Could DNA prove that ancient Egyptians visited Ireland?

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How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

is pic related a jew god ?

I love how they keep trying to avoid the obvious fact that Egyptians were white.

Are you white or are you black?

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Ireland was never White, so letting in migrants today is just them returning home goyim.

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Apparently the Scottish DNA can be traced back to Egypt. And, apparently, ancient stories from the Orkney islands speak of a people coming to Scotland from Egypt. I wouldn't be surprised if the Irish were connected to Egypt either. It could be that red hair itself is a trait not native to Europe.

Mate Egyptians were Berbers

Except that's not facts, that's the media spin. We already know the egyptian pharaohs closest living relatives are in ireland and wales from past DNA testing. The facts behind the media spin you quoted are that "celtic" is a made up kike term to try to hide the reality that the original brittonic people are the same as the ancient egyptians and the etruscans, and that the gauls were an offshoot from them. The fact that people continued to evolve doesn't mean they are "quite different" like the kikes want to pretend.

Daily reminder that Ramses II was a red-headed Celtic White man.

Bodhidharma, the guy who brought Buddhism to China, had red hair. Pic is him in front of a temple in China.

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How would ancient scotland even know what egypt is?

I guess that explains the biological/cultural symbiosis between Jews and Irish.

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According to the ancient Scots Chronicles the origin of the Scottish people, at least in part, derives from the Pharaonic lineage of an Egyptian princess named Scota, who may have lived around 1400 B. C. The old Irish Annals support this same tradition saying that Scota came to Ireland, via Spain, from Egypt. Even today the placename Glen Scota traditionally records her presence in Ireland. Subsequently descendants of Scota apparently migrated to Scotland around 300 B. C. from whence came the Scots royal lineage.

The feasibility of Egyptian travel to the British Isles in ancient times is borne out by modern archaeological findings. This occurred in 1937 when two Egyptian sailing ships, dated to around 1400 B. C., were discovered in a Yorkshire estuary, on the north east coast of England. Moreover, Egyptian faience beads dating from the same period have been found in Scotland and other parts of the British Isles.

Furthermore, the Rev. John Stirton in his essay The Celtic Church and the Influence of the East (1923) observes: “The earliest type of monumental cross in Scotland is an Egyptian or Coptic wheel cross. It appears on several stones at Kirkmadrine in Wigtonshire, along with the Alpha and Omega.. The Crux Ansata, the emblem of life in Egyptian hieroglyphics, is found on a stone at Nigg in Ross-shire, and on another at Ardboe, in Ireland. There are many symbols on the Celtic stones of Scotland which are still unexplained.. The Crescent, the Serpent, and the Elephant must all be Eastern in origin, and these are commonly met with on the Celtic symbol-bearing stones.”

A possible ancient Egypto-Celtic connection is also indicated in Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought (1878) by James Bonwick, F. R. G. S., who states: “It is singular to find a white race spoken of in the ancient monuments. Dr. Brugsch, the learned German, notices the word Tam-hou or white men. As it occurs on tablets dating 2,500 years before Christ, it is puzzling to indicate the people. Brugsch traces them to Libya. Champollion recognized in the Tamh’ou a type of European ancestry. M. Deveria remarks upon hieroglyphics recording the fact of Horus, the god, leading and guiding a white race. As there are still many Celtic monuments in the north of Africa, over many hundreds of miles, he contends for the existence of an original Celtic people in Egypt, or, in modern language, that the Welsh and Irish were once in Egypt.”

The old Scots Chronicles also record that during the 2nd century B. C. certain “Egyptian philosophers” (probably from the Egyptian mystery temples) came to Scotland to advise the Scots King of the period. They were able to divine for him where certain metal ores were located in the land by studying the movement of the stars. It seems likely that these Egyptian philosophers would have associated with the Druid magi, some of whom were in attendance as advisors to the ancient Scottish Royal families.

Moreover, these ancient Chronicles further relate that Egyptian philosopher priests were apparently teaching the Christic doctrine of a universal deity in ancient Caledonia (c. 180 B. C.), i. e. almost two centuries before the legendary Apostolic mission in the British Isles.

During the early centuries A. D. the Celtic monks in the British Isles, much of whose tenets were rooted in a pre-Christian Druid tradition, saw Egypt as the true holy land rather than Palestine due to the ascetic Desert Father tradition established there which they sought to follow and emulate. Hence we find in Scotland, and Ireland, a number of dysarts (desert) placenames which record monastic settlements and retreats founded on the Egyptian anchorite model.

So ancient historical links between Scotland and Egypt seem fairly likely and provide an interesting sidelight to our knowledge of the ancient past.

How do you?

Its something magnificently fascinating.

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Here's a source

Attached: Egyptian DNA.webm (640x360, 7.39M)

Attached: Ruins of the Great Temple at Karnak, in Upper Egypt by David Roberts (1845)

So… What? White people visited more white people?
This supposed to be a "gotcha"?

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Isn’t this sort of common knowledge? Back in the Bronze Age, Egypt was one of the foremost world powers, and thus needed large quantities of the metal of the age. In order to make bronze, however, they needed tin and copper, neither of which they had access in Egypt. Copper was relatively easy to acquire, as the nearby Cyprus had a ton o it, tin, on the other hand, was only present in significant quantities on the British isles(including Ireland) and Bactria(Afghanistan).

Could DNA prove you're a jew faggot?

Ancient Egyptians are more related to Europeans than anyone else including middle easterners. I'm guessing it's because Europeans followed the coast to land in North Africa.

I get the elephant one, but he does know that people can still see the moon in Scotland, right? And he does know that there are snakes all over Britain, right? Why must they have come from the East?!

What I would add is that the Phoenicians were supposed to have had a trading empire that went from the 'Holy Land', past North Africa, around Britain and even further. I thought this was accepted history. It is doubtful that they were the first to ever sail those routes even if they were the first to make them on a regular basis; as such the existence of Egyptian goods is not surprising, nor is there existence of small groups of North Africans living in remote areas/

Phoenicians got some pict loving.

wat. Black hair and dark eyes are very common in ireland, there are plenty of irish people who look southern european


They must be sending their worst.

Wonder if you are still assravaged over the Irish Kennedys.

Media spin to make it seem like foreigners always lived in Ireland.

Varg has a video on this.

Afro-Iberian BLACK Irish proven to be niggers. Wow.

Graecopithecus freybergi was found in Greece…

I've just received a book "The White Goddess" by the famous poet Robert Graves, in which he explores the archaeological and anthropological Welsh and British histories. Just thought I'd add a brief mention that I happened upon that coincides with your topic.

You mean Phonetians



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Oh man don't you know anything?
The Aryans / Hyperborans fled south from the last ice age. So they either came from Ireland or came back to Ireland.

The pyramids were built before the great flood (approx. 12.000 years ago).

Druids were everywhere tbh, the "Blue People" of the Bronze Age did descend upon all of the Mediterranean. If you read ancient Chinese accounts many of the Generals of the Emperor in the Shang dynasty had "green" eyes and long mustaches, a phenotype not seen in modern China. Further its been well documented from the 1800s that Celts knowing Gaelic can read Hebrew transliterated into their own characters and know the special meanings behind place names.

I really hope Ancient Celts weren't going around the world some 4000 years ago granting all the lower races their knowledge like a kind of Ancient White Man's burden.

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We know so little of our history… pisses me off. Fuck…. so much lost history.

We wus kings to be sure. To be sure.

Mythology and the red hair of the mummies proves WE WUZ KANGZ NIGGA

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What if ancient Egyptians didn't visit Ireland, but some Irish people visited Egypt and became royals?

Ancient Egyptians were mixed European and Persian.

wait until people find out they were in the grand canyon