Italy, 15 y/o girl raped on beach near Venice

Italy, 15 y/o girl raped on beach near Venice

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I hate them.

Listed with the (((Democratic Party)))

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And they wonder why Italy lets their boats sink.

They should tie him up, chum around in the ocean to attrack hungry sharks for an hour or so, then drag him around in the ocean behind the boat with a rope until a shark gets the nigger. COME ON ITALIANS!! DO NOT LET THIS RAPE GO UNANSWERED.

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Italy's plenty ready for a war of extermination on africa and islam (although sadly few are woke on jews). we just need allies to keep the EU, UK and US out.

Get off your asses already you pack of despicable cuckholds, it's almost imperium time.

there are no sharks or deadly predators in the mediterranean, yankeeman.
what we should do is re-open the arenas and broadcast niggers being fed to lions worldwide.
would make tons of shekels and send a good message.

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The response the Italians are having to this is white-pilling me for sure. All the young white men in the USA that I know, are ready to fight. (rural western usa)

What if niggers taste as bad as they smell? Have some pity on the poor lions.

then they'll just maul them to death and without eating them.
large kitty has good nose.

Show's just as good imo.

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Hang on, wait, give me 8 hours and i'll be there.

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Italian here.

Almost everyone (barring some brainwashed youth, which is on daddys payroll or just uneployed), I talk with would be more than happy to have them all burned alive.

And those that aren't criminal, just deported.

The problem is (with roms, niggers, est scum etc.), you just can't touch them or you go into a WORLD of legal trouble, your life is pretty much over.
They on the other hand can do whatever the fuck they want because in Italy if you have nothing to lose and are not italian, noone will literally do anything to you, unless you do something outrageous, like homicide, only in those scenarios do they get prosecuted and given a light sentence, to add insult to injury.

Believe me, the jew is very strong in italy, as in europe, they pilot everything with the media. But the government is wholly on their side too.

Salvini is our hope (as he could basically be a pol poster), but he just isnt allowed enough power to actually to more tangible stuff.

I believe (hope), that a civil war breaks out, where people become their own justice system.

Why isn't the mafia killing them all?

Coup is fine.

Because most likely the mafia is involved with the smuggling of them.

Two parties are earning a LOT of cash here, the people that smuggle the migrants, and the facilities and charities that ask and receive money to support the immigrants.

Its very safe to assume mafia is involved in both, their goal is to control stuff in a given territory and profit from it, thats basically what the mafia does.

how do we pit the niggers against the mafia

I'd like to travel Italy some time – hopefully it won't be completely destroyed by the time I have the opportunity to visit.

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The more "pure" regions, are also the ones that are not so worth visiting, but good for living in.

All the places a tourist would want to go, is already chock full of chinese / niggers / indians / est europeans / roms, why? theft and panhandling paradise.

Not gonna happen, for one the immigrants just don't operate on the same level of mafias, so they can't compete, and secondly, most likely mafias already have a immigrants "hired" for prostitution, selling drugs, pandhandling, theft, and take a cut off of them.

Not defending the nigger, but how clothed was she? Pic related is the only appropriate beach-wear.

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What about Sardinia? It's a destination really appreciated by German tourists.
Thanks to the fascist tendecies of the natives, the few niggers there are behave well.

Have any other news outlets reported this?

I have never been to Sardegna so I don't know how it is over there.

As with any island, its probably harder to access for them.

Some here in Italy yeah, like 3 days ago or so.

This stuff makes the news, sure, but its painted as "no big deal", and forgotten soon after.
Not sure if you know this, but niggers, roms, romanians etc. raping is very very common here, people forget all about it in a few days.

I think not long ago also near here a guy got raped along with her gf, or beaten and forced to watch as they raped his gf (it was 4 of them circle raping i think, iirc niggers also, the 2 were tourists).

People can't do anything about it.

Have you not heard of spotters and radios? Put spotters on the perimeter, fire team goes to work, bugs out early if the spotters say the cops are on their way. Wash, rinse, repeat until they're gone.


Go to iTaly on family vacation, get raped.
So, this shit again, and again, and again.
iTaly is currently 3rd world tier, you know, like Germany and Sweden. When it comes to that crap. Africa 2.0.
I hope for their sake that Salvini is actually hiding his powerlevel. And the statements he makes that are oh so shocking to PC-cunts are just the tip of the iceberg.
If there are any native Italians here, I'd appreciate it if you offered proof that the one 'Italian' was actually an Italian citizen. in the [pic] case. It'll make us more prone to send assistance if you actually start driving the invaders back into the sea.

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The girl raped was from Trieste (Italy).

Most italians know very well where NOT to go at which hour, tourists, do not.
I know niggers and romanians are on the look out for girls to rape in the beach at night, I'm fucking sure as fuck not going there with my gf unless its still very early and we're close enough to enough people that if you screamed for help, someone would give a shit

The one OP posted about, but it's not like it's the only case this summer.
I asked about another instance this summer, one where a Danish teenager got gang raped on her family holiday (there are so many cases, so I posted a pic of the article, but you didn't bother to read all that, did you?).
This particular case was by lago di Garda, an area which have held a reputation of remaining civilized, up until current year that is.

What point are you trying to make?
You speak as if you're part of an entity that is trying to gauge wether or not we are deemed fit of your help.

Can you honestly be anymore pathetic and deluded?

So you are confirming that the rapegangs are native Italians?

I cant even begin to comprehend how'd you jump to that conclusion.

The rapists are, in any scenario I can recall, foreigners.

They are specific kind of foreigners.
Either niggers or sandniggers. Niggers know that their woman are ugly and retarded so they go for ours.

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that's probably one of the things that pissed me the most.
anyone surprised that he never took care of the nigglet?
it's just a living excuse for him to be the rapeape he is on the italian soils.

burners should pay the toll with the rope.

Being raped is now complaining

Can't fucking even go to Lake Garda anymore, running out of time and options in Europe. Good to see the Italians blood is uo

Just an idea, could a cross-nation RWDS squad function? Meaning under flags of the European brotherhood we visit each others countries (as "foreigners") and bring some old school street justice?

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It's directly analogous to the way the mafia trucks in garbage from all over Europe and then dumps it in the streets of Naples.

how retarded would you have to be to still be shocked by this point

i feel it too bro

dub dubs
the maffia is run by jews
this is known

What the fuck? We aren't fucking Muslims. There is a reason that Europeans in the colder northern climates shed their clothes in the summer. First, is that we desperately need to build up a store of vitamin d in order to have children. Second is that we are genuinely not good at regulating body temperature in the heat. We are not niggers or shitskins and we need to take off clothing to regulate body temperature.

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I'm pretty sure that post is a joke.

Remember goyim.
Blacks and browns provide much culture to civilization and lower the crime rate too!!!

This and move quietly, don't make any ''statement's…quietly disappear them one by one until you get them all. You don't want to do anything that jew media can play up or point to…
QUIETLY disappeared…no fanfair no news.

I wanted to have a thread on Zig Forums mockingly called, It Would Be Unfortunate If____ that listed every creative way to deal with invasion that our brains could think of, new and old school from housefire to lethal injections…but doubtless I would be painted by the kikes as a 'CIAnigger' for such an endeavor, even though it is extremely worthwhile.

Oh…right…sorry about that retard spurge out. I am used to dealing with a lot of the kike 'white sharia' types.

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They think they're genociding us, but at the end of the day the only thing the kikes are going to accomplish in the long run is ensuring that compassion and high trust behavior get abandoned by whites as evolutionary strategies . What remains will be a people capable of violence on a scale with no current historic precedent.

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Italian here. This morning, when I read this shit, I just started screaming from rage and I kept having fits of rage for the entire morning.I don't usually react like this from news, but this is too much. If shit goes on like this, there are going to be death squads in the streets. Spaghettibros, work on getting a gun. If you can't, at least get a knife, a baseball bat or something. The nogs and the jews know they are getting cornered, and that's when animals become the most dangerous. Remember that these people won't rest until we're dead. Remember everything they stole us. Man, the future used to be so bright.

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If you put a patch over your eye and a parrot on your shoulder, there are sites out there that already have these "creative methods" of destroying people documented; done so during the paper age, now usable even in the digital world. (((Our BFF's))) aren't know to become anhero's but they can be denigrated one-by-one; until they're are feckless meat sacks ready for the ghetto or ready to feed the trees, buzzards and worms
It isn't to late to learn, user. God if there is a God gave you two-ears and one-mouth in the hope that you would listen twice as much as you run your pie-hole. Some religions refer to "listening" as 'meditation'
- you're welcome!
- Plebbit-spacing for clarity

White Sharia:

White Sharia Is Not Negotiable:

Great channel, quite underrated!

Latter section meant for:

Do you need more light in your life? Set a migrant center on fire.

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Last week a German tourist was thrown off a cliff in Italy, by an Arab.

Don't confuse politically motivated serial killing with an SS-type brotherhood.


it's "undocumented italian" now.

My whole experience with 'white sharia' was a bunch of KIKES discussing how they wanted to resume the torture of European women for fun and sport. I want NOTHING to do with semitic filth ideologies, even in name. Eventually names become ideologies and I want absolutely nothing to do with KIKE/PHARISEE created Islam in any way…I don't want anything from their culture, I want all the shitskins, kikes, niggers and chinky bugs genocided.
Also, he is crazy for wanting men to leave the only thing of value (their families) and going off to die in kike wars while your women and children are raped and plundered in your own homeland by kikes, shitskins and niggers. The Boer learned (we should learn from the kike [commonly known as 'british' royalty] concentration camp attempted genocides of their women and children) and what happened in Germany when that kike manufactured war [commonly known as WWII, where they played both sides to the devastation of Europeans], where kikes played both sides, had resulted in an unprotected wives, children which were raped and murdered by the same people who set the Germans up for destruction in WWII.

The Boer are kike aware enough to not be fooled into leaving the most valuable thing in the world [14/88] to go kill people for the kikes and we should follow their example and stay together as a people protected, expanding and genociding without mercy every human thing in our path as we expand out and thrive. All the peoples of the earth that the kikes gathered up to invade and plunder our lands and genocide us need to be exterminated in revenge for what they willingly did to our people.

Live and die as one people. Defend ourselves as one people.

Never at the fucking ALT-KIKE beck and call. We need to learn to be tribal and protect what is valuable NOT THE KIKE business 'interests'. I think that your guy has some 'ideas' and some actual valid points, but the parts where he falters are the parts the either make or break nations in terms of their being genocided.

I would not follow this man as a leader. Thank you for the recommendation, always interesting to hear another perspective.

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Is that the picture of origin or yet another shop?
I no longer know…



Grannies in Hoboken. If the alleged crime was undertaken by a Northern Italian Zig Forums wouldn't be reporting this.

Northern Italians aren't genociding Europeans worldwide.

Sugestion: we should contact Salvinni and ask him to do an AMA here.
Kinda like Mark did with some videogame devs.

In fact, we should do that with more personalities.
Just shoot them an email stating they have a lot of fans here that would like to hear a piece of their mind, would only take 30 minutes of their day.


No…yur face



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If only Trump's advisers would inform him of reality. Nobody gives a shit about jobs if you have to live with niggers.

I don't remember of any Italian raping underage girls on the beach.
Can you find any similar recent case?

He's a Minister, I doubt he has the time.
Before the elections, you could win a phone call with him by following him on social media, but besides that and the occasional replies on Twitter, you can't interact more than that.
He does livestream on Facebook, I believe, but it's a one-way communication, not duplex.

As part of the kike (((British Royalty))) whose only goal is to utterly genocide Ethnic Europeans all over the entire planet, I can honestly say that the man doesn't give a flying fuck about you having to live with niggers. You anons know what an actor is, right?

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Then don't surrender yourself to the police. Kill them too.

Asking wouldn't hurt.

This is pretty much the same problem throughout the white world. Our enemies have won, the war was lost, and majorities continue to fight as if its been nothing more than a stalemate rather than recognizing the loss and changing tactics. It's why 75 years have gone by and jack shit has been done. One side still thinks its fighting a war that was long over.

What our enemies no longer see is this reality either and that all this shit talking about us and our "weakness" is artificially created and equally artificial in being held in check. We value life and throwing ones life away must have a purpose, but in the current grip of loss collectively we realize no single action is big enough to make a grand difference to the situation. With awareness that possibility is rising which is why the focus on waking people up is a must. With the peoples support we can then act, and when we act it'll be some of the most ruthless shit our enemies have ever seen.

Patience is a virtue, and with each day that passes by without retaliation it only amplifies what comes when it ultimately happens. In no way does it mean the opposite.

There is a solution. One man knew that he could not physically remove them neither legally nor by extermination; so, he said 'Yes' tot he Balfour Declaration, giving them a place to call "Home'. But 'No' that wasn't enough.
- The diaspora's don't leave nations to go home. They only get dual-citizenry there to escape the many self-proclaimed -isms used to shield themselves from perceived persecuton
- Neither the Diaspora's nor their Zio-counterparts have the ability to build nations. They can only destroy while living parasitically from host nations
…are that they are but a symptom of the larger malignant cancer plaguing the planet
tl;dr find out whom these proxy warriors serve. They have names, addresses, lives … and destroy them one-by-one. When they are eliminated, shut down any discussion of the individual eliminated or the trend of eliminated individuals. Give them no rest. Take away everything. This is the white mans Samson Option.

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user, you are correct; this is one of the greatest sources of our own strengths and the greatest of their weaknesses. When they own the entire planet (via theft from all the world's people) which one of them is going to volunteer to 'give up his portion' to be nuked so that the others can thrive, they are a parasitic plague, even among themselves!

When they own all the banks and control the lending who isn't going to see through their schemes about 'starting wars' when both sides have to be financed by the same people (it is bad enough that they have tricked humanity into believing that ZOG didn't operate as sayanim for the destruction and genocide of entire nations from within; this is why they are 'dispersed among the nations' so that they can destroy them from the inside in an easier fashion).
To counter this 'worrying trend' (their perspective) they invented and followed 'the protocols' and fostered the meme of 'terrorism' replacing wars because what retard is going to continue to play the fucking 'war game' when they know that one group controls both sides? This is why the twin towers had to fall and why they needed obummer bin laden.

With global governance everyone knows that they are financing both sides, so whomever they give the most money and resources to 'wins' but we can all see it was nothing but a game for their sporting and fun. We have to continue hitting them where it hurts, in humanities FANTASY about the demon godless kikes being 'god's people' so that people can begin to see them for who they really are and understand the game they play. Eventually we will reach a critical mass of information and there will be no room for plausible deniability any longer and the whole great mass of humanity will simply stop 'playing'.

When that happens (we are reaching the singularity soon) they will have to genocide by war and starvation entire continents to retain control…but it will be painfully obvious to all of humanity that they are the only ones with the power and the capability to finance and coordinate these agendas. And, as one person, whomever is left alive will turn on them to the very last person and kill them. That is if we don't kill them first, which is honestly what I am hoping for, because I WANT MY FUCKING REVENGE FOR OUR DEAD.


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Good. Italy is in a decent position to use this as motivation for further dissent and ethno-nationalist sentiment. If this happened in England, or Germany, or France, it would work as demotivation, but Italians will be motivated by it.

It's horrible but think of what a ban on immigration will do to low prices!

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Our compassion and trust will only be extended to racial kin


A nigger, already known to local police for drug dealing btw, already arrested and sentenced to leave the county BTW, that they caught the days after because the knew where he dealt drugs BEE TEE WU, raped the girl.

But what the fuck is a 15yo girl doing at 3am with a fucking nigger? Are her friends retarded to let them go alone on a dark beach? Are the parents insane to allow a girl so young to take the cock carousel from such a young age? Nigs will nog but it could have been prevented by MULTIPLE FUCKING PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY THE POLICE.

It is kind of quaint that a black guy raping a white girl is still news over there. Would not even make the local in the US. Literal daily occurrence.

It's even worse than that. Niggers raping white women is a meritorious political act of retribution. They teach it in college.

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Very true. That book is slightly more likely to make you fluent in Italian than flapping your arms will make you airborne.

Are you referring to the (((Corsican Mafia))), the (((Sicilian Mafia))), the (((Russian Mafia)))…?

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Especially Italians when they kill all the subhuman trash in their nation. That is one way to 'prevent' such happenings anyway.

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What are the odds that this was a German girl. Ffs I want the race war to go hot already, there are no more words to be exchanged.

If Italians wanted real change, they would do this to the mayor of the town who let this happen

Salvini needs to give this nigger the firing squad.


On a happier note: 4 niggers were struck by lightning.

It's a nigger, they rape nuns ffs.


I hate them.

What he can do is continually push the narrative so the gov reveals its hypocrisy. In each instance where the government shows how corrupt it is, the more pissed off the entire country gets.

If it keeps on raining….

Man look at those cans in that blue bikini!