A great man passed away today, a man with the patriotism for America that few can muster. There’s a reason even the Demonrats respected the guy. Fuck Trump and his antisemitic supporters, talking about conspiratorial nonsense of “fake news” and other jargon.
“we are the rest of the nation” The rest of the nation disagrees with how you far right Neo-Nazis are acting about this. I’m a journalist from a major company and will be documenting everything here and from the other Zig Forums forums.
I don't know if this has occurred to you, but your average American fucking hates journiggers and has tuned out of mainstream news.
Adrian Sullivan
Aww shit that’s funny
Cameron Gonzalez
I think it's that britcuck again.
Ethan Flores
This is completely false! CNN and other major news outlets still get millions of viewers a month. Breitbart is a biased conservative outlet and so anything they write is kooky like with Matt Drudge, Alex Jones and the rest of the bigots.
John Mccain is and was a faggot. Fake death and he's at gitmo. Fucking traitors should take 1,000 hits of lsd and get raped until their innards tear. Repeat once a month until their hearts stop out of sheer depression. Kill all traitors now. Bullet to the head. No jury will convict.