AltHype "Abandons" White Nationalism

Also bashes the fuck out of Richard Spencer. Checked the catalog and didn't see any relevant threads:

In summary, AltHype has been blackpilled by Sean Last's article called "The Myth of European Assimilation" which points out 2/3s of all the [insert European country here]-Americans vote Democrat. Graph is related. The most damning is that Americans descended from "redpilled" countries like Poland or Hungary are much more likely to vote Democrat than Americans descended Germany or Sweden. Citing a statistic from Sean Last, AltHype points out how many immigrants that went to America ended up going back. The overall point AltHype makes is that America didn't initially succeed not because immigrants that integrated but because of the ones that left more or less. There was no pan-European ethnic identity that drove these groups to integrate. He also cites whites such as Metokur or Warski who have been educated on race realism and accept it as truth yet still aren't white nationalists.

I'll admit, it's pretty distressful seeing someone so influential in the WN movement give up on it. The part where he talks about the impossibility of a pan-European ethnostate ends at about 24 minutes then goes onto a (well justified) rant about how much Dicky fucked over the Alt Right movement. It's a long video but it's very informative.

Here is Sean Last's article which AltHype references:

Please discuss. Is there any hope for white nationalist movement or is it DOA?

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Quick better run and make another slide!

Althype was always a Hitler hating faggot. Started out as a libertarian retard, he's always been trash.

Absolutely correct, white nationalism is pretty much a non-starter because "white" is not an ethnicity, its a grouping of ethnicities and there are large differences between them with not enough commonalities for unity to be realized. At most it can be a temporary alliance for self-preservation but we would need to balkanize or return most power to individual states with states being broken up along racial lines.

White democrats are easier to convert to national socialism

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Sucks to for him


This is why something like the "New Albion" idea in New England looks so much more promising than the Northwest Front. It seems much easier to awaken an already mostly english group to take pride in their heritage as anglos than to try to unite a mixed group of "euromutts" under one banner.
That being said, there are many "whites" in the US that can't identify as anything but white because they're just that mixed and deracinated. This should be called the "American" race and I support their right to have an ethnically exclusive homeland, which practically could be the NW (if not the rest of the continental US/Canada).
However, this "American experiment" in new pan-white racial formation has mostly already happened and the results are not promising. Though you could argue that the initial conditions could have been better. What would the US look like now if its constitution explicitly named it as a nation for europeans only and forbade jews entry? This is why I support ideas like the NWF.

I can never really trust people that start out as libertarians.


Fuck off, white nationalists are only slightly less deluded than your typical cuckservative.
You're no different than all the retarded normalfags who believe that race is merely skindeep. Anglos, Nords, Germans, Slavs, are not the same, they cannot form a cohesive volk.

Hitler was not a white nationalist you absolute moron. He respected other European races but he certainly did not see them as the same.

Agreed, those with European heritage but who have no clear race can have their own state, given enough time they'll create a unique race. The shitskins and kikes should be forcefully removed though.

He's a homosexual autist. Who cares?

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The state of the faggotry of this site is simply outstanding. Where do you faggots get off on doing this to people?


America should have remained a WASP ethnostate with a couple of other Northern Germanic Europeans, change my mind.

This. Bring in all the good, healthy, intelligent Saxons. Imagine America with 300 million Nords.

Why does he sound like he's a high school freshman even though he's 30 or so?


Why do you enjoy watching men have sex?


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I don't know why you enjoy watching men have sex, Shlomo.

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Abandons it for what?
Both parties are kiked, you bluepill. Who cares?
So he was an idiot out of the loop, why even click the link? Shit thread.


Can't abandon something you never were in the first place. White Nationalism isn't some ominous "group". It's a method of thinking, living, and acting and has nothing whatsoever to do with some "absolute" conformity. Basically WN 1.0 as pro-white, JQ aware, and race realists, and if that was what you were then that's what it normally was. Still lots of internal disagreements, largely trying to distance themselves from Hitler and Nazism which ultimately failed.

AH is just someone whose a race realist which also includes jews and largely libertarian in every other aspect. Nothing of value was lost. Once you see both of those you're not going to unsee reality and that's all the matters.

Aww, little baby deleted his channel. Update me when he kills himself.

It almost brings me to tears with its beauty.

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Not that I'm in the wn movement club or follow it but I've never heard of whoever this is.

The Alex Jones incident is probably what triggered it.

Get out Jew.

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Faulk has been feeding him all his most fashy lines.

Kill yourself, homo.

They crave gibs like niggers, actually bragging about being cared for by government and mocking Americans for paying their own bills instead of stealing from their neighbors. They brag about how believing jew nonsense like global warming and humans evolved from monkeys and niggers makes them intelligent. Also super-lazy and selfish, a bunch of cowardly, childless drunks addicted to tobacco crammed into tiny apartments. Shit roads, shit economy, shit homes, shit governments, shit people. And the worse part? They point at 1000+ year old ruins and act like the achievements of their long-dead ancestors are their own. They are basically like retarded children, so of course they come to America and side with the demokikes.

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The Hapsburgs are racial jews, like practically every other modern European royal family. Ab ins gas, now.



He wants a "first-worldist" ideostate. He still considers anti-whiteness to be the greatest threat. So I guess it's like Alt-Light?

If you do that, then you've already lost. They have next to no influence among the normalfags and those that listen to them become entrapped in that way of thinking. You can only rely on yourself for those matters - whether it's redpilling or getting influence for oneself.

patently false
but I won't respond, you're hijacking an already shit thread

Paying for the privilege of being the first target in the case of a nuclear war, should america go full balls out kike.

Sharing with shitskins and kikes is worse, I would never attempt to deny that which is why I give you a small amount of credit over cuckservatives as you have at least realized this much.
As stated we could return the balance of power into primarily being in state hands instead of the national government and function like the US did before the Civil War. Awfully convenient that we already have a division of dozens of territories in individual states.
Not what I said, they get to stay in the US and have their own territory.

Just changed locations so of course my IP has changed

I don’t trust anyone that says I am not a man.

t. mexico 2.0



What you think I didn’t know that was you nigger?

Quit being a faggot

Good goy, consider those of the same race to be mutts, divide and conquer.

Shekelberg and co. are working overtime, even in shitty eceleb threads.

He is going to spam the mutt memes now.


As a European I have to say that White Nationalism is kind of retarded, the kind of retardation only a burger could come up with because of their limited frame of reference. There is so much deep fucking hatred between different white European nations as well as genetic differences that it is just an American pip dream. According to White Nationalism Greeks and Icelanders are equals? That is fucking retarded.

Even in the US you have mostly a pretty stable mix of Anglo, Celtic and Germanic Europeans. Which worked kinda okay but as soon as you introduced Italians into the mix you got massive mafia problems. Why, because whites aren't all the same and treating them as if they were leads to problems.


True, but at least we're the same species.

up your map game, mutt


01010101 010101 001010 1010101

How is that distressing? Oh, wait, I get it. Burgers still think their shitheap of a country is desirable. Let me make it clear to you, nobody wants to go to fucking America anymore unless they really hate their own country. Understanding that it makes perfect sense that people fleeing from redpilled countries like Poland or Hungary would vote left, while people escaping from totally pozzed nations vote right.

replace that with "mixed race whites" then, I mean no harm. Their fathers may have sinned by mixing their distinct ethnicity with others (even thought they're both white), but these people can still be redeemed if they fight for the formation and recognition of an "American" race and for the US to be an exclusive homeland for this new race.

Is this a Jew's idea of anti-nationalist propaganda?

One day I myself will march into Jerusalem and level that holy mountain of yours, and all the bricks will be thrown in the Mediterranean and the artifacts destroyed. Never again will there stand a temple in Jerusalem, never again will there be a City of David. I will finish the work of Titus the Great, and if I can't do it, my son will, and if another man does it first I will prostrate myself before him and declare him my king. So help me god I will not rest until World Jewry is no more, until Yahweh is kaputt, until there is no extant memory of that pitiful band of miscreants from Palestine.

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I don’t have the comments handy on me, but Alt Hype was calling Chris Cantwell a sperg and goon on different YouTube videos during the “optics” nonsense months ago. The guy does nothing but make gay analytical videos from his basement when he’s not sucking BBC. Polite sage for aut-kike thread.

You desperately need to reread it if you believe that Hitler thought all whites are the same because you're completely wrong.

You can't have a strong national government without a unified volk, you can have strong state governments with a unified volk, therefore the two viable options are balkanization or keeping the nation whole but returning power to the states. This is a very simple concept.

This mindset is why white genocide is so fucking successful. Even people like (((you))) who claim to be pro-white jump into this bullshit bandwagon.

What? Its just like da states. Why doesn't mother Europe unite? *dick sucking intensifies*

I know what fucking IDs are. Can't I make make two points in two posts? Is anything I am saying contradicting itself? Am I samefagging my own post? No, so shut up and don't quote me or my posts again, nigger.

It wasn't all that great to begin with
Bot confirmed

Holy shit you're retarded. You really think anyone's going to fall for this shit? African ethnicities aren't considered different races. Asian ethnicities aren't considered different races. (((Conveniently))) it's only European ethnicities that are considered different races and only when it's (((convenient))) to divide and conquer a global minority that's under genocide.


And of course you're a (((balkanization))) shill, just waiting for your country to take over that global power. Kill yourself kike.

The only reason why this thread is up is because McStain just died.

I don’t believe anything Schlomo. I know what he thought. He liked the Americans. He agreed with the identity of Whiteness and considered Americans to be Germans.

It is in the Zweites Buch.

Hello, Jews

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But, he didn't consider them "germans", he considered them "germanics".

That's because most people are blithering retards.

Let me rephrase this since you guys apparently don’t know anything about what the man thought. He didn’t hate anyone outside of criminals, degenerates, and scum. He didn’t discriminate against any race. He cherishes his own above any other as any man should.

anyone who says the left can't meme is wrong. Sometimes they can inadvertently meme for the right side.

It literally is. Mixing, say, anglos and danes is obviously not as bad as mixing with any non-human (nonwhite) race, but is still far from ideal, especially on a large scale. Though the mixing of european races can lead to new racial formation, as with the afrikaners and americans (and the anglos themselves).

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Shekel grubbers playing semantics as always.

It doesn't matter if we can afford it or not, those squabbles are there and won't go away, neither will the genetic differences. Denying reality won't ever fix anything. If the future of whites would be to survive only as intermixed but all "white" mutts like in America, that's not really a desirable outcome for many people in Europe. Just because you consider them white, doesn't mean I want to live next to a bunch of Greeks, Spaniards and Poles. Fuck that noise. Many of them are no better that middle eastern scum.

Southern strategy in full view

This is true

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How does that argue against what I said in

I said that he respected them.

I don't care what anyone says, I'm still a fan of Spencer.

Would you look at that, the kike is still trying to claim the same race is mixed race.

As a fellow nationalist, I can't wait to travel half way around the world to kiss sandy kike-feet smelling rock

Whites can cooperate and attack their enemies when they need to, though. Such as with the SS.


Surprisingly it is.

I think we can determine the genetics of a family by looking at their behavior over multiple generations, so lets look at the behavior of the Hapsburgs and compare it to Kikes. The Hapsbrugs were a bunch of inbred, retarded, greddy, narcissistic, haughty monstrosities who used diplomatic back-stabbing to gain most of their lands. These sub-humans then ruled over a multi-ethnic empire where Jews controlled the banks and they opposed the creation of the German ethno-state to the north. If the Hapsburgs were not genetically Jewish, they were spiritually Jewish.

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You're obviously an american. Ask any european if "white" is a race. It's more like a superset of races, including germanic, scandinavian, anglo, meds, slavs, etc.
In an american context, then yes "white" is a race because you're really referring to the "American race" which is a mix of different european races that mixed in america (mostly anglo, scotch irish and germanic, with some dutch, etc.).

This level of cope is just pathetic. I am truly sorry for you that you aren't purebred but don't try to drag everybody else down to your level just to feel better about being a mutt. Historically, Bongs are mutts too, as are many of the European nationalities if you go back far enough in history. Americans are just a new and fairly recent blend or already established European blends.

That doesn't mean that conserving what you have should be thrown out of the window though. That's nothing but a retarded leftist talking point. Bongs are celtics mixed with Vikings mixed with Romans, but that was long ago and now they are what they are. Doesn't mean you can't make it worse by introducing pakis and niggers into the mix. Just because something isn't pure doesn't mean it isn't worth preserving.

Just don't pretend that everybody that you categoric as white is genetically the same, that is just fucking ludicrous.

That would be why I said that we can cooperate to avoid our extinction along those lines, it is not a viable population to build a lasting nation out of without decentralizing power though as the differences are too large. Its why limited national government largely worked in the US, each state could mostly do its own thing and people naturally self-segregated.

Most of these retards are just lolbergs and cuckservatives trying to co-opt pro white ideology to push their dumb utopian bullshit.
lolbergs, like communists see the nation state and all it entails, from the race to the family as an obstacle to their utopia. Which is why they seek to destroy it.


Except you’ve proven nothing and are extolling the same virtues you’re decrying.

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You're so used to seeing niggers that you think everything that isn't a nigger or a chink is the same. Get a grip and read a book faggot. If you propose that all caucasians are the same and are all white then fucking streetshitters are white because despite being shitskinned they are racially caucasoid. I can tell a Greek apart from a Swede with above 90% accuracy. They are different subraces. If you deny that then you are the Jew. A Jew in favor of racemixing by pretending that all the different European races are just "white" and therefore the same.

Would also help Raymond, if you were to actually give a name with this Hapsburg. It’s a large family that spans the entire continent. Including Poland and the Slavic regions