Commu-pope Francis Under Fire- Calls for Resignation Made

Former Vatican official claims Pope Francis knew of abusive ex-cardinal, calls for his resignation

What's good for thee is not for me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is already a thread with "alleges".

The amount of scandals under this popes watch are beyond fuckin belief.

The Vatican needs a serious raid.

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This shit has been going on for at least everyone on the planet's lifetime user. The Catholic church is just finally so weakened through (((progress))) that it can't hide it worth a shit any longer.


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The Pope must have recently condemned Israel after seeing all those videos of them killing innocent civilians.

A proper thread, finally.

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Oh wow. Look at that. A quick jewgle search reveals why mossad is going to be posting these bs threads for awhile.

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Incoming pedo defending DEUS VULT christcuck defense force in 3, 2, 1…

It's been known that the pope is a cuck for a while now. I dislike the degenerate communistfilth but he's right about the faggot pope.

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So systematic child abuse and its cover ups by the church is "bs"?

Get gassed.

Is the current pope a cuck faggot?


Get gassed.

He stood up to Israel. So no. Only to you, rabbi.

One might make the argument the Pope is responsible for all the actions of the pedos in his church. The holy father of course knows all and is infallible according to the jew worshipers so he is ultimately responsible.

You have no idea. If only he would give the order.

If only he could stand up to all the rapists he's in charge of.

nobody cares, christcuck

If only there was more proof than jews making accusations.

Fuck off shitskin. Just because someone disagrees with zionist kikes doesn't make them FUCKING BASED.

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You want to see bloody boy assholes, faggot jew? Good thing we don't need any more than that.

Standing up to Israel is something few "leaders" in Europe would dare to do.

You'd be surprised

I guess those 1000 boys with the shattered shitters in Pennsylvania are all liars, right moshe?

Your garden variety transexual communist would do it though. Are they cuck faggots or no?
I'm a Christian but the pope is a degenerate who not only covers up the crimes of rapist homosexuals in the Church, but supports the importing of rapist homosexuals into Europe.

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Checked. Peter the Roman is evil. Pure and simple.

I'll have to take your word on what transexuals would think, rabbi.

Every time.


Can we just go ahead and give free NAMBLA membership cards to every adult Mick male?

I've noticed you've devolved into leftist twitter-tier snarkery instead of actual arguments against the positions I'm laying out.
Child abuse is 100x worse in islamic and jewish circles, but it doesn't mean the homosexuals in the Church get a free pass. The Church has been subverted. It is illegitimate and we need a new inquisition on the satanists and faggots involved.

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Yeah, 1000 Catholic parents said nothing about their kids being raped for decades. That's what you would do if your kid's ass was molested, right? Ponder the meaning of it all for a few decades. Then one day, come to the conclusion that rape is bad and should be stopped. Get gassed.

I've noticed your posts have no substance. Fake trips do not impress me.

Says the kike pushing the shit-tier Hibernian meme. We'll come for you once we've finished with the traitors.

So I guess kids in Hollywood don't get casting couched, because people would say something right?
Oh wait, they have. For decades. Powerful people use their positions to shut this shit down.

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I guess they should be trained not to wait decades before complaining if they want something done about it.

I've laid out why the pope is a niggerloving faggot and given evidence. You've just acted like a butthurt somethingawful goon who has nothing to add to the conversation beyond passive-aggressive snipes with no weight behind them.
Feel free to challenge my arguments at any time.

Get some reading comprehension you dullard.

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Keep pretending you have a case.

You're making it for me with your lack of arguments.

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Stop avoiding my question. If your kid's ass was ravaged, how many decades would you wait before complaining?

It's a generic pro-immigration stance. He's not advocating for flooding countries to overturn their political systems and economies. Corporations he has no control over are responsible for that.

If this escalates we could be looking at another schism.

I would complain immediately, like everyone does. The problem is it isn't acted on. It's brushed under the rug and ignored by those in power. You seem to think if it's not on CNN it's not real. It's obvious to everybody that political dynasties like the Clintons suicide everyone who finds skeletons in their closet, yet they're not in jail. Do you agree that the Clintons are murderers too?

The irony. Address my position that the pope is a cuck faggot who is for nonwhite immigration into white countries.

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So he's a cuck faggot.
He absolutely is.
I'm so glad that the supposed spiritual leader of Catholicism is parroting the same line kike CEOs are dishing out. It's comforting to know the most important thing in the pope's mind is the profit margins of conglomerates.

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A thousand people complained and every time kids getting raped was ignored? You're very naive to believe such a story or a liar.

And yes demons are part of the religion so don't be shocked when art exists to remind spoiled people of them. Every Catholic church has art with a dead body hanging on a cross. It's not a religion for dilettantes.

My wishful thinking is that this is a move by some people in the church that are not currupted to remove the false pope but probably not.

Weird how Benedict is still alive somewhere, always wondered what that whole situation was about.

It's a generic message of helping the poor. He isn't setting the quotas for each country.

Purely speculation, but I think he didn't want to go along with the satanic globalist propaganda and was promptly removed.

The pope is a fraud and all you can do is jump through hoops to defend his disgusting practices. He clearly thinks racism is a more egregious sin than the raping of children by homosexuals.

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That's my theory obviously, but he must have had a reason for going quietly. I doubt they had any dirt on him, and if he was removed then he obviously cared enough about what's right. I have a feeling that there are some power plays going on in the background which we may never even know about.

"Who would theoretically investigate these crimes? Interpol, UN, EU???"

"Who is in charge of the police in a Italy?"

Woo, boy.

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You are surprised the Pope isn't advocating for genocide of Africans? You think it would be better if the blacks there continued believing in voodoo rather than attempting Christianity? This is evidence he wants to genocide Europeans?

His overzealous supporting of nonwhite refugees into white countries is evidence he's a cuck. His protection of homosexuals raping kids is evidence he's a faggot. Hence, cuck faggot. Pick your heroes better.

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I'm sure the donation basket is now overflowing on Sundays thanks to all the niggers. Maybe if a refugee sucking powerhouse like France wasn't also bulldozing churches, your story might be more believable.

As far as I have read, the church has been on Pope-selection autopilot with St. Malachy's prophecy dictating the selection of subsequent popes to fit with the churches old decision to deem the prophecy legitimate. Now that the Church has reached the end of the prophecy, with Petrus Romanus, pronouncing the final days of the persecution of the church, it seems the Church will finally be free to produce executive will of it's own again. Will the Church have a strong leader willing to reform in earnest the institution and set right the wrongs committed by the clergy? Or will it pick another weasel?

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Francis would probably support that.

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Another great story, rabbi.

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Gonna link to snopes next?
Your own picture decimated your argument.

Do you have an actual argument to what he said? Or are you that pathetic?

Now I know.

Dumb bitch how delusional are you? They nearly went bankrupt for having to cover that shit up.
This has been going on for decades and there’s figuratively mountains of proof at this point.

Get gassed.

CIDF shill Lads. Yes it has been covered up consistently at the highest levels for years upon years. There is fucking proof in the court systems… WORLDWIDE We also aren't talking just a few here and there- but we are talking about a consistent undercurrent albeit minority of priests that like to fuck altar-boys. Using their "cloak" to hide behind. When you manipulate the mind of a kid and he honestly believes that this man can send you to hell- yeah you sit on that shit for a few years. Usually AFTER the statutes of limitations has run out and the money for the drugs.

A thousand people world wide over 70 years is not difficult to cover up nor is it an astronomical number like your trying to imply moshe

Oh forgot when I made OP- here are a couple of links for your perusal so you can see for yourself what has been going on:

I fear to say that worldwide the number is over a thousand. Hell his Commupopeness was just in fucking Ireland apologizing for all the priests that diddled the kiddies over the YEARS.

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What does "integrating arab muslims into a nonwhite society to deal with the declining birthrate" mean to you if not genocide?

>This integration is all the more necessary today since, as a result of a selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a declining birth rate".
Now answer me: who said this? Was it Barbara Lerner Spectre, Martin Schultz, or Pope Francis?

This is why jews are all of a sudden concerned about the safety of little boys' asses.

I interpret it as meaning jews should get out of Palestine.

You look at these cardinals and priests etc and really who the fuck are they? It's not like they're the intellectual elite or anything?

They're bums. Francis was a fucking bouncer at some Argentine night club ffs. Yeah you're a holy father I'm going to kiss your filthy ring…not.

The Pontifex Maximus was trying to beat the consequences arrayed against him and his Church.
You can't beat Mother Nature, Il Poppa; no one can.

and wasn't he in south america a few months ago apologizing again for the same thing? The no marrying deal just wasn't sustainable.

Considering how much you're defending them, yeah, I believe it cathocuck.

You're wasting your time arguing in good faith with that kike.

You're right. I'm too easily baited.

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You also believe that the Pope is urging Christians to genocide themselves, and that the EU takes orders from the Pope. Not when he orders peace in gaza though. Only when he urges nigger floods.

There wouldn't be a single law that would stop me.

I don't understand Papists, nor the Roman Catholic Church and their Papistry, in my mind it is a heresy. This institution has been corrupt for at least 750 years. These assholes should have been brought to heel by fellow and may I remind you equal Patriarchs a thousand years ago. The fuckers in Rome and their Schism is why we don't have Constantinople.

His Holy Father™ has been reduced to a kiddy diddling worldwide apology tour, how enlightening and soul inspiring. Interesting all of this is coming to light when (((they))) are pushing for pedophilia acceptance.

OP is a faggot
Why don’t you give the original link instead of the twisted and distorted MSM fake news?

He is not a Catholic, but a heretic.

Straw man, nobody claims him being all knowing and infallible

Yeah, surprising.

Maybe it is because there is no evidence, just the word of some individual decades (70years!) after the alleged happenings?

BTW the letter is not about child abuse, but of homosexual networks worming themselves into the Catholic church through seminaries

That is the point, they didn’t complained (most of the alleged cases) because there was no case. Only decades later did some “encouraged” individuals complain at very old age.

That is not to say that there were never cases of child abuse, only there were much much fewer than claimed.
Logically, because then there were much fewer homosexuals in the clergy, then today.

There is evidence or judgments of how many?

If one reads some of the accusations, they are so over the top, they rival holocaust survivor stories.
Good that there were no jews involved in the “investigation”.

Will the next Pope be African?

Checked. Baste niggerpope incoming.

It is truly a wonder how he has not yet been put to death by someone.

they'll elect some coal black nig just to shove it in the minor conservative political resistance's face
gotta show those sinful racist poles, blormpf, putin, and salvini who's boss after all
Francis is already the first non-European pope, hence the liberation theology bullshit straight out of Latin America.

>There are (((people))) ITT defending the Heretic Pope

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Just a little reminder King Nigger and Shillary were instrumental in pressuring Pope Benedict to step down and install this puppet of the lavender mafia in the Vatican.
This all got drowned out by Pizzagate

But that's wrong you retard, Mother Theresa went to shithole countries and tried to help them, didn't pack them by thousands and dropped in civilized places to suck gibs for the rest of their lives.

You seem to be awfully obsessed with gas, please take a deep hit of Zyklon B and rethink your life decisions.

Why are we ignoring the biggest possible thing we could do for this whole shit? Why are we pretending that we aren’t the greatest social power in the world right now? Why are we allowing ourselves to have our own fucking board overtaken by cocksucking kike redditors? Have we lost our fury? Have we lost our will? WHY ARE WE NOT DOING WHAT WE WERE MEANT TO DO?!
Zig Forums should mend the Great Schism

Reminder if Bergoglio steps down the next Pope could be black.

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Still deserves the rope.

Reminder I'd rather have a nigger pope than a kike pope. The current pope is a kike.

Current pope is even worse. He's a faggot. Faggots are the worst of all.

ugh I can't even

Man there is a lot of pope defending in this thread. I've always wondered why in the fuck God would trust men to deliver his message properly, especially after his hippie son got himself killed by them just to prove a point. Makes you wonder why anyone would think the pope is infallible.

And even that kike said no one comes to the father except through him so they are quite frankly subverting their own god's will. Typical kikes.

I wonder who 'persuaded' the previous pontiff, Pope Benedict XV!, to resign in the firtst place?

Who is behind did this "pope switcheroo", and who installed this anti-Pope Francis in the position?

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It could be a female Pope urging Christians to save oppressed womens in China.

Not sure what she would do to stop the sexual crimes. Set up her own police departments so citizens go to them.

no… kikes are far, FAR worse than faggots. what are you talking about.