sup Zig Forums
I usually only browse halfchan, buuuuut:
note that they posted cp in the thread on /b/, but in no other thread, they re just covering it up
there was also one guy in the thread I made (wrong link btw), real thread number was 183671456, you can find it
who shilled imediately on it, and reported it so it would get deleted, even though some actual cp had been found
I need your helf infinichan
They nuke every pedo thread except the HTG threads made by Knowledgebomb/Frank who started larping as Q
The pedowood threads got me a month ban. Ever since the James Gunn firing the site has been over run by Israeli posters.
I am phoneposting with safari, if you dont know that means you cant get banned
you get a new ip every time you switch on and off mobile navigation, or every 1 or two minutes if you dont
so I can make threads without fearing the mods there, but still, spread it everywhere you can
make threads on plebbit, etc, in case the 8ch mods cover it up too
Why are most of the images removed on the archive? Kinda was hoping to see what it's about without actually going through Tumblr and looking at cp.
It's weird, Tumblr is probably the easiest source of cp or jailbait because it's aimed at young girls, and given an outlet some are eventually going to put naked pics of themselves online. The chans and other sites like rebbit have gone through so much trouble to remove anything even close to questionable, and I've luckily never even seen cp on any Tor sites. But then you go on one of the largest and most popular websites and it's readily available, barely even hidden.
Fucking hell user, wp1488lovee is one helluva moniker
Also any ways of doxing Tumblr accounts? Most are probably made with temporary email addresses, but some are probably dumb enough to include personal info/emails.
While we all knew this for years, if you have some undeniable proof tied to them directly it could be lulzy.
go to the /b/ thread archive
4chan mods are so cucked its not even funny…fuck those pedo loving pieces of shit.
Definitely a start, but it won't guarantee they get a fbi visit. The mod(s) who did this are gonna write it off as "I thought it was cp" or a raidthread. Good to see some pol mods don't seem corrupted like b mods.
we definitely need to stay here for this, cuckchan mods are already looking for a reason to lay waste to the board
Reminder that Zig Forums was build on the foundation of severely under-clothed, underage cuties who were dominating the landscape. Much like 4chan had daily pedo threads from day one. Much like the whole underground chan infrastructure was build so that cute little girls could be freed from the burden of wearing too many clothes. Just sayin'
Bullshit. This site was here long before gamergate and it didn't tolerate shit like that. For a long time furries wearn't even allowed.
Back at it's start it didn't allow alot of porn, even furries. It banned for posting of clothed children. This was before the exodus.
I want to see them try to delete the b board. That would result in endless chaos for them.
have you even read the Op?
the 4chan mods deleted every single thread they saw on it even though no cp was posted there
Some pol threads are still up. It says so in the op. I hoped there were some holdouts in the pol mod squad.
I AM the Op, I know two threads are still up, but they deleted several ones already; the first one
I dont know how their mod teams work, sometimes they can let threads up on for a very long time, but I can almost guarantee you they ll delete those two eventually, that is if they dont die down
Clearly you weren't here. Zig Forums allowed pedo boards and any content that didn't seem to be illegal. At some point (post-gamergate) they were purged.
Well I could post the the backups (screenshots), but alas that's illegal nowadays, because someone loves to withhold history, to keep the truth under lock down, to prevent inconvenient opinions to spread, to abuse censorship for cleaning up past mistakes. Who could it be?
Yeah, I remember the boards. They were some of the most popular before they were taken down. It was usually kids swimsuit pics, shit like that, the type of things you'd see on Toddlers & Tiaras.
They still have that type of content on cuteboys.
It was just the girls boards that got nuked.
sounds like even the chans arent safe from the pedos then. the fuck do we have to do to keep the internet free of these assholes?
My suggestion would be for the authorities to provide a big server with all the CP ever made available for free.
But you have to register as a sex offender to be given access.
kill them.
well I cannot beleive the amount of hard-core cheese pizza on tumblr , disgusting
Yeah, we know. Fuck off if you’re just now learning this.
Can you idiots stop for a fucking second?
I cant believe some people really believe 8ch is in any way better than 4chan
listen there is a PEDOPHILE RING on TUMBLR
keywords here
so why dont we, go aroung and fuck with TUMBLR because we can?
we should unite with 4chins /pol and burn tumblr to the ground
I saw the tumblr shit and am currently recovering from a light vomit session. How is it there isn't AI programs that can find and ban this shit?
Just pointing out that they wearn't gone yet, so I had some hope.
You can even look back with a shitty site archive tool right before the big exodus and there wasn't a single pedo board. I never saw it.
Its been known about for a decade and nobody has made much impact before.
Maybe the site owners have good connections to the authorities.
thats the spirit
Well fuck. I never saw it, and I don't want to see it posted in screencap. I just remember before the exodus that shit as nowhere to be found, and it seemed there was an attitude against it.
please leave
user, are you a fucking pedo? WTF would we want to encourage pdeophilia in our society?
They did have boards but it wasnt really CP it was underwear models and that type of thing.
As I mentioned earlier they still allow that type of content now on cuteboys. Its just girls that are banned.
The AI are weak to their programming. Whoever programs them controls their agenda. Kikes are all about CP that is why SCOTUS pushes it so hard in the USA and why Scalia was murdered (because he pushed back).
Generally after people watch porn their libido goes down not up.
If that system saved just a few hundred kids from getting molested it would be worthwhile I think.
Yeah bro, we've known that for a very long time.
most pedos are faggots anyways so I guess it doesnt really bother them
you guys are literally less productive than cripple chan this board is complete shit it seems
come on do something
Fuck off, you goddamn retards.
We need to exterminate them as parasites in society user…they don't need coddling.
Fair point, I just don't see why a vigilante program hasn't been created.
Makes you wonder how much money those kikes got for doing that to their kid
In my system they would all be registered on a list so it would be easier to do that.
That is like saying that if I tie up a child to the back of a car and drag him through the streets in faggotville it would be worthwhile because it would draw out all the faggot predators. Technically true but a waste of time, the kike government we are under already knows every single person who is into CP but they protect them because they enjoy this type of kike predation and torture of humanity. I just don't have much use for your suggestion because I consider it to be enabling something that is deviant and deserves death.
gays molest their kids, and often the molested kids become fucked up and do the same
its how they reproduce
Reading that thread was painful, the absolute state of cuckchan. The shills on that thread, particularly the weebs have the same obnoxious posting style and outsider/tryhard feel to them as the ones here.
Why are you here if you support censorship?
No that attitude was carefully planted by the alphabet clowns. We started the chans to connect the world, a place where everything goes, which was total anarchy and let to us being creatively offensive. There was no taboo, which brought the pedos to the table, who got their fare share of followers, haters, spammers, white knights. This of course was pure entertainment so everyone chipped in and fucked with the newfags, who could easily be riled up by Pedobear spreading obnoxious jokes. This shamefully attracted just too much attention, so the mods kept pushing the pedo threads to the last page, because they were just too omnipresent. Around this time the pedos took the hint and 12chan was created, which gave us an even more entertaining war between chans. Then the Nazi's rolled in with their censorship panzers and here we are in 2018.
Nope lots of nudist stuff and nude modelling too.
Mods moved thread to 4 /bant/
A lot of tumblr porn blogs were complaining that they made a change so that porn would show up less in followers feeds & harder to search for.
I wonder if it was an intentional move to help hide cp and other shit, not just a pg common user friendly alteration…
bull shit, they have to be bot accounts or something
80% of predators are faggs so we need to get rid of them first. When we're done eradicating them from the face of planet earth it will be extremely easy to round up on remaining 20% of pedos.
Shortly before the depfile bust earlier this year, the biggest forums had countless threads with 3-4 million viewers. I really would love to get my hands on the depfile traffic data to see just how gigantic the interest rate is.
Also if you don't believe the numbers have a little read on this…
And after you got your mind blown you should ask yourself why information like this is only found on wikileaks.
Places and people change for better and worse, user.
You only need a little bit of censorship, an ocean full of fear propaganda and a bunch of children to put in the line of fire…and all that for money. Isn't it great to be part of a better future?
don't do that
user there is something wrong with you for even having that filth on your computer. Just so you know I didn't get past the first couple lines of the first image. You need to delete that filth off your computer. It is not good or healthy to have it in your possession. At some point I have to wonder who the pedo is on this thread.
nah dude I just browse 4/pol/
there s a reason why everyone there is a genocidal maniac
Is there anyone else who is sick of everything being "pizza"? Sometimes you just want a fucking slice.
Well you can start with the jews. I have never found one in all my research of them individually that was not a faggot or a pedo or a felon or all three. They are all part of the Homosexual Occult Theocracy that rules the earth…formalized 'religions' of 'Islam' and 'Christianity' are part of that demonic horde as well. Basically anyone who is part of the Pharisee/Farsi pedo/homo cults is not worth saving. They have voluntarily bound themselves to an institution that is rife with pedo/homos and they need to die with their masters.
I was a genocidal maniac long before I saw that. ETHNO-GLOBE is the only solution but it didn't take that shit to get me there…just normal everyday kike machinations. I am just saying you might want to jettison that shit. It isn't healthy for you or for anyone here.
someone post links to the tumblr cp already
After investigating this for a while, it becomes clear what this is all about. It's easy enough to create a Tumblr account in less than five minutes, to the tech illiterate a site like Tumblr that asks for little info is seen as secure even though it is owned by Yahoo. The unfriendly search engine, sheer size and traffic of the site as well as the tagging system makes it easier to hide shit at plain sight. Many of them either do not use tags or have developed their own words to refer to certain content. It gives idiots a false sense of anonymity but most of them are rather blatant.
Obviously the authorities are well aware of what's going on and they are using Tumblr as a honeypot to catch anyone who might drop too much information about themselves but ultimately, the temporary nature of these blogs makes it harder to do much about it.
You could drive attention to this much like it happened with Youtube but it would do little other than making people aware of the situation on both ends. The blogs would scramble and reorganize until the mob cools down and end up being back to business.
Go fuck yourself disgusting pedo kike faggot piece of shit.
4chan is the pedo pandoras box, you open it you are a pedo
stop being a pedo and hanging out with pedos on 4chan. And stop watching cartoons you weeb
That looks like a troll job m8. And you're falling for it.
Your threads were probably deleted for being spam.
4chan mods are also the feds… so yeah pedos
Because heaven forbid we already have this thread.
take a chill pill. how is anyone supposed to investigate this if you can't even ask for links.
i want to believe you but the threads you link dont show any proof, wtf do you want help with exactly?
It's blatant censorship and idiots like OP are feeding the ones wielding it…until they come for Zig Forums (which could happen any day now) and OP is left with only a dumb look on his face.
I fucking hate that place, but the kikes that owns it even more
He needs help building slides for the kids, silly.
Let me guess, they”re some boomer parents sharing pics of their kids?
Anyway children promote them self just for the attention, check youtube.
From the /b/ thread last night
Pick a user and head down the dark pathway
How are the SJW folks there not bitching up a fucking storm? I thought they were vocally and VEHEMENTLY against this thing. Anybody want to show this to bigwig leftists?
This post gets deleted for advertising CP content in 3… 2… 1…
This is why you only investigate it for useful information with software ensuring that no images will be shown. I wouldn't visit this shit in the first place as you will have hardly any benefits from that and only possible consequences for looking up this shit. If anyone visited those tumblrs outside of TOR or a genuinely honest and proven VPN they are fucking retarded but it's good. Retarded pedo is a better pedo. However, best pedos are the dead ones
I rather thought anons would have some security knowledge. I would not have posted but anons kept screeching for proofs. I'm running under a live boot and an alternative wifi source while searching through this shit show.
Can someone give me a tumblr name?
Scared, Tumblr?
guys its confirmed its all real
the literal pedos running this shit found this thread and put out a copyright claim to shut it down
the post that was removed was a screencap of the /b/ thread (look for the archive in the Op) that cited a bunch of pedo tags/ names on tumblr
Yep, even their Zig Forums board is infested with the shit. And if you report it, you get banned.
Main reason I migrated here. Once the mods not only allow, but support and protect pedo's sharing fap material. Then it's better to just stay away. Shame, since there was a lot going on there.
Copyright on fucking chans? wew the fucking corruption holy shit, i fucking hate the elites
I found that odd
ok i found a tumblr im posting it on twitter
i'd love nothing more than to sift through all the tumblrs and get more names but im pretty sure i will get picked up if i spend another second on those pages
Numbers are also available here whenever mods don't delete it.
Japan is run by Nazis and people have a hard time believing:
After tons of (((international))) pressure
In many Muslim countries it is normal for women to get married at age 9 and basically hundreds of millions living in these places see it as normal and fine and don't see a reason trying to criminalize it. Faggots however are extremely harmful to the functioning of society so they get killed when caught.
Should we get this shit to the FBI?
They already run /b/. They know and actively don’t give a shit. Are you fucking retarded? “Should we tell the FBI about their own child porn ring?” The same FBI that didn’t kill hillary for treason?
it is rampant, now the question arises, what can be done to combat this? Honestly, this shit is nothing compared to the information shared via encrypted messengers.