Ding Dong the Kike is Dead

Well that didn't take long

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Rest In Peace my enemy

wtf OP


Satan spreads his wings

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But we have to live on in the world he helped create.

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dance thread

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An archive necessary for something that won't go missing? Kill yourself.

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Dead nine years to the day that Ted Kennedy, another bastard, died

Since I don't live in America, can anyone tell me why Americans (or at least Zig Forums) dislike John McCain?

Rest in piss you kike-loving son of a bitch

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>giving (((MSM))) your click dollars in any way
OP is a faggot

This faggotry will get a pass.

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really makes you think

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Welp, celebration, boy.

Better to give it to a couple of jews who steal and report this crap at kikebush right?


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Thank God he never became president.

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The Boomer with a Tumor.

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When both Zig Forums and Zig Forums celebrate your death, you know you fucked up.

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Better late than never.

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praise jesus

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Traitors die first. Pale skin won't save you.

he served his country what did you do virgin?

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He was a filthy, cowardly, disgusting piece of treacherous filth. On every single piece of legislation that matters regarding freedom of speech, gun rights, or funding Israel, John McCain will be found on the wrong side of it. he pretends to be a conservative. But when his vote mattered, he always switched sides. He was a back stabbing traitor and a Zionist coward.

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yeah, served it on a silver platter

That piece of shit aided the enemy while captured in Vietnam. Got special treatment for doing so. Was an entitled faggot while in the Navy because his daddy and gramps were Admirals. Caused the USS Forrestal fire that killed his fellow sailers and got covered up so this faggot wasn't executed, like he should have been. SOld out POW's when he was in office, funded ISIS. Just a few things.

Served my people.

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Not that.

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Thank god, the first real good news of the year.

from Zig Forums's thread

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Press F for the heroic tumor that fought valiantly to bring that traitorous jike puppet down.

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I didn't care for the man as a politician, regards to his family. I have nothing in my spirit to slap around a dead man.

Enemies get the bullet.
Traitors get the rope.


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Eat shit mcwetshart

Blessings upon you in your next adventure tumor-san!

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Fuck off weebkike, you don't belong here newfag.

leftyshits lurk this board and then post on their cancerous imitation, knowing that they would get their ass kicked out in 2s on Zig Forums.

You lost? Zig Forums has their own thread.

I'm not glad he's dead, but I am glad he's gone.


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Fuck that, I am glad he's dead

Dubs confirm Tumor-san will cleanse the traitors as Ebola-chan cleanses the niggers.

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fuck off anti white degenerate weebkike.

It's a white thing, you wouldn't understand.

This is interesting. I would like some proof.

not an artform

Go join mccain, faggot.

Well done tumor-san

Nope, go to hell nigger

Poor kikefy, losing his shitskin mind. SQUEEEEEEE. kek

your nose is showing

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He’s a real fag, and a nigger fag at that

That webm is glorious

Traitors get the rope first

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My nipples are erect.
Great news, boys!

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What's that?
You want some more?

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Tonight McCain sleeps in hell returning to his master a failure who couldn't kill Assad as he was commanded.

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Praise Ebin

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Dubs this was a faked death he never had cancer but when trying to flee the trump force grabbed his ass

Man, I hoped he went out with a noose.

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Not a boomer tho

fire up the eternal oven

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Nevermind his Vietnam shit.
Fading years of his life were spent being an obstructionist, sabotaging shit for his own party, siding with Dems, doing a bunch of DEEP STATE ops with ISIL/AQ and even took pics with them!

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He's dead you dumb nigger. You don't have to dig him up and kill him again.

Trump tweeted the: "My condolances for XXXX,……"
Not even custom message, just the default one


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Ruthie is next by end of this year.

The vintage shit comes out for big news.

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Funny how acting like a kike will make you hated by all. I don't even think liberal faggots ever liked him despite basically doing their bidding.

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The called him the MAVERICK like it was a good thing… reality was that he worked for the DEEP STATE and did what his kike masters told him to do when appropriate.

I'll never forgive or forget all the anti-gun bullshit this guy did. Lindsay Graham is another RINO that needs to go next.

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Nope. Shitlibs hated his ass all the time because of the shilling for the Iraq war and joking about bomb iran.

Never forget THIS NIGGER sang "bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran" to shill for a war/

I bet an intern wrote that, Trump's laughing too much to even tweet.