Stop shitting up other threads and make your arguments for or against antifeminism here you chucklefucks
Antifeminism containment thread
Urban dictionary to the rescue, once again (LOL).
The feminism containment thread already exists to contain anti feminist incel retards too.
Antifeminism isn't just about being against feminism. It's also about hating women and about lowering the board quality by derailing threads on completely unrelated topics.
Ok buddy.
Why are you pretending to speak for all antifeminists?
I'm not 04 apparently is. That's why the greentext is there.
Yeah, you're saying he can't be an antifeminist if those are his reasons.
That's literally gatekeeping.
Why are you doing that? Who died and made you the antifeminist leader?
Misogyny isn't anti feminism.