Where can I watch Alex Jone's old videos now?

I want to watch the video where Alex Jones calls out Sandy Hook as a hoax, but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone have a link/MP4?

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Fuck off shill


Attached: 94fcd11ce842c5963f2160e98f442ac3450b9c6e8dc2f1ee7fe032ff4c6568bc.png (347x436 160.93 KB, 30.32K)


T. scared jew

Fine. Reported, then.

Like clockwork
Fuck off Jew

Reported for shilling for jewish controlled opposition.

You're lucky we didn't gas you

Reported for shilling for jewish controlled opposition.

jews aren't scared of Alex Jonestein.

Attached: Alex Jones - We are a JUDEO-Christian Nation.mp4 (1024x768 610.6 KB, 196.44K)

I'll fuck your kike wife


My wife is neither jewish nor transgender, sorry.

You are scum, jew

Attached: image.png (691x710, 575.72K)


Your thread is anchored because you are a paid jewish shill. Commit suicide immediately, paid jewish shill. No one here supports alex jones.

whats sad is the amount of rape and torture these poor retards undergo in pissrael.

The problem with calling Alex Jones paid opposition is that jews are notoriously stingy and the mainstream news already works as a good control vector so why would they mess with it?

You're nothing but a little cockroach waiting to be squashed, you filthy, disgusting, rat jew.

Attached: image.jpeg (500x673, 152.14K)

Read the Protocols.


Attached: Alex Jones Protocols.jpg (620x413, 65.02K)

They delete content for “hate speech.” Someone said “gas the kikes race war now” and his account and videos were deleted.

Being this jew

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All of your posts have been paid shilling. We saw through you instantly. Your thread is anchored because we know you are a paid shill. No one here supports your zionist puppet.

Go drink Marissa Minx's bone broth, Mossodomite.

Attached: 1535361569742.jpg (640x640, 278.78K)

Hush now little kike, your times almost up :)

Drink my semen like the kike you are goyim

All of your posts have been paid shilling. We saw through you instantly. Your thread is anchored because we know you are a paid shill. No one here supports your zionist puppet.

Hush you insignificant little jew, hush
Daddy wants a suck

good thing Alex didn't say that

All of your posts have been paid shilling. We saw through you instantly. Your thread is anchored because we know you are a paid shill. No one here supports your zionist puppet.

Yeah, “good” thing, huh.

Insignificant Rat jew

All of your posts have been paid shilling. We saw through you instantly. Your thread is anchored because we know you are a paid shill. No one here supports your zionist puppet.

Rex, is that you?

It's almost sad, little jew boy

Hush little filthy juden

All of your posts have been paid shilling. We saw through you instantly. Your thread is anchored because we know you are a paid shill. No one here supports your zionist puppet.

Your thread is anchored. You’re not bumping anything. You’re done.

Do you have anything other than bad deception tactics in your arsenal, little jew?

Attached: image.jpeg (587x618, 68.82K)

No little jew boy, you're done. It's over for your entire pathetic leech race.

I like the t-shirts and products they sell….

tiny jew always has to have the last word, eh?

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They're not sending their best

Bitchute, nigger!