tattooed-faced pierced-LGBT in front, whaa whaa they need jobs.
Food Trucks be cool, not regulated like restaurants, use commissary not truck for sanitation rating, driving up prices.
Craft Beer be cool, recipes from distributors, make sure same area are not selling same product, driving up prices.
Coffee be cool, self roasting beans bought from China, MX, CAN that China, MX, CAN got from Peru, driving up prices.
Co-op aka health food store and farmers markets, crying online about other stores in the area not buying local, then buy from college farms, prison farms, and their inner circle "six acre" farms that of course hire Illegals, driving up prices, usually have restaurant. Give end of day product to non-profit, run by their inner circle.
Shaming other restaurants that have dress codes, standards, morals.
Food Network and Cooking Channel owned by Discovery and Tribune, every show has Purple Hair-tattooed-faced pierced-LGBT. Pushing Hospitals not to air News Shows (including Fox) in waiting rooms and instead Air Discovery owned shows…
ICE, Search; Co-OP

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The american boomer model of restaurants need to die, nobody can afford to eat out let alone foot the tip of a shitty waiter every meal.

This. The whole tipping business is disgusting and I'm glad the world did not adopt it.

The tipping system itself isnt terrible, it just came into popularity during times it made sense to help out teenagers working through HS and college during economic prosperity.

Nowadays waiters earn far below minimum wage by the hour, and with less people investing their time in eating out the business of restauranting is derailing hard, people were predicting this would happen since the 1990s but restaurants were too greedy to actually pay their slave workers. Its no wonder why restaurants are cucking out to defending illegals because they're only people who would work for them.

No they don't.

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Why not start a campaign to not tip illegals/shitskins?

How about you call ICE and get them fucking deported.

The hashtag is just to trigger the left. Always call ICE first.

Yep, this is the answer. I'm not in the USA, but this is a clear mission for burger anons.

I never tip shitskins anyway the few times I have gone out to eat, it's not illegal not to do it so why bother. I don't give a shit if they don't make enough money, get the fuck out of my country.

This is great. They are compiling a list of shitty restaurants that probably have bad cooks, shitty unkept kitchens and unsafe conditions.

Restaurant owners hate ICE because it breaks into their profit margins.

Nothing at all wrong with the tipping system if you work at anywhere higher-class than Applebee's. Just ask any bartender/server that doesn't work in a shithole if they'd rather make tips or $8/hr and you'll see. The whole basis of tip based wage is so you can maintain a ridiculous customer service based staff during non-peak hours without destroying your cost estimations for labor. Also, it was based on a white country with white laborers serving white customers, so of course it doesn't work that well in modern times full of non-tipping shitskins and niggers.


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If I had a lot of time on my hands I would go through the list of restaurants and leave comments in their online review sections about hepatitis, rat infestations and parasites like bedbugs…you know…just little things in the review sections like: "I think one of the kitchen staff has hepatitis. I saw them on a smoke break in back while I was walking to my car and they were orange like a carrot." or "I think I got bit by bed bugs while I visited this restaurant last week at lunchtime." or "There was something strange in my chicken nuggets, it had a bit of fur on it. Short, dark fur like a rat."

We should develop a partner app on iPhone that lists all these restaurants because it really is a public safety issue. A serious health hazard to be waited on or served by people who grew up in poverty and without basic health standards or services. I mean how many of you think that an illegal has a basic grasp of sanitation or even common sense when it comes to spreading disease? Like you want Jose's staph resistant boogers in your soup or Ricardo's sperm/chlamydia covered hands (from jerking off in the bathroom) assembling your hamburger and putting all the trimmings on it. For other people it would be some sort of bonus to 'go eat at such an inclusive place' but for us it would be a warning sign of restaurants where disease and epidemic can be spread through the US population. I guess it is similar to seeing a nigger behind the counter…you'd better just leave and not eat there.

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If they really believe America is oppressive, then they should go back to where they came from.

Everything but following the law.

Health department and liquor commission are the two sure-fire ways to get a restaurant closed.

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Yeah, I've noticed this lately on the machine (FWIW, I always give 20, up from 15 a few years ago). Greedy sons of bitches… your $15 minimum wage should be enough.

They need to start indicting Americans under "8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens". The law provide for at least five year up to capital punishment if you're caught harboring a murderer. Yes, I'm looking at you, Gov. Jerry Brown.
Put people, including city fathers, restaurant owners, state officials, in prison or gas 'em (legally) and the illegal aliens will leave.

That would be one way to get rid of the jew/ZOG infestation of the USA.

Also remember that a lot (I mean a LOT) of restaurants are money-losing organized crime money laundering operations.

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I agree. We really have to hit the people bringing them and hiring them.

Blacks never tip. Tell them you're in solidarity with your friends Tyrone and Jamal.

So much risk just for virtue signaling. Why doesn't ICE honeypot like this? Easy pickings.


Add the restaurants that don't appear yet, too.


Yeah, who exactly are all these companies? Without them, the borders would be closed and we'd have a sizable chunk of our country back.

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Now THAT image is a very good idea…why is it that some of the oldest ideas are the very best.

Oh, thank goodness these retards outed themselves in such an easily-searched fashion.
Will make avoiding food-poisoning and disease so much easier.

God forbid these people should ever get a real fucking job and make an actual, positive contribution to the prosperity of this nation…

Their real objective isn't the abolition of oppression; they just want to take the place of the oppressors.

I've been told this in confidentiality by people in the loop.
They come in and bail out failing businesses in exchange for using the business to launder money.
And they love minorities — especially the newly-immigrated — because they're so much easier to coerce.
It's a damned shame nobody bothers using this subject when rallying against immigration, it's a solid point with no real counterargument.

You should be staying home and cooking for yourself anyway. The food service industry is unsanitary overpriced bullshit from the top down. Not to mention I've met wealthy CEO types with less ego than your average sous chef.

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Did you know that was one of the significant markers of a imminent collapse in a civilization? The rise of 'chefs' to celebrity status.


Well well well, the cocks you suck need a break.

You're the one with dick on the brain, fagmeister.