Christian Father Arrested for Asking Forbidden Question

Christian Father ARRESTED: "At What Point Did Jews Decide To Teach My Kids About Islam?"(KICKED OUT)

Other urls found in this thread:ús_Malverde

Shut it down!


jew at the end "you're a biggot"

When you do stuff like this, its better if you come up well-dressed and have your speech prepared and practiced.
Not that I don't support the man in his efforts, but how one presents themselves can go a long way in this context - anyone other than normalfags won't care how you look, but the normalfags will judge you before you ever speak based upon how you look, and if your speaking isn't that great, then you can use all the help you can get.

Sounds more like he said "youse" while slurring. He has something vaguely positive to say about "Jewish and Christian" religions at the start.

He didn't say jews, he said 'yous'

Based dad.

This shit needs to stop. A pushback is required.
If this man have been kidnapped by ZOGbots, then it begs the question, which are the names of the "authorities" carrying his detention?
What about the educators involved, is there any name for ID?
Would not be wise to begin a list of infamy and collaborators of ZOG?

Serves him right for being a kikeworshipper. As kikes know, you gotta keep your golems in line. If he had the wisdom of odin, he'd know better.

I believe you are the kike.
You are pushing a wedge among White men to divide us.

Christianity is the wedge. Watch. Any Christian answer this question honestly: If you have to save either the white race or Christianity then which would you choose?

What kind of real white man defends kike worship especially on a natsoc basket weaving site? You sound like a cuck. I am fully nordic and the blood of the vikings flows through my veins. I will never cuck to you kike loving homo faggot.

Yeah, this is a larping kike. Hey kike, if you actually knew a damned thing about OUR ancestors, you'd be fucking quoting them to make a point, and acting in a way that actually helped, instead of talking out your ass. Kill yourself nigger, save us the rope.

My DNA test results put me at 100% scandinavian. How fucking white are you? I'm guessing less than 100% because you worship a kike on a stick.

You both would shut up.
Your petty issues and whining don't add anything useful to the cause.
A White man is in distress about his son, that should be sufficient to make you think.

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Why not just answer the question?

The white race.
The christian faith wouldnt even survive without whites. Eithout whites creative and idealistic soul other races would pervert it into something else like the jews have been doing to it for 100 years. The faith literally cannot survive without white people. If it were to be carried predominantly by another race it would become something completely different.

Much like how Hinduism to ancient Aryans was a white mans faith with racial castes but when whites forgot about our differences as we had done such a great job of uplifting them the whole thing vollapsed and now Indians look like they do as a result

So to answer your question shortly the White Race must be preserved not only from a racialistic standpoint and duty standpoint but setting that aside purely from a religious standpoint whites must be saved in order for Christianity, true Christianity, to survive and one day thrive again.

Not even the Japanese are capable enough as tbey dont have the 2k years of breeding it into them. Thats not to say God favors a soul from one race over another simply becuase of their skin color but i believe that the souls of heaven were 99 percent european do our role as leaders of the faith.

You mean a kike worshipper? Yea, you do. And people who worship kikes aren't white. Maybe you should think about that?

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The first Christian to actually have his head on straight..kind of. Impressive.

misleading title
it's unclear if he actually said jews
he wasn't arrested, he was escorted out for refusing to leave the podium when his time ran out
thanks for wasting 2 minutes of my time OP

What kind of cuck are you.

Well played kike.
However it won't work. I and most Whites do not give a damn which God you worship.
We are all one.

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100% Sxandi
Nonsense, if I was worshipping allah or I practiced Judaism, you'd care
Outted yourself as a lefty but I'm the kike.

Top KEK. Heil Odin.

lol Jews aren't Israelites, they're Edomites. Why the fuck do you believe what Jews tell you about their own history? When Jesus returns all non-whites will be thrown in the Lake of Fire

nice try faggot kike, how many dicks have you sucked today?

You're a faggot and a retard for believing the (((mainstream))) version of Christianity. The KJV is absolute shit, the churches are all heretical, and all non-whites are literal demons. Anyone who doesn't accept the true racist testament of the correctly translated Bible is probably non-white himself

Born and raised Catholic here, I think its a trick question because Christianity historically developed and evolved in white countries, they are one and the same. When missionaries introduce christianity to non-whites, they change it based on their cultures. But if you had to press me, I will say the White Race, hands down.

I went to a spanish mass once dragged along by my dad It was incredibly uncomfortable being the the only 4 white people in a crowded church with at least a hundred mexican-americans…

Not only that, but they had dancers dressed in some tribal attire looked styled around mayan / aztec imagery synthetic grass skirts and wooden noise making bracelets / anklets.

This experience alone made me realize how important race was, before it was;

But even the white majority masses are bad in liberal areas, on another occasion, we went to a Christmas Mass in Las Vegas. It was way too long and boring, the priest had us do a candle lighting / fire thing outside, then we sat in a cafeteria room one of those modern "churches"… yay and they had a play about Genesis narrated by three women who spoke God's bit….. Yea….

We have to keep focus, corrupt (((individuals))) and their white assets can degenerate us and introduce more failure into our society.

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>You're a faggot and a retard for believing the (((mainstream))) version of Christianity. The KJV is absolute shit, the churches are all heretical, and all non-whites are literal demons. Anyone who doesn't accept the true racist testament of the correctly translated Bible is probably non-white himself
THe mainstream version is less kiked than old strains like orthodox which is basically a sister religion to judaism, even the buildings of worship are the same. You would consider than based. Asatru is the real religion of the white man, kike.

Christianity is exclusive to whites, as all non-whites (read, non true Israelites) will be destroyed. Only white people have souls, only white people can have eternal life. Fuck off Catholic

Kill yourself Satanist. All deities of other "faiths" are actually demons



Technically this is true, "Jews" are people that descend from the Tribe / Patriarch "Judah".

"Israel" is the name for "Joseph" and his tribe.
err, you're wrong on that, they are "Semites" because they are descended from "Shem", one of Noah's three sons.

If you're a kike, but as we know, kikes dont tell the truth. do you take so called kike truth and take it to us as aryan truth? i don't think you are aryan.

Props & best regards for this WOKE Christian dad. He knows who his enemy is.

If there must be Christians then we need more like him.

pic unrelated

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Christians can't be white. Christianity turn whites nonwhite though epigenetics. THe rituals make them Jewish.

hes already lost user? You gonna go save him?

-black steps out of line , gets shot
-white steps out of line gets arrested.

whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

He shouldnt of had his kid near jews. Its his fault. Any decent white person knows this. Go ahead save him. Or realize that you need to support people that already know whats going on. When you wait for something bad to happen its already too late.

Shut up lying kike. Jews are the the descendants of the first Jew, Cain. Jews started the "we wuz israelites" meme by infiltrating Judean society around the time of Jesus.
Kill yourself redditor

les tips

Wild christ cuck spotted

one more thing:
california is dead, there are no white people there , only jews

>lmao look how redpilled I am guys! I just said all my ancestors were all evil demon worshippers for the tens of thousands of years they were following their native European faith before my specific brand of (((YHWH))) worship was fabricated in the backwater Jewish "Holy Land" and distributed

hello kike, enjoy this shitty meme and a (you). Fuck I'll even throw in a 10 minute stay in our Super Sauna! Be careful though, our special patented "exfoliating steam" can make j- I mean humans lightheaded!

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going to need a band-aid for this edge. Churchianity types who love other races are not real Christians, just like how Muslims who don't bomb shit aren't real Muslims

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This is an easy filter, you actually know nothing about Christianity if you spout like this;
Animals have souls and feelings

If you were to debate a "Jew", wouldn't it be easier to use his own ancient texts against him? If I were to debate a Jew and say;


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The retarded heretics are out in force tonight

True white Christianity has already won, Satanist

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Good Pic user, I was about to post it.
Watch this video for everyone. Dont assume that it's defending Jews, its actually MORE defamation against "Jews".

Watch the video at least.

looks like a jew nose tbh


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Another easy D&C filter. Watch vids;

You cant fight your enemy if you don't know them. And you dont even know the truth about Odin and his sons.


Meanwhile I have important things to do.
By the way, my respects to Jesus Christ and Odin.

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Non-whites are animals

Sorry, but if you worship (((YHWH))) - you are the demon worshipper here.

You're not part of Abraham's blessing. You do the deeds of your ancestor JUDAH. A man who impregnated his son's wife! And turned on his own brother! Joseph.

You never had Abraham's blessing, and you never will. Your God has cast you aside for your sins.

You are an animal, I am an animal, do you even know what classifies as an animal and what does not? Because me and you both fit the bill.

Says the heretic who thinks animals have souls

If you think humans have souls, then you think animals have souls - because humans ARE animals.

Im keeping an open mind, so I am currently watching this. Pretty good so far

Literally no difference

You forget the gay monotheistic worship of (((YHWH))).

animals are more human than certain sub human types which are more demonic beast

Captain Planet
He's our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero
He's our power, magnified
and he's fighting on the planet's side
The Power is yours

You don't get it. "Animal" is a scientific term used to describe all eukaryotic organisms that have a digestive tract.

Not clear he said "jews'. (I hope he did)

You're retarded. I know that a lot of protestants say that animals don't have souls, I can't remember if catholics do too. but you're either:

1: lying to yourself so you can fit into your pastor-senpai's church.
2: A complete sociopath.

Just look at one of the dogs that those islamic pigs have tortured to death in the middle east and tell yourself "yeah, it's just an automaton, this is totally fine." If you believe it, you're insane. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going full PETA and saying all animals should be saved and we should go vegan or something. I'm saying that Humans > Animals in almost all situations, If there is a .0000001% chance that torturing an animal with strange chemicals could provide a cure for Timmy's asthma, fucking do it. But don't lie to yourself and say that the suffering you're seeing isn't real. Instead give thanks that God values you so much that he created other beings to suffer and die for you so your life will be easier. It's almost like Christ being the LAMB of God has some meaning to it or something.

Im referring to the behaviour, the spectrum of empathy of some human and non human animals vs subhuman heathens

Terrible way to look at things. He's wrong for denying the suffering of animals - but you're wrong for saying that animals are just a resource to be exploited. In my mind, non-human-animal abusers should be hanged publicly, and our beautiful ecosphere ought to be preserved, not burnt in the fires of industry.

Or that animals have a raw deal getting tortured by the hybrids left behind from ancient aliens

Behavior means nothing when classifying organisms. Physical traits are what matters.

Thats a trick question faggot, Christianity is white.

He's attacking moslems, you stupid faggot. He says "at what time did you's decided to teach my kids about Islam?" Not 'jews'. The dude even goes as far as cucking for jews, pointing out that Christianity and judaism have been forcibly removed from schools, where Islam has not. He's a diversity-minus-Islam normalfag. Nothing to do with jews.

False. Why are you arguing technicalities like a faggot, do you really want to see who can sit on the smallest pin? Good job circle jerking your animal classification even though you know what the fuck hes talking about. Way to derail the thread entirely. If I hadnt gotten into an argument with some fag about this earlier I wouldnt be bothering to post. Theres a clear difference between humans and animals. Theres also plenty of reasons to classify behaviors as a determining trait in differences to other species. It doesnt mean nothing, it just means nothing to you.

I never said animals are "just a resource" while their use AS a resource is valuable and required for our current society to function. That doesn't mean they are simply a resource. They should be treated with kindness whenever possible, and I agree that animal abuse is a fucking travesty, but that depends on your definition of "abuse" is.
I don't see animal testing as "abuse" because it serves a quantifiable purpose, to further medical knowledge and potentially save lives. However those aforementioned sandniggers that cut up dogs just for the fun of it? Hang 'em.

Just because animals are here for our benefit doesn't mean we have the right to be cruel to them.

Soft cunt. I'm lobbying for battery cattle.

Good man.

He says something wrong so I corrected his mistake.
That's like saying
Doberman Pinschers are dogs, and humans are animals.
No there are not. Not when genetic analysis exists.

Such anthropocentric hubris coming from a religion of believers that profess to be humble
My view is that other options must be searched for constantly. Hitler banned vivisection for a reason.

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Genesis 1:28
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I agree with you somewhat, other options should be searched for, but until that day comes where we no longer need animal testing, we shouldn't put a halt to progress and just twiddle our thumbs. We have the ability to improve human lives right now, fucking do it.

Which God?

no. jews are race mixed bastards descended from Esau, brother of Jacob, whom race mixed with Cannanites and created the Edomites. These Edomites infiltrated the White city of Judea and appropriated their name. The Greek geographer Strabo told you this in 200BC, but you don't know classical history and parrot jewish horseshit because muh low effort.

Kek. See? He couldn't be happier.

Based on what? I tend to believe something similar, but whenever I talk to any christian about it, it's always the: all are equal before god stuff and "there is neither jew, nor greek". What made you come to this conclusion? That sort of thinking could be very valuable for getting the already religious on our side.ús_Malverde
big difference between christians and demons

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How satisfying would it feel to break the kikes face with your fist who shouted "Ur a bigut!!!!" at the end? I'd probably cum right in my pants.

I doubt that. Vikings sailed elsewhere, and you're the bastard son of bards and poets.

Well, so are you. But he probably has more Viking blood than you.


Normans = Vikings, and the Normans conquered England. England conquered America. Even my Anglo-Celtic ass is largely Viking.

And then they returned with what they either bartered or raided/looted. That was the point of it, you boob.

Legendary. I bet if he didn't look like an extra in an anti-white neo Nazi film and too "masculine" they would've let him go on a bit longer. With these propagandized lemmings if you want to successfully alter opinions you must ALWAYS have to do a subtle slow burn or they will jump on you as they did here (pretty much how propaganda works). But besides that, more people should do this, they should sacrifice their self image for the truth, it's a shame his children will have to suffer because of this.

Normans also conquered parts of Russia. And Sicily. And parts of modern day Syria.

The thing is Normans never or at least rarely mixed. Their legacy of conquest doesn't amount to much because the nations, in every instance, resembled the pre-Normans far more than their conquerors. In England and America this is especially true because of the Baron's Revolt removing an awful lot of what was 'Norman' from English law and culture, and making it far more resemblant of the Anglo-Saxon-Jute 'Germanics'.

You ain't a viking son.


The word biggot gets thrown around all the time, it's lost all meaning.

It actually means a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, so basically that woman

Bigot. Bi Gott. By God.

French insult used towards the English because the English repeatedly rejected them for their faggotry. Developed characteristics of 'hypocrisy', so it would be derisive by insinuating that despite their protestations; the insulted was not actually as pious as their rebukes made them seem.


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This is good! If we can get one person in every local district naming the Jew we will be well on our way to uprooting them from their seats of power.

Like clockwork this thread attracted a kike larping as a pagan and condemning Christians. Every fucking time they attempt the religious D&C angle. These goddamn sheenies cannot help themselves and they are blatantly obvious about it.

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There are a lot of SALTY SALTY KIKES in this thread.

Never trust a Pharisee Jew, buddy. Christ told you that straight to your face and you didn't believe him. If you haven't woken up to whom Jew Pharisee Paul was you are behind the curve it is very important to distinguish between faggot KIKE TEACHING and Jesus EUROPEAN VALUES and TEACHING. Paul was the High Priest of Mithras and a faggot who bathed in blood, just saying you better get your shit together and remove yourself from the KIKE Farsi/Pharisee teaching as fast as you can, it isn't like lying is some sort of new thing for the kikes…they lied back then as much as they do now and that kike fuck Paul/Saul spends all his time in the NT lying like a fucking fool. Look at the lies in Act first when he tells his story to WHITE GENTILE Luke, who records them for you. Do the people on the road to Damascus get up, fall down hear or not hear…he tells his kike lies three times and each time is different. Once you can see that you will see that all that fucking kike does is LIE through the entire OT.

Act 23:6
Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, "My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead."

So, a KIKE PHARISEE, but even the statements he makes to other FUCKING KIKES are LIES. He wasn't on trial for the hope of the resurrection of the dead. All that man does is lie, it is like a compulsion.

Acts 22:3
"I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but raised in this city. I was educated at the feet of Gamaliel in strict conformity to the Law of our fathers. I am just as zealous for God as any of you here today.

Philippians 3:5
"I myself could have such confidence. If anyone else thinks he has grounds for confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin; a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee;"

Well which is the lying kike? A jew or a benjamite? Fucking kike lies everytime he opens his mouth.

Matthew 16:7
6 “Watch out!” Jesus told them. “Beware of the yeast [teaching] of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” 7 They discussed this among themselves and concluded, “It is because we did not bring any bread.” 8 Aware of their conversation, Jesus said, “You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread?…

John 5:43
For I have come to you in my Father's name, and you have rejected me. Yet if others come in their own name, you gladly welcome them.

Do you understand why these KIKE Pharisees 'bathe in the blood of the cattle'? Just asking if you KNOW YOUR ENEMY?

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