Won't a impeachment attempt basically give the WH to Trump for 2020...

Won't a impeachment attempt basically give the WH to Trump for 2020? If Trump get's a 2nd term could he go after these people?

Would the Neo-cons be able to salvage any control over the Republican party if Trump is impeached,and not a single Clinton Associate faces any trials over their crimes?


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Trump is a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist. Stop fucking deluding yourself. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG.

Hey they impeached Clinton. Gave him cover to fuck up the Yugoslavs.

pretty much this. right-wing kikes don't believe one second in the impeachment.

the ZOG will not impeach the ZOG is what i meant.


Lol holy shit more obvious shilling using Trump as D&C and IP hopping. This is really sloppy work.
Mods need to take care of these people.

He could have gone after them on day 1, and if he wasn't leveraged then, he definitely is now. Not that he isn't still likely the only choice

If he's ousted he's ineligible to run again.

I said attempt.

That worked when most people didn't even have a computer in their homes.



QTDDTOT. Kill yourself reddit.

The ZOG is in a Xanatos Gambit. No matter what they do, they're fucked.

Eh false.
When it furthers the narrative of the greater ZOG the lesser ZOG will be thrown to the goyim.

Go back to TV Tropes

soz if a bit off topic, but here is a Requiem for the Suicided video regarding that guy's (((natural and organic suicide)))

That's already the reality. We've already seen enough to know that Sessions isn't "going after" anyone.

Bide your time, it is coming. you have to watch for the tiny details that are happening daily, insignificant on their own, but put them together like a jigsaw and you get a bigger picture. If anything is thrown at them right now, they would probably get away with it and cover for each other as they have been doing for many years and exonarating each other from any accusations. It has been liberals trying liberals for years and they scratch each others backs. Trump has slowly been maneouvering more conservative people in, the people who can do the right job and get the right results, but nothing can happen until he has the house in order.

You also have to remember that the CIA isn't just enclosed to the CIA, the CIA is far reaching and pervasive. CIA operatives often retire from the CIA and go on to find work in other departments, the DOJ, FDA, anywhere and everywhere. And although on paper they are ex CIA, they are still working for them and have just infiltrated other departments to further their agenda, the deepstate is all over government like a bad rash.

To end on a positive note though, Trump has surrounded himself with a lot of military/ex military, and recently opened the door for military courts and tribunerals to deal with anyone of threat to the nation ( possibly a means of bypassing the corrupt DOJ ). Also several million has been spent upgrading Gauntanamo, and on top of that there are military personel reporting that a few hundred military police have been shipped out to cuba in the last week or so, which they have read as these guys are of to gauntanamo.

There are still the 40k sealed indictments, and I do believe that come january of next year we will be witnessing the biggest shit show on Earth. This is going to turn peoples worlds upside down, unless they are like us and have a clue about the scale and scope of what is happening, they are going to have the fabric of their world ripped apart. There will be a lot of lost souls who thought they knew what the reality was, in a completely catatonic state as they come down to Earth with a bump, eyes wide open.

What gives you that impression, dipshit?

Fuck off Qtard. Sessions is a traitor and Trump is a weak loser.

Hillary for 2020? retard.

They’ll have a plan to make Trump's removal inevitable even if their impeachment attempts fire up his base. Maybe they try after November, as a democrat majority would make it more legitimate looking. If we keep congress they’ll still try something. 2020 won’t be easy.

USA has more than 2 million people in jail. 40k is nothing faggot.

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the republicans don't care whether or not the country is republican
what they care about is how many democrats there are, and they want everybody to be a democrat
you should know by now that most politicians who call themselves republican are secretly left-wing democrats


fuck off, polvol2

Thanks for admitting that Trump is a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist. Stop fucking deluding yourself. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG.

If Trump gets impeached, we're slittin throats in the streets

ousted is far from impeachment

holy shit