Shooting at Jacksonville Thread 3

thread #1:
thread #2:

David Katz aka Bread aka Slice_Bread

A professional video gamer from Baltimore is suspected of killing at least two people and wounded several others on Sunday when he opened fire at a video game tournament that was being streamed online from a restaurant in Jacksonville, Florida, police and local media said.

Attached: Thread 3.jpg (912x564, 147.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kike free first post

another non white killing spree. how surprising. also baltimore the capital of chimpout

prepare for high levels of kvetchitude

the only real crime here is

Just think. Soon the whole world will be like America. It's gonna be great.

t. prozac user

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Spergenkatz was about to lose his Israeli gamer stipend and dealt with his loss of income the only way he knew he could, kill a bunch of niggers and an hero. I hope the internet makes it well known he wasn’t white but a sniveling little kike.

Funny how this thread died the instant all we’re talking about is his hook nose.


Attached: 30_Q_28seconds_tournament.PNG (1080x720 431.13 KB, 3.98M)

Time to start campaigning to ban madden because it caused these deaths. Time to take down the madden industry once and for all for murder! 6 gorillion deaths!

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Oy vey that article is real.

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Oy vey Moishe. Look at the article right below. A woman is holocausting our rights to rape the goyim.

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I don't understand why the image of the players disconnects and the controllers disconnect from the stream. Do wireless controllers have biometrics that turn off when you are dead to save battery? Or was it wired and the dead nig pulled it out as he fell? Still why does the stream turn off? Did the guy running it suddenly have the clarity in a panic situation to think "Huh before I run, hide, or fight I should turn off this part of the stream but not the whole stream."

Breaddy güd Xdddddd

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1. Are you sure they're wireless?
2. Do you think gunshots or moving people might have dislodged something in/on the device?

I have zero experience with modern gaming systems.

What's still suspicious is why the camera suddenly cuts out. Unless it was coincidental and on time and it ebbed back in and out during the pauses of the game.

First, we turn on the gas. Second, warm up the oven. . .

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They can't even invent their own style of cooking. Sad.

Did he lose and thats why he started shooting? If so, where is the video of that?

I don't know but my guess would be that someone may have knocked a cord loose in the panic. Either that or we're watching something that was filmed and directed, but if that was the case why not show blood and panic?

The media is starting off with the view that this is an angry gamer acting out their fantasies, they're pushing it, BBC started with that conclusion immediately afterwards and reported that officiers "refused" to confirm it. Expect to see a few dozen articles about toxic masculinity and why the primary gaming demographic needs to be replaced even faster. It's on every news site already and at most will be silently corrected once the facts come out and people are tired of the story.

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Not from here. Is the shooter Jewish?

Who cares if he’s Jewish?

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these 2 oddly similar posts 35 seconds apart get my almonds jogging

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Check and check

I'm just as in the dark as you guys. Im just tripping the fuck out over the "Hurr durr Q larp" post and the event.

Suicide weekend - kikeboy kills himself
Hands up? - Don't Shoot!
[30] - 30 person tournament
0:28 - 28 seconds in, chat log has "!bracket" in it

Impossible? Fuck yes this is impossible! What the fuck is going on?

I’m a mischling who’s fully dedicated to gassing all kikes, so I don’t see why this kike killing a few niggers is such a bad thing because niggers have to go, too.

hi FBI

You lost me man, I only just got home a little while ago and I'm still making my way through the other threads.
Mind summarizing things a bit more clearly?

What else matters?

No idea on the controller part but I read in previous thread:
That the stream only showed players while the game was on breaks or replays. So it only showed players for a few seconds at a time.

Start with yourself.

My condolences

look at my post here

the picture has the Q post / the video was the 2nd one released, the first one was 30 seconds long and at the 28 second mark a laser hits the kids chest.

be a glow in the dark somewhere else, I suggest Zig Forums

what are you talking about? the time someone said !bracket was 2:46:22

If we're going to prevent the (((them))) from convincing gamers to support gun control, we need to encourage all esports communities to improve venue security on their own and to not allow the media to use them as pawns. We have to emphasize that this is an internal problem that could have been prevented by better tournament organization/security and that we do not need political figure heads telling gamers what to do.

Wired controllers are used at events like this to prevent people cheating/screwing up someone playing by turning on a controller. It also cuts down on a lot of technical problems that happen when you have so many controllers in one place and it has less input lag.

I don't know how Madden tournaments work but this is how things are done at fighting game tournaments and I suspect all tournaments have these rules now to prevent any of the problems I mentioned above.

Gaslighting aside getting whites off gaming is positive long term. Kikes are destroying everything that has weakened whites over the last few decades. Odd tactic.

The gaming community is already highly pozzed on the gun control issue. Every arcade I know of has a no guns sign proudly displayed out front. The best thing we can do is just ignore those signs because any gun-free zone is a turkey shoot.

Okay, I'm with you.
Which video? The one you linked?
Now I'm confused.
I saw that one.

Do not give up. Various smash and fgc threads about this are 50/50 on gun control. They all admit that most TO's are currently incompetent in regards to security. The last thing I want happening is an anti-gun PSA to start off the next EVO, Genesis, CEO, Combo Breaker or whatever event (((they))) choose to bastardize.

the video that was released, the one that I posted the screen shot from at 28 seconds has Sonain posting the word "!bracket" in the chat log. He posts it again at 1:00 exactly, after the shooting had been going on for nearly 45 seconds. What does that mean? Why post that?
It's just weird combined with the fact that the shooter suicided himself and the "hands up?" crumb, which could very easily be in relation to "Hands up! Don't SHOOT"

It's a lot to dismiss as just nothing

Yes, the first video that came out was 30 seconds long which you saw. the second video is the one I posted, 1:30 long. Each video, at the 28 second mark had an oddity. The first being the laser and the 2nd being the chat log saying "!bracket"

Anyone know what kind of psychoactive chems this fag was being fed?


Don't have the screencap but his reddit post mentioned antidepressant and benzo use. Check thread #2

EA's DLC's are getting worse every year.

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Okay, yeah, that's fuckin' weird.
Anyone still have the :30? Is it still in the thread?
Gonna check but maybe someone can quickly direct.

Nevermind, first post, first thread.

jews aren't white dipshit

t. brainlet newfag

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Side-by-Side Comparison

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Oh, they have their own cuisine. It's just so horrible that even the Jews can't eat it. The bitter herbs, for example, are actually supposed to taste hideous as a reminder of how they've suffered at the hands of bad goyim.

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Fucking lol.

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jews aren't white you stupid fucking mong.

All I want to know is what name "bread" was playing under, and why Joe Rice isn't on that list either. So what tag were they using for the lineup? Also, who beat Katz and did he survive to tell the tale?

Is it confirmed hes a Jew? I'm late.

Where is the video of his play in the tourney?
I have yet to see that, and if he played and then got beat, I assume that'd exist.
If he didn't play yet and just did this, its all the stranger.


Attached: katz.PNG (607x309, 37.62K)

yes, degenerate confirmed

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Nice, though media will still call him white. Just read a "Times Of Israel" article on the event and they said he was Jewish, of all sources. Kek

Jews are the vanguard of the White Nationalist resistance to the immigration invasion. Anyone who opposes Jews is an anti-White ideologue and should be shunned by all right thinking White Nationalists.

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ESL put out the standard 'thoughts and prayers' garbage on their twitter account. Someone hacked into the ESL Counter-Strike account and replied with this.

Attached: ESLCSGO joking about madden tournament shooting.webm (1920x1080, 4.88M)

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I can't find anything about what player tag Katz uses, except everyone is saying "Bread". There's M0breadfred or whatever there, but it doesn't look like him.
Based on what I think is his youtube he's black:

So did Katz just fuckin' show up and shoot the place up without even being part of the tournament? What's Joe Rice's fuckin' gamertag?

are you opposed to jude-aryan nationalism? get with the times pal

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Alright, I know you're a shit posting jew but I've actually considered that maybe the jews are just coordinating an "ends justify the means" type scenario where all thats left is whites and jews. Since they're too big of pussys to do any fighting themselves, they're just stirring the shit to get whites to rise up and eradicate the earth from shitskins, niggers, chinks and spics.
I can get on board with that and if they'd actually leave us the fuck alone and keep their banking shit behind that fucking wall in the sand, I'd be ok with letting them breath.

I have a lot of fantasies, though. All others don't include letting the jews live.

Also, I should have added 'allegedly hacked,' as this could just be shitty management on their part, or somebody with a sense of humour on their team.

my fuckin' sides man

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what? too soon?


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Checked for great minds think alike.

Did this Jew just manifest out of thin fucking air to shoot up some negro that was better than him at a video game, at a tourney he wasn't even a part of, and then shoot himself?
If so, that's incredibly bizarre.

It's even closer to the samson option than that because he killed himself as well.


Found it thanks.

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The Gardener and Death: The tweet

2 Jews with one stone. On top of the massive redpilling potential this has as long as the word gets out that he's jewish. This is starting to get good.

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Alright, so, after going over these brackets:

Is Katz AKA "Bread" playing under "aracnidman" that lost to Trueboy? Then TacklessSquid56 would be Joe Rice.

This is all assuming that Katz decided to shoot at whoever beat him, which would have to be Trueboy or Joe Rice. Joe Rice beat "M0breadfred" who seems to be a black dude or there's also a blackdude who uses the same tag and plays a lot of madden too. Not a huge reach. But if M0breadfred is not Katz, and the guy who shot Trueboy also lost against him, he'd have to be "aracnidman".

Unless Trueboy and Joe Rice were just targeted at random or closest to the door and Katz was just shooting anyone he could get a bead on. Which means he could be any of those guys on the bracket or no one if he just showed up and decided today was a good day to die.

Still, wish we had something concrete to go on here. Everyone's got their tags on there, now we just need to put faces or at least twitch channels to the names.

SSRIs have been a known component in going postal since SSRIs came into use.
It will never be anything but an unspoken connection until we get rid of the kikes though.

I mean according to Q the DS used online game chatrooms to give comms. What jf this is just Mossad cleaning up thekr operators and why not use it to push gun control too.

Archive that isn't so fucked up.

This is a humorus joke.

It looks like they're wiping any notable Trump-related posts. I'm searching through his reddit posts and it seems like the the_donald ones are disappearing.

Best to use multiple archiving sites, as well as saving a pdf, html and zip version of the page as well as a screenshot.

You didn't seriously think they're only running one plan (e.g. kalergi) like half these retards think. That only took off because so many whites are progressive minded. The longer term strat was always for hebes to become the high caste of caucasion society which is getting closer and closer.

hell, even the kalergi plan was for high-functioning egyptian looking muts…. not for somali, sub-saharan hordes to run wild.

There was a tweet I didn't save it though. It was a RIP bro I'm sorry and something like you know why. It implied he had beaten Katz but maybe he had just talked shit to Katz? Trying to find it now, not having much luck.
There is also a tweet from trueboy about Saturday wins (nig with laser confirmed first kill) pic related.

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Yeah, digging around apparently he didn't kill or even hit any of the apparently two people that had beat him over the 2 day tourney. So I have no clue what tag he was playing under.

wew lads

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This is weird on so many levels.

Well, the big hurdle for me to overcome has always been "if whites are gone, all the hot women will be gone too" and that's not something I could see hatred of someone trumping in the grand scheme of things. I mean, if it was either kill all jews and have no hot women or leave jews and have hot women, it would be hard to decide upon exterminating the vermin.

then along came KRISPR and kind of fucked up our trump card, so to speak. Gene manipulation removes the need for the white race in that they can now grow hot chicks in labs.

However, I'm still stuck with the realization that jews are (ironically) kind of dip shits. They don't have a mind for esotericism and I'm not sure arbitrary thought is a multi-level process in their minds. I think they can grasp the arbitrary, but have no concept of what it is to conceptualize themselves grasping the arbitrary. Being earth bound and bonded, I think they realize that all great inventions come from esoteric reasoning and understand that they don't possess that kind of reasoning, which is actually why they excel so well in earth bound pleasures, but if they realize their civilization-growth will be stymied once whites are gone, then they must plan on keeping whites around.

There's also the strong possibility that these kikes are the X-generation of their intellectual elders and have just gone completely mad from lack of interpersonal relationships, touch and love. Leaving behind psychopaths who just want to see the world burn.

Yeah, I've considered many different angles and haven't settled on any other than the world would be much better off without them.