On the need for a WN-dominated city:

On the need for a WN-dominated city:

Like them or not, cities are where laws, cultures, and regional and national discourse come into fruition. Virtually all of us will have to enter a city at some point or another, many different times in our lives. One user in a different thread said that if a white person finds themselves in a court of law for whatever reason in a city, the demographics will almost assuredly work against said person, as the jury pool will be selected from the jews and other nonwhites residing in the cities. A white nationalist-dominated city would act as a safe haven for whites who would otherwise be persecuted by the jewdicial system. Furthermore, WNs would have a much greater say in the way public schools would function, perhaps allowing for the possibility of holocaust revisionism at least being allowed a snippet of discourse, if holohoax ed. is still mandated by the federal Department of Education. It could also be a place to start companies that could veer away as best as feasibly possible from EEOC kikes, and even start a WN tech scene.

Thus, I propose a concerted effort over the next several years with establishing a foothold in a medium-sized city that has not become unreasonably cucked and kiked like Chicago or Portland have. Cities like Boise, Idaho or Des Moines, Iowa or even something smaller like Appleton, Wisconsin or Duluth, Minnesota could be targets for WN takeover. They are not queered and jewed cities like Raleigh or Indianapolis and are in fertile states that are not demographic time bombs like the southeast or west coast. Or in Canada, perhaps places like Red Deer, Alberta or St. John's, Newfoundland if they aren't too late yet (or even try larger cities like Winnipeg and Edmonton if feasible. Also, what about Fort McMurray?).

Being scattered in communes of 30-max people is an assured way for destruction, and most people, including most WNs aren't even going to go that route as they can see how futile it is.
So, Zig Forums, what city or cities would you think would make the best target(s)?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Every single capital city has a powerful den of jews who will go full whitefish on you the instant you raise your head. Fuck, even whitefish had a powerful den of jews ready to slander and sue anyone advocating for whites. If you do a take over it has to be subtle. It requires a great number of back room conversations and private residence cigar fueled meetings. Start with the republicans. Get them to hand over the reigns. Start bringing in your friends. No spergs allowed. Tactical patience required.

Whitefish is a resort town, so that could be a reason why there are more jews there than one might expect, and I think the same applies for Jackson Hole, Wyoming. But what about non-resort towns that aren't expensive, politically centrist to right-wing, and have "normal" demographics (i.e. not an excess of "millionaires")? And of course you can't just sperg about WNism right off the bat, nor should any mental defectives be allowed in. But what if a large contingent could be summoned over the years to the point that WNs could hold Holocaust Truth protests?

san francsico

you are an idiot OP

Important thread. I've been thinking this for a long time but haven't the brain to put it to words this well. Bless your heart. Bump

Hi trs

I looked into this Whitefish gambit some more. Richard Spencer was involved. Well, no shit it didn't go anywhere. Anyone who has ever been affiliated with the alt-right will have to be seen as a fifth column agent and excluded from this city.

Thanks, user.

We need whites to be a minority, think about it: whites reverse the roles on blacks and get free shit.

Not your blog, faggot.

Because that worked out so well for Boers. Are you 12?

Not your thread, kike.

Reminder that this is reddit and that the board is destroyed.

1. Buy land
2. Move onto it
3. ???
4. Reclaim Europe

Reminder that these are the same shills from the 2016 election and following year.



less cities more towns
small communities are far more secure and trustworthy
cities will draw in the slime no matter what

You might want to tell that to the POTUS, he apparently didn't get the memo

Well, he's not doing anything about sanctuary cities, affirmative action, LGBT propaganda, or other antiwhite urban norms, so I think he got the memo just fine.

WI is the new fatherland

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Washington is the designated WN white flight destination

I'd say he's doing (whether intentionally or not) a damn good job of exciting whites into action.
That's more than any one person has done in my lifetime.
My comment was about him winning the election without winning over major metropolis areas like LA and JewYork

I like your idea OP, but it won't last.
A certain degree of "sovereignty" (a key concept) is only possible if you support it with guns. And to make it feasible you have to scale the city idea to a whole State, which is able to have its own militia and supply it with the means to dissuade kikery infiltration and other external aggressions.
And for sure that they will come for us, ZOG will never allow Whites escaping its grip without a war.

Attached: it is how it is.png (289x300, 111.72K)

The problem with this is that it assumes "the minority group" is a net-negative (economically) and will use its minority status to get gibs (this example could also be a misrepresentation though, it's possible for the minority to be making money AND want to be leeches- but back to my original point).
This has been proven hilariously wrong by asians, who despite being more of a minority than nogs, get the opposite treatment (such as docked points on standardized tests).
It also assumes that the nogs pay enough in taxes to spare gibs to the whites. This is not the case- on average, the nogs will still ask for more in gibs than they provide, meaning that you are just making the pool of people who actually keep the system afloat (in this case, your white minority) destined to fail earlier.
Notice that I said earlier. The niggers and spics already drain so much money from whites that the system as-is will collapse in a few decades. Your example would simply cause it to happen in a few years.

A WN city would be the opposite of a typical US city. There would be no huge financial drain on the whites and asians, meaning that the typical downfalls of the US (financially) such as fucking retarded medical costs and abysmal real estate will be fixed.

Call them kikes, stop using the term that implies that already won. Stop accepting defeat. What are the odds you're not even American?

what about Buffalo, NY? Not huge and they wouldn't be upset about a bunch of white people moving in.
I'll try to compile a list of cities that could fit the bill.

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Would love to see that, user. (But Buffalo? What about JYC domination of state politics?)

And in one month the Congress will pass a bill enforcing even tighter forced racial integration.
This dance is already known. The kikes own the legal framework. If you play by their rules, you loose.

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What about like Billings MT? Already an extremely white state with very loose gun laws.
Or Keene new Hampshire, their governmental structure would allow for a takeover

Low IQ

You're on the right track user. I've been proposing a similar strategy whenever the northwestern front suicide pact threads pop up.

We need to do what the jews do. They concentrate in a suburb of a major city. Once you hit a critical mass of around 5-10% of the population you are able to take over the local government. This is because typically in a mayoral or city council election only about 10-20% of the eligable population votes. Half that votes in primaries. With 5% of the population being very politically active you can dominate the one of the primaries and assure that your candidates are the only option on the ballot. With 10% you can dominate both.

Once the city government is in the control of this minority they begin implicit programs that help themselves (jews can do it explicitly). They hire only businesses they own for government contracts. The open government funded community centers. etc. In the case of a pro-white town you'd aggressively enforce immigration and reward businesses who only hire citizens.

From here you use your influence to push your policies on the city as a whole and spread from there.

The problem is doing this when people are looking. No one watching every move that jews make. It's also a very exclusive club. I can't walk in there with my blonde hair, blue eyes and strong chin and say "Hello fellow kikes! What subversion are we planning today?" Whereas and pro-white meeting will be flooded with anti-white FBI agents and buzzfeed reporters.

In order to do this is would have to follow the footsteps of James Allsup and seek office while presenting as paleocons.

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good luck with your Ethnocity user.

because the idea of white separatism, while noble and well intended, is utterly futile in the legal sense, decades after ZOG SCOTUS has ruled in multiple decisions to force race mixing down everyone's throats and force your sweet little innocent Becky's to live next door to Tyrone and LaShonWakanda and Hot Nigga, not to mention Pablo, Chapo, Kumar, Chan, Moshe and Muhammad.

when your little Becky sneaks out of her bedroom window at 3am to go next door and spread wide her tight front hole and permit the niggers and spics and mud bloods to run a train on her, it's not really her fault. your dear cherb Becky is merely fulfilling her instinctual budding womanly desire to get gangbanged and multiply inseminated by whatever virile male stock are the nearest in proximity.

the niggers are your neighbors now goy, and because this is enforced by SCOTUS, nothing less than a total revolution which nullifies every decree of SCOTUS by abolishing SCOTUS, blowing up the Supreme Court Building and hunting down, capturing and executing every former SOCTUS Justice has a snowball in hell's chance to restore what once was in America.

of course to do all of that will require the same abolition, demolition and execution of every Federal Agency, who would be legally bound to enforce and defend SCOTUS.

so as you can see, America is well beyond "fixing", and nothing less than the violent overthrow of FedGov will solve our White Genocide problem.

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All politics is local.
It is nearly impossible to effect local policies if there is real opposition on the ground from dedicated nationalists.

Great idea. You first.

This is correct. We must start functioning as a political bloc. We must contain our squabbles and stop allowing our enemies to divide and conquer us so easily.

And the term means more than just "kikes." There are also numerous "shabbos goyim" who willingly and with full knowledge work with the kikes. Then there are various kike-ally cults like the freemasons and the luciferians. Then there are the shekel factory internationalists and the megacorporations, some of which are kike run and some aren't. They just want more power and shekels, and don't give a damn about Whites. Also there are the vast hordes of bureaucrats and police/ military (AKA "ZOGbots") who will follow orders and uphold the laws that hurt Whites, even to the point of violence and murder.
"ZOG" is more than just "kikes." It is a vast interlocking system of control the purpose of which is to further kike interests and hurt White people.

This, unfortunately. They would be busing in tens of thousands of fresh-off-the-boats niggers and muslums within weeks of White Nationalists getting control to be placed into federally mandated HUD housing. Even before then they would be attacking and harassing the White leaders however they could.
I'm not saying not to try OP's idea, but none of the "diversity" shit is just "happening." It is an actively orchestrated long term plan to genocide White America.
Redpill more Whites.
Perhaps OP's plan would work today, given that more Whites are becoming redpilled.

Yeah sure. Except everyone here knows that posting that cute picture of yours is the most you will ever do. No one here is going to blow up federal buildings because we each have concocted 1000 reasons why not to.
This is how most anons justify their inactivity;
Oh today just isn't the right day
I'm saving up money so I can fund the revolution
The CIA is too powerful
The FBI has mind reading divices
I'll just wait for someone else to begin and then, THEN I'll go full Rambo and do the next 9/11
It wouldn't do any good, I'm just one person
So they just post cute anime pictures like you and say edgy things on the internet.
So no. Violence is not the answer. Without organization, violence is impotent. It's even more impotent when no one here will actually do anything.
So, what options does that leave us?
Practical politics. That is achieving our goals by ANY MEANS within the rules and within the laws.
That's the way forward.

Whites must cooperate as a bloc but even that is not happening without force. White people will respect force and violent removal of anti-whites. It is this that will bond us as all the non-whites around us growl even louder. We are going to have to kill many and it must happen. You must think that these non-whites are already caught in your trap. Now you finish them.

>It'd be beneficial if' White people killed non-Whites
Yeah sure. But all these great ideas are but thoughts in your head until you seize control of a government. Without political power, you cannot effect any policy ideas. And without organization, you cannot wield political power.

Duluth is already being bought out by rich kikes from Chicago and NYC. It's a no-go. I'm not sure about the other ones right now.

I've got an idea. We build a city underwater. No hear me out. First we find where Atlantis sunk, somewhere in the Atlantic i'm guessing, which is good because then the chinks won't bother us, Then we find their technology which is thousands of years ahead of DARPA and use that to enclose the city in a giant missile proof glass bubble. The first step though is to set up an expedition base in the Azores, where we stock up on scuba gear to find the sunken city. Now the hard part will be deciding what religion we'll follow…. some type of christianity or paganism, or maybe we come up with something water themed involving Neptune. Look atm i'm just bouncing these thoughts around in my head, but i think it's a winner. Keep an eye out lads because i'll soon post a more detailed plan of action here on Zig Forums. peace out.

Atlantis was made up for the sake of argument

Houston already exists

No you dont need a live in a city and the longer whites stay in a city the higher chance they become soyfags. Instead you fill up the surrounding rural areas to the max and ensure your area never becomes too developed. Also the cost of raising kids in rural areas is far less than in a city.

Kek. Those gibs won't be there for any white minorities.

The jews also have an ethnoreligion to bind them. Whites proclaimed that God is dead and never bothered to replace him.

Fuck off mongrel.

Whites need there own ethnoreligion. You can then use then temple/church as a base of operations and get the followers to block vote, just like what Jews and Muslims do.

I'm still dumbfounded that whites don't have their own religion.

You misinterpreted the pic. It was meant to be funny and nothing else.
You should take everything written here as trolling and describing hypothetical scenarios.
Zig Forums is a board of peace and so do I.
I suggest you pay a visit to a professional to check your violent thoughts.
Psychological projection sometimes can end up with tragic consequences user.

Attached: yeap2.png (452x435, 139.24K)

It will be the death of us.

I mean Zig Forums is serious when it comes to white nationalism but I just think that you shouldn't take anything too seriously here.

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Definitely, or he is a Fed (by the way doing a very defective approach), or a newfag without a clue of Zig Forums's culture.
In any case, he doesn't belong here.

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It's called paganism. I shouldn't have to point this out.
Mandatory watching: youtube.com/watch?v=IAPc6qY_NsE&t=186s

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My vote is Denver. Starting with a suburb that whites have fled to like Lakewood or Highlands Ranch.

Colorado has a small enough population that we don't need that many people to control elections. The economy is very diverse, tech, agriculture, oil, hospitality, military, it's all there, anyone can find a job. DIA is a major hub of air traffic.

Whites there are rapidly becoming racially aware because they've gone from 90% white to 50% in less than 20 years. It's literally the front lines of the race war. There are a significant number of asians who'll side with whites.

There are a handfull of antifa (pic related) so those of us who want to mix it up can.

If a hot war breaks out you can disappear into the mountains.

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You've put to words something a lot of anons have been thinking and feeling and I appreciate that. I see you've been taking the other threads seriously, and you should be, I have as well. I don't think you'll like my answer though.

First of all let's assume you are talking about the North American continent based off your post. Let's assume based off your post that this would be a large enough city to serve as a haven of sorts, through both land area and population total/density. There are 13 cities on North America with a population of over 1 million. There are an additional 3 cities above the 900,000 mark. I believe for there to be a cultural, regional and legitimate force to stand out and set standards for population centers of significant size the 1 million man mark should be considered the end goal. Imagine a city with 1 million anons. I bet you haven't even met 3, but they're out there.

So now for potential destinations? It's obviously too late to go and change an established city at this stage in the game, which is why you propose adopting a smaller target and shaping it, I agree. But how small should the target be? Should you start with something that's 200,000 people? 50,000 people? For arguments sake let's say you would need a simple majority of 51% of a population center to share a core ideal(Ethno Nationalism in this case) for it to dominate at both a conscious and unconscious level. Let's also say that it would be optimum to achieve significantly a higher majority than a simple one.

I would also say it's important to an area that doesn't already have a dominant culture/way of life so that the transplants could mold it. One thing to incentivize business is lower taxes. An important goal of such a city would be to gradually lessen the impact of existing political systems so it could start self enforcing it's own eventually, first through taxes paid, then through trade and the common laws will begin to differ organically.

Through my own calculations I believe such has a better chance of existing within these borders.
The most west potential point would be Idaho/Washington line
The most east potential point would be Prince Edward Island/Nova Scotia, however this does not cover the land east of the Appalachian mountains
The northern most potential point at Newfoundland and Labrador
The most southern potential point where Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Mississippi meet.

I believe everything within those borders that isn't blatantly enemy territory could potentially be what you're looking for. Hope that helps

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>>>Zig Forums
Kill yourself degenerate commie.

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Clean, orderly, functional. A proof of concept that WN works better for normies. This could really push public opinion.


Fuck off until you comprehend what the country is.


Take back Tampa.

Enjoy your carfentanyl spiked water supply courtesy of (((Islamic terrorists))).

This. And absolutely rape denser population centers on food supplies originating from rural areas. The current paradigm is ass backwards.

Some possible targets, based on their demographics and relative lack of cuckery (cities with over 200,000 in bold, most are between 50,000 to 100,000 with some down to 25,000):

Coeur d'Alene (warning: home to CIA/FBI Christian Identity front group known as Aryan Nations)
Twin Falls

Fort Wayne

Cedar Rapids
Council Bluffs (but Adam Smolinski lives there)
Des Moines
Iowa City


Bay City
Grand Rapids
Port Huron
Traverse City (though I heard there is a small but notable jewish population)

Duluth (though says jews are invading it)



New Hampshire:

North Dakota:
Grand Forks

Johnson City

West Virginia:
Charleston (though it has a sizable nog proportion)

Fond du Lac
Green Bay
La Crosse


Edmonton (though given that it has over a million already, wouldn't it be hard to change it?)
Fort McMurray (but how does it stand after the wildfire?)
Red Deer


New Brunswick:
Saint John

Newfoundland and Labrador:
St. John's

Nova Scotia:
Halifax (how cucked/jewed is it, given that it's a "notable" city?)

Thunder Bay

I stopped because I got lazy lol and it's 2 AM. If anyone wants to complete this list or improve upon it or comment oncertain cities then be my guest.

I have studied this extensively. I'll share some kernels of knowledge.

You want to fully secure the property tax base. That means controlling the municipality (town, village, city); county; and school zone. By controlling those three things you secure 90%+ of property taxes for your ethnostate.

You also want to minimize paying ZOG income and sales tax. Pay everyone minimum wage or within the net-0% income tax bracket. Avoid consumerism and institute a set of services that provide what would normally be purchased (meal plans, furnishing plans, transportation plans). If they can be structured as non-profit charities (like a church), or the municipality can do it that is even better because you will avoid sales tax.

As much as possible must be owned by a centralized private entity. You don't want public roads, or public parks, or public anything. You want a gated city where you can control who is allowed in. This would be expensive if you had to pay ZOG all the property taxes, but since you own the property tax base this is not a money pit.

The OP suggests taking over a per-existing city. You will be leaking money like a siv, and you will be unable to avoid being flooded with HUD zombies. A HOA can not be openly racist, and is not a proper protection. Purchasing existing real-estate in cities is a waste of money. For less money you could build a better city from scratch.

As for the religion. The absolute best answer is Epicureanism. It's older than Christianity, so it's not some new-age bullshit. Julius Caesar and Marcus Aurelius are ancient examples of badass Epicureans. Epicureanism was massively widespread back then. Epicureanism is the basis for western culture. It is the foundation of our laws, and of our science and technology. If is the foundation of our rational thought. The Enlightenment is directly caused by the rediscovery of Epicureanism by Pierre Gassendi. Gassendi inspired Isaac Newtons scientific methodology. This rediscovery of Epicureanism directly inspires Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, David Hume, and Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson explicitly calls himself an Epicurean. All of Thomas Jefferson's political, religious, moral, and scientific outlooks are completely Epicurean. The United States is the first truly Epicurean nation in the world.

By choosing Epicureanism you get to undercut Christians by having an older religion that is the root of the European core of the Christian faith. You strip out the kike additions and sever the jews from their stranglehold on white religious morals. Epicureanism was widespread, and was the fertile ground that early Christians cannibalized. Early monasteries were conquered Epicurean "gardens". Bearded Jesus is a the co-opting of statues, busts, and jewelry of Epicurus.

By making Epicureanism you religion you can wrap yourself in the American Flag. You can hold up Thomas Jefferson as a "saint". If you read Jefferson's thoughts they are eminently compatible with national socialism.

By choosing Epicureanism you remove the kike influence from libertarianism. No more Ayn Rand. You have true old-school liberty. Fuck the non-aggresion principle. The correct message is the this Thomas Jefferson quote: "Upon this, one has to remark that men ought either to be well treated or crushed, because they can avenge themselves of lighter injuries, of more serious ones they cannot; therefore the injury that is to be done to a man ought to be of such a kind that one does not stand in fear of revenge."

I could go on and on. Epicureanism directly advocates autonomy and building what we would call an ethnostate.

I encourage anons to read up on Epicureanism. Don't read the garbage-fire (((wikipedia))) article. Don't read modern faggot interpretations. Read the original documents 'Lives of Eminent Philosophers', and Horace's 'Odes'. Then read the enlightenment thinkers inspired by Epicureanism, especially Thomas Jefferson. You can also read Julius Caesar and Marcus Aurelius.

Attached: midwest-reich.jpg (669x518, 52.68K)

Yes, whites banding together throughout the country is a TERRIBLE idea…
Do you get paid for this weak shitposting?

BTW, do you know what the Hebrew word for heretic is…

אפיקורוס • ('epikorós)

That's right. The kike word for heretic is Epikoros. Jews hate Epicurus. By being Epicurean you can act like the victum of jewish aggression. Turn the tables on them. All jews are anti-epicurean. They are bigots to Epicureanism. It is a priceless tool.

What am I even looking at other than redrawn territories and a lot of stupid names?

I will look into it.

(fucking heil'd)

It's just a visual aid. The point is that North America, is in large, very sparsely populated. The zone the OP is looking for could be many of the theoretical countries in that map. A confederation of smaller towns/communities is in our best interest at this time. I have my doubts about a centralized White Nationalist population center in North America but it would be foolish to rule anything out

Listing places like this does nothing but allow for our enemies to datamine us and preemptively strike. At this stage I believe it's more important to set and determine the conditions necessary for such a goal. It's really more about the unification of anons then going and storming into a place and claiming it.

(absolutely checked)
It would be beautiful wouldn't it? I believe that if phrased differently(provider class, leech/dependent class) there already exists the framework for people to have such an alliance. People in the rural and suburban areas are disgusted and angry about all the wasted tax revenue going to spics and niggers in the cities. They're tired about the renovation projects for the cities and suburbs outside them while their areas don't see that government money for maintenance or programs. They are tired of being extorted and I think they need to know they are not alone. Look at Illinois. It's textbook. The rest of the state has descended into poverty as they aimlessly try and prop up (((Chicongo))) with the entire states tax revenue because the city overwhelms the rest of the state in political clout.

This has potential. While presenting as paleocons it would be imperative to have an offline parallel network preparing to assume command of the area once political power is seized. I agree that that the minority tipping point could achieve great results within the political system, but culturally and spiritually they may still face steep opposition and pushback

It really is backwards

The natural resources/surroundings make this a plausible option. Colorado is on the front lines and could make an essential addition to the federation. I believe all the mountain ranges in the world draw something in the White/European man towards them as well.

I'll have to look further into Epicureanism. I agree that the survival of the White/European race, to be most effective, must be a spiritual experience(as it is already for myself) as much as a political/military experience.

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Fail on the first step, goys.


Montanon here. I think the best city to test these efforts is in Missoula, Montana for multiple reasons:
>Groups like Soft Landing Missoula are bringing in non-whites to appease their (((masters)))
Basically, Missoula is a testing ground for tactics that could be applied elsewhere, and could become a base for further expansions. It is small enough that even a small team of clever propagandists could get some real reaction. People are 'sleepy' there, but plenty exist who loathe outsiders from the University and the faggotry they bring into Montana. Case in point, the 'first rainbow crosswalk in Montana' was instantaneously defaced by multiple people skidding their tires over the gay thing:
That was spontaneous activity from what I can tell, and the organization elements in this city are weak and hapless on all sides. Leftists are winning simply because no one does a better job opposing them, and they openly flaunt themselves in their perceived invulnerability to public scrutiny. Antifa here is pathetically small, in numbers and in physical stature, but still dumb enough to engage with anyone who is right of Marx.

A concerted propaganda effort on the University campus and various nodes around the city to redpill and root out Marxist elements would captivate the population and potentially awaken the people who grumble quietly and secretly hate what is happening to their town and country. Montanans naturally are friendly but dislike outsiders who don't share their values. Cells of good, concerned citizens could easily be able to influence the politics of the entire town if approached in a way that allows normal citizens to feel safe enough to say the faggotry needs to stop. Montana people still practice running particular people out of town, and it is possible to root out the root actors involved in its politics with just a little more study and clever, completely legal efforts.

Attached: Get Lost Montana.png (208x134, 10.85K)

Therein lay the problem of that particular effort. Spencer is the sort of fop who would serve whatever side was necessary to secure his place among some 'cultured elite'. He is not a man of the people, has very limited skills and ideas, and should be rejected from any effort simply because he's a liability to it regardless of where his allegiance actually lies.

It's about density of potential influence. Taking outpost areas that are liberal bastions in heartland America will better secure those territories from getting pozzed, as well as being easier to effect than the giant cities with complex networks of polical-business interests that need a far more powerful arm to dismantle. Aim for areas that have high entrepreneur activity (future economic base), assailable political structures (take over local politics), and culturally ripe for rejuvenation. And these efforts can occur independently across the country so long as the tactics are reviewed and improved through 3rd party observation. It's soil tilling to make way for something bigger to take root later on.

It's okay, but not as good as targeting an influence center like Bozeman, Missoula, or Helena. Anyone there already should make efforts at redpilling though. Montanans are ripe for it.

It's not a bad strategy to seek direct political office, but what is far more important is cultivating attitudes among the populace. This can be done by literally anyone, from dishwashers to community leaders, to gain influence over influential persons and institutions in society. The suburb idea works well only because you tap into well-connected and powerful individuals who hold sway over masses - pastors, doctors, businessmen, lawyers, and eventually politicians. One politician is good enough so long as there are thousands of involved community members in all echelons of society.

Attached: Montana State Seal.jpg (300x300, 48.56K)

I know Colorado Springs is the biggest conservative city in America, at almost 80% White the numbers aren't too shabby either. Also CO's gun laws aren't that bad (but obviously not as good as it used to be).

Actually it could be possible, but you’d have to slowly take over a town first, then another and another, then entire counties, regions and eventually the state. Once you do, a federal intervention is unlikely so long as everything you do is Constitutional. You could turn a state into a quintessential ethnostate in this regard

That isn't necessary. The goal is not Retreatism. The goal is cultural/political influence, which occurs strongly in cities due to high densities of powerful, well-networked people. Gaining a foothold there would require secure networks around them which the connections in the cities interface with, hence the focus on smaller towns with promising conditions. There is no utility in a 'white people bunker', and all talk that way is pathetic defeatism.
No, you need only 10%. This is well established in observations of history and scientific inquiry that when 10% of a population believes strongly in something and acts on those beliefs, it spreads over the whole populace. And more concretely as laid out, only a small fraction of the population even votes and thus local elections in particular can be dominated by a small group of enthusiastic people who inspire others to follow along with them.
You will not find such a place, because humans don't operate that way. Your beliefs and understandings have to align with theirs, and over time sway them over to understanding that both of your interests are moving the same way or, if there is conflict, convince them over time to your side of things through showing successes of your way over theirs. Eventually you have the people of the area themselves interface with your mores and change their people themselves, and that way they don't loathe you as an occupier In Montana, that is how it needs to be done because we heavily dislike outsiders meddling with our affairs. The Romans spread their culture this way despite having a military potentially capable of wiping out entire civilizations, and is basically the only empire in recorded history that had two phases by a Glubbian analysis.
Now, given that things are not as dire or difficult as you assumed to begin with, the areas of potential are actually all over the country. The only places perhaps unwinnable right now are certain large cities, but almost all small cities and towns may have pockets capable of turning their local tides.

Thanks for the list. Anyone who is near any of these locations should consider their efforts accordingly. Redpilling and communicating with others does not take national coordination. Just will and discipline and courage to go out and speak to people in a variety of ways.

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Sounds like the perfect place for a false flag dirty bomb. Good idea in principle but it brings to mind eggs and baskets, don't you think?

This is a very high quality post.
I've been planning on moving to Montana for some time now. This seems like a feasible idea.

Great observation. Now the question becomes how to get the resources to obtain those properties, which comes from both generating assets oneself and also to convince those with existing assets to begin investing them towards such an end. You've studied it more though, so elucidate on the sausage-making on that one.
Montana has no sales tax, only property taxes. So that's useful though we neither have that much of a tax base, nor want a flood of other people coming here even if they are white because, again, we don't like outsiders and that attitude has kept us happy here.
It's not a bad idea for such places to exist, but it isn't a widescale solution since the existing governments wouldn't tolerate their tax base being sucked away from them in large numbers. Retaking of existing cities is required to serve most of the citizenry, and defenses against the 'zombies' is done by making such places inhospitable to unwanted elements so that they stay away or are so suppressed they pose no threat.
Sounds interesting, you should make a thread about it in particular, and just try to manage it in such a way as to cut out the Pagan versus Christian bullshit. I'd be interested in learning more on it.

Specifically, what are the objective standards that would make a location ripe for influence, and if so, what kind of influence will work in that area? Basically I am of the opinion that all locations have opportunities in them, and those who live there and around them would do the on-the-ground research into the political, business, and cultural structures and leaders and determine how to gain influence there. Then its just a matter of applying the right tactics to the right opportunities. That would be fruitful.
Seems like powerful civilizations and peoples come from mountain areas… I know I feel most at peace and enthusiastic in the mountains myself.

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This was a D&C topic 2 years ago when that city was up for sale.
This was a D&C topic 1 year ago when the idea of a built floating island city was proposed.
This is a D&C now.


Paganism is not written down, it has no rules of worship, no holidays, no rights of passage, no initiation cermonies, it has loose morals, no rules on food preparation and it doesn't distingish by racev(e.g. written to keep non-whites away).

It needs these to get followers and fanatics.

No it wasn't. This has always been a discussion about a few topics:
This warrants discussion, because there are a variety of answers to those questions, and even if people don't agree on the details at least the pertinent parts may lead to useful results. That's the whole point of imageboard discussions, and it is a vital topic that doesn't require 100% concurrence to be useful to people. I'd answer those questions as follows:
True D&C topics serve to prevent useful discussion, the sharing of information, and derailing productive discussion. Anyone who argues Pagan versus Christian stuff in here, or spreads useless blackpills, or engages with obvious shills and trolls is promoting D&C, whether they mean it or not. If you see real D&C shit, don't engage with it and just stay on topic.

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There's so many fucking newfags though I bet most of them don't even know about the floating island city threads or the space elevator threads. You could just link the archive of that thread rather than complaining about this one so they actually learn something.

You're projecting some. I am not looking to build a safehouse or retreat from the ever encroaching problems our people face today. I want to figure out the best chance that the White/European people of North America have in enacting the unification process. I want to build up and create places and cities that showcase the glory of our people when working towards a common cause. I know we can create things that are grander and more unimaginable than ever before, still. The cities of new will be one of these creations.

Local elections can and are swayed by small factions of transplants all the time(fucking Cali and Jew York transplants). The problem with your second image is that right now it seems that North American Whites who hold views of self-determination and racial survival don't act in a violent manner, despite my guess that there are several places where they exceed the 10% threshold mentioned. It's easier for a completely foreign entity with nothing to lose like jews or muslims to come into a place and shit it up until they get what they want, because they hold no value in what stands upon their arrival. White Americans may be starting to think more racially, but they are not yet prepared to surrender the comforts of American life for racial strength, expression, or solidarity. They still hold hope to save the country through reform, economics or to just keep ignoring everything until they die. They aren't ready to act as invaders in their own lands because they still feel on the defensive. That's why I contest that for something like the OP's proposal to work a simple majority may be necessary, to give the motivation to actually act and feel backed up by your people.

I will look into the how the Romans spread their culture. I believe that people can shift their views through osmosis of what they view is an acceptable view. If more awakened Whites speak openly about the views and concepts vital to White survival, they will become less taboo, as they continue to do among Whites. Obviously migrating people to a small city to espouse these views would help accelerate the osmosis.

I would agree that all locations have opportunities in them, it's a matter of who gets to sculpt the opportunities into masterpieces isn't it? I believe some of the standards are as follows:

1. There has to be a localized coalition that would want to enact be sympathetic, if not, supportive of the shift in their area. Going in completely cold seems unwise. As you have suggested Montana(and you have not been the first) I would say that they have achieved the first criteria

2. There has to be a network of anons to facilitate the migration of more anons to said area. This could be done through IRL networking to some degree but some vetting process must be established. After that, it's a matter of moving the people and getting them set up with housing and work, something this thread is working on

3. The area could benefit from the new blood. Lots of young people often desert homogeneous environments, that could be /ourtowns/ because there is a lack of economic opportunity or they feel the allure of pozz life in the integrated zones. If these people, along with the influx of anons, actually stayed where they were from and helped build it up further, a lot of these areas could benefit greatly from such efforts. Some of these places are older on average and I feel our target demographic for anons to go and start such a mission would be 35 and under. Those who have the potential to make a family and branch out(with hopefully 3-5 kids per family) in these areas. Remember, this movement is a family oriented movement. Giving the impoverished areas an alternative to their current situation which would make stable families want to stay there would be mutually beneficial to both parties.

4. There needs to be a connection to natural resources for potential growth

user, I would like to thank you for allowing me to engage in conjecture. It's something I miss dearly about being around intelligent like-minded people

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My poor California.

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This was never a D&C topic. Certain mods don't like these topics discussed so they'd clamp down on them. The foundation of any possible future white civilization will start with a folkish movement renaissance. So I suppose you're right, this topic brings more jews than most others, because they really don't want it to happen, so they bring up the same old culture v culture D&C.

we are already a minority you dumb fuck

Also too close to Missoula which is kike central.

Missoula has too many kikes.

In the process of figuring out where to live in the USA I have compiled several maps that could be useful for this thread. These are maps on natural disasters, which if we look at the historical example of Pompeii, can ruin a city.

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Another Earthquake map, now going into demographic maps that have not been posted already.

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The Jews captured the higher education system, so all the cities are under their influence. All of the big players in cities have been trained to be good goyim in elite Jewish colleges.

That's what you think, goyim.

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Thanks for your contribution. I want to go over these in detail before addressing any of them individually. I would also recommend posting content like this in this thread which is appropriate

Kikes want whites in cities because it gives them an advantage. Stop buying into their bullshit.

People need to attend or live about that university/county before they turn into a larger and larger tumor. Cut out the disease before it spreads. Alarming post


The black plague alone proves you wrong.

This sounds good, I like it.

In my opinion, this potential white nationalist dominated city should be located right on the Great Lakes, preferably in Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Michigan.
Though Maine could also be looked into, I think having a port would be important.
This community would also need to have stringent water safety control as it would assuredly be massively targeted for destruction. Water purification centers should be invested in to prevent (((toxins))) from affecting the populace.

Furthermore, I think having a free community gym or two, along with a free community pool or pools, would be greatly beneficial in the promotion of health for this potential populace. A public library system could be supported that promotes holocaust revisionist and racialist material as well as non-degenerate literary fiction. The community could have a more direct say in what materials would go into the library.

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I've started reading about Epicureanism and I think you're on the money about that user. It is a spiritual philosophy that could be adopted and used to promote progenic societal values and practices. I have more reading to do but thank you for the revelation.


It's a link that has one of the books you mentioned.

I think you're on the mark about the water. The locations you selected are good potential candidates. The great lakes area is an American jewel tainted by some of the most horrendous cities in the country.

Physical fitness is a pre-req for keeping a people healthy. Swimming is the best form of cardio and endurance exercise too. There's a reason pools used to be segregated. Whites feel natural in the water and always will

I would disregard Iowa by principle but who knows, a Zig Forums invasion might turn even that around. Duluth is being bought out by kikes according to friends and family living there. Nebraska has an ANTIFA problem but I do keep their dox on hand (along with the twin cities branch). Wyoming is fracked to hell and will be desolate in about ten years. Maine is possible but as HAC noted it's very close to DC and prone to being fucked with if shit goes south due to proximity to ZOG DC. Honestly Utah doesn't seem so bad but I don't know much about it.

Nah. Every place that's majority white has already been earmarked. I wouldn't worry about the enemy using it against us as they already have it in for us all.