I just came back here after about a year long hiatus, where the fuck did all the cuckstain kike worshipers come from?

I just came back here after about a year long hiatus, where the fuck did all the cuckstain kike worshipers come from?

Also, fuck zognald drumpfcucky and his kike faggot family, and anyone who likes them.

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It's all 4D chess user, you are clearly just not smart enough understand.

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Lol sperging out after I called you out on your screw up? Reported for spam.
You really need to step up your work, dude, you're going to get fired if you keep this up. All you're doing is making people aware the the christcuck and zognald spam is not genuine.

You are a fucking retard, my kike worshiping (((friend))).

The mod encouraged it. He wanted to turn this into Zig Forums, edgy edition.

Also, what happened to the mods, are there new mods?

I'm confused by this whole situation.

Need to add "christcuck" to this.

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Just leave.

Put a bullet in your brain, kikey. No one believes your shit.

These are either redditors or paid shills. Report this shit when you see it, but it won’t do much good.

cuckstain = christcuck you fucking retard.

Nah, I can beat any plebbit faggot tbh famalam.

user, we can’t win if THEY’RE PROTECTED BY THE RULES. All they have to do is flood the board.


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This used to happen all the fucking time on the original Zig Forums, back in 2013 before the exodus, and we just weathered the storm and outposted them.

I hope you’re right, but something tells me things are different now.

In look at some of the recent bans… I donno. Some did violate the rules, other was like a lightening strike out of no where. Meanwhile, genuine non political threads are allowed to exist.
I think there may be more rogue mods than just kikey.


To put it briefly, the roach overplayed his hand and went wild with the banhammer and specially the wordfilters, changed nigger into redditor, thought he was funny as hell so he left for for a few hours while the board turned into a absolute shitfest until codemonkey stepped in. He removed him and made the board global and we have new vols that are not really any better than the old mods.
We now continue our gradual descent into a board filled with ZOGnald loving faggots, ain't that rich.

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Cuckchan is now cuckchan because they won, user.

U mad, shill? You're thread's getting deleted soon anyway.


There is a lot of paid advertising on Zig Forums for jews and jewish products from cuck nigger cum recepticle porn to dick extensions…typical kikenigger bullshit you find anywhere, really.

I think the drumpfcucking pushed all the serious people over board and made them leave.

Cuckchan is cuckchan because we left that shithole and came here, it had everything to do with m00t's cuckening, and nothing to do with plebbit winning at anything.

But I don't, I just like to rile people up.
If people posting on Zig Forums were so susceptible to mental suggestion I don't they would have ever found their way to this place anyway.

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I run adblock

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I am not a lesbian fuckface so it doesn't work on me…I just can't stand your kike 'multiculturalism' agenda.

tits or gtfo

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I don't have any agenda mate, it's just funny to see people's knee-jerk reactions.
Thank you for providing, by the way.

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Shills are nervous because they see gallows in their future, that's why.

You aussies have terminal yellow fever. Unless this is that legendary aussie shitposting at work.


Board rules are board rules. The new rules are all political views welcome, no more happy merchant lampshade overlays.

No retarded ShariaBlue Podesta/Brock (((criticism))) is allowed. You need to clarify that.

You’re not even subtle.

The serious people left cuckchan and came here. And now there are no protections for right-wing content and reddit has taken over.

Reported for avatarfagging.

And kill yourself for supporting this.
