The media really wants you to buy into to the #QANON and Russian investigation bullcrap. Find out what's really going on.
Is This The BIGGEST Deception Of 2018?
user, please. We all know that Q-LARP isn’t real, but keep it to the fucking containment board or go trigger some redditors in their home.
Q is coming for you jew
grab your faggot partner and hide because team Q is coming for you.
It doesnt mater how many of your faggot accounts post
Q is coming for you
Kill yourself kikefy. We dancing!
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But mention Q and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “Q is a LARP!”
Q-LARP got really out of hand
It’s an operation out of Quanico.
If that was subversive that means I was correct. So the course of action I am on is the correct course of action.
Q is a hoax to misdirect and then demoralize those who might adopt more extreme positions. It's the same tactic they used with Alex Jones.
Q user is Jared Kushner trying to make our sorts of communities ignore the governments actions in the middle east
fuck off Kushner
Your billions of dollars worth of media purchases really mean shit, don't they jew?
You simple fucks have no idea how to create.
Operation-Q shit all over everything! LOLLOLOLOOL
I fucking love how irate you get over it and it's deserved. You had a monopoly and a simple plan and maybe a couple million dollars in total fucked it to hell.
Christ always wins!
Oh how I love starting wars in the middle east that create refugees to flood our white nations
I'm genuinely on the fence about this. I didn't really follow the Q "developments" that religiously, what exactly is the proof Q is a LARP?
Jesus Christ stop with this shit like literally at least a third of the user bullshit was me LARPing.
That it's basically designed to create some weird wacky reason for something not going Trump's way so the fools think "Oh Cohen getting jailed is just a part of Trumps plan to put Hillary in jail" so they block off any logic and become 100% in agreement with everything he does even when it's fucking retarded as shit (Ie the Iran war)
Also worthy to note is that "Q predicted this" is often used as a shitpost used in weird situations (Like say, Croatia making the finals of the world cup) to make fun of their overbearing to accept jewish narratives
As far as II can tell the most likely candidate for being Q user is either Jared Kushner or one of his hired shills, of which is probably the same size as shareblue, maybe smaller but have much more influence
q predicted this
Remember the last time you kikes Streisanded something you didn't want exposed? Keep it up…
The project was originated by Mattis who won 99:1 in the Senate vote to be appointed. Unheard of. He has the blackmail tapes. Only explanation
James Norman Mattis = 17 letters
Q = 17th Letter
It's very real and it scares the fuck out of the zionists.
im sure the 45k+ sealed indictments are the result of mueller and co's razor fine police work.
What? The Q LARP is a lot like that other jewish LARP, the Holocaust.
It shills for zionist foreign policy.
yes goy, war in Iran is good
You dumb faggot shills realize that C0demonkey could just tell you all he was a fucking larp at this point with IP info right?
if q was somone of any importance he would be able to predict something correctly once in a while. q is just some faggot, or a bunch of unrelated faggots shit posting super hard.
Q predicted mcsongbird's demise.
Blow me kikey.
The increase in Qarp threads here proves how little attention your jew containment board is getting. Be happy you got a few boomers to buy your bullshit now fuck off.
Well it's likely he's just throwing mis information but yeah could just be a kushner shill
Why would he do that and forgo milking retarded boomers out of their shekels? I don't blame him.
What’s your point? We’ve proven Q-LARP is a hoax and jewish shill.
Codemonkey can't get that information unless its got a subpena
I haven't been following the Q shit.
Someone give me a rundown.
It's team trump subverting the jew media
really just boils down to that
CM can literally post that info here right now most likely.
He already told us Polvol2's IP hash was the same as the spammer, so he can tell which posts are "q" and how the IP hashes changed over time.
David Wilcock's "Drake" hoax from 2012 (vid related) but tailored for Trumpnigger boomers.
Paid jewish shill says things will happen. Things don’t happen. Hundreds of people are still paid to say things will still happen, and now literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of people, mostly boomers, shill for Q-LARP on reddit, twitter, voat, and Zig Forums.
This single post should have been the #WalkAway moment; and yet, ….
How did the qlarp grow such a following? It only lasted a couple of days before q was shown to be a completely baseless LARP, and yet here we are months later and its still going.
Within 48 hours, Q is going to make a post about no name, John McCain. This post will tell you what is really going on and will clarify some of the dubs in the McCain thread.
Intelligent Extraterrestrial Aliens are real
Q is one
it's going to rock the planet Earth when Q steps forward
Gas ALL semites
Fuck your jew worship and spirit cooking
The alien presence in the world is growing.
Q is creating unreasonable fears about the future and then offering themselves and their message as the only genuine protection and/or single source of certain safety for their followers.
Many more people are falling under its persuasion, losing their ability to know, becoming confused and distracted, believing in things that can only weaken them and make them impotent in the face of those who would seek to use them for their own purposes.
-this is the mission of Q
the second, your mom's marriage is the first
Is Q Dr. Steve Pieczenick?
Oh you mean the psyop that said Mueller was on our side, told us to trust in Sessions 100x times and claimed McCain didnt have cancer, he was just making a pity story to avoid conviction? That Qanon?
Like Nostradamus for our time.
Some are saying Q was a larp that the Russians then exploited.
Others are saying it was a larp the MSM/Dems then exploited.
The lack of any Jew mentions makes me suspicious. My money is on Mossad.
All homosexuals are slaves. They have no futures.
That's not true. Sexuality is a matter of attraction. Just how you can get fucked up the ass and enjoy it not get gay, you can be gay and start a family with a women via open relationship.
The Mossad angle is probably via Corsi, who got involved early on. According to those supposed leaks, his split from the LARP was staged, which seems believable now that he's "decoding" posts again.
Too Many LARP-Anons in Zig Forums
Death to the Jew
This video is pretty good - the points presented are pretty solid
This is just getting sad now kikefy. Songbird got ya down?
A must watch
breddy funny
You forgot your Guy Fawkes mask and Moonman voice, analmoose.
Kikefy stickied threads about the "sealed indictments", which to date, haven't amounted to anything. He also allowed the LARP threads for weeks before finally banning them.
==Q predicteth dith trust the plan
QLarp represents what is going to be the future of internet psyop memes. Look alive - the internet is going to be more retarded than ever in 10 years time.
Qanon is the big gay.
who needs forced Qlarp when you got organic pizzagate
I unironically believe it. Well, at least up until november rolls around, after that all bets are off.
Explain this
Q is an insider for sure. There were some obvious clues as to Q being somewhat affiliated to the Trump admin or US gov but that doesnt mean he is on our side. Q split Zig Forums apart and gave normies easy to digest hope as form of distraction. The psyop actually did us a favor since it removed a lot of the retards.
Q is a zionist LARP
Reported for believing in a proven hoax. There is no inside anything.
Kill yourself for supporting faggots.
Sage because we don’t need this shit here.
If Q was a real threat he would have been suicided or Guantanamod in a week
Corsi is probably going to die of septic shock or something idk
Q-larp became what it is today because certain groups of people refuse to believe in escalation and conflict and are instead holding out hope for someone inside the system to save them. In short, it is an excuse to do nothing.
Why argue if "he's real" ? Of course it is someone within the governement. And he and Trump and Session and everyone else are real too. The reason they are not dead is that in the so-called deep state, they are deeper than HRC and the rest. The have priority. To bring down the last non Jew controlled bank, after North Korea and Lybia. It's a lot about Iran. All the people who shouted "fuck these CIA regime change ops, fuck Hillary" are now the very same that shout WWG1WGA when Q says "Free Iran, fight fight fight !!". It's all about banks that don't issue interests. And Irans is the last one on the planet.
Q user always said "Trust the plan". But he never said :" Trust God". Maybe Godspeed but never "Trust God".
Of course the human trafickers and criminals are to be brought down. But I can assure you, it is all about getting a chip in your hand and being part of a global, biologically supported A.I.. Being part of some blockchain technology to end crime. It will do so. End corruption, crime, trafficking. Because it has the capacity to do so. But remember, A.I. is not Jesus Christ, is it the Antichrist.
The tone will be : " Join this just and lawful system or else be at the judgement of others."
Okay I'm getting a bit far away here.
It's all part of a big thing. When this big thing happens, there will be 1000 years of peace. New technologies, antigravity, etc.. It will happen very soon, not later than the year 2099.
Chess pieces are moving by themselves.
Like the last man standing without Jewish bank system; IRAN
You mean demon, a real one. What happens to demons is written in the book of Revelation. Read Chapter 9. Get yourself a holy bible or a bible app and READ.
How right you are. It is written in Revelation 9:20 and 9:21
Isn't Q just some more controlled opposition? This guy (if he even is a guy, and not a group) has to be operating somewhere outside of American soil if he really is who he says he is. Snowden had to fuck off to Russia and several other countries to escape American persecution, take extreme measures not to even accidentally be near any electronics, and he was as deep-state as it gets. I find it hard to believe that Q wouldn't already be caught at this point if he was any real threat. The fact that Q even gets this much attention and has been allowed to gather any traction just goes to show that it's a sponsored theater to distract the typical idiot.
Human psychology puts more value on events happening than not happening. It's akin to a gambler's fallacy. Say if you do a hundred rain dances and it works even only once, that is proof enough that your dancing actually summoned rain. You only have to believe hard enough, and any small success is enough to prove your hypotheses correct, no matter how many times it previously went wrong.I am guessing that some he will get right, but the majority he will get wrong, because it has been calculated to be as such. They will only leak real info that is harmless in the long run, but they will flub on all the hard-hitting stuff. It's a god damned psyop, through and through.
How should we handle the LARP-user shit so that they disappear from this board?
Any serious suggestions other than posting gore and pony porn?
What can the mods do to make it better?
Delete all posts in favor of it, ban anyone who posts in favor of it. Zig Forums doesn’t deal in lies.
Extreme kike-hatred also offends them. In the original thread when the LARP tried to come here, before the mods banned it, boomers were kvetching about pic related being at the footer of the page.
More like Nosetradamus.
The CIA operated poppy fields in Afghanistan that are the world's largest supplier of poppy latex (which is what heroin is made from) are not in Iran.
The are in Afghanistan.
You know, that country that the US invaded and used the US troops to guard vast, VAST poppy fields to make lots and lots of "opioids."
Then, a few years after the invasion, the "opioid epidemic" goes into full swing in the USA.
But keep blaming Iran like a good little sheep.
"Pizzagate" involved actual evidence and digging by anons. IE, it was real.
It still is real.
There are reasons why "pizzagate" is endlessly banned and censored from social media (even Voat, to some extent) while QLARP is given mention by the jewish MSM.
Probably this.
All anyone has to do is look at what "Q" has said.
He called for war with Iran.
He calls for "trust in the plan" IE don't think and be good little goyim.
He rarely, if ever, names the jew at all.
He claims that "sekrit nahtzees" are the real string pullers behind the scenes. This mirrors a long running "conspiracy theory" psyop backed by the government. It ties into the kikes endless scapegoating of the "Nazis" and Hitler.
He calls for retarded "civic nationalism" with their faggy slogan "WWG1WGA" or "where we go one we go all." To hell with that. Gotta keep that White genocide rolling, right schloQmo?
Those are just a few.
(I say "He" but it's probably a "think tank")
James Bond fan.
It is one of the "new ways to govern" that the faggots in power came up with.
It's a pressure release valve.
"Trust in the plan, goyim!!!!!"
First part I agree is likely (sacrificing a few small players to get Iran), but the "antichrist" bullshit I don't buy for a second.
That said, the kikes, shabbos, and cultists might.
Besides, it won't work.
Shitholers are shitholers. They will create shitholes, regardless.
There will be no "crime free" or "high tech" future the way things are going.
"Christian universalism" and Christian tolerance of jews (And yes, Christians have harbored jews for their entire history. A few purges pushing jews from one White country to another meant nothing) are a HUGE portion of why things are going to shit.
How many "brave Christian soldiers" answered the call to go murder Germans because their priests (church) and government (caesar) told them to?
And so the last great White Nation was crushed under the weight of "good Christian" boots directed by kikes.
jewish prophecies built upon a foundation of jewish fairy tales.
Keep spreading redpills.
If the Qcumbers continue to insist on being retarded, then ignore them.
I kek'ed.
Fuck off fag enabler.
This is when I was convinced it’s not a LARP. The shilling campaigns, calling out Israel and Mossad… its entirely counter to (((their))) goals.
A handful of mentions of the Mossad and Israel doesn't change the fact that it's shilling for regime change in Iran, and claimed Bibis presentation about Iran's nukes was accurate. It's clearly a zionist operation, Jerry "the USS Liberty was a long time ago, just forget about it" Corsi wouldn't be involved if it wasn't.
what in the fuck is he doing to that chicken
You don't want to know.
Absolving himself of sin.