I'm proposing this idea, thought it might have some value. We get the Blacks and Hispanics on twitter to rally around the land expropriation in South Africa. We can get a nice hashtag trending, get half-chan involved. Getting a hash tag regarding to this idea serves two purposes:
Project Gibs
Honestly, it's not a bad idea, but you need to flesh your idea out more. Give ideas on how to do it, what hashtags to use, who to target, how to get it rolling, and how to bring it more to the attention of the appropriate mainstream media names that would legitimately care enough to write about a few nobodies on Twitter ranting about how Donald Drumpf wants to stop South Africa from torturing those ebil rayciss huwyte farmers.
I get it, though. Shifting the public perception to bring this issue to the mainstream will get people to realize that shit actually is happening out there will garner more public support for the current administration to do things about it, and will not only show how divided people are based solely on peoples' skin color, but also further display the hypocrisy of the media in how they cover issues (again, based only on skin color).
Put in a little bit more fucking effort and OP can't inb4, fucking faggot. Lurk more before you try this shit again.
I like this idea.
I'm going to think of some pithy lines to make some memes. If anyone has any ideas, I'm listening. I'm thinking some stuff along the lines of the #blaxit campaign.
When you’re an X you can ask other X’s to do stuff for you
The idea is the blacks will be able to say something along the lines of "We need to get ours, they are getting theirs" with images of articles shedding a positive light on the land expropriation. We play into the the general dislike of reparations, try to tie racial justice into it. This is juicy and will be easy for the blacks to get on board. Mexicans can be lulled into this by playing on Texas being Mexico originally.
This is my first time coming up with a op, so if someone wants to help create stuff I'm game. Any idea for hashtags?
Anyone have any good insight on how to get some influence on twitter? I need to make some fake accounts. Just make one who reposts some hot black bitches shit?
It shows how they are all about "it's ok when we do it"
Anyone knowing history of South Africa knows that it was first inhabited by Bushmen type Africans, the English settlers brought in slaves from the North, and then soon enough created the safest society in Africa which made African from all around flock to this region, therefore, it was never the land of current black majority. Furthermore, imagine if you settle on a land that no one wants, then for years you labour to transform it into a rich land, all that added value is yours, you could say no one possess land because it was always there, but the added value you worked for is definitely yours.
You need a catchy hashtag. Maybe like #poorboer
This is the best one. Throw in #nojusticenopeace and others to gain traction.
Seems a little accelerationist, I don't see the positive.
whose (((families))) got rich with slave labor?
get the list, they need to give that shit back
We need to push the marginal white American further right.
I get it and I support your effort but I would have such a moral dilemma with posting that cancerous bullshit I'm not even sure I could participate.
I'd rather just continue with my Boon accounts posting literallly insane shit to piss of nice middle-class white men and women on kikebook.
Do what I do
Find some nice, clean white family in suburbia and post some cancerous "you white mother fuckas think yoo hot shit cuz you got a bmw and sheeet! I gonna get mine! once trump out, you see i comin to yo naybohood and gonna rape yo cracka ass and take yo sheet!"
Push them right by getting more whites killed and aiding in Jewish plans. Retard. Once the old kikes in power die, they is nobody to take their place, keep this in mind. They have cultivated a multiracial low IQ slave base but not any proper heirs.
I can tell you (((they))) won't like this one.
The gibs are collected strictly from the middle and working class.
Just like abolish ICE is cancer, this is too. Abolish ice was great for us. Too extreme for the milk toast middle. It creates a larger rift between the left and right. If we get even a percentage of people talking about it we will create a further divide, creating an issue for the swing voter. Swing voter sees its insane and doesn't identify, causing them to not vote or shift to right wing politics.
too insane for normalfags = good.
Definitely reply about jewish slave ships. "Without whom the slave trade wouldn't be possible", when they inevitably bring slavery up.
Remind them about what happened to IOTBW posters.
Act like civcucks to blend in.
#fuckwhites - will rustle jimmies. Post from negro accounts for maximum normie awareness.
#twowrongs - use this ONLY if our Afrikaans campaign fails. Don't forget FB and Gab.ai.
"stumble upon this" and share it with your co-workers,family, etc.
If we lose SA, we lose big.
God speed anons.
some fuel to feed that fire
How about we do something like what OP suggested, but convince these minorities that Jews own most of the wealth and to redistribute Jewish property to minorities?
This thread will get deleted. Mods here are afraid of the big social media sites such as twitter and reddit. They don't want you doing anything together.
If op has to inb4 he knows his argument is shit.
Kill yourself jew.
You're applying White logic and reasoning to them when they have clearly demonstrated a distinct lack, as such.
What is more likely the outcome of your little plan is they will stop participating in the tedious democratic process to take from Whitey and skip to using the same level of savagery that appears to be working so well for the Bantu.
Monkey see; monkey do.
Of course, if the race war ever has any real chance at lighting off, that will surely be the catalyst, in which case, I hope you anons have been prepping accordingly.
i like this idea.
if taking back your land is good enough for South Africans, then why not for proud militant Black Americans?
Jack Dorsey's house is a digital slave plantation. so is Zucc's house, and Tim Cuck, and Microsoft Pajeet, and Jewgle Pajeet, and Larry Ellison's houses too.
those billionaire oligarchs are modern day slave owners who profit off the unpaid emotional labor of bodies of color.
therefore that land and those house rightfully belong to voiceless marginalized indiginous peoples. if you disagree with this and if you are white then be a better ally stop talking and listen to the voices of black bodies who are crying out for Justice.
the 50,000 homeless black bodies in Oakland have every right to mob up and march into Palo Alto and Mountain View and the surrounding digital plantations lands and claim all of it!!
put up posters with directions to the houses of these Silicon Valley Oligarchs and invite all oppressed black bodies to come and get it.
I am genuinely interested to see this if only out of morbid curiosity for how long it would take law enforcement and/or private security to goodify the mob.
Also, how long till the governor gets the call to impose martial law and sic the national guard on them?
Cant wait until he walks back the kike part to show how comped he is.
Got another good idea as well. Look at Sergi's house. he and other's need wetbacks to maintain homes the size of that.
Of course you do, why not go and tell all your faggot leddit buttbuddies?
The good thing about trying to normalize anti-white hatred ourselves is that we can ask the left for help! Sage this shit.
You're a fucking moron to think we're not past the point of it not being normalized.
You could start it out as pure White hatred to lure the kikes in and then switch to the kikes–bait and switch exactly like the fucking hooknoses themselves.