Is Augusto Pinochet Zig Forums approved or just another Jewish still? What are your thoughts on him...

Is Augusto Pinochet Zig Forums approved or just another Jewish still? What are your thoughts on him? Personally I think he's severely underappreciated for killing hoards of leftists and saving Chile from Marxism.

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He was a CIA asset who also removed any genuine right wingers. Alt-right (cuckservative) of his time. That's why kikes on Zig Forums force him as a meme so much.

Get out, faggot.

He was a hardcore zionist, backed by jewish trotskyites and the CIA. There's a reason the kikes at TRS pushed him so hard.

Attached: Pinochet and the jews.jpg (472x533 1.35 MB, 201.4K)

He was a capitalist dictator that killed any fascist opposition just like Franco

Didn't Franco at least give a list of kikes to Hitler? Pinochet was a rabid philosemite/zionist.

Admiring the Jewish people doesn't make you Zionist, there are Jews against political Zionism. That would be like saying admiring the Europeans is synonymous with being a white supremacist.

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take your spoonfeeding threads to cuckchan

By the time Franco got to power, all of the jews already left Spain

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That's a strange semitic semantic argument to make, because the problem is the jews as a whole, and was before the advent of zionism, and Pincohet was a zionist who was armed by Israel, as the second image in my post illustrates. Even if you didn't read all the text, which I wouldn't expect you to, the title "The Israeli Connection" should have been visible from the thumbnail.

I know he was capitalist, why do you think I admire him, he set up an economic system that brought outstanding prosperity to his country. Hitler claimed National Socialism wasn't like other socialist regimes; literally "my infallible brand of Socialism has never been tried" philosophy. Then when it got tried, just like every other time, it failed brutalised millions of innocents; and just like every other time the lefties claim "but that wasn't socialism" because they don't want people to associate them with a failed, brutal regime.

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Why would Isreal need to arm him if he was already backed by the C.I.A.?


Chilean here, nothing has been saved at all faggot. The poz lives on here and we already have scores of rainbow-haired faggots, trannies, commies and antifa all over the fucking place. Thanks a lot you fucking cunts.
The only thing that has yet to be removed is our deep-rooted anti-semitism because seriously people here can't stand kikes when they are exposed at least, but if you spread the poz without letting the nose show? Hook line and sinker I'm afraid.

Do you even belong here?

Zig Forums will say he's je zionist but the guy did good removing communists.

Be thankful you ain't Venezuala.

I remember when Kikey stickied a thread about this faggot, quickly got BTFO by posts like , then quietly unstickied it just as quickly. Good times.

Kill yourself kikey.


No, it makes you a jew, who the fuck else would admire jews.

Jews that attack israel are still jews and the enemy, doing the jewing everywhere.

Venezuela has dutch disease for a while now, like it happened few times already in their history. It passes, they go back to being rich again.

off-topic question: Is Chilean an okay place to live or is it infested with criminals. Also, are you a non-white by any chance?

I'm white of German descent, and we don't want you here faggot. We have enough foreigner dipshits already thinking we will welcome traitors to their own country here (we won't)

Calm down I was just asking

They all follow the talmud.
They are all monsters.

This is bullshit.
The National Socialists pulled Germany out of the Great Depression and transformed the German economy from the POOREST in Europe to the WEALTHIEST AND MOST PROSPEROUS in Europe, and perhaps the WORLD, over a mere 3 YEARS. Before Hitler removed the jewish bankers, oligarchs, and international finance assholes from power, the German people were literally STARVING in the streets and German "money" was worth NOTHING (like Venezuela today). The kikes had control of the money printing process (ie, fed reserve) and printed endless amounts of money that they used to buy up EVERYTHING while impoverishing the Germans. The holohoax is a jewish propaganda myth, but the jews ABSOLUTELY deserved to be imprisoned. They had committed UNSPEAKABLE crimes against the German nation.
Of course, the kikes got to write the history books after they got the useful idiots all over the world to mass murder Germany, so you don't hear about the crimes of the jews.
You need to lurk more, you faggot.
Read something that isn't jewish propaganda.

You act as if there is a difference.
The CIA and mossad work VERY closely together.

He was a Zionist puppet placed there by the CIA to get rid of Allende the Marxist. We're often exposed to left-wing kikery and lies about him, because despite what left-wingers and Marxists tell you, Allende was not as popular as he was made out to be in Chile. And the Chilean Chamber of Deputies made a resolution before the coup that Allende was working towards establishing a Marxian totalitarian dictatorship in Chile, and seizing farms and other private property. Pinochet had his bad sides as well, making Chile be (((exploited))) by (((American))) (((multinational))) (((corporations))), though I can't say that the removal and subsequent suicide of Allende, and the killing of thousands of Marxists was a bad thing.

One thing I don't understand is why Pinochet never utilized this he could have had it re-purposed towards the government better monitoring market fluctuations much like the terminal machines do today.

I don't feel bad for the commies, just the Kikes.

Not saying Hitler didn't do any good, just that overall killing millions of innocents was bad. commies deserved it tho

Did you even read the earlier post?
First, jews are demons. Look up what the talmud says.
That said, the jewish "holocaust" is a lie. It did not happen.
Were there concentration camps?
Were there death camps?
Were there gas chambers for humans?
There were small chambers for clothes and shorn hair. That is what the zyklon-B was for. This was a lice-control measure meant to reduce the spread of typhus.
Were there mass killing? Were there giant ovens? Were there death showers?
Were there 6 million jewish deaths?
No. There were about 300,000 jewish deaths caused mostly by typhus or natural causes (5 years of attrition). The typhus was worsened by allied bombing that blew supply lines all to hell. Indeed, there were not 6 million jews in all of German occupied Europe at the time.

If the Germans had wanted to exterminate the jews, then they would have. They had YEARS. If they had been trying to kill them then there would have been HUNDREDS of survivors, NOT MILLIONS.
The final solution was deportation. At first to Palestine, but later Hitler heeded the protests of the Palestinians and stopped sending the jews to the middle east. Later, the plan was either to send them to Madagascar or to southern Russia.

The jews were not innocent.
They had orchestrated and led an attempted communist coup in 1918 in Germany.
They had taken control of the Weimar government and control over the "fed reserve" esque private bank that issued the debt backed currency of Weimar Germany. They used this control to WORSEN the great depression in Germany and buy everything (such as the art that the Germans later "stole." Much of it was stolen from Germans during the great depression first). The hyperinflation in Germany was Venezuela-tier. Germans were starving in the streets. Mothers were selling their children into prostitution to jews and their international business buddies. The alternative was starvation.
The jews of Europe were NOT INNOCENT.
Hitler's reforms transformed the economy from the worst in Europe to the strongest in three years.
This implies that the kikes had been INTENTIONALLY crashing the German economy in order to enrich themselves.

There was no jewish "holocaust," but they were not innocent.
Ever heard of the holodomor? The murder of at least 5 million Ukrainian kulaks under the direction of the jewish bolsheviks?
How about the mass murder of at least 10 million Germans, including numerous women and children, AFTER WW2? This included about 2 million ex soldiers MURDERED, via starvation in literal death camps, by the US Army under Eisenhower? The rest were mostly killed by the jewish soviets as part of the theft of large portions of eastern Germany. Indeed, many of those pictures of "piles of dead holocaust victims" were actually dead GERMANS that had been killed by the allies AFTER THE WAR.
Again, the jews were not, and are not, innocent.