They discovered that in the early 1980s, an Indy runner used the word "Nigger" in an interview. Because of this...

They discovered that in the early 1980s, an Indy runner used the word "Nigger" in an interview. Because of this, more than 30 years later, an also runner who wasn't even born, his son lost his patronage.

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Fuck off back to cuckchan, faggot.

This is a good opportunity to bring up Sippenhaft (German blood punishment). Introducing and desensitizing the public to it will serve multiple purposes.

generational punishment, just like north korea

Oh well. You won’t ever do anything to stop this, so why shit up our board with your worthless thread?

Loan. Approved.

Gee i wonder (((who))) could be behind these posts
>>>/gaschamber/ is right here kike.

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The liberals are probably cackling with joy at this “victory”. Soon they’ll try and make us all accountable as “slave owners” or some bullshit.

Man does this piss me off.

This is fucking cult shit. I thought the left was insane 20 years ago.

This is insanity

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(((Eli Lilly)))

Big pharma. No loss really.

Yes, talk about slave reparations are just talk now, but all talk turns into reality down the slippery slope

This is outright soviet shit.

The real question is will we finally do something when they try it or will you just accuse anyone even suggesting something like that of being FBI?

sage for don't give a shit so fuck off

kike niggerfaggot

We're going to win, but things will get much worse. I openly advocate for genocide of all non-whites, so please don't imply I'm one of those "ur fbi" alt-liters


learn english you nigger

Gah, what have I gotten myself into. At least the Batcrew was worth creating. Do good things crew.

next it will be what our grandparents said and even further back in generations until they find something unpleasant
they gonna dig to prove the ad hominem it all boils down to race
getting ready for nikola tesla was racist because sparks can be white
soon itll be whyte they will remove the I because its in the word nigger so its bad
but black panther is supposed to be good
without a nigger nerd how could it be all future oh wait theres only one of those its urkel and his tripple dipper fuck trump this nigger got three scoops

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That energy drink is getting astroturfed pretty hard.

kill yourself

ethnoglobe user is that you?

why do you type like that?

because he's a nigger

you retarded white shits won't do a thing about it. why even bother ? you let niggers and jews piss on you daily and don't lift a finger

At least we don't get beheaded as often, Pedro.

Not an argument. You won’t ever do anything to stop this, so why shit up our board with your worthless thread?

He's not saying you can't do anything about it. He's saying you won't. He has a point. Monotonous threads about defeat after defeat handed out by establishment channels where no response ever comes don't really do the board any good.

Looks like a job for Sam Hyde.

Srs tho, Lilly Diabetes needs to pay.

- Shills are saging the thread.

Are facebook goym making connections? Or is this just us on alts?

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are they going to replace the driver with a non-white?

In what way is this a defeat? Someone was accused of saying 'nigger' 40 years ago, so they fired his son. We didn't actually lose anything and we have the chance to spread redpills.

There are a lot more out there than just us, don't listen to d&c shills trying to make us out to be an island, we're an archipelago the size of the fucking pacific and practically none of us can see it.

This user gets it

blackpill shills go to >>>/gaschamber/

A chance to spread redpills isn't winning. Losing gainful employment isn't winning. Only actually winning is winning. If they are here and impacting your life, you aren't winning.

Thanks for admitting I’m right. You will never do anything to stop this.

Not even Stalin would do this if there was a nigger equivalent for georgians.

This is a classic (1) shill technique. He says this is LOSING for us, and sharing it is demoralizing. I say it's obviously not and give reasons. He then completely changes the question as to whether it's WINNING. We notice what you're doing with language.

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There is - "Churka"


Woah, I didn't know Derek Daly was based. He may not be a giant of his era likr Mario Andretti but he's one of those drivers who raced successfully in so many series and has been so prominent and ubiquitous as a broadcaster/amalyst that every racing fan knows his name.


is archive broken or is OP just a retarded faggot?

Well it's pretty funny then, because those 30yr old boomer memes make me never want to touch a fucking energy drink again. If this was product shilling, they should have took a lesson from wendy's and made r34 instead.