Poland gives out record numbers of passports to Israelis

Poland gives out record numbers of passports to Israelis
Over 20,000 Israelis get Polish citizenship between 2010 to 2017 - a 250% increase over previous seven-year period.
*archive not working at time of posting


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Hey if you don’t want mustards you get kikes.

See white man, don’t make friends with shit.

I can think of no better way to spend Trump's aid package.

Imagine that.

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Jesus, and to think I'd thought about visiting my ancestral homeland one day, might as well buy myself a ticket to Tel Aviv instead.
Why are there so many kikes in Poland ? Khazar refugees ?

Why are there kikes everywhere you go?

This is a very pertinent question

They're probably looking for places to put Rubashkin shops. All businesses that pay liveable wages to their own kind are doomed.

Washington and Minnesota DMV used to give out cover identities to glowing faggots. Wonder if there is an agreement here too?

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I have a feeling Poland is about to become one big Holocaustianity business as the jews take over the old holiday camp businesses and Polish kids start disappearing by the thousands

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It was probably 200 000 israeli kids sent to the holohoax museum to be indoctrinated

Good point, in my country we have many sephardi kikes because they were banished from Spain and Portugal, the retarded spanish and portuguese converted them by force so now most kikes are now crypto-kikes with goyim names, which means you may not recognize them at first sight. There is also a considerable number of ashkenazi kikes too, most of them in positions of power in the media, politics, banks, business, etc etc.

No probably about it. It's a yearly event. Have to indoctrinate them while they're young.

I am hungry, for food, not your glow in the dark baby makers.

Of course, it'd set a precedent that you can't move the holocaust perpetrator around once you finish milking your current victim, Germany was sucked dry, but holocaust memories™ live on so there's the need for polish death camps, by 2118 Trinidad and Tobago will be forced to pay reparations for da shoah
Casing the area for real estate that can be seized through JUST act, since officialy every kike born after holocauster is a holocaust survivor so they can come into a country, claim that heirless property belongs to the tribe, demand it, then demand they're given autonomy then national socialists give them the autonomy in the form of ghettos and then they'll gas them for real.

See above, they smelled blood foreskins real estates

This tbh. Heard about it lots from someone who had a high ranking relative in the Warsaw police and was married to a lawyer
Plenty of jews making hardcore reparation claims for properties smack bang in the centre of Warsaw. Prime real estate

Might want to do that while you still can,they probably want to open your homelands borders. Poland is being a bad goy by not accepting diversity.

Fuck poles. Do not trust poles. Hold pollock government's decisions with a grain of salt.

Open wide.

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All part of the plan


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fuck off jew; the jews planning on coming here think they will be safe this time will be different

This waas just fucking shocking. Iceland NEVER had ANY jews
They feel they are entitled to settle anywhere and dictate terms. They need to fuckoff

end game is to move israel away from 200 million angry muslims to area that consists of central and eastern poland as well as Western Ukraine, will probably offer Germany territories they lost after WWII as an act of (((good will)))

In twenty more years poland is reduced to smoking ruins.

How many Poles know about this?
Is this a real takeoverplan or just jews LARPing?

If those Israelis push for open borders and try to subvert the culture
Savitri Devi's prediction will come true

It's both, though people there have minds eroded by drug abuse and aren't politically relevant unless someone stronger, more (((cunning))) murders all opposition and puts them in charge.
It's almost like a satire, if all kike conspirators a collection of various mental deficiencies and a heroin addiction.

Sierakowski is a shabbos goyim who runs a rag called "krytyka polityczna" which boils down to, could be considered the most successful of the bunch

The half-retarded stuttering dyke is shilling for zionism yet simultaneously sabotages it with feminism, a literal who

Joanna Warsza is another literal who

Michał Zadara is literal who who ruins classical stageplays in warsaw.

What would that be?

I have milk here, thanks though

Why are there so many refugees? What are they running from?

Jews jewing the middle east and it's economy. Anyone who gets to start something worthwhile and no longer needs shekels they shut down.




I recall from another thread that the second article didn't exist. Plenty of real jewing to expose without using faked ones.

Punisher says he’s not scared of the Batcrew.

One more slip like that, pole and it'll be more than Lviv I take.

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welp yer fucked now,let the subversion begin,

anons know any DUMB POLLACK jokes? you can add this to them.

Jews are invading Poland again?

Should we start with chemo and radio, or go straight to the knife?

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The (((semites))) are invading, whether ISraeli or ISIS.

kek that money is going to child trafficking, ISIS, and killing Palestinians.

Did these kikes not get the message the first time

Theres no hitler to stop them this time around. This also explains why the US is really setting up a base there just in case.

People on this board warned about the Law and Justice party.

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are u this gullible

Theyre all jews in power here. They do as they please. We're already a theoretical country, like politicians said.

At least thats 20k more jews to kill when we finally wake up, it would be harder to get them in Israel.

The capitalists, that think some bribes they give away so people wouldnt complain about mass immigration etc are socialism and break muh free market. Its all jewish tricks.


Jews dont run away, they are forced to leave. When they go to a new area its to size it up for their conquest.

Based Christianity being a bulwark against the jew once again.
Oh, wait, we're in this dimension, my bad.

Treasonous Christianity, being a jewish long con since day one.

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Noone ever does that willingly. They're sneaky, thats all. Mostly because jews are white europeans too, just religiously they joined middle eastern sect long time ago. And murder their own ethnic people.

No, they are not.
Saying shalom and being European doesn't do this to tyour genetics.

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They are going to Poland to diversify the country for being bad goys.

Get the fucking fuck out, fuck the fuck off, and never fucking fuck this fucking place up again, you hear me?

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This won't end well for Poland. Last time they had a substantial Jewish population they disappeared from the map.

How can I find a loophole to get a European passport? Everyone seems to just get one…why can't I?

Poland still has a chance to reverse this and expel their 8,000 kikes.

Catholicism is not real Christianity and has been confirmed 100% subverted since the implementation of Vatican II
Catholics are some of the most backwards Christians out there.
etc. etc.

Oh yeah also Paul says a good leader at church is a good leader at home with kids and a wife, yet Catholic priests follow a life of celibacy
Also in south and Central America some of the Catholic beaners worship a skeletal pagan death goddess called Santa muerte

Poland is blocking the Kalergi plan. Poland needs new leadership. Friendly Israeli citizens just want to help with setting up a base of concerned citizens.

You seem to be a bit retarded there!
Anyway, in regards to Poland. Nothing changed.

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To siphon the labor off the populace and loot their resources. This should be obvious.


Korwin needs to coup the shit out of our government already

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You just outed yourself Moshe

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History really is a circle, isn't it?

We'll probably have to reoccupy it too.
At least we already know it only takes as long as the drive.

Because the gods hate us.

No, it's not milk you need. Think more salty. You get it from your boyfriend often.

Oh no, jews are moving from the more Muslim places in Europe to the least ones where they'll force the same policies. This is why throwing jews out of a countries in the past did not work. I would never wish on my worst enemy to send to send jews his way. Kaiser Wilhelm II should have never thought he could wield tactical jews.

checked and heartily kekd

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These are just numbers, a fabrication when in reality kikes are probably just singing their swan song over about how anti-semitic Poland is as of late. Those files are from 2010-2017, take a look now how Poland views the Jew, its all downhill for (((them))) now

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Instead fashy based 'red-pilled' Americans elect them as their representives in office and then pretend the same neocon israeli jews will save America from the jews

Don't forget. Samson Looms. Nobody can do anything about the jews becuase if someone does, they nuke the world.

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Well done America for spreading freedumb and the jew world order, please don't do it again

Too bad. Good things don't happen.

I'm German and I was talking about Germany occupying it.


My apologies

Greets and respect from Hungary

Just ignore him. I mean look at him confirming an obviously wrong interpretation of my remark in bold letters:
You can't drive a car from the USA to Poland. THERE IS AN OCEAN.

Don't worry about it

Derp. Exiting thread.

An occupied state can hardly occupy another.

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Greetings from Germany too

I don't see the problem, a lot of Jews in Israel have family in Poland

Change is already incoming.

This ties in very conveniently to plan to move the US Mil from Germany into Poland. I can guess that the kikes think they need the military there to help them subdue the populace while they rape the nation. I thought they were just moving the US Mil in to overthrow the Polish government and start importing shitskins and niggers, but now I can see that the ultimate purpose was to pillage before the rape and destruction of Poland. This war is progressing so slowly that Ethnic Europeans can't see to manage to understand that there is a WAR being waged against them by kikes every day. When the US Mil moves in, the freedom and ethnocentricity of Poland will be over. The kikes will use troops and ISIS goons with the 'new government' backing to murder, torture and extort the entire populace and all of the Polish people who have any assets, money or property just like they did in the USA and in Germany.


kys traitor

Nice whitepill full house.

Will you fuck up again by half assing things and separating jews from the population without actually exterminating them?
There was no partisan effort in Soviet occupied territories because kikes snitched on everyone even thinking of doing something, on top of Churchill withholding support for insurgents under (((soviet))) occupation

Further proof that he Jew is incapable of developing sustainable societies as does the White man/Caucasian of Euro descent; so he lives parasitically hiding his identity through name changes and "Duel-Citizenry"
- The Jew will only be in Poland long enough to destroy it through that immigration which is necessary to pretend to be an economic "boon", and perhaps it is, for the debt-based Jew system. But when he has successfully sucked the blood and life out of Poland, and filled it with niggers and biological enemies of the scant numbers of non-Semitic Whites/Caucasians in Poland; he'll conveniently "escape to Israel due to the rise in Antisemitism©®™", and seek citizenry in some other successful White nation to drain it of all things good
-Marx knew this, and Mao adopted Marxist policies to achieve the very same thing; Communism. Communism doesn't work as it says on the outside of the box. Instead, it is a vehicle for replacing functional societies through replacing the very constituency(ies) that created those functional societies.
-It is so effective the US Army and the USMC created field manuals for developing insurgencies/counter-insurgencies, first tested in Nam, later in Latin America and today in the Middle East
-after the stage gas been set; the Jew enters to use the d&c atmosphere to depopulate, to replace the society all the while draining it of its life blood
Why do we see such a huge uptick in Jews in politics?
Why do they initially seem to be pro(

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Well the Lithuanians are cucks as well if it's any consolation
Netanyahu: Israeli Anti-Terror Intel ‘Saving So Many European Lives’
Israeli intelligence is being used right across Europe in the day-to-day fight against Islamic terrorism and..
“it is time that Europe understood this,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday
>“I want to thank you Linas for standing up for Israel and the truth in European forums, for telling your colleagues the service that Israel performs in saving so many European lives by our resourceful and brave intelligence people. We have saved so many European lives in so many countries. Israel in many ways is the defender of Europe and it’s time that Europe understood this,” he said.

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This is an element of the EU that is not discussed enough. It allows migration figures to be conveniently doctored becuase immigrants who obtain citizenship of one Member State are citizens of the EU and so can move and work anywhere and there is no record of them being in the Country (just a simple passport check - no stamp, no visa etc) - it means the State with the lowest common denominator of migration law sets the bar for all of Europe.

Gas yourself

How are you tonight, Mr. Titor?