American Pravda: Holocaust Denial

Ron Unz Hits The Ball Out of The Park Again

Selected extracts from the 17,600 word article:

More of Ron Unz's excellent American Pravda series:

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Other urls found in this thread:

can you just link me to the free Ebook?

A jew selling a book about jew lies. Yep.

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These were not kike-free first posts.

He's not selling anything. Of the several books he recommends, he acquired rights to publish the full text of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century for free on his website, also republishes the now-public domain The Iron Curtain Over America, and links to several free titles on

I expected this thread to be thoroughly shilled with the "There are no good Jews'' routine, because that's all they've got - his writing speaks for itself, as does the fact that he's now had to put his website behind Cloudfare DDOS protection.

I don't think of it like "based" jew or "good" jew, but I don't think being a jew automatically makes someone some shekel-obsessed social parasite that knows the Holocaust is a racket and tries to subvert western culture with forced immigration and cultural enrichment.
It just means there's a mighty strong chance that they will be

That's a fair assessment, just judge them by their words and deeds. The vast majority of "based jews" are merely shilling the other side of the Kosher sandwich, pushing the Zionist anti-Muslim line against the prevailing leftist insanity, claiming to be our natural allies while glossing over the Jewish role in creating the current mess. Very few will speak the full unexpurgated truth about the jewish role in history, but those that do deserve credit.

Another that comes to mind is Gerard Menuhin, who wrote a 400 page book that literally says Hitler did nothing wrong:

Kikes always take forever, if ever, to make a point.

It is immaterial whether there are ;good jews' or not. The reversion to the mean with jews is that they are mentally ill destroyers of Life that are not compatible with Life. We will return them to God, by exterminating her from this earth, since they claim that they are 'his wife' and he can judge her as he wills. We are simply judging her with the same standards as she has judged us, without mercy or kindness…surely that seems fair to her (you), correct? Or do you think you should be judged by another measure other than the one you meted out against the entire planet?

His recent article about Judaism was really eye opening.

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We really do need to kill the faithful.
Any and all faithful. But definitely start with the Jews.

Just got done reading, and have to admit this is an impressive article. Great summary to pass along to normalfags. After reading it I am left wondering, though, what does this jew Unz stand to gain from writing such a thing? There's not even an attempt to shift blame from jews, minimise the enormity of the hoax, or otherwise jew his way out of it. Unz doesn't come across as the typical enemy-of-the-jews jew, either; the jewish archetype that newfags often mistake for a "good jew", but that is, in reality, an otherwise typical jew that has come to believe that jewry has wronged him (for whatever reason) and decides to wreak his jewish destruction against jews themselves rather than non-jews. Foregen jew models that archetype perfectly, for example. Maybe Unz is one of those true unicorn jews that is genuinely disgusted by the moral bankruptcy of his tribesmen? Who knows. I applaud him for the frankness of the article, and hope he continues to write on the subject. But the fact remains that he is jewish, and thus must continue to be treated with suspicion.

That's interesting that it's illegal in Portugal, but not Spain.

Exactly this. Never trust fully any Jew.
Foregen is owned by a Jew? Really? I thought that it was a group founded by mostly Italian and some American scientists?

He's probably not the owner, but this Clapper jew shills heavily for Foregen. I don't know if there are other jews involved. Here's the video I was referring to, where Clapper has his meltdown against jewry:

And here's Clapper shilling outright for Foregen (video title says he's the COO):

Perhaps he's behind some of the (((funding))), but from what I can see, Foregen is largely a goy operation.

Though, some kikes are starting to reject circumcision as well.

Finkelstein is "one of the good ones". I highly recommend his books, although most of what he writes is probably already known to Zig Forumsacks.

This is the reason why it's illegal to deny the Holohoax.

the old image is lacking UKuck

It has some of the toughest holohoax laws nowadays.

Actually, there are still no explicit holohoax denial laws in the UK. Doubtless they would use their ridiculous hate speech laws given the chance, but expressing doubts in a measured tone (like this article) doesn't really give them enough of an excuse. Castle Hill Publishers continues to operate in the UK, publishing the holocaust handbooks series.

i am a criminal for writing this : the holocaust is a lie, it has never happened. no jews were killed in an effort to exterminate this race and that is very unfortunate. if the holocaust had happened no jew would remain here to tell the tale. there was no gas chambers, it's all lies and SAINT ADOLF HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG and EVERYONE who took any action against the third reich is a fool, a traitor and part of the problem of the white male race. Fuck you France, fuck you for being a JEWISH PUPPET STATE. I hate this stupid country ever cucked because of the greed of a few and the stupidity and inaction of the masses. if i could somehow kill you all i would do it without a single moment of hesitation. fuck you France fuck you Europe. hail Sparta Rome and the 3rd reich of Saint Adolf Hitler

Damn Skippy, judge em by their DNA, this is a war of eradication.

Can a Jew grow a conscience? I would suspect a vendetta of some sort.

Well this is all quite disturbing and revelatory. My hatred has been justified now. Thanks user.

He will still be killed on the day of the rope

Finkelstein is literally a communist. Not at all a "good one."


ethno globe user is that you?

Makes you wonder whether he's just trying to gain respect and then eventually change the message to lead the goyim astray like

suggests. That's how nearly all of the supposedly anti-establishment operates, look how Kikebart started and how it changed over time, it's no different from Fox now.

Jews don't even hate Christianity. There are Christian programs on Jew owned radio all the time


Nice try, Ari

Henry Makow links appear here often. You don't see these reaction. Hmm…

I read this article some days ago…

It's amazing, he's smoking the Jews here…

Someone thought this was an e-book, which made me want to have it as one. Can anyone make a nice e-book out of it?

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There's nothing the Jews hate worse than Christianity, except for themselves. Does anyone have that bizarre webm of the Israeli kids' show with the slut in a bikini who crucified the monkey for wanting to be like a Christian?

When I was a kid, I read a book based on Samuel Willenberg's lies. Did you know the Germans used to hack people to death with shovels for "face crime"? Having a mark or bruise on your cheek was grounds for execution in Treblinka, where 800,000 Jews were gassed and buried and then burned, and where a German officer's wife and her son were hacked to death with a shovel because they accidentally got on the wrong train, and where they once hung a man upside-down and whipped him to death over the course of an entire day?

Truly, those were history's greatest monsters.

There are literally NO GOOD JEWS! NONE!
You cannot practice judaism and be "good!" they are counter-intuitive! Denounce your jewry, denouce your people and beg forgiveness and, by fucking God, get a fucking job where you produce something of value instead of selling your God damned words!

Dirty fucking heathens

I've got it somewhere, but in the meantime here's me getting my paws on this dirty jew OP

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So? They hate (((Noam Chomsky))) too.

I think so. There's not many but he seems to fit the bill. I'm reminded of Benjamin Friedman.

I haven't read his books, but judging by Ron's description of the sequence of events, he sounds more like the

Holocaust Denial is moronic.

They're afraid.

Great article OP. I sent it to a couple friends and family members and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. I don't give a shit what type of jew Unz is, the article is a sober and thoroughly referenced expose.

I'm about halfway through The Iron Curtain Over America, and it's a great primary source from right after the war. I ordered a physical copy to add to the collection.

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After Poland is sucked dry, there will be "Ukrainian death camps"?



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Why are Christian programs on Jewish radio and TV daily?

Substantiate your claims

The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein (PDF):

In the jew's own words:

>I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative eventually suffers that same fate, perhaps with unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having maintained it.

He's merely acting in his own self interest although his approach also benefits us in the short term. He's self aware enough to recognize the nature of jewry and that their presence on top of the global power structure is only protected by a narrative they've created out of nothing. If the holocaust is either exposed for the pile of lies and exaggerations that it is, there is no longer anything to shield them from criticism and their role in society will immediately be seen as unjustified if they are placed under any scrutiny as a group.

The goyim would have every right to be furious at global jewry should they ever begin to know the truth and this kike is smart enough to realize the white man is finally catching on and where thaf will lead.

So random thread I didn't want to start a new one. Why is nobody talking about this, they captured a baby kraken

they keep on saying we are just supersticious, but what about them apples. that is clearly a baby kraken

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shut up you fucking mongoloid

fuck you loki I'm onto you

they were right all along, it was just not a meme

ffs everyone can see this with their own eyes, this is a kraken baby

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well one thing is for sure, if kraken ever comes here I will harpoon him, and we got explosives on our harpoon now, because the un being such a bunch of pussies.

So you just dear kraken, your are not getting my fish!
say hello to my little friend

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just read finkelstein retard, many here use the arguments and data put forth in his book whether they know it or not.
Yes he's a Jew
No you shouldn't trust him
No that doesn't mean everything he writes is inherently wrong

Can't even pretend to be what your not, white.
That day is coming closer and closer my user friend. As you can see by the social awakening from suppression of the truth and slander from modern media. our current era, the information war is proving to be a challenge for the global kike suppressing their lies. The Truth is out there… you just need to direct more people towards it.


I'll fucking heil to that, mein bruder.
The holocaust never happened, but it should have, and it will soon.

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I'll fucking heil to that, mein bruder.
The holocaust never happened, but it should have, and it will soon.

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From the linked John Beaty book Iron Curtain over America:
>The overwhelming of the older Americanized Jews is well portrayed in The Jewish Dilemma by Elmer Berger (The Devin-Adair Company, New York, 1945). Of the early American Jews, Berger writes: “Most of these first 200,000 came from Germany. They integrated themselves completely” (op. cit., p. 232). This integration was not difficult; for many persons of Jewish religion Western Europe in the nineteenth century not only had no racial or ethnic connection with the Khazars, but were not separatists or Jewish nationalists. The old contentions of their ancestors with their Christian neighbors in Western Europe had been largely overlooked on both sides by the beginning of the nineteenth century, and nothing stood in the way of their full integration into national life. The American kinsmen of these Westernized Jews were similar in outlook.

Another possibility is that he is fucking with us. I consider this unlikely.

Is this the same Finkelstein that did the research on Memes for the Department of Defense?

It will. It is predicted in the Bible. The faked one is supposed to trick God into not destroying them with fire.

Malachi 4:1

Holocaust literally means 'burnt offering'. Whether it is done as a false sacrifice, or they are trying to imply that the real sacrifice was the 60 million odd Christians that were killed; it is certainly supposed to save them from destruction from God.

(((Unz))) sure is spilling a lot of the beans on his tribe lately. I wonder what happened.

Yes. Kikes first, then qu'ran, bible, and book of mormon believers immediately thereafter. Abrahamism is a scourge which must be eradicated post-haste!

Lies! They created christianity to take over Rome using MemeMagick(tm) after Rome B-ed them TFO, by controlling the symbols of the minds of Romans. Both christians and muslims, and their societies, are the kikes' golems!

How likely is it that this Unz character has been put in play by the top Jews to use as an example of Jews seeking justice, if there Holohoax gambit is uncovered. They can purge Holocaust BS, and make this guy seem more prominent retroactively. Paint him as a brave hero type.

maybe i'm just drunk.

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Can't believe that with all the evidence people still believe the holocaust actually happened.

That picture is gross.

Alright, time for you to go back to plebbit.

This shit is disgusting.

That picture gives me a worse feeling than any sort of gore no matter how extreme.

That jewess is gorgeous.

THANK YOU! And checked.

This picture seems to really invoke that response in people. I had it as my steam profile picture for a bit. The anxiety it would give people. They would be having panic attacks on the mic about not being able to withstand the picture. Can we weaponize this?

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Is there a story in swiss chocolate triggering kikes?

Ya'll got Trypophobia.

Jew hates Islam too, yet still use it to advance themselves or to create a distraction so that when their enemies eventually rise up, they have a different target to attract their focus. Christianity is controlled opposition

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Obvious AF kill urself my dude

the jews are jewing the jews who jewed the jew-jewing jews now. great.

I agree. Each man is to be judged by the content of his character.
If the coin is flipped, how are anons to be judged. Are we the same as the herds of mindless cattle that make up alot of our people? I think not.
We are the exception. We should be able to recognize and cooperate with the exceptional people from other backgrounds. We need each other if we are ever to have a chance of changing this world for the better.

I'm from an immigrant family of Turkish descent in the Netherlands, I agree with your sentiment. But at the same time I think my grandparents made a mistake by coming here.

I do try to convince the Dutch I meet to stop being ashamed for being white. The jews have really played a number on them and I find it a little embarresing for them. How do people as smart as them buy into the jewish propaganda so hard and wholesale?

Omdat we te eerlijk en aardig zijn en daardoor men te snel geloven en er van uit gaan dat zij ook eerlijk zijn.

Ah yes the germans were known for their surplus soviet tanks

I thought the dutch repatriated their gastarbeiters.

It is going to be the death of us.