"What Hitler did. He took 95% of my family. And gassed and burned."
Starts at 2:53.
"What Hitler did. He took 95% of my family. And gassed and burned."
Starts at 2:53.
Other urls found in this thread:
Embarrassed by your people, rabbi?
Yeah, I'm sure he was gassed 15 times at both Auschwitz and Treblinka, between rides on the Holocoaster and sessions with the masturbation machines
Right before being sent to Sweden which was essentially neutral.
more importantly
A clip of just the powerful part for people who can't stomach Jewtin's fair and balanced coverage of the event.
Kill yourself kikey.
>(((Nordic Resistance Movement)))
Was this supposed to discourage them?
Really wish he took that 5% too tbh
That fucking 5%!!!!
6000000% believable
How did they do it? How the fuck did the jew convince whites to go out and chant and rally for their own destruction?
For fucks sake, how many niggers have to kill whites before whites will just say, "NO MORE!?"
I am so amazed at the methods for thought manipulation that some white CIAniggers came up with in the 60's. It's an amazing thing.
Migrants is why the ended up with a Hitler in the first place. They think lying and crying will fix their problems now?
Why are they always like this, Zig Forums? Also RT is pretty full of intelligence spooks, they supported BLM during the Charlottesville chimpouts, went around shilling for muh poor refugees, and then all of a sudden during the 2016 elections a whole bunch of neocohens and libtards came out of the woodwork with me remembering an article having a comment that has 30,000+ likes that says "Syria should never be bombed but Israel must be protected from Iran". I don't understand any of this.
I wish he actually took the 95% because you know that kike is a lying sack of shit I bet their family lived in Sweden during WW2 just like all of those fucking kikes in New York who's entire extended family had been their for a hundred years getting tattoos of numbers on their wrists and crying about how they were about to get gassed when water came out for some reason and they were let off with just having to bathe.
Those would be the Swedes, not RT. RT is Russian government agency, and Russia isn't communistic. Russia doesn't really care for Swedish interests, and likes to view their history in positive light, including their victory in WW2. Though the Russian mentality is opening up to the idea of the Bolshevik revolution being a horrible crime.
Give them time and redpills.
The icing on the shekel cake is the simple fact that it doesn't even matter if their bullshit were true. They plan on killing 100% of us, so fuck them. But it's pretty ridiculous that anyone beleebs the holohoax at all considering they have a fucking chimney at Auschwitz kikes had commies build in the '50s that isn't even connected to the main building, but hey, that's perfectly normal for a historical event the goyim aren't allowed to question.
Russians hate Germans and Fascists due to WWII. The leadership of Russia are all corrupt exKGB who feel fondly for Communism. Russia doesn't want strong nationalist countries near it's border. Russia wants weak, cucked nations it can push around while trying to absorb areas with large ethnic Russian populations.
(((white CIAniggers)))
You can see how small the anti-demonstration on due to the fact that they dont really show it properly. Also you can see water through the gaps. In contrast, finnish media wrote that "NMR demo flopped" and used a picture of only a few flag-carriers.
Are the swedes tiring to protesting against their own genocide already?
Any swedes here to give their opinions?
RT. Question More. Except when batshit insane jewish ladies start niggerbabbling.
If only he got the other 5% too.
I've had to listen to fritzy haired kikesses bitch and moan about their dead cousins for years. Even before I read the revisionist literature, I was sick of it. My state's capital is 5000 miles away from Auschwitz. Five thousand miles as the crow flies, and yet our tax dollars are funneled into an official govt agency dedicated to brainwashing students year after year. Having gone to public school, I've been to 4 Holocaust museums in my life—one in St. Petersburg, on in Atlanta, one in Nashville and one in D.C. Each of the trips was mandatory, I cried at two of them. They really are far gone from reality because they're pushing the envelope and have been for quite some time. When things snap, as they did in 1939, no one is going to side with the Jews.
Why they should not shill for BLM? It helps in destruction of (((USA))).
They've said it! They are openly stating that hitler was right, and will win by a landslide for it! They actually are /ourguys/ and confirmed it!
They have always said that Hitler was right.
Never underestimate the universe's capacity for misery, user. I think you hope too much.
Christcucks are an absolute stain on western civilisation.
Communists' main goal is the extinction of the white race either through direct mass murder or by diluting it with low-creativity races until it is reduced to nothing but dull slaves for the jews. When you understand that, and realize that everything else they say is just window dressing and empty platitudes, you understand them.
love the drummers, fucking based.
when is the next nordic frontier episode coming?
I don't think they have done the electoral chances any good.
The Hebrew Israelites did it better.
Putin is a kike. Don't be fucking fooled by the good kike, bad kike bullshit.
nope, the real shit starts at 4:20
No police statement about them being ethnic Swedes.
Which means, that they are not.
Coulter's law times infinity applies in Sweden. If Achmehd did it, they never-ever admit it. If Emil did it, his mugshot is on every online frontpage in the country 3 minutes later.
Yet, the Ultra-PC is calling it a false flag, with zero evidence to support it, and plenty of evidence that the friendly invaders was just having a bit of fun.
>Sweden Democrats' sympathisers are running around in the suburbs, burning cars […] in a co-ordinated action to direct criticism at the suburbs population in the hope of favouring SD.
What a load of horse shit!
The only activism I've heard off, that can be even remotely called false flag. And that wont even stick, because no-one intend to pretend someone else did it. Is the idea of blasting prayer calls from open windows from an hour before election booths open, and until they close. Just to remind people what kind of future they might vote for if they are dumb enough to try and virtue signal with an anonymous vote.
Jews avoid an uncomfortable argument like a normal man avoids a cloud of gnats.
Little missed the boat on asking these kikes:
"How come you never mention the italians and germans in camps in america or why are the soldiers who faught in ww2 never mentioned. "
No one sides with the Jews now. I can’t stand the rats.
Dr. Pierce's Lemmings Theory: 90% of the population are meek apolitical retards who just parrot whatever the nearest leader says.
marxism is and always has been a jewish psyop with the goal of enslaving all the "gullible goyim."
It correctly points out several REAL issues with insufficiently regulated capitalism, but then forwards idiotic "solutions."
It transforms "wage slaves" into literal chattel slaves of the state (No private property, no individual initiative, no entrepreneurship, no merit based advancement, no profit incentive, forced labor for government, and so forth. Slaves.). It dangles the carrot of "workers paradise/ utopia" while slapping on the chains. It is the ultimate bait and switch.
carl marx was a turbo-kike.
Hitler was the original dindu before it was even a thing.
Safe bet since marx was a jew.
"dindu" is slang for "black person."
Around here, at least.
Gas yourself.
Gassed and burned. They should just choose one and stick with it.
Schizophrenic rambling. Six million words and nothing tangible said.
Who's Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley?
(((Simon Lindberg)))
What about theo mobile gassing trucks?
Lol, pretty sure they cut out a part where Lindberg explains there was no holohoax while he was praising Hitler.
These nappy frizzy haired kikes don't belong on Aryan land.
A jew will try to fit in even with blonde hairs sometimes but they never get rid of the frizzy curls
It never fails to blow my mind. They literally are not humans.
"Judaism is communism" - Rabbi Harry Waton
Read "A Program For jews and Humanity"
this bitch doesn't have kids.