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You have to die with us, Europe.
Oi ya' got a loicence for that meme goy?
And big gun grab is coming in two weeks. White genocide in making.
Color me shocked that a rubber stamp parliament can't stop the same legislation coming up for it's approval until the end of time.
A part of me would rather see that this gets implemented. This will only affect normalfags, as long as there is way to send a byte of data between two devices across the internet, autists will find a way to shitpost.
If it kills leddit, I'm ok with this.
Plebbit needs to stay alive so they don't migrate here you fucking retard.
EU Article 13 (Copyright) Info & Petitions
EU Article 13 Copyright Petitions:
Info: (Sorry, no time for archival.)
They’ve already taken over the entire fucking board. Are you blind?
I see the shills are better prepared this time
Not really, it's the same fucking "tehehe, get fucked yuros" kikery and a bunch of accelerationists spewing their homosexuality left and right.
Unexpected keks are often top keks.
They really can't handle the bantz.
It will never be over until the Jews are driven out.
rip eu
the sooner internet gets globally pozzed the better, it will take millennials and you bunch of fucking retards off the computer and maybe do things in real life at once
This. We can finally start to remove boomer without the internet.
This should be the official motto of the EU.
There can't be an EU Article 13 if there is no EU
I support all censorship bills on the grounds that they only affect normies and are ultimately useless. Old faggots in suits cry moar, you can't stop the shitpost.
Say it with me lads
What is up with the EU? Are they really suicidal enough to do something that will turn normalfags against them?
kikes always overplay their hand, stealing defeat from the jaws of victory
Good point but the EU has a history of repeating a vote until it gets the result it wants so it's only a matter of time before they get us shutdown. The real question is do we want the eu to shut us down now?
Is this some 6000000chess by jews. Why do they do this? Have they ever opened a history book. Can't they remember what happened the last 379 times they pissed off the normalfags?
They want someone else to deal with their muslim/arab problem for them. So they ferment tensions with yet another punishment, until the white man has enough and retaliates at the ones who caused all this shit and the people it was done to benefit. Every anti-racist rule done in the name of arabs, niggers and spics only serves to embolden said sub-humans and punish whites. I'm willing to bet the same thing happened during the falling days of the Roman Empire when the slaves from africa started getting uppity. They didn't stay around, now did they?
I actually knew that.
tfw the left can't meme so they try to ban memes but forget to ban MS Paint. stock up on your article 13 compliant memes europoors
Article 13 can not stop the oncoming storm. The rivers of Europe will run red with the blood of traitors and kikes, they cannot stop this.
That's good to know. However these sort of strategies have left many people into passive states. It has always happened, some big shit is going to happen, the fire rises into a massive state, the perpetrator goes into a silent or wont commit the action, the fire distinguish and then the perpetrator will continue and finish his job with less disturbance.
exactly user, they're frightened and desperate to stop us. but what they don't understand is everything they do now just makes us stronger.
I think it's better if it hits the normalfags like a wall. They also could play it save if they are smart, slowly boiling frog and all. Let's watch what happens, and prepare for the worst case.
Who do you kikes think you're fooling? article 13 is ANTI censorship.
who's behind that post??
Heads up if you made that pic, it says
'the battle againt Article 13' instead of 'against'.
It got removed with Windows 10 didn't it?
Also is this related to it? Seems like it.
no, don't think so anyway i'm on winblows 10 and still have it. an user over at cuckchan went through article 13 and found a parody/homage clause. while memes of non-original content would breach it, parodies and homages of the meme doesn't.
So you're telling me that we have an user on the inside screwing the thing so it has loopholes we can exploit?
Just think of how many other problems that would solve.
I want to believe.
Your personalized friendcom will come prepackaged with stock memes and reaction images pre-approved for posting. An additional memepack can be purchased through Steam for the low price of 8 DNAbucks. Any unauthorized editing of memes will be met with DMCAs. Please enjoy your stay on Our_Internet©.
Call me on monday.
Jews are crazy for EU. And is >>>/oven/
Even if you're right, it's your fault for not being rayciss enough. We obviously need more pics of dead kikes and things of that nature, maybe some gore thrown in there.
Bumping for importance
4 Days until the day of the rope
Would be nice to have them include a statute where they can't resubmit proposals that failed for a period of 15 years or so. The kikes always do this, try to pass a bill, fails, wait a lil bit, try again, until people just get tired of fighting it every 6 months.
They've begun the mass demographic replacement. After they began it here in the US, that's when they started getting cocky and pushing more and more things detrimental to our way of life. They know so long as the mud spills in, they can stand to lose our support. "Democracy in action!"
How are they gonna support the government if all the white people just up and leave and stop working for a paycheck?
Nigger, NIGGER, nigger ,nigger NIGGER NIGGER kikespickikespickike Faggot FAGGOT trannyfaggot
Nope,still here
You always use Krita or GIMP they're open source
Unless the EU is abolished, they will continue to try to push shit like this.
Well boys, it passed 438 to 226 with no amendments. Not that its surprising.
It passed, at least according to Dankula and a Euro MP who was against it in part (Julia Reda).
Not sure how the vote broke-down.
Our only mercies at this point:
First of this is never going to work, also this makes every eurofag a cybercriminal. Doesn't matter to me I already am a cyber criminal.
hahaha europoors btfo
I wonder how twitter will circumvent this though. their entire website is based on linking shit.
They'll either ban European IPs or comply with the directive and ban memes altogether
And yet there are people in Zig Forums who shill for (((EU)))
What can we say when Reddit which loves to censor is worried about article 13?
Trump won so we black list his fan club.
Scratch that, there's one more vote "after trilogue, probably in the spring".
So now's the time to hammer shit out. There's a list of orgs that had the audacity to say they approved of it:
So organizing not just a boycott, but controversy and brand destruction would be ideal. Sort of like the aftermath of Nike or whenever a company sided with being "woke" over customers.
Those are the eu skeptics?
You have to go back boomer
After a bill is rejected, it goes back to the drawing board with suggested amendments. The vote then happens again, asking if they want the amendments.
Now, logically if no amendments are added to the proposal- that should mean it goes back for more amendments because of the initial rejection, right? Nope. Even after not accepting any amendments, they can still vote on it again (the same bill they rejected the first time).
Every part of the EU is like this. Keep voting until you do what we want, then it is gospel.
Also, do you have a break-down of which countries voted which ways? Not that it matters much.
I think there are groups that are happy for this to pass, but pretend they don't want it so they don't get shat on for asking for it.
Remember: Big Tech has been losing money trying to force ideology onto people. No business would willingly choose to lose money unless its run by an idiot, or they don't care that they are losing money.
There is precedent for this. A lot of US sites banned EU IPs because they didn't want to implement any anti-tracking/datamining measures.
The only way to stop these permanent votes is to annoy the people responsible so much that they reject your proposal on a personal basis. Otherwise any old lobby faggot can propose changes over and over and over again until they pass. Which is exactly what happened here.
Looks so.
Hard to say. No-one and I mean not a single ordinary citizen in Europe bothers to look what the EU is doing in broad daylight. The only info that usually is throwing at them is the usual (((media))). Even the EU parliament election results are ridiculously low that the only ones who vote these bastards that nobody wants are from high population countries.