Trump has trade deal with Mexico
We're trading leaf for bean? The fuck?
Castreu wanted gender bullshit in the negotiations and didn't want DUDE WEED part of it, at least that's what I heard. Trump called their bluff.
Kill yoursefl kikefy.
Hyman, you were only supposed to take one blackpill a day.
I'm not sure what I would rather have if forced to take one or the other, trannies or savage beaners.
Hmmm, well I haven't seen trannys savagely abuse victims and torture but I do love taco salad.
Canada will not be some pushover. The US doesn't know who it is messing with.
Good luck figuring out a way to call this act "RAYSISS!" Marxist scumbags
I simply think Trump is a homophobe and doesn't respect Justin one bit because, let's face it, he's a fag-boy, that's what Canadians get for electing a faggot for a Prime Minster…. the fucking rake.
Trump colors the flag wrong, but what did he mean by this? Time to design a new one?
Truth is not a blackpill.
Canada is a pushover and the US knows exactly who it's messing with.
I see Cuba and Puerto Rico are finally becoming states.
Are you retarded?
Mexico CUCKED hard (we even had threads on this) which is why we will keep trading with them. Canada on the other hand wanted to jew us.
But your pilpul is.
((( )))
You think the muh resist bullshit from the Dems is bad? Imagine a few million brainwashed zombies repeating the Trump Sux narrative in unison.
This is why Bernier will be prime minister.
top kek
Cucked hard, you mean like slowing the flow of drugs and violent animals into the country? kek
We will look into our southern border ese! Ju can truss us homes!
How about that.
Yay! More based spics to vote for based democrats! Magapede!
The exact opposite happened.
Strawman. Reported.
Canada has lumber, minerals and most importantly, fresh water. Shared air defense (NORAD), telephone system (+1) and integrated sports leagues. It's either "take what we give you or annexation" and frankly the latter is looking very comfy to many. It would be nice to have actual representation.
Canada is Scrappy Doo, user.
you know how white genocide is real? We can use the same tactic to genocide the spics.
You're so stupid, it's almost like you're a kike.
Just put a fucking bullet in your brain.
((( )))
Next time just tell everyone you're a fucking kike first off so we can filter you without having to see your bullshit.
play with snake get the rake
I bet Canada will join (beg) new trade deal
The real problem is that Canada's chief trade negotiator has an extraordinarily stinky smellie cunt hole and Trump demands that all females in his presence maintain a fastidious regimen of vaginal hygiene so that they always are enveloped in a fragrance which is neat,sweet and discrete. Canada doesn't get to sit down at the table with Trump till either they get this cow cleaned up with some high powered douche or they get a new negotiator.
Hitler has spoken!
Could you imagine the asshurt if Canada and US announced their intent to become one? Does a leaf have the balls to tell the queen to keep her nose in her matzo? kek
Where is the wall, where are the deportations?
Checked. But does her choot smell of curry?
Reported for supporting white genocide. Reported for telling whites to mate with nonwhites. Reported for supporting spic trade deals.
Being built and they have been happening non-stop. Nice try though.
So no, they haven’t been happening. And no, there’s no meaningful progress on the wall. 50,000,000 illegals remain in the country. No deportations have done anything to change that number. They outbreed the deported DAILY.
fucking newfags, lurk moar
mexico's ruling class is whiter than the jew-loving anglo
really makes one think why (((you))) don't know that
wtf? is this the reverse holocaust?
Jesus christ, I'm a Leaf and I'm not even mad. Everyone here needs to suffer for the libcuckery that exists on all levels of government. I can survive the tariffs. Can they?
Probably because it’s fucking bullshit. Nice anti-white D&C, though.
Wow, almost as though decades of spic invasion and births will… INCREASE the illegal population! What a shock.
((( )))
I'm not the one trying to D&C whites from all over the world (specially Mexico, Canada, and Cuba), faggot.
Enjoy saying spics are whiter than whites, moishe. See how far that gets you here.
What deportation numbers did you expect so far?
ALL OF THEM!!!one!o1!
Nowhere was this said. Reported.
Several million, minimum. Seeing as, you know, he campaigned on it and has the full legal capability to direct the military to cordon off entire sections of cities and go door to door, arresting all the fucking spics.
Hi, paid shill.
assholes and elbows
Right kikefy?
No, we're going to annex the white parts of Leafland. Manitoba, British Colombia.
report this guy ((( ))) and move on… let our SS mods deal with him!
No much worse. The only way you could approximate the effects of being within 6 feet of her and the tears that would jump out of your eyes would be if you took a saddler's needle and plunged it into the tip of your nose over and over and over again.
BC is Chinese. The few Whites left are servants and prisoners.
haha then all the tobys would move to Fla the next day.
We could still annex it along with mexico… and let them mix so that the chinese spies have mariachi leanings.
Nova Scotia still ok innit?
You mean NAFTA renegotiated. Not an issue if it's the US fucking Canada and Mexico, but let's be honest about what he did.
When do we get to start killing (((journalists)))?
She doesn't look chinese. kek
Well I thought the main goal was to drive out immigrants and secure America, Canada and whole of Europe to whites only and that would be it. I don't get what you're thinking.
Sieg Heil! He literally drew a false flag. Qfags BTFO. Zanon predicted it.
thinking of the future instead of larping
checked and keked
nice trips
And it is?
Allow me to return the favor.
Fuck, do these leafs have any white provinces left? They have the land. We should annex, kick Commifornia out of the USA and trade. All the whites who want to leave Commiefornia go to the new lands up north, all the shitskins from former leaf provinces go to Commifornia. They're all in one place and easier to annihilate..
oh sorry, I meant esoteric quads
"Djoo ain gah no righ no-weer,why mang"
If you lived in the real world instead of your schizophrenic mind, you would know.
While I dont like beaners, I'm fairly sure trump won't give them an advantage.
But most of all FUCK CANADA
You're literally the jewish definition of "Nazi." White Nationalism is about securing a homeland for whites (just like other races)
This thread looks like a bunch of jews calling anons jews. Interesting tactic.
stahp. Nobody but liberal faggots want to further dilute the voter base with a bunch of cucks. Please head back to reddit, they're crying over cancerbrain mccain from what i hear, you'd fit right in.
Dont tell me you believe the number 11million?
a number they hadnt updated in my entire lifetime
nice try, but spics arent white.
The only kike I see is you.
Yes, lets (((annex))) a ton more cucks and shitskins so they can vote too, great idea Mordechai, Do you also support this idea, for palestine and yids-real?
Jew chimneysweep confirmed.
I would say it's definitely 30 million at the very least.
Welcome to 8/pol/, what else is fucking new?
A few 'muricans armed with these babies& you be fuqued,eh,hoser?
Fuck off back to wherever you invaded from moshe.
ikr, but man has it gotten bad in the last 2 weeks or so.
Notice how they always lead with whining about naming jews. Really makes you think.
I love how the kikes and their reddit-fags never make an actual argument.
Our forefathers didn't provide for assault blowers, only wooden rakes.
Obligatory mutt meme
Notice how you shill for a zionist.
I don't think they had a choice it seems like the west in 2012 all turned gay all at once
It's just waves, user. The shill nest always gets stirred when the media is on a shit storm because they work in unison. The latest kvetch included asshurt over McCain and that whole Trump flag hoax
Americans cry out for the grandfather of jew babies to save them from furriners.
Quebecers roll up their shirtsleeves and take matters into their own hands.
I didnt say anything about naming the jew.
I said kikes like you keep calling anons jews and it is so transparent it is laughable.
Anons here wouldnt be shilling to annex and add more shitskins to our already stressed homelands, only a jew would.
Notice how you will never be white kikefy?
Hi, jew. Reported.
It's a shame the mexicommie is playing ball and we're not in a shooting war with the beaners.
You've never won a game of chess, I bet.
Mess with the Babylonian Whore get the blower
Well, guess Mexico IS paying for the wall after all.