Kike personal army attack on alex jones

New Alex Jones thread.

TLDR Boomer Alex Jones caught by supposed 4channer having tranny porn in a tab.


look, idgaf what happens to Alex Jones, though

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Other urls found in this thread:


As you can see here, this isn't a real channer. It's someone pretending to have local values ("degenerate"), and quite poorly…

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Anyhoo, the op dropped 4 posts total, just enough to make it effective. We're talking CIA levels of efficiency. The payload was delivered. Content+proof. Then the motherfucker went poof.

So this is just a CIA agent doing it. As Snowden put it, (((pressure points))).

They've known about it for years, of course, having full root on his devices, etc.

But the proof has to come from open sources. That's the purpose of "open source" - to nail fuckers. When they can't, they "leak".

The old thread is full, this is the new one. Here's the old thread:

It's real, the tab is visible in the copy hosted by an infowars server.

But what's so cool about this is we have a chance to see the actual CIA in action.

My guess, it's punishment for him headlining Q.

You should not take this comment about Q to constitute an endorsement of Q. I haven't read Q, at all, but what I have noted is that the CIA is operating against him, even here, which is very strange indeed. They don't like him, somehow. The fact the CIA doesn't like someone doesn't make him a prophet. But it makes the situation one to watch.

So my profile of the guy who posted on 4chan is that he is "efficient like a terrorist". I have concluded he's CIA. Mossad is equally plausible, though it's unclear why they'd be salty about such a reliable supporter…

Don't samefag in your own thread.

I'm adding thoughts. If only you had some to add.

Aggregate all your thoughts in one post. Repetitive bumping is spam.
Or at least sage successive posts.

Why would they fake this to use against him? Isn't tranny porn something they're trying to normalize? The left is not consistent.

You can say that again.


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This one is probably Owen Shroyer, I'm convinced he's at least mildly retarded. Not that the rest of the shabbos goyim would fit in, but there's no way they would be this bad at it.

There's no excuse for defending Jonestein after December 31, 1999, let alone today that he's an open Israel firster.

Dont forget Sam Hyde

I think instead we should make a deal. Jones goes 1488, and we'll shill for his stupid websites.

< porn-watching is rare

oh my jej you have obviously not worked in IT … ever…

This isn't damage control. I'm amping the signal, because I feel like Jones is in the way. Similarly, I don't trust Q. But both Q and Jones are being attacked by pros. And so this is something very interesting. It's kind of the news of the underground. That there are operations afoot.

I think you should lurk two years and try re-making this thread on 8/26/2020.

And somehow, still don't have a fuck to give, #2.

Stop bumping your own thread 3 times in a row, giant faggot.

So, what … "company" … do you work for?

Still nobody has explained how you someone could edit in footage of Jone's hand.

take your pills

The sad thing is that Eichenwald just jerked off to vanilla hentai while Jones jerked it to trannies.

Here's a better theory: He's a well poisoning boomer degenerate civcuck and he got his comeuppance.
Fuck off.

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these kikes can't get much worse at shilling right about now


Reported for Q-LARP spam.

Who would be punishing him for that? Q is a zionist psyop, that he and Corsi helped build.

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are you a litteral babyboomer?

Making fun of AJ at this point, is like dropping a deuce in your wet-suit. Who gives a shit?
- AJ is a necessary RP until he's run his course. He gets the people to pay attention to things they would normally not know about, because their heads are in the TelAvivision fantasy world
- but AJ is a gatekeeper that can only take them so far, before he becomes their own personal pied-Scheister leading them over a cliff with clinched fists holding water purifiers and manly-men pills

I completely understood that argument until around 2012, but now he's just a run of the mill neo-cohen, trying to retcon the truthful parts of his lies he told over the years. Watch his "response" to Hillary, he even denies claiming that 9/11 was an inside, even though that was his entire shtick for over a decade - covering for the fact that it was Israeli outside job, of course. I even saw him characterize Loose Change as a documentary "about how the Saudis did 9/11".

There's nothing of value coming out of infowars anymore aside from tranny memes.

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Ive been mulling this over in my head what if he is just bully fucking them? like tough nuts do in prison. There used to be this gangster in my home town and he fucked people in the ass after fighting them as an ultimate form of domination.

Found the kike agent

Saw that! He reneged on much of what he was saying from about 2003 - 2012. When there tinfoil gang says =="He's really Bill Hicks"==, they're not too far off the mark in wondering what happened. Was he replaced? Was he threatened? Or, did he accept a payoff? … and what sort of individual is he that he would trade money for principle?

Kill yourself kike.

Kill yourself.

filterman's always been a gay. Infowars Yes

get in the oven kike

are you fucking high or fucking retarded ? go kill yourself nigger

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This. The directories and browser histories full of porn that I have seen…

I'm not anti-porn, (anti-excess, sure); but that's hilarious, great OC.

I don't disagree, but I want proof that that was Alex's device in the video before I can join in on the h8 train.

You should be. Listen to some E. Michael Jones.

Sure, porn is degenerate, but the bigger issue with Jonestein is that he's a sodomite watching videos of men fucking each other.

George Lincoln Rockwell

He says its his in the video.


At the start of the clip.

How did I miss that? Jonestein btfo!

I guess my parody domain name might come in handy. I'll make a thread about it later, but I have the perfect *** domain.

Even if Jonesberg did look at some Tranny porn, I say, what the fuck ever. Anyone on this website has probably masturbated to much more demented / fucked up stuff than mainstream tranny porn.

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No we wont forget you Sam. You certainly won't let us.

I'm used to people pushing forced memes but you're the first guy in internet history to push himself as a forced meme.

The most Jewish post anyone could have made.

Not everyone else espouses the same opinions he does though. This makes him a hypocrite, assuming he actually stands by those opinions, and if he does not it makes him an enemy of anyone who does as he is (and has been) making a mockery of them.

That is why this is important to those concerned.

Timing tells all. Alex is pointing out the alliance of Dems, deep state, big tech, and China.

There’s enough wrong doing for treason charges (punishable by death). If they would chill out people would forgive, forget.

They keep doubling down. Idiots.

Jonestein has Roger Stone filling in for him on the sunday show. He's afraid of a caller bringing it up.

And none of those groups are the force behind internet censorship. It's the jews, namely the ADL.

Now explain this: if Alex's livelihood is really at stake and they're trying to trying to shut him down for good? Why his he protecting the people who did it to him and misdirecting the blame onto the "Communist Chinese"? The old argument from infocucks was that he couldn't name the jew because they'd shut him down, but now he's been shutdown, and he's just as much of a zionist shill as ever.

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He's fucked traps for sure.

No way! Like everyone at Infowars, Roger Stone is a heterosexual who believes in sexual morality and definitely doesn't have any ties to pedophilia, nor did his mentor Roy Cohn, or Alex's hernia buddy Charlie Sheen.

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Why doesn't Jones always tell the truth? He clearly knows about the JQ.

Plus there's this:

Attached: Alex Jones Jewish Mafia at NWO.mp4 (720x480, 931.59K)

Because he's owned by them, probably through sexual blackmail to some degree based on this, and his association with other sexual deviants. That "jewish mafia" clip is out of context, in the same sentence he brought up the Vatican and the Nazis, but over the years he has told the truth about jewish power and interviewed those who speak of it, but after Drudge linked to infowars, he started his evolution into a full-blow neocon. That's not to say he wasn't always a gatekeeper or jewish asset, but he just used to have to tell the truth from time to time.

Embed used to be on, and was produced by the pastor who married him to his first jewish wife - I assume Texe didn't know she was a heeb.

makes sense. What a god damn tragedy. Though not sure why he would even bring it up for confirmation. Maybe two seconds later he started acting like a lunatic so the JQ and "crazy person" would be melded. Definitely some shit to this guy…

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He tries to de-judaize the "jewish mafia" he talks about. There's a clip in one of the Know More News compilation where he claims they "aren't really jews" and "hate orthodox jews" (the most devout followers of the Talmud). Between that, how he handled the Q LARP, and other issues, you almost have to admire his skill at deception and manipulation.

Since you bring up the CoS:

Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger", another neo-cohen who hosts a show on infowars, has appeared in CCHR (a CoS front) documentaries over the years. As his Alex's finally departed buddy Jim Marrs, the infamous brown-baiter who was hired to hock Battlefield Earth - not to be confused with the jew-wise and pro-Hitler Texe Marrs.

And no, there's no chance Alex is just ignorant about the Talmud, aside from his affiliation with Texe Marrs, he had Michael Hoffman II (who also wrote A. Wyatt Mann's classic Tales from the Holohoax) on in 2008 to talk about it.

When will people learn. Like this faggot, Michael Weiner. So much controlled opposition out there. The jew always shows it's face though when it's opportune to give the goyim a direction it wants.

Here is this kike, friend of jones, calling for an assault weapons ban.

Remember when Jones used to call him "Michael Weiner-Savage" and point out his rectal relationship with NAMBLA kike Alan Ginsberg? Times sure have changed. He also used to call out Drudge, like when he published the hoax story about Imus being fired over 9/11 truth, and the same summer Drudge started promoting him, he accused him of trying to link those joker Obongo posters to swastika graffiti. (from a Cache, Watstein deleted it recently)

It's amazing how different these shills are today, yet their retarded followers deny it all.

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Alex Jones is Generation X.

Interesting shit. Was not aware to be honest, but that's why I come here to see what you other faggots know. Thanks.

Oh look, it's the user who thinks anyone who posts something related to a celebrity IS that celebrity.

Degeneration X

Wish we could turn back time to the good old days… when faggs where just there where was their place.

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fuck off with your porn spam cretin.

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Anons, when?

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So…. who cares?

I care about global political scandals and corruption, not someones fetish preferences

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I watched the clip with the supposed proof and it shows nothing but a phone on a table, no tranny porn at all.

OK, look, don't LIE about it…

… but this CIA shit is weird weird fuckin' shit.

(You) spotted an advanced type of shill.

If they don't just glow in the dark but radiate, be cautious.


Is it not obvious what is happening here? The left kicks him off their twitter and youtube and now they are trying to get the right to forget about him too.

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So the type of shill you Admins handle?

Alex is GenX not boomer

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I don't think that sword is period correct keek

(((pressure points))), as Snowden said. So, why are you CIA agents operating against Jones?

I mean, getting rid of Jones is actually to our benefit…

Yes, this is inexplicable. Why the hell does he have to fucking print out all articles then?!!

you see those 3 bumps under the handle? it is

OK, I'm clearly out of the loop here. What is this then?

To my eye, I'm seeing a 14th century sword in a BC context.

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This certainly seems to be the common denominator. Anyone remember like the days right after AJ got kicked from YouTube and him and stone kept saying that a false flag was immenent.. they also kept saying over and over that they decry acts of violence and on and on… Anyway, fast forward a few weeks and this "EXPOSE" pops off on 4chan with some 1 post by id talking about "channers" in his response to himself and a few more posts like OP said and POOF… gone, dust. Enough PROOFS to make it real and get it echoing. I smell glow in the dark happenings all over… something big is about to drop. I feel this shit.

No, I have no idea what you're talking about, halfchan is full of larp-threads that get deleted. But either way, September is the traditional season of happenings. Yom Kippur begins on the 18th.

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OK, that makes total sense. The CIA is a terrorist organization, so sure, that's why the guy had a terrorist vibe. They're putting forth some type of false flag then. How fucking dull. These people are such absolute niggers.

There's a mystical correspondence: autumn is the season of decline.

Your turkroach is no longer here lol

Kampfy stickied sealed indictment threads, he initially tolerated the LARP.

Yep no coordinated attack by the usual suspects here, move along.
And there's no way someone could cause a specific page to pop on a specific device, that's just crazy talk.

Have you even watched the video of him addressing it? If you can't tell his lying, you have turbo-autism.

actually one of the mysteries of the vikings was how they were able to make a certain steel 1000 years before others. its called crucible steel. Oh BC? That thought never crossed my mind from the pic

I don't pay much attention to him at all. Just seems a little too convenient.
And I don't trust the crowd that hates anybody who doesn't scream GAS THE KIKES, if anybody glows in the dark it's them.

The problem with Alex isn't that he isn't anti-jew enough, it's that he's hardcore zionist who's constantly defending the jews, even though he knows better, and actually have jew-wise guests on occasionally.