Invoking Kek into this thread. The fate of 2019 is in his hands. Trips and quads are nominated for the final roll at the end of the year. Let's see where this leads us, lads. Praise Kek.
ITT: We Roll for the Fate of 2019
Rolling for second coming and rapture.
2019: jews gas themselves
2019: The Resurrection of Greater Gaul
2019: Ireland Expels All jews
2019: 9chan
bang bang
Hillary dies before she can go to prison for her crimes.
Everyone who turns on Trump in 2018 ends up getting shanked in prison.
Trump's business empire is scrutinized under a microscope and comes back clean.
US taxpayers spend 1 billion on lawsuits against Trump, and the only thing that sticks is a 130k payment for a whore, who never slept with Trump at all, and was simply easier to pay off, at the time, than to go to court to have her silenced legally.
Trump negotiates peace with Russia and defunds Israel by 3 billion in 2019.
Bill Clinton dies around Christmas 2019.
Chelsea attempts to run for office, and ends up giving Trump an even more decisive victory in 2020.
2019: Civil war breaks out in the USA followed by Europe.
Kek will find a way to shit in OPs mouth, quite literally. This was a fucking abysmal post and frankly, regardless of it being bumpblocked have a sage anyway cunt.
Humanity begins Moving to 5th density reality
Humanity begins moving to a 5th density reality
OP gets a gf
There, don't say I don't do anything nice for you.
Zig Forums users become the priests of nation-states for the white race, all niggers, muslims, spics, faggots are butchered, and the jews slowly torutured to death.
rolling for a general user peace of mind and purpose.
sieg heil!
fuck off imkikey
Kek confirms an old tranny meth addict shits in OPs mouth.
We are prepping for (permanent…) end of America.
Trump survives through to 2020, but MSM liberal bashing reaches new crescendos daily. MSM rumors continue to ramp up the leftard insanity into violent leftwing riots by the end of the year. At no point does the civil war officially start. Only by looking back can we see how things got outa control.
Don't underestimate a few commie radicals with long guns.
The secret * will have their asses handed to them on a public platter for a long time to come.
rolling for kike shill to get pozzed for all eternity. praise kek.
rolling for more jew-awareness