The_Cuckold Cries Like Bitches Over McCain's Death
Kike-free first post. Lol, this is just awful. The guy was a warhawk ZOG puppet of the highest order.
Why are normalfags so fucking naive? Yes some people are malicious and yes some people actually want to destroy you, why do they have so much difficulty comprehending this?
Meanwhile Zig Forums dicksucks CIA nazis. Not much difference tbh
He was a good gug.
What embarrassing bullshit. He knew what he was doing.
The only way this fucker would go to heaven is to be a piƱata for the crew of the U.S.S Forrestal to beat mana candy out of until the end of days.
Jesus fucking christ Reddit is even worse than i thought. I just assumed McCain was one of those people everyone could agree on hating.
T_D is noticably cuckier as of late.
It's all about social signaling with pics related, muh based nigger in a maga hat and our greatest ally.
It seemed like it used to be 1/3 Zig Forums 1/3 civnats and 1/3 jidf. Now it's 100% cuck.
Because normalfags always yearn to see the good in others, no matter how fucking evil they actually are. Normalfags are the reason why the evil Jews continue to rule over us.
I hate "conservatives" so fucking much.
Fucking who? Who did this asshole appeal to? I honestly don't understand, he was a monied puppet to the MIC. The left didn't like him, the right didn't like him, moderates didn't like him, WHO THE FUCK LIKED MCCAIN?!
Ryan Dawson has a fitting tribute for him.
These cucks didn't like him either, they're just trying to be holier-than-thou by not celebrating his death because that's what plebbit cucks do
Are they Vietnamese, by any chance. They might be right then.
We're talking about MAGA Republicans here, people who believe in Q and that Antifa are the modern day Nazis.
Jesus Christ.
Charles C. Johnson may be a faggot but he did dig out Songbird's propaganda tapes:
I keep seeing "served our country" in these cuck-dolences, but Israel is not our country.
Fuck me
It can be cured.
t. recoveringnormalfag
Reddit is the ultimate good goy points system, except that they are imaginary points that don't earn you anything.
/r/the_donald is still cuckier than most.
Oy vey, shut that shit down.
These weak people that aren't happy to see their enemy dead are the cancer that will kill us if we don't chop it off.
the people who post on that site are a special sort of retarded cancer. can hear the nasally, conceited voices from here
If they meant he spilled so many beans as a POW that he could sponsor several decades of chili contests, they would be correct.
Further proof that the subreddit has been utterly subverted by kikes pushing a neocon agenda. This initially occurred shortly after Trump began to pick up steam during the election and the subreddit increased greatly in popularity and traffic. I witnessed as the mod team was infiltrated and a coup occurred. It has been steadily growing more explicit as time has gone on. The userbase has been either replaced or converted from genuine populists to this disgusting boomer tier neocon cuck filth.
This is just cuckservative virtue signaling. SJWism through a "right wing" lens.
This really sums everything that can be said up.
To the surprise of absolutely no one.
sounds like the result when you mix the 3 slowly and thoroughly
Anyone who likes Trump should be laughing at Mcain.
T_D are a bunch of two faced kike shills.
Is that scene from a live action gungrave movie?
Is this some meme I'm not aware of? I though that thing was never made.
Anyway, no, it's from this:
No, it can't. Don't lie. Normalfaggotry CANNOT be cured except by extermination.
To be fair, that's cuckservatives generally. Always giving up the conservative position to chase the approval of the left who hate them unconditionally and would never give it.
How am I wrong? How many of them just go right back to normalfaggotry because they don't want to be isolated and alone IRL?
Show proof it was his fault. Otherwise just drop this old retarded myth. He was a shit guy and a shit pilot but it was not his fault
Go away, ZOGBOT
Has McCain's family really been this hasty in hiring shills to defend the faggot's image?
You're in the wrong place, cunt, we don't fall for your cheap tricks around here.
Shout shill all you want faggot, theres no evidence that proves it was him. If you have it, show it. Otherwise go back to your containment site and cry about mccuck
It's in other threads as well. It's probably Lil' Benji Shapiro. Someone needs to remind him that his sister is a whore.
He's even taking it to the celebratory thread.
So transparent.
All i ask for his proof and you have nothing. Nu/pol/ truly is shit
This the nature of the ZOG. Even when McCuck dies, good things don't happen. I expect something extremely terrible to happen to punish us for feeling good about it.
He also didn't serve the country when he burned down an aircraft carrier, killing two, which his daddy covered up. Neither did he serve the country when he ratted out his fellow soldiers in Nam for better treatment.
Show proof it was him otherwise your claim is coming out your ass. The board is good at parroting what theyve heard but clearly dont give two shits if its real or not.
It's probably from the ZOGnald or from one of Lil Benji's Israeli Shill Rags
Right, the missile just launched itself from a parked plane with McCancer in the cockpit all on its own will. Totally not McCancer's doing. Get a brain tumor and join him in hell you unforgivable piece of shit.
user, i know what was said to have happened. Im well aware of that. Im asking for proof that it was hit jet, facing that way, and not rampant hardlining that he did it cause hes a zionist puppet. Show evidence not continually repeat whats been said.
Even the old news coverage back then confirmed it was him in the cockpit you filthy kike. The Lugenpresse then tried to spin it as 'fuel leakage' that was supposed to be cause of everything.
Everyone with IQ higher than room temperature knows that's a load of shit.
Still no evidence. All youve done is continually say that something is true and thus it must be true. Show some hard proof for the claim that a man killed 100+ sailors and got away with it. Otherwise the story is bullshit and youre just clinging to a claim cause hes a kike anyways. Im not asking for much here.
You're a retard then. It is exactly because of the Lugenpresse that kept pushing the story of 'fuel leakage' that people easily figured out it was McCain's doing when word got out that a missile went across the deck hitting parked planes. Had the media just said that it was a malfunction then no one would've been the wiser, but no they kept pushing the 'fuel leakage' story. That's how people knew.
You see, missiles don't magically arm themselves because of a fire, and they don't magically launch themselves because of a fire. They do get armed when the pilot arms them, and they can subsequently get launched from a wet start and the electrical surge that follows. Gas yourself.
The fact that he had to be immediately spirited away from the ship so the the rest of the sailors wouldn't get him.
This thing was a demon.
This too. He couldn't even return to the Forrestal.
No proof it was his plane. Youre just repeating the same shit i asked for proof of.
I just fucking told you the old news coverage back then confirmed it was him. What's next, you want me to dig up old articles to prove 9/11 happened? You speak like a jew.
No go dig up proof it was hit jet. Otherwise youre pulling it from your ass
That's because he IS a jew!
Dig it up yourself, you're not entitled to be poorly informed and i'm not going to spoonfeed you.
Took me one minute to get witness accounts. Fuck you.
Even if you did spoonfeed it, the kike-alike would just ignore your post and ask for another. They aren't capable of processing information that goes against their goal.
Its all paid shills.
Such a shame to see the board in a ragged state. Repeating each other doesnt make something true. No one has posted proof.
Non Burger here. I'm curious. What Am I looking at?
Stop replying to this shill. He doesn't give a shit about McCain, He's here to shit up the thread.
The results of treasonous behavior by John McCain.
What happened I mean?
McCain was showing off with a wet start(look it up) and ignited a rocket.
How 'bout you try to falsify your belief, or prove him wrong, you faggot kike.
Fuck John Mccain, I hope he goes down in history with a bunch of terrible shit he didn't do attached to his name.
To anyone who thinks they need to actually argue about the truth with faggots like this, just take a look at how our enemies handle their lies: they double down, never admit anything, pile on more accusations and question us till we're defending something irrelevant to our goals. The only thing that matters is making your enemy look bad/weak, and winning. This autistic pursuit of truth that some of you get on, and that the (((enemy))) wants us to get bogged down in is why we lose.
Take a principle like "My people first" and do ANYTHING necessary to uphold it.
Plane wasnt even facing the aircraft it hit. Ita pointless arguing here since you guys firmly believe it without presenting any evidence.
I don't even care. I'm just glad he's dead. He deserves to have any shitty thing we can think of attributed to him. Fuck off, jew.
All these posts just sound like leftist faggots shilling the fuck out of that reddit thread to defend their crypto-kike lefty RINO. Nobody who wasn't a low IQ liberal thought mccain was good for the country or a Republican.
Fuck that cancer brain faggot cunt to hell