how can you or any of us possibly escape from FVEYs shit like SOCIAL ANTHROPOD, which is itself a sub-program inside SAMUELPEPYS, which is
also a sub-program of who-gives-a-shit it's-turtles-all-the-way-down?
now for the good news.
all the limitless power wielded by the faggots at NSA and GCHQ has gone to their heads, making them drunk with their own supremacy. the seeds of their destruction have been sewn in their own smashing success.
there is one teensy tiny Achilles' Heel in the NSA's system of Omniscience. think of this hole like a THINTHREAD, which once you pluck and pull, the whole
dorky Christmas sweater unravels into a ball of yarn.
NSA and the FVEYs trust the end points. the "handsets"–your Crapple spyPhone, your Jewgle Android, your BADBIOS'd Specter'd Foreshadowed Melted down Intel-Inside CPU, your PRISM partner Operating System "Design in California" or in Redmond, your backdoored Broadcom baseband, your Carnivored ISP's CALEA compliant backbones–all of this is at once what NSA used to fuck you, and it will be what fucks NSA in the end.
the faggot Bruce Schneier (((somehow))) got privileged access to Greenwald's Snowden Cache, but he never told us anything specific that he saw, just that we should "Trust the Math"–that based on what he saw, NSA BULLRUN can't crack crypto ciphers (yet), and his Professional Recommendation to us as one of the most "respected" cryptographers in the world was that we all should adopt cryptographic best practices.
me amigo, i don't recommend you take (((Schneier's))) advice at all.
because cracking crypto is the weakest link in NSA's Fortress of Solitude.
when NSA slurps up your GSM phone beacon every 20ms, when your phone pings the nearest cell tower, when NSA reads your Gmail and knows it's you because they know your IP address because your ISP gave your Customer Detail Records to them, when NSA builds a profile of you based on your cookies,
how does NSA really really know it's YOU?
follow me on a little Thought Experiment.
what if i was a fucking Mentat math genius the likes of which haven't been seen on Earth since Sir Isaac Newton walked London, and let's say i cracked RSA, AES, SHA-256, 3DES, and KASUMI, what would that mean?
that would mean i could *IMPERSONATE* you or anyone, and NSA would never know it, because they Trust The Math.
i could clone your spyPhone's SIM card just sitting next to you on the train. i sit outside your house and decrypt your wifi. i could take all your passwords out of the air. i could use them to *BE* you on the Internet. now that your SIM card is my SIM card, all of your online accounts are my accounts. you were smart to enable 2FA on all the things, but my SIM card will now receive your SMS code.
now imagine this scaled out to clone and impersonate thousands of people.
NSA would find itself right back where it started in 1953–in the dark. if any cell phone or wifi can no longer be tied to a known Identity, how can NSA spy on everyone at the same time, much less automate that shit?
NSA would be toast.
by the way, this isn't hypothetical.
Cryptopocalypse is Coming.
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