Hollywood Celebs Mourn the Loss of John McCain


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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?l=&q=#mccain since:2007-01-01 until:2009-12-31&src=typd

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Duplicate thread see cyclical sticky:

He probably voted against Trump at the last minute because he knew if he did celebs would suck his dick like this.

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What was so important about this senator. I just read he was in vietnam and then a senator and then got brain cancer and some dolphins jerking off.

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Skyking was a bigger man than mcwetshart
I still miss him

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Most of those celebs are strangers to me.

Corey (( (Feldman)) ) go raise some money so you can rape more kids you piece of shitfuck

I thought the same thing.

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Checked , oh how true

Mans a well connected warhawk and has been an active campaigner for US interventionism.
Also he killed a bunch of US navy sailors while in the navy.

He, like every other senator ever elected, betrayed his country to the Jews.

I always wondered if that ccr song was written about mcwetshart

We'll never know. All I know is:

It. Ain't. Me.

like staying a senator after being diagnosed with a terminal illness and not showing up to work for the entirety of 2018, thus denying millions of Arizona citizens representation in the senate. fuck these people and their empty platitudes honoring the personification of everything wrong with our political system and its lack of term limits

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what the fuck…


Ten years ago he ran for president against King Nigger and lost. At that time, every single person mourning his death and calling him a hero in the pictures above was screeching about how he was a racist and a nazi and every other generic insult they yell at anyone right of Stalin. These people acting like they're sad now comes off as incredibly disingenuous to anyone with a memory.

The man was pretty much your garden variety neo-con cuckservitive who fails to meaningfully conserve anything and is notable for being the asshole who sabotaged congress from getting rid of Obamacare.

is this bunch of drama just a proof he was a kike or are they sucking his (dead) balls deep throat just because he is a republican and not donald trump in some childish attempt to make trump jealous ? i don't get it. if he was president these same people would call him hitler and celebrate his mvp tumor.

this thread desperately needs the tweets from these exact same people shitting on him when he ran against obama.

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That's nice don't care about your twitter harvesting.

But then he can't attention whore.

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fuck off then ?

mccain made trump mad by voting to keep obamacare so now he's a hero to leftists. also, there's too many social media dopamine hits to pass up whenever a famous person dies and you can make a statement looking respectful and wise


hold on while I screencap.

I didn't like him for being a RINO but he was a war veteran unlike Mr. draft dodger, Trump.


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I think this is quite enjoying finding this hypocrisy. Although I see that many of their mentioning about McCain seems to be deleted for a reason.

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Checking those epic quints of exposing "leftist" hypocrisy.

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Was McCain's father rich or something?

McCain absoutely did not want to go with the way he crashed so many aircraft, and the way he was ranked in his class when he graduated.

So somebody forced him to go. Perhaps his father felt guilty about USS liberty or something like that.

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Yeah, he was. His father was an Admiral, that's why he went in. But he never felt guilty about anything. His entire family line in the US has always been traitors.

There is literally nothing heroic about a man who spent his last days making a mockery of the position of Senator by refusing to step down because he thinks he knows better than the 50% of the country that voted for his party in the first place.

He was an incompetent naval officer that failed his way up thanks to his Admiral father. Dude got 134 sailors killed and nearly destroyed a damn aircraft carrier, caused a massive blackout in Spain, ended the bombing of North Vietnam because he gave out all the flight paths of bombers, and kept crashing jets because he sucked at landing.

Then was a massive war monger in government and deep state stooge and kept pushing American world policing and foreign entanglement.

The salty celeb fuckers praising him now were the same salty fuckers condeming during his presidential campaign against Obama. They are absolutely two faced snakes thinking we forget how full of shit they are.

Fuck that dude, I dont know any man who has killed more US servicemen single handedly and through out his career.

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Why do you think that his father forced him to go?

McCain was not proud of his father.

Lel ok

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You know it's pretty interesting to see some guy who was tortured due to war become a warhawk.


Seriously, why haven't we done this yet?

New psyop, ready to bake.

Why else does a father force his son to do anything manly? To stop him from being a faggot.

It didn't work. McCain was a faggot even after he died.

The fucker is a habitual liar. He wasnt tortured because he gave the goods and the Vietcong knew his dad was the Admiral in charge of the Vietnam theatre. The injuries he sustained was because of his bad ejection and downed plane.

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I like it. Even if it doesn't accomplish much, it should be good for some salt mining.


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It would show how full of shit Amerizog politics is, every single Republicuck who ran for president in the passed 2 decades is now a darling of the left wing and hollyjew because they came out and pretty much showed how they're exactly the fucking same.
Onigger can't even say what differences the two had besides they were born in different eras, but goes on to say how united they are in destroying America.

Funny how they all are against the Vietnam war but suddenly they love the “war hero” songbird McCain

Then get started.
We need more autists to cover facebook and assorted social cancer media.

Here's an example.
Don't forget to tweet these at them.

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welp, I don't have a twitter account because I am straight, but it is completely preventing me from searching for anything about mccain that isn't related to his death.



It's this "Anyone who bashes Trump is my friend" mentality.

Make a burner one. You can even emulate the freaking SMS verification nowadays.

I think this one is even better.

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Please, Ameribros, understand that when us Yuros make fun of Americans for being retarded, fat and stupid, were not generalizing.
We're actually talking about specific people.
Like this prime example right here.

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Nice work, but you gotta slap them next to the "We lost a hero ;_;" posts for greater effect.

Let's keep at it, and when we get 50 or so, we'll make a nice big collage of leftists hypocrisy.
Not that it would change their minds, but all those centrists thinking about supporting the Democrats would LOVE to read one of those, I'm sure.

I actually respect people who dodge the draft. They are smart enough not to fight wars for the kikes. Even my grandpa respected Hitler and dodged the draft in WWII.

Use the filter by date range to ignore his death.

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twitter.com/search?l=&q=#mccain since:2007-01-01 until:2009-12-31&src=typd

honestly this fucking SHIT is hurting my eyes, and I can't reverse the date it searches by.

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lmao. Trump asked to show kindness and when he does they all scream at him to "take dat name out yo mouf". These same people were shitting and pissing all over mccain in the 2008 election. Reality is absurd

Anything from Madonna? Don't forget all this magic from 2008.

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honestly wouldn't have taken notice of the left's hypocrisy on this, except it looks like every single fucking one is talking about what a saint mccain is and how evil trump is.

the last 10 news stories I saw about this were "trump shows worthless token notice of mccain before heading off to play more golf" and fake news of the like. how anyone still trusts the left with anything, it makes me fear for the future of the human race that people can be that stupid and easily fooled.

Hang on caused a blackout in spain?

Great eulogies from America's loudest attention seeking faggots.

How The Media Treated John McCain When It Actually Mattered

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Giving a single fuck about "celebrity opinions" on a god damn thing.
Fuck the leftist / globalist / asskissers on Soros' bought and paid for list of "Democrat" talking heads.

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I just checked out her Faceberg page. The whole wall is plastered with niggers. Not surprising. Such a degraded creature has probably already forgotten there ever was a time she didn't love McCain as a national hero.

Only care because we can use their previous words about to Songbird to mock their crocodile tears now.

Thing is that most normalfags and especially leftyfaggots will still massively dislike McBrain for some retarded or good reason which means all this will only further drive the wedge between kikes and their puppets.
They aren't making a single correct move.

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phwew, yea. that's kinda the end of it. no need to go further.

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You forgot to switch tabs back to Twitter you retarded fucking faggot.

Don't take the bait. Moishe gets a nickel each time we do.

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Got a youtube link for this? I must spread this across the internet for laughs.

No, but feel free to upload it.

eggzactly this. never forget, never forgive.

I didn't really care for mccain, but it was because he was a RINO who sold us down the river to obama's socialists.

Same here, I don’t know why being a vanity faggot was seen as more important than trade school. Maybe because they hated doing anything that involved actual work.

Mein Neger!
Mann, wie werden wir den ewigen Juden und seine Golems los?

Are you familisr with the trope of the "evil Senator" that is pervasive across all forms of media? Think The Manchurian Candidate, Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Solid, the corrupt politicians in The Godfsther Part Ii, etc.

Well, McCain was literally the personification of that trope. He's been at the center of so many instances of nepotism, neglect, treason, outright corruption, and electioneering that he is basically a real-life hollywood supervillain, except our institutions have become so corrupt that they are offering him resounding praise in total unison.

The juxtaposition of McCain's actions, even the more tame ones that every normie is aware of (like his No vote against repealing Obamacare) with the gloeing eulogies being written by known enemies of anything conservative or right wing, is an enormous redpill.


Have they been calling the republican nominee Hitler since Bush Jr.? I know they did it with Romney too. Fucking Biden even told a room full of black people that Romney would enslave them all

Can we go back and find all of the left's "love" of McCain when he was running w/ Palin against Obama?

Didn't Obama golf more than any other president?

They've been calling the Republican nominee Hitler since whoever it was that ran against Truman

Nice autism OP. But these aren't celebrities. These are has beens and wannabes using the dead cunt to get their shitty name out to other shitty subhumans in the hopes it will lead to work. That is the twitter game they play.

Yes, he did and by a wide margin. Nigger put the lazy in lazy nigger.

Well no shit.

The guy has always acted however would make him more appealing to the media. It's why when he was running for president he even attacked his running mate.

Yeah, he crashed a plane into some power poles or some shit.

checking satan quints, while noticing that moby was stupid enough to not realize trump gave his condolences to mccain's family and didn't give the senator a RIP. stay based, donnie.