Except me, here are only braindead subhumans on pol...

Except me, here are only braindead subhumans on pol, who have not understood anything at all! So keep sucking the dick of this Jewish puppet Trump and pay taxes to Israel, you stupid subhumans!

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U mad bro?

Your shitposting won't bring Mccain back from the dead.

You like being the bitch of shlomo,bro?


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You are not alone.
Trump is a jew pole-smoker
acts in the interest of big business jew interests
"We are Israel's top supporter," or words to that effect
Most of these assholes you describe are LARP-user Supporters.
"Q Brediktid dis… Hurr Durr"

Again, you're fucking gay and you're not getting your vol spot back on this board.

Hitler would turn around in his grave at your stupidity!

there are plenty who realise that here user, but after the polvol2 shenanigans the_cuckold shills have leverage by calling out "muh polvol2" so for the short term drumpfcucks will reign supreme.

They're not sending their best tonight.

if not trump then who

Yep, just you kikefy, the savior of Zig Forums er "pol."

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You like being the bitch of goat, berkay?

Nobody in this system can change anything! There has to be a revolution to really make a difference!

Suck Schlomos dick and shut up, faggot!

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So why aren't you out there burning synagogues down roach?

if everyone excepts me they get a free pony. oh and the pony can talk and do tricks.

hey how about run for office and show the people why you should be elected by presenting good ideas and show you can talk to other leaders and work things out without throwing the country under the bus.

Ur right, I’m tired of being a 50 iq subhuman suburban/rural/russian retard. Who should I vote for almighty wise OP?

WTF, I’m a Hillmissile now.

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Come on nigger at least try.

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Kikefy blew his nutt days ago and he fucking stumps on fumes.

Attached: muh goats.gif (388x218, 2.17M)

You are a assfucked Nigger, who likes to suck Jew cock! I have your IP Adress and i will kill you and your Niggerfamily!