I want to see a video showing the context of this event. Were there no video recordings allowed in this classroom? I hope the context is super adorable and endearing so that the lefties have to eat their own shit again.
Trump colors flag wrong?
Yeah Trump is a neo-communist just like his previous counterpart Obongo was
Don’t care.
lol, I find it funny as hell that libcucks are talking about how much they miss McCain
WTF is that faggot deviant pedo flag behind him in a classroom? Maybe we should be focusing on the pederast INVASION of European children's classrooms.
Nope. He's a fucking retard.
Hi, Bill.
Whatcha sliding moshe? McCain isn't in a rush to go anywhere.
Maybe he was drawing this?
Is it even a flag?
So no one is bothered by the fag flag in the background, but only because Trump colored a flag wrong?
At least no planes flew into buildings while he was visiting these kids.
Um, if the kid wants to color it blue, you go, why not?
Don't argue with a five year old.
Don't think it's a flag, just a rainbow painted on the wall, see how it curves at the top?
Really sick that homos have taken over the rainbow to the point that if one sees a rainbow, one thinks fags. GTFRWN
ffs thread has been up most of the day and no one has mentioned the double butterfly girllovers symbol?
I'm starting to see that pop up a ton now. It makes me kinda sad, because in the past this wasn't a polarized issue and not something you had to think about. But libs had to spread their shit in everything.
Suppose he did use alternate colors on a picture of a flag. Who gives a shit? The left fucking burns real american flags and now they're supposed to care what color it is?
Non event, he is just playing with kids by doing things "wrong" so you can have some chit chat with them.
Are you guys new or something? This is pretty standard.
I thought u bumpkins liked painting within the lines and going along with tradition.
is this really news worthy, why does anyone give a shit at all tbh?
We only honor the important traditions.
lol gay
Why are you replying to my tranny posting? I'm a shill and even I think you are pathetic.
Honestly, do you have any dignity?
Closet tranny fag larpers love contrapoints
You're not supposed to break the fourth wall, leftpol. Didn't they teach you that in drama class?
Alex, is that you?
Shills are paid. You're not.
It's probably just a rainbow, even before faggots were accepted they were common to be in kid's classrooms. It's a natural event in nature and a beauty to behold when you can see one, which can't be said for a faggot.
Rainbows don't start with crimson.
Saving the thread right now.
In accordance with Common Core and the Color Blind Negro Assoc. all rainbows in classrooms must be colored with crimson in place of red
You don't pass for a woman, faggot. Now get outta 'ere.
There's hoards of newfags all the sudden.
Be suspicious of any rainbow you see that doesn't have all 7 stripes.
I think you mean 8, user.
Fair enough, be suspicious of any rainbow you see with more or less than 7 stripes and maybe don't give any of the 7 stripe ones the benefit of the doubt either. Toss them all in the bog, real rainbows are made of light so they'll be fine.
Looks good to me
People in the past often overlooked Indigo because it looks a lot more like a mixture of blue and violet (closer to blue). Indigo's not even on a lot of color wheels. If you look at a real rainbow, you'll notice that the indigo portion of the rainbow - if you have the acuity to point it out - is really thin, too.
This now a Flag /thread/
Was Donny drawing swastikas in class again?
I'd throatfuck them both.
t. str8 boi
Fuck yea I love vexillology
2nd and 4th look fucking neat.
Preferably we'd remove the Freemasonic-numerological symbols in the Seal someday.
Did you bastards intentionally fail to recognize the pedo symbol for girls (butterfly) and a spic girl behind it.
Also look at the symbol on the chair where a bunch of people are jumping on a vehicle.
Combine it with this and you'll get the picture.
Yer a fucking nigger.
It has been mentioned like 3 times already. scroll up.
The BDSM flag?
Trump is borderline retarded at this point.
The second was the best it has the cross, bringing religion back into the state, and it has centrality showing that the state is strong and at the center.
Right, wrong, all gone.
Enjoy the ban, faggot.
The only one I got. I remember seeing it in a tiny picture once and tried to recreate it.
Hitler trips say it's not a coincidence.
But what does Q have to say about it?
Oops forgot this one.
Nice. Anyone got the anti-Islam boar flag that was drafted here around 2015 or so?
t. Nate Silver
There's the problem with causality though. Children like butterflies, which is why those group chose the symbol.
Banning for not thirsting for trumps cock is ridiculous. Zig Forums isn't pro kike if you haven't noticed.
Th flag in the background is the one colored wrong.
You're the one thinking about trump's cock you flaming faggot.
Only the left gets upset over Trump anyway. Please be sure to notify me when the much speculated about war in Iran begins you dumb fucking faggot. Until then, shut the fuck up and watch.
There is no left/right you fuckin newfag. Honestly lurk for five more years.
Uh yes, there is.
You should lurk more.
there's only goys and woke, you dumb fuck
Based Kantbot.
Way to kill the fun… But you're right (then again lefties don't care about the US, they just want a protection of their degeneracies)
if you have a Twitter, push this!
Jew nigger detected.
Get back to your hellhole.
Maybe these will help.
No cartoon is gonna seal the left/right divide, which is older than either parties.
It's fucking bizarre that this is legit a controversial flag. Don't they understand that the only thing protecting them from us are the ZOGbots?
Keep believing it, bud. Covfefe
I just want a little bit of creativity and intelligence in the people who are supposedly on the right and don't like the president. It gets old reading the same degenerate fellatio references day in and day out. Why do you think about dick so much?
RINO, son.
Nothing is more cringe than seeing libertarians, and civnat cucks virtue signaling towards their kike masters using that stupid fucking flag.
If we didn't have niggers, we wouldn't need cops.
Nah, we're reactionaries and futurists. We'll smash any stupid tradition that makes us weak or holds us back, democracy, christcucktianity, debt being some of those things.
Clearly you're a boomer. The left/right paradigm was purposely created to replace the haves vs have nots. While the left vs right fight each other, the (((haves))) and their minions continue to rape and pillage society in the background. Otherwise the have nots eventually band together and overtake the haves.
Are we posting trannies now? Demonic possession is real, tbh.
Nigger, study history and get back to me.
Zig Forums might as well stand for pseuds nowadays.
fucking LOL
Keep living in that kike created bubble you hook nosed bastard.
But make sure you stifle his faggotry.
Its the Blue Lives Matter flag.
And learn history, niglet.