We Are Winning


We are winning. In ways that ten years ago would have been inconcievable. The President of the United States promotes white genocide narrative. Comments sections have to be destroyed or we totally own them. The entire tech industry and media empire has turned hundreds of millions of dollars of shills, algorithms, autobans, libel and they're still losing. The Jew is being named everywhere. Millions of whites entirely endorse our perspective. The radical right is making huge gains in almost every European election. We have Britbongs and Germans marching in the streets and fighting police over migrant invasion.

The fire rises. Post your whitepills.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Call me when average Americans want a true fascist society.

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Correct; he seeks white genocide just like everyone else in government. 50,000,000 illegal spics ALONE remain in the country. Trump refuses to deport them.

They can't even get the first posts anymore.

A jew got the first post. Put a bullet in your head, redditor. We don’t support fascism and we don’t support zionist shills.


Get on track and post whitepills motherfuckers, ignore the cunts


I’m on Zig Forums, redditor. Get with the fucking program.

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now we simply need to mate and produce offspring by the dozens.

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posting pics of mestizos… boy winning threads sure bring out the shills

The “alt-right” are controlled opposition, everyone from Richard Spencer to (((Michael Peinovich))), Andrew Anglin, (((Weev))), Christopher Cantwell, Patrick Little, Paul Nehlen, Identity Evropa, Red Ice, Jared Taylor, etc. Charlottesville was one of many events designed to make genuine white nationalists and National Socialists look bad. TRS push the “9/11 was done by Mudslimes” narrative ffs, why would anyone trust these people? The e-celebs of duh moooooovement are only in it for the money, hence why they constantly try to solicit donations just to host podcasts.

I’m almost certain William Luther Pierce delivered a speech talking about these types of people many years ago. But anyway, sage for alt-kike thread.

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is that cp?
srs question, do boobless girls need to be filtered from showing where their boobs would be?

…s schau'n auf's Hackenkreuz voll Hoffung schon Millionen;
der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an..

Attached: hakenkreuz fakel mit gebrochener kette.PNG (475x361, 146.48K)

checked but also hidden

clearly jewggle doesn't think so

We ARE Fascism you ignorant nigger.

Go back to reddit. Zig Forums doesn’t support civic nationalism. You know nothing.

yeah no shit, faggot. keep trying to ignore the part about how the 11 million americans are thinking though

who cares. ignore the triple sage faggot

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As for a good whitepill, ive heard lots of normies having converstions with other normies about south africa. The smarter ones have looked into the numbers and know the press is lying.

((( )))
Nice (((D&C))), but they look white to me.

trumps tweet definitely made a big impact on public perception / overton window

nice (((unrelated to the thread post)))

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What a fucking toxic faggot


That happens when people stop hiding power level. Stop hiding, go full 14/88.

Yeah im sorry, he wasnt even trying…

Someone should swap out the enclave symbol for the hakenkreuz for me. Id very much appreciate it.

Hahaha get fucked jew

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I have to my private friend circle. Half now sympathize if not outright agree. The other half are horrified but can't argue with me because they have nothing

This is a NatSoc Board you fucking lowest possible IQ nigger.
GTFO now!

Attached: Get in the noose.png (1000x1000, 206.28K)

I was simply stating what needed to be said. Also, you will be surprised just how many latin Americans are white nationalists… many even from mixed backgrounds.

Lurk two years

On this. Sorry im retarded today. Low on.sleep

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They can be national socialists for their own people and there is a nobility in that; but they'll never be part of white nationalism you bean.

wh…what exactly do "we" support, then?

Just wear the badge with honor


umm excuse me sweetie is that an actual normalfag buzzword that you just used? gonna have to report you

jeez seriously come on with this topic

Attached: Germania 2.webm (960x540, 13.48M)

NatSoc is derived from fascism retard faggot.

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Good shit



Reported for horsefucker.

Thwy both kill niggers like you


No, fascism supports niggers. You know nothing and have outed yourself. Do not post for two years.

Kill yourself 0.02

Great argument. Thanks for proving me right.

Fuck off specific-microaggresor-nigger

Attached: Screenshot_20180826-230047_My Boy! Free.jpg (1182x223, 111.25K)

Great argument. Thanks for proving me right. You know nothing and have outed yourself. Do not post for two years.

Many beaners are as much as 70% European meaning in 3 generations time, any cross-contamination could be near completely bred out.

We aren't living in the 40's anymore, a lot of damage has been done. So long as the jew is exterminated, putting more weight on what a person identifies as vs what their retard parents engaged in should be something worth consideration.
There are very few pure Aryans anymore. Even on Stormfront, you'll find NatSoc's open to the idea of racial identity over racial purity.
I'd prefer not to abandon any of our volk due to their transgressions of their retard parents. Of course, nigger blood is an automatic disqualification and I don't need to mention jews because they can no longer exist, ever.

the dictionary definition of fascism is "going into a thread and saging (10) times with obvious kikery"

Attached: rise of adolf hitler webm.webm (848x477, 14.9M)

You even type like a fucking yid

Attached: Screenshot_20180826-224523_My Boy! Free.jpg (1027x670, 362.4K)


Great argument. Thanks for proving me right. You know nothing and have outed yourself. Do not post for two years.

I am ok with an alliance toward seperate ethnostates. Beaners can help us fight the jew but in the end they must create their own nation. If they want to purge the azteca and use genetic engineering to restore their purity that's on them.

Le bump ×9000

Thanks, moishe.

This is already half way to the 10% tipping point for an idea. if we take it as fact that the white population of the USA is around 200million, when the boomers die off we'll be that much closer to it.

Hey guys, I found the "final" solution to our troll here.

Attached: dontfeedthetroll.PNG (967x115, 10.66K)

Im sorry, is this your board that you own?

I will take your advice

whitepill: d60d9 thinks he's even fooling even a single person with this - this is the level of intellect of the opposition; asses and elbows tier spam

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Cry more, reddit.

That’s cute.

Reminder that you have no argument, cannot refute what I said, and that fascism is not national socialism. Zig Forums does not support zionists.

It's the least we can do for them after they took in our forefathers after the "not so great" war.

I believe this is what our friend is having a problem with you all over, read up. There is a distinction between fascism and national socialism.

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i'm okay with an ethnoglobe that is then divided into multiple ethnostates. i cant see any scenario in which nonwhites would at all be any type of valuable help with anything.

make sure you get his coworker 082fd8

Attached: ten principles of national socialist thought.png (1332x971, 188.2K)

Patrick Little is not alt right and explicitly does not identify as that. All he does is go outside and expose the crimes of the Jews. There is nothing wrong with this and this world would be a much better place if we had 1000 people like Patrick who stopped bitching and just went outside and named the Jew!

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> trying to (((D&C)))
Even among Abos, there are some with a white parent and they are hardcore white nationalists. Met a few of them through Zig Forums and fashy FB group.

White genocide is real but we can use the same tactic to genocide non-whites! This is how white nationalism has been growing globally.

Reported for supporting white genocide.

Work on reading comprehension.

nice. thanks user

This, I'm tired of fuckfaces who've never read the Doctrine of Fascism and not understand that Hitler was inspired by Mussolini (who was then inspired by Hitler) and even old Benito shifted to a race based policy after being in charge of the Italian Social Republic. Had the axis won the war, Italy would've continued that route. These guys were trailblazers and were literally creating third positionism from scratch (other than its roots in Sparta and Roman Empire, obviously).

The idea that:

Is both wrong and disrespectful to the origins of third positionism.

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if you're trying to promote "bleaching" then you get the rope too
thanks gave me a good kek

Attached: living in hitler's germany.png (1383x688 220.76 KB, 285.3K)

No, the picture refers to fascism (civic nationalism) not being the same as national socialism (ethnonationalism).


Here on Zig Forums we know white genocide is real, which is why we can use the same tactics on our surrounding countries, primarily: Mexico, Canada and Cuba. In one generation we can make a huge demographic shift!

Get with the fucking pogrom.

You're a fucking jackass.


Not an argument. They’re not the same. Only redditors don’t comprehend this.

D&C shill spotted.
Sperg over fascism or not later.
First we have to think of the racial struggle and our imminent extinction.

You have a point user.

Attached: George_Lincoln_Rockwell_American_National_Socialism.jpg (489x276, 54.98K)

Reported. Fascism (civic nationalism) is not the same as national socialism (ethnonationalism).

That's false, either you're a moron or pretending to be over. You could not have national socialism without fascism. You are literally stormfront tier with how reductionist you are. I seriously reccomend you read a lot more or just fucking leave this site, completely. Ignorant skinheads do more harm than good to our movement.

what ethnicity is an American?

white. all others are illegitimate citizens

A horsefucker shoots your opinion itsel fin the foot, I respect you and your opinion less, because you are a horsefucker, with horsefucker pictures in your hdd.
I disagree on principle.

No… you said ethnicity, not race.

You DO know what ethnicity you are, right? It's not like you're a mutt or something. For example, I'm Basque, not one drop of Anglo or the like.

~zum letzten Mal wird Sturmalarm geblasen~
~Zum kampfe stehn' wir alle schon bereit~

No… you said ethnicity, not race.

You DO know what ethnicity you are, right? It's not like you're a mutt or something. For example, I'm Basque, not one drop of Anglo or the like.

It's reality, not a "narrative". There's a difference.


We could be using the truth of white genocide to genocide non-whites in our borders.


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The biggest white pill is the desperation the kikes/shills show in pol.

reminder of robert jay mathews for anyone who is unaware


Are we my totally gentile friend?

Attached: lesson7.jpg (604x300, 76.05K)

American. It's a new pan-European ethnicity. Just like "Italian" is collection of everything from Sicilians, to Venetians, to Romans to Trentinos… America is a collection of all European diaspora.

Are you blind?

-A lot of the people here and those who say nothing of their political views (the always PC happy bubbly "everything is terrific"-type) only choose Fascism, because it is an immediate method of stopping the bleeding, then reversing the damage through policy(ies).
-The pro-Fascists here are very Right-leaning (as goes politics in 2018) when compared to those that want Liberal Fascism; the two opposites being delineated by a CivNat-lean v. a NatSoc lean/:progress (real or imagined) v. Conservatism in the traditional sense (as in if it ain't broke don't fix it, don't marry someone on impulse like its something you buy at the counter before checking out, preserve the family unit, have children fort he purpose of bringing a greater productive value to the family unit, reject degeneracy/the 30-year mortgage scam, student loans, new vehicle loans, loans for a JewRock diamond and a wedding that costs over $20k on a thot that prefers birth control/abortion, higher education that does not yield a real discipline, a true work ethic, stability, a routine, etc…).

At least America is unified by one language, English. Whereas nobody bats an eye at Switzerland with 4 official languages (German, French, Italian and fucking Romansh). It works because while German Swiss and French Swiss are different, they're still Swiss which is unique on its own.

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