Richard Spencer is fucking toast

This man has officially imploded

NOW I see why the media was always interviewing this guy. NOW I see why he still has a Twitter account

I would like to issue a personal apology to the Zig Forums community, right from the bottom of my heart. You guys were fucking right all along. You guys are always right.

I got so mad at you for hating on the e-celebs, I thought you were trying to tear down the movement. But you were right…..what a crazy world

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Its alright fam, I forgive you, just try to to do it again.

what the fuck I never heard about this, source? I have some fags to wreck with this info.

Everyone saw small warning signs but didn't realize how out of control his narcissism was. The separation from his wife and year old child should have been a huge red flag. Who the hell would throw away those milkers.

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Wtf, I hate him now.

A truly valuable thread.

A homosexual occultists who is a Communist like his wife.



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I forgive you user

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Spencer has been controlled op from the start you TRS shill

Jew or not women from that region have huge tits. That's where the kikes stole the genes from.



Are there any e-celebs that are not controlled opposition? I say no.

Then why did she leave him when he started doing the media thing? You are just throwing shit against the wall you don't have evidence. His wife did not have to be a Jew for him to be a lolcow wannabe cult leader.


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public stooge =|= eceleb, theres plenty of legitimate opponents of zog who are known on YT.

You just moved the goalposts. Spencer was pretty much always an anti semite. He cut his teeth against the neocons like a lot of us did.

I haven't seen any hard evidence of this, seems like Jewish tricks.

But with that said, this guy:

All red flags. I don't need hear say dumb stories about threesomes to prove this guy is a shill.

I thought Spencer was a homo the whole time

Spencer didn't vett anyone in charge. He put a furfag in charge of his discord server.

Absolutely on spot.
It is about to keep the goys spinning in a new dance (a new distraction) meanwhile White Genocide and massive treason and plunder goes ahead.
The electoral process is the kikes' rigged game. If you play, you loose.

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The real joke here is that Grinder Greg was right all along and probably more sexually moral on top of it.

Semi-related, but did anyone cap that video Alt Hype made about this? I was watching it a couple hours back, but when I left the video for something else, it wasn't there anymore.

Huh. Plenty of them you say.
Keep in mind, most antisemites are Jew controlled. Many of their agents are there to embarrass the movement and make it look wacko, or to get the idea of being pro the volk rejected by the volk.

a fag. those are epic milkers.

Mass hating on e-celebs is still retarded as fuck. You need people like this to spread any red pilling ideas.

It wouldn't surprise me if it was true, but you should delete this thread and start another one with actual sources OP.

Read the thread nigger.

They're crawling out of the ovens boys.

What is the source though? Seems like a load of people who hate him. Who the hell is Conte? (I don't give a shit about Spencer btw)

Next time don't doubt a God.

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No, I just think Spencer did more good than harm. Right now it's all about a battle for the minds, and he got ideas for whites not to be dumb asses spread, whether you like him or not. I think it served a good purpose even if he's completely forgotten about in six months.

I'm only half Jewish. And Jew are like half Aryan anyway. So really I'm basically 75% Aryan.

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Screenshots are nice, archives are better. I will remove the sage, however.
Also, I used to think Richard was a fag, not a chad. While I wouldn't trust him with anything, that's actually an improvement in my book kek.

Spencer's arrogant but he's ok.

It was that arrogance that got him to stand in the middle of a riot and not pay any attention to a rioter sneaking up behind him.

I don't know anything about these rumors though.


He's just a narcissistic rich boy that's a decent intellectual.

Support Richard Spencer. The left NEVER turns on its own members and we need to show solidarity with every person on our side.

There are very few people in this world who can articulate this message this well and do it actively. We need the next generation of thought leaders desperately right now. We lost Ernst Zundel, David Duke is going strong but old, MacDonald, James Taylor. We need fresh faces and we need them now.

I'm convinced Spencer paid them off to create a phony scandal to hide his flagrant homosexuality. George H.W. Bush did something similar when there were rumors about him being a shitdick in the '90s.

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Sage negated.

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Don't worry about you DNA.
After the oven all ashes are the same.

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This isn't about left vs right, it's a war for survival against the eternal jew. Guess which side Dicky Spencer is on?

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Why are you racist towards fellows whites? I thought this was a natsoc board?


>According to (((Luke Ford))) and (((Weev)))
Spencer's probably a fag, but give me something better than conspiring jews.

Kill yourself spawn of Satan.

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You realize Jews are like 50% german right?

Brimlow said it best: he’s accident prone and the accidents happen to people other than him.
As soon as I saw what that Nazi salute debacle led to, I was suspicious of the guy.

That's all a pile of shit taken out of context to fool the autists on this board. You can be pro-white without taking a hard stance on the JQ. And like it or not, we need stepping stones to get normies to the JQ. Just like James Taylor stays away from the subject, he can reach more people that way if he is seen as more "palatable".

Those two are both degenerate scum themselves. If they are calling someone a fag it’s likely because they are involved in trying to sell the dude. They Jews involved are all human traffickers.

These particular Jews, fucking autocorrect again.

Not one drop. You’re either German or you aren’t

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if you analyzed your genome, you wouldn't be 100% white either.

No one is 100.0000% white.

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Not a single one of those statements is changed by context.

No, you can't. It's impossible to be both pro-White and pro-jew. David Lane even said as much, which, much like everything else about Lane and the Order, would probably come as a surprise to the "14 but not 88" aut-kikes

It's Jared, and he's another race-traitor.

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No you aren't, fucking retard. Go take a genomics class.


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I'm a scientist and I've analysed over 1000 white genomes. All contain foreign material.

I'm a scientist

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You're a funny person user, I love unintentional comedy, please continue.

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Wew. This definitely is nuPol.


Oh so you aren't a lay? Bioinformaticist specialising in admixture studies.

There was a guy Common Filth who was very vocal about spencer, grindr greg and kessler before any of them were to be outed as controlled op for the enemy. What happened to him?


like we would believe anything that comes out of a jew's mouth

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I'm not a Few. my mother wasn't even a Jew. I've got blue eyes and blonde hair. Last name is Tonheim.

He said he wanted a nigger to fuck his hypothetical daughter. Also he's a spic.

What is your first name and address/phone number?


Whether a particular group of Whites is 94.7%, 100%, or 115% Indo-European, we still don't want niggers and Muslims pouring into our countries by the millions, and their brats are still foreigners no matter where they're born.

It's okay we forgive you just don't do again lmao

Fuck off, goon.

I'm not a muslim, nor am I a negroid.

sent you a friend request on kikebook lulz


Don't have one.

Support Richard Spencer. The left NEVER turns on its own members and we need to show solidarity with every person on our side.

There are very few people in this world who can articulate this message this well and do it actively. We need the next generation of thought leaders desperately right now. We lost Ernst Zundel, David Duke is going strong but old, MacDonald, James Taylor. We need fresh faces and we need them now.

Definitely a Brit who has nothing else to do in his life.

All threads eventually degenerate into a the Special Olympic event of shit throwing.
This one got there quickly.

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Of course we were fucking right. We read enough history to know how the kikes operate. Look up the implosion of the Klan in the late '20s to see the exact same pattern in action. Or, for that matter, look up the fate of Commander Rockwell, who made the mistake of trusting one single Jew, who then murdered him and took over his party and ran it into the ground on purpose.

What the ADL kikes won't let themselves realize is that we have evolved beyond organizations with fallible leaders. The future they face is 10 million fanatics leading 100 million followers into war on them, the eternal foe.

even if they geniunely want to help, e-celebs will inevitably end up disappointing whatever movement they claim to represent
either they end up taking a position that not (((everyone))) agrees with and this is then exploited as a fracture point by COINTEL niggers or they are led astray by promises of sex, power, wealth, or influence. in both cases their fans and followers are demoralized and disenchanted with the movements the celeb claimed to represent.
the few who end up avoiding these traps end up irrelevant in any normal sense (see patrick little, sam hyde) and end up JUSTing themselves forever.
don't forget the lessons of gamergate


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