The mark of the beast

"Silly goy, the mark of the beast isn't real! It's just something the silly religious people worry about!"
"Haha goyim thinks the NWO is actually real … haha"
"S-silly g-g-goyim just take the fucking chip, you want your job don't you?"
"W-w-what do ya mean you don't want your every movement, thought and action tracked and logged in the NSA database goyim, stop being so schizo!".

They're seriously, really, actually, planning on implementing this and all the lemmings will eat it up.
This is FUCKING DEPRESSING as all hell, there are actual retards chipping themselves right now … so they can fucking open a door without a key or buy cancerous junk food without using physical money or a card.
The real reason the oligarchs want this technology is for absolute control over society …
Imagine when this is fully implemented, there are certain regions, or buildings or the self-driving car service that are locked off to you because you said something offensive in a public space in VR.
For people like us, we're already listed as "invalid" by the NSA jewminiati.
I can imagine that soldiers and people who work in the government will be the first to be chipped, then they'll start moving onto other members of society until they make their way to newly born infants, because hey you don't want to lose your child do you goy, they can easily track them down if they run loose or get abducted.
Goddamn, I love technology more than probably anyone and even believe in certain futurist and transhuman ideals, but this is where I draw the line.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself, jew. You will never be white.

Attached: mark of the faggot.jpg (493x639, 90.6K)

Bump because you’re terrified of your schemes being exposed.

I'll just leave this here

(A) any applicant for a professional license, driver’s license, occupational license, recreational license, or marriage license be recorded on the application;

Attached: jesus_christ.jpg (726x572, 156.67K)

Reported for pushing slides.

what's with the shilling in this thread?
what are (((you))) guys trying to hide, hmm?
afraid the masses will rise up and refuse to accept this garbage?

What’s it sliding, shlomo? Bump because you’re terrified of your schemes being exposed.

Those shills need to fuck off. RFID chipping is pretty retarded even in infosec. Any sperg on here can get to cracking open people's RFID chips with a 50 dollar scanner. You just need to get close enough to them. Considering that it's all radio, I figure at the state level you could have enough cash to build a highly-sensitive detector that can pick up these RFIDs for miles. Simply fly a radio frequency detecting drone over a crowd and find the string you want. I know for certain RFID tags in store items can go beyond a thousand feet in detection. They pack them in a lot of shoes so be on the lookout. Sometimes, there will be a warning symbol located somewhere on the box or shoe itself.

Fuck these shills spamming the board and keep up the fight to keep hackable tech out of our bodies, OP. Eugenics all the way.

You will never be white

in some companies in sweden it is MANDATORY to have a chip stuck in your body, for access in offices and other clearance stuff. this is coming everywhere and then stuff is going to be biblical at that point


Fucking sweden … after we deal with the NWO we should just bomb the fuck out of that place and kill every remaining swede to ensure their mental illness never spreads

They're fairly near-field, user. You'd need the skill of a pickpocket to get close enough to read someone's chip without them noticing. They're not "cracked" by simply reading them with a detector, either; there's a protocol involved for reading info off them, and the data is encrypted. That said, though, I'll die before before I permit some jew corporation to tag me like property. I mean it. Come implant day, I'll slip a scalpel into my sleeve and knife the fucker in the neck.

Some schools are forcing children to use their finger prints to pay for school lunches.

Phones and laptops use finger print readers now.

That'd make getting an MRI a bitch when your hand rips open

RFID can be activated with a powerful enough transmitter, and read with a correspondingly sensitive receiver.
All wireless communication is inherently insecure.

Just take the women who haven't been poz'd. Get rid of the rest.

Lol they make plastic rfid chips trumptard get fucked! Singularity is almost here.

The mark of the beast is already on every product that you have consumed. The 3 control bars on barcodes equate to 6, so every barcode is a secret 666. Very rarely can we find barcodes without the three sixes.

The chip under the skin is just cattle farm management. Eventually, it will be mandatory to get the chip, but use freedom of religion as a means to imply that the body cannot be altered according to your religious ideology. The Jews will claim that inserting the chip is against their sabbath and isn't their style.

Attached: barc666[1].gif (312x157, 5.13K)

Women are born POZ.

You are retarded.

RFID is basically a radio frequency mirror. All of the working parts of it are in the transmitter being used, which can vary in power. The "nearness" of it is defined only by the power of the transmitter.

If you make a powerful enough transmitter you could instantly read all RFID chips in a major city.

The true mark of the beast will be when these chips can scan and read human mind.
That is when you will have nowhere left to run.

Fresh OC to celebrate.

Attached: FRESHoc.jpg (568x720, 77.16K)

There are non-religious and non-privacy objections to the use of this technology. There are more objections to the use of this technology in this way.

First, this is a piece of technology - presumably one that must take some wireless magnetic signal - that cannot be removed from you, in any circumstances. This has a pile of notable weaknesses, in particular:

a) Human bodies are capable of withstanding EM field intensities that our technology has no hope of holding up to. The moment anybody is exposed to a large amount of EM, *poof*, there goes your chip.

b) People get cut, thrown against walls, fall, etc. What happens if a person gets cut where their chip is? Bye chip.

Second, this is a chip that is installed by some sort of invasion…I would not trust the person in that video to chip me, simply because it does not appear to be sufficiently hygienic. If I would get chipped, I would request that a licensed doctor perform this surgery…It may have actually been illegal for that individual to chip those people in the video, because this appears to be an invasive surgery done with tools that look like they come out of a tattoo parlor…Chipping a person should take a licensed doctor's time, which in and of itself is expensive, and is unlikely worth the convenience and physical security of not ever losing your keycard.

Third, in this particular instance, the chip is installed in the hand, apparently between the thumb and index finger. The chip here appears to be a rigid tube of non-negligible length. This is going to reduce the dexterity of that hand, which is not good for people working in tech. If I was chipping people for this purpose, I would have gone with midway up the forearm instead. This is a nitpick, but it's sort of an important one.

Fourth, the chip is a device that isn't infinitely durable. How is it going to be extracted and replaced when it fails? You have to cut open the hand - or wherever you've put the chip, but in this situation it's the GODDAMN HAND - which is an invasive surgery. We do not want to perform invasive surgeries for such frivolous purposes - any invasive surgery has a chance of complications.

Last, this is less secure technology than the wireless chip card, which is stupidly bad. For the wireless chip card, some asshole can just boop your pocket with a device and steal all your money in a single charge. However, a reasonable person can defend against this by putting their card in a sufficiently thick wallet/EM proof wallet/etc. There is no defense against this for the chip-in-hand technology. Some asshole can just boop your hand and then *poof* all your shekels are gone. There is no way to defend against someone booping your hand.

I oppose the microchip implant for these purposes, and I oppose it for non-privacy and non-religious reasons. Primarily, I view it as an unnecessary strain on our public health system, and I see it as a thing that will cost a non-negligible number of lives due to the performing of a number of fundamentally unnecessary surgeries.

And to reiterate,


This issue is too important to bring in dumbass Christian bullshit that discredits any real debate and makes people think you're stupid, because you obviously are. This shit is objectively terrifying on its own. You do a disservice to real attempts to bring this to people's attention with your stupid religious bullshit.

Anybody who mentions some dumbass religious verbiage like you is deliberately trying to make people who oppose this terrifying 1984 development look like a religious moron. You are doing a disservice.

Microchipping people is goddamn terrifying on its own.

Meant to reply to OP and et al. All the attempts to discredit real dissent by deliberately associating dissent with religion. Idiots like you people do more harm than good.

There are also very real religious concerns, even from groups that are non-Christian. There's a large number of eastern religions that would oppose this for relatively obvious reasons. People should be free to keep to their religion, and "not putting random machinery into your body" is in opposition to many of those religions.


A pair of pliers and a scalpel will do. It's not going to be raveled around a nerve or vein. A child could do the removal although sloppily


not just society
david icke has been outing it for decades the chip isnt only localization, ID and personal data, it is also direct remote control. That thing can send impulses to your mind, physical drives and mood (hormones) and it was perfected decades ago, it's just waiting for our consent.

Attached: 35fdd52f651b8d66573cf802ead7696a71049ef006d1d2b8079f58539d8dede8.png (636x1221 184.43 KB, 309.99K)

Where are you getting this information? Yes, there are control bars, but how do they equate to six?

It seems like you are looking at two skinny bars and thinking that it always means six, when a six is visually different (depending on whether it's left or right of the center) for parity.

That should have read "that cannot be safely removed from you without the aid of a doctor."

The point remains that there are objections to this beyond the religious or privacy concerns. This is just bad technology.

You guys know that it’s just code for Mafia goons right? This shit isn’t real.

Yes, this.

Attached: benis.png (491x344 593 B, 37.36K)

Attached: better benis.png (234x122, 639)

The real fun starts with GS1 barcodes.
Databar Stacked and Databar Stacked Omni Directional.

Both are heavily used for produce.
Aztec runes are the most visually pleasing, unless you embed an image in a qr code.

Attached: 88.png (104x104 211 B, 339)

I agree with this. If the ruling power is going to propagandize making chips and biometrics standard in society, there should be objective non-religious reasons for the opposition. E.g concerns such as surveillance, data mining, etc should be articulated fully from an ethical standpoint.

Zig Forums similarly gives secular reasoning behind traditions such as virginity before marriage and anti-homosexuality. I believe the same effort should be invested for this issue.