I feel like if we spread this story, people will feel genuine sympathy for this girl and will donate like crazy.
Let's start a crowdfund to get her out of the porn industry!
I feel like if we spread this story, people will feel genuine sympathy for this girl and will donate like crazy.
Let's start a crowdfund to get her out of the porn industry!
No space elevator kikey? SAGE
Why would you sage it? If we raise enough money for her she doesn't have to do porn ever again. It would also be good for Zig Forumss image
Nah we can get her to set up a bitcoin address that only she has access to and get people to donate to it
kill yourself
The bit coin idea is good, but it'd be better coupled with some ransom ware on (((Lansky's))) machines, let him foot the bill.
Seriously stop being aggressive towards the protected class which will only get us in more shit and start being positive and compassionate to the victims of that protected class.
Do you even meme bro? How is this not fucking OBVIOUS?
Why wouldn't you want to see her nude, faggot?
OP what are you such a commie idiot faggot. Shes white but she is lost we have lost many its nothing new. It takes strength , courage, intelligence and honor to be white. Pale skin is not enough.
This girl is not white any more? So why should we care?
Go away you dirty frenchman. no one cares about this dumb broad really. She wont be your perfect trad waifu you can headpat.
Yes she is white and she is absolutely a victim of jews in both washington and in the porn industry. She can't get a job to support her family and so she has to whore herself out.
These are the people we are trying to save. Imagine how much blowback the industry would have if this went viral. They would be exposed for the disgusting, manipulative, evil pieces of shit they are, we would save a good hearted and low IQ girl, and we would be heros.
We need to start being heros.
Fuck out of here with your white knighting.
I'm not scared of Jews, I'm just not a fucking IDIOT who thinks I can take on the monster behemoth of jewish control singlehandedly, or with the same underhanded tactics they themselves use.
We need to use love, not hate, to beat the hatred they have for everything pure, holy, and good in this world.
This is a psyop. Mods are banning people for calling this out too.
Her handlers would blow the money on hookers and blow. At best.
She is doing this for her family, of course she's unapologetic.
She knows what she is doing is wrong. She probably doesn't know her anxiety is caused by what she's doing, but she rationalizes it because of her family.
Anyone who disagrees is an idiot or a subversive kike.
NOW THAT IS FUNNY…she is going to keep everything you raise because she is a WHORE…and keep doing porn…you half channers are so stupid. She told you SHE LOVES HER JOB FUCKING NIGGERS…how can you be this retarded? Seriously…I seriously thought it was impossible for these threads to get any more vacuous and inane…but you guys did it. LMAO
What would she say, that she hates it? And lose her source of income?
Are you that fucking dumb?
What happened to eugenics? Fuck this stupid retard slut. Grow some fucking balls you beta white knighting NEETs. Focus on making your own family and ride the fucking tiger.
Derrrrp moralfags tryin' to help a coal-burning whore.
The is Zig Forums
This board should be renamed /alicia/ now, since it's all that it's talked about.
Can't believe I'm now missing Imkikey harsh moderation.
Let's make an /alicia/ board. This train should never stop rolling.
I knew you had a 4.0 ALICIA but I didn't know you were this DEVIOUS. Your a fucking skank nigger fucking whore ALICIA…you disgust me…and I am another woman not one of your fucking retard fanboys.
So she actually wants out of the industry then? I thought you said she loved her job?
You're definitely a woman, with these logic bombs
Anything to get this whore and her beta orbiters off Zig Forums please god!!! make it so.
how about no jew
So this is your new methodology eh?
Retarded idea, I'm sure this is a slide thread. Go after Aouizerate aka Lansky and forget helping this idiot.
Implying Alicia could get past the capcha.
NO, retard…she is a WHORE, she wants your money. That is all.
she makes enough money sucking nigger dick to get home. not my problem.
Give the coal-burning whore your money.
I hope she dies of aids one less retarded cunt in the world.
Well one also candy.
Retards love candy.
Judging by the deleted posts in the dozens of threads dedicated to her, I believe the mods themselves are complicit with this.
Stop replying to kikey threads without your sage faggots.
Ya think?
You got past the captcha. It can't be that hard…maybe one of her nigger daddies fills out the captcha for her.
Zig Forums really has gone to shit.
moralfags everywhere, we are here to watch it burn boys. fucking faggots.
Gee what a great idea OP, totally won't end up like 8ch.net
Yeah, they're the ones complaining loudest.
You do realize that this site is funded almost-exclusively by pornography, yes? Which means the people running it are probably getting TONS of messages urging them to get rid of this shit, yes?
Yes, of course you do.
And maybe your nigger daddy fills you at night.
I have never seen them so responsive in moderation. I am going to get banned for this but at least ONE GROUP of polvols is going to be pocketing all of this 'raised money' for ALICIA and probably splitting it with her.
Shut up you POS polvol
One thread about the whore ? have you checked the catalog ? there is already 10 threads talking about "helping" (i.e whining about) a white bitch who fuck niggers for living, because she's supposedly retarded.
If I wanted to get Alicia threads shut down, I'd flood the board with them. Just to create an aversion to them, requiring the mods to swoop in and delete all of them.
10 or 11 threads later…who can keep up
Will only backfire
Open hatred of jews will not win this fight, you idiot. It will only set us back in the public even more than we already are. Learn from the egregious mistakes of Spencey.
All our enemies can just say 'oh well they hate jews' and they win every argument without a fight.
I can't believe some of you morons STILL can't see that.
We can't win by hating jews openly. We can only win by helping their victims. This shows compassion and love, and is impossible to fight by calling us racists or anti-semites.
We know the truth. That's good enough. Let's be smart about what we do with that truth.
Arrgh you blew it, but this time not on your knees. Your first retort wasn't bad, I expected better.
To really annoy people, you need many concurrent Alicia threads. Then they all get wiped.
It doesn't have to end up like that. Technology is super cool, it means we can raise money for her without anyone having access to that money but her. Brilliant idea, eh retard?
I couldn't be less interested in your bullshit advertising scams any longer you fucking kike.
We have no idea who is controlling her finances. Odds are any money that was raised and sent to her would just get taken by her kike controller.
Learn to link faggot.
Now that I could believe.
Yes, I see 10 threads which are basically all completely filled and none of them appear very high up in the catalog.
And then this thread appears, which is basically "What if we took the narrative of the people who've been shilling against this operation for TEN FUCKING THREADS non-stop and made a thread that fit that narrative PRECISELY?" and somehow I find myself somewhat suspicious.
I wonder why?
But no, you're right, having 1 active thread up because the others got filled it terrible and awful and totally shitty. It must be the mods behind it - and not behind the non-stop shilling.
Really…well if that is what it takes I will get right on that this second.
THus far, there've only been as many as the posting therein demanded - when a thread filled, a new one was made.
… BUt now this one appears.
And it is EXACTLY what the shills for 10 threads have been running with as a narrative.
Its almost like its disingenuously made to try to poison the well.
And weird how it appears right after YET ANOTHER of the mods is exposed basically dismissing reports on repetive red-text-heavy spam… HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
This is quite a mystery.
Now I wonder, if I went into the other threads, would I ALSO find repetitive red-text-heavy spam?
Could it be?
Let's find out!
Well that was fast polvols limited the amount of threads that can be posted so that we couldn't just spam non stop about the whore.
Our brothers and sisters need help. They need to realize their true (((enemy))). More importantly; they need to realize that their is indeed hope. A solution. A final solution.
Hero's put themselves out there. They risk their being in hope of change for the greater good.
I know that the Weimar conditions in western nations can get some user's feeling bad, but we shouldn't lose hope.
Some can be saved. Some of those saved can be the greatest asset in the fight against global kikery.
I agree with this sentiment. This young lass may be saved, but she might not. Regardless; the influence she has on others may be something to be used to are advantage.
I really don't think that normalfags appreciate someone being taken advantage of if they have mental issues regardless if they be left, right, center, fourth way etc.
That type of behavior is often seen in a negative light with the lemmings. It's best to use the situation to our advantage.
Zig Forums is not about helping whores. It's exists so we can vent our hatred without taking an AK-47 and going to murder sprees.
Sit back, watch the world burn and laugh. Take care of your own and fuck the rest.
Nonsense. This is what cowards do.
Heros step up to the fucking plate and help those in need. Because how much can you really care if you won't do anything to stop it? You don't care at all. You're just an angry little curmudgeon.
Problem is she doesn't want help. She is a lost cause, if there was something worth saving then I'd consider.
Finally someone fucking gets it.
Interesting. Very similar narratives here, eh?
Maybe there's more, but, hmm, I went back to #7, and I can't be assed to go further just now, so maybe more evidence further back, but let's try another route: Linguistic Ticks.
Let's see… How about "enjoys". Oh, well, would you look at that.
Two different IPs too! Fancy that!
How about thread 7… Oh! Lookit that!
Yeah, funny thing about people under duress, they'll say all kindsa stuff - especially when they're retarded.
You attack the porn kike way harder by exposing him and what he's doing by spreading this story of manipulation, coercion, and exploitation in an attempt to save a girl than you ever would by directly attacking him.
Remember, when you point a finger, 3 fingers point back.
This is a lesson pol increasingly has failed to learn in the past few years. We need to learn it and make it our MO. There are indirect ways to fight the kike that will RALLY support for our cause, not kill it with a suicide bullet.
How about you send 100 (bucks) so she can so see mommy, faggot.
There are no heroes in a lost cause,. only retards like this whore you're all moralfaggin for.
This nigger gets it.
For 10 threads, you literaly pornkikes have come at us, doing EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING CAN to get us to give up on it, seemingly up to and including getting the mods to help you run your damage control,
And you've only managed to make it more obvious that you want this story rushed under the rug ASAP.
Because this is a story wherein you don't have anywhere to hide, and the more we dig, the smaller and smaller what shadow you can still cling to remains. And then, hah, there's the fact that 888 trips came up twice in two different threads in the context of Greggy catching a bullet (only one, but it only takes one).
How about you stop arguing with yourself bro.
Nice touch by the way, getting on Tor. You've been paying attention while you were here.
I wonder if you even knew Tor existed before this all started…
I will agree her story can be used to bring attention to how disgusting these porn kikes are.
I disagree there is anything worth saving in her. She is is unrepentant and doesn't want help. Check her latest twatter posts to see that.
Not gonna work
Not worth it
Not gonna happen
Fuck off
Don't lump /r9k/ with those normalnazis, they still have women hate threads daily even on cuckchan.
Translation fro Skaventongue:
Read my post again user.
It doesn't matter if she want's help in my opinion.
Question is how can it be used to our advantage.
If she can be helped? That's great, but if not; how will you spin it?
How will you use this situation to wake the lemmings?
Your kind will be the first to hang.
This nigger fundamentally gets it.
Kill yourself. She's already burned the coal, she's worthless. If you think you can use her as propaganda against the (((pornography))) industry, then good luck, maybe it will have some effect.
Checked for yeah dude this totally is a legit thread and not made by the people who've been running with this EXACT FUCKING NARRATIVE for ten threads worth of damage control shilling.
Seems legit.
Kikes are gonna kike. Whores are gonna whore.
Good luck Christian soldier
Back at ya Hebrew Shill.
My favorite part of this thread is the OP.
No effort, you didn't even bother to put forth the effort to fucking make a crowdfunding thing, you just put the idea out there. Which is what you've been running with for 10 threads, to which everyone has responded "we don't actually give all that much of a shit about this one girl, its more about using her as a catalyst to expose porn kikes and fuck with them - she's a side project at best", but you just kept running with it.
And now here is a thread that is low-effort, full of (1) and dones, and the OP of which is the crystalization of the god-awful universally-rejected narrative that you've been running with for like a fucking week now. Absolutely fascinating.
This is like some Attenborough shit.
Let's overthrow the government to end the porn economy. To help Alicia.
Greg and affiliates. Are you stupid? I will ask you again, rhetorically; Greg & co, are you absolutely fucking retarded?
Your newest move, your coup d'grace, your master plan, is a two-line thread proposing an at first unverifiable crowdfunding campaign, which if it was actually successful- I think you're dumb and prideful enough to hope to get so far- would be immediately subject to legal investigation when you take the money & run, at which point it'd be found to lead to you and yours through a shell company or even straight to your personal accounts, or else to whichever shilling op decided it was a good idea. And, in the middle of that impossible gambit, to engage in more redtext spam and dual-side sockpuppeting to try and forge a narrative to your benefit, with the odd bit of nonsense oneliner posts by (1) and dones, when all this can do is direct more people on the board to look into ten archived threads worth of digging when they wonder why such a shitstorm is starting.
Digging that has an irresistible number of loose threads and glowing connections, with the big ones- Alicia is a shanghai case with a fucked up family life who was possibly sold down the river by her parents, Greg Lansky is an illegal alien French-Algerian Jew with a stolen 1949 social security number (and if he immigrated illegally, why? What's he have to hide? What underworld connections are there?) from an even more lucrative background than his 'down-on-their-luck trader family' fake origin story suggests and with a real last name of Aouizerate and multiple pseudonyms such as Greg A. Rates and Aquizerate- being really very damning on their own. Digging which, while organizationally troubled, is all the more enticing for it, and every fresh eye analyzing things from thread 1 onwards is a set of eyes that might make connections that those who've been there from the start overlooked. And fresh eyes are without fatigue.
I'm reminded of the old Voltaire quotation. "I always made one prayer to God, a very short one. Here it is: "O Lord, make our enemies quite ridiculous!" God granted it." I'm going to interrupt you while you're making a mistake, which is very foolish of me, but I'm also going to bump just once so your stupidity can be seen by all. Stellar work, JIDF men. May you pile your own pyre ever higher, burn brightly and stupidly in God's sheer farcical glory.
Kill yourself OP. This piece of nigger loving human trash is irredeemable. What the fuck is with pol and their love for this stupid whore?
The absolute STATE of this fucking board, JESUS. As if it wasn't bad enough with kikey going off the deep end even worse than he already had, it gets even worse?
Let's crowdfund my dick into Alicia's twat in the porn industry.
enjoy your aids
*kike wand* I'm not the Amalek you were looking for.
Shiva will have the final word.
In the meantime, let's send her links to the jobs Trump is creating.
Take them so Trump doesn't have to let in more Mariam al Hammadis
I'm not a nigger user.
A nigger is fundamentally oblivious to their surroundings, and ultimately incapable of "getting it". Niggers are ultimately an advanced form of animal. Devoid of foresight and unable to understand the repercussions of their actions, but still capable of some form of cohesive thought process required for language, but ultimately; they are nothing more than upright standing monkeys. Basically knuckle dragging pavement apes.
Fact of the matter is that this situation can be used to our advantage in a way that is far better than "Alex Jones likes to fuck trannies" thread I've been seeing. At least as far as productivity goes.
I'll politely sage for reasons.