Tomorrow is the 5 Month Anniversary of the Start of the Wall


Attached: Wall.PNG (777x920, 985.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That looks like none of the prototypes.



Attached: hqdefault.jpg (474x365 94.37 KB, 26.5K)

That "wall" looks like a piece of shit.


Take a look at these. This is what paid shilling looks like.

there are a lot of deportations relative to pre-Trump but it's still a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the total number of spics
source? I would imagine that there's a negligible or slight decrease

cool fence donald, where's the other 960 miles left of it?

Okay, I see what this is.

Let me predict how this thread will play out, assuming it doesn't get deleted first.

OP will probably never show up again.
One of these posters:

Will probably be the primary IP. They may not stick around though, now that I've called them out, but you can basically assume its either going to be a bunch of (1) and dones OR a bunch of (1) and dones and a single/few long-terms shitposters.

Point is, this thread is designed to make you dislike Trump supporters. The people making it are not Trump supporters. They are going to espouse the most-obnoxious, most-redditor faggotry they can conceive, in an attempt to annoy Trump supporters, or those who see what they're doing, and thereby create a worthless thread full of shilling and counter-response.

Of course, now that I called it out, its like having to explain a joke - the game is pretty much over, so its likely this thread will be deleted momentarily.


Why the fuck would we like them? They're all redditors.

This. The D&C is so blatant it's like they're not even trying.

what's there to like about r/the donald?

You know why, and you know what, respectively - a lot of them are White people.
Even if you don't like Trump, not all Trump supporters are redditors, not IMHO at least. Some people still have hope, howerever lost they may be in your view in such context.
But the people making this thread want to exacerbate the seperation between Zig Forumsacks and other Zig Forumsacks and other Trump supporters.

I have no great love for Trump - you're right, immigration is UP drastically, and he sucks Israeli dick like a fiend trying to get a fix - but when I see someone coming in, pretending to be Trump supporting maymayfags from reddit to annoy Zig Forumsacks, my inclination is not to agree with them, not to play into their game, and think twice about whatever it is they're trying to get me to think.

When acting like redditors to D&C trump supporters doesn't work, they turn around to equate the two.


Attached: Happy-Trump.2jpeg.jpeg (696x462 104.52 KB, 36.7K)

20 more miles on the way

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-27-22-06-24-1.png (540x606, 89.17K)

I'm inclined to agree here.
This is a masquerade, a pretend, a fake.

Again, I am inclined to agree. Point is, engaging this thread's intention is folly.

And this is a bot, I suspect.
Waiting for the dubs post.

You faggots realize that dubs provide no power if you get them on purpose, yes?

One thing from Israel and he cannot learn.

We need big concrete walls, like those in Israel.

Heck, I would say those would be cheaper than those fences.

Race traitors.
They're retards.

Low effort. I hope they don't pay you much.

Cool bro.

I didn't say everyone, I said you. Because you waited for the dubs.
Lets see how many posts you make in this thread, assuming it isn't deleted soon for being an obvious shill hovel.

Cool, so, we have 40 miles of "fencing" down, and now another 20 miles? great. Now we need 940 more miles of "fencing" to go!
At this rate, 60 miles in 20 months well be done anywhere from 26 years to 50.

Pic 2 and 3 are pics of already existing and obsolete fencing

Do you have any images of this new wall, by the way?

Why are you arguing with this obvious shilling attempt?

That's bot for "cry some more you jewish fucktard, the wall is going up" kek

Attached: 39528548680_16c8585549_b.jpg (650x366 249.47 KB, 23.27K)

Because what is important is to counter the shills narrative at every point with the truth so that others much like yourself and lurkers who only read and never participate are not persuaded by bold face lies, the shills are not here for you, they are here for the audience

1 million net new nonwhite invaders, shlomo.

Bloo bloo bloo, sad little jew, the wall is going up, and there's nothing you can do

Can you source those images please?

You know we have IDs here, right?

No it isn't. The best way to deal with them is not to engage them.
They feed off your engagement.
You're helping them.
This thread shouldn't exist for long if retards like you, with your red-text, didn't engage them.

The DNC hired a new wave of shills for the election. Judging by all the shills ITT they're really going all out this time.

Attached: Capture.PNG (842x960, 667.3K)

You kikes don't even hide it.


Beep boop
That's jew for THESE 2 PICTURES ARE:
CBP awarded a construction contract January 22 to Barnard Construction of Bozeman, Montana. The area of the border wall replacement will be a 20-mile section of existing vehicle barrier

I don't give a shit what a defeatist faggot like you thinks

Hide what nigger? That there is no wall being built or that at the very least after 20 months only 960 miles of "fencing" are yet to be constructed? Please tell me, which is it?

Nevermind man, I got you.
Doesn't look like the prototypes.
You sure that's not repair of the existing wall? Because it looks exactly like the wall that used to be on the border, which was shit.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1982x1206, 2.12M)

Does ID magically make you not a fucktard kike trying to wish the wall away with faggot words? BECAUSE IT'S TOTALLY WORKING!

Then why did you respond to me initially?
That was stupid of you.
What is defeatist about suggesting you not sit and argue with shills?
Actually, nevermind, you're a shill, I won't bother arguing with you anymore.

That is exactly what it is The pictures in

is the fencing, described here
which you can see in this post

If a jew tells a lie do you sit there and allow the jew to continue?

That's not a wall. That's a fence.
Why happened to my big beautiful wall?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1511x787 1.91 MB, 1.53M)

No. You can see them removing the old fence here. Old wall is one the left. New wall is on the right.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 12.01.43 PM_1519934556038.png_79679897_ver1.0_640_480.jpg (640x425, 109.72K)

I try my best to ignore the jew entirely, because I know he just wants me to give him a platform upon which to Jew.
The (1) and done OP has been reported, this thread shouldn't exist much longer.
Ignore, or if you msut respond, don't get so emotional.
You red-texting like that tells everyone you're either emotional, or trying to present as though you are. Neither is good.

Wouldn't a chain linked fence and allowing people to shoot the illegals had been enough?

But that's a fence.

Attached: (You).jpg (800x729, 48.13K)

Also, can you please source that image.

4d chess!

That's not a wall. That's a fence.
That looks like you just made the existing border fence like, what, 10' feet higher?
Fits the meme nicely, but not especially impressive. Nor likely to be effective, we've seen as much.
Was the old fence a wall?

Sorry shill, that is a photo of a project from 2009. Unfortunately mods are too busy sucking cock to do their job so this disinfo will be around for a bit under the guise of free speech.

Attached: smug4-11-1.png (532x522, 403.72K)

It's a wall. The one requested by the DHS for visibility.

So the old fence was a wall too, then?
Because, again, all this looks like is you made the fence 10' higher.

But that's not a wall. Its a fence.

The mexicans surely will stop crossing the border with this level of inconvenience!

none of these fucking things are 30 feet tall. Fuck are you talking about? The truck in this post is 15 feet tall most likely

Doesn't look like any of the fucking prototypes we where promised.

When I heard wall, I wasn't thinking 10' higher fence, is all.
The closest is that one on the far-right, but the top is much different.
It actually looks like it'd be hard to get over, whereas that first image just looks like a taller fence.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1954x1191 1.75 MB, 2.66M)

Still waiting on a source for this image btw.

50,000,000 illegal spics ALONE. Where are the deportations.

shills btfo

Attached: smug.png (1024x1024, 183.96K)

Wait why did you post this old image at me?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1374x1494, 2.29M)

And seriously thats like 10 feet higher. Maybe less.
Are you trying to shill me?
I feel like you're trying to shill me.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (640x425 490.56 KB, 548.32K)

The article claims its 30', but then what was the old one? 20'? 15'?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (640x428, 443.9K)

Huuuurrrrrrr everyone knows that if you can see through it it's a fence, just like in the picture duh huuurrrrrrr!

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-27-22-40-45-1.png (278x316, 58.21K)

You're a moron.

Answer my question.

No, I'm not.
That's a fence. A higher fence, which is nice, I guess.
But its a fence. Its basically the exact same fence that was already there, except 10-15' higher.

It's twice as high. You're a shill.

You can call it whatever you want, but it's a wall.

Okay, its twice as high. So you doubled the height of the fence.
Can you cite that by the way, or is that just a guesstimation?

Its not, its a fence.
A higher fence.

Oh great, in 20 months we're up 62.5 miles of fencing, now we just need 937.5 more miles!

A fence, is a fence, is a fence. But it it's "the wall" for you, then great now we just need 937.5 more miles of fence.At this reat, you're not getting a border wall, at this rate barely 300 miles of it.

Record high
Made up numbers.
Out and out lie.

Shills need a new script, this is getting boring.

kek fuck yourself shill. The wall is being built in Santa Teresa, it's thirty feet tall, wetbacks are diverted, more wall is coming, and your butthole is red hot with pain.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-07-22-17-27-1.png (536x790, 480.5K)

If you took any of the prototypes and repeated them consecutively, it'd be a wall.

But this thing that I'm being shown is clearly a fence. What's more, its just repairing an old section of fence.

Answer the question. Why did you post an old image and pretend it was a new image?

I don't see any fucking boards there, paco.

She says in this video that the new fences add 12'.
So, if they're 30', the old wall was 18'.
Not even a full doubling of height.

I posted a drone video flyover of the new mexico worksite, you illiterate fucktard shill. Go cry some more

1. any of various permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except where pierced by doors, windows, etc.: used for shelter, protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space, to support floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth, to fence in an area, etc.
2. Usually walls. a rampart raised for defensive purposes.
3. an immaterial or intangible barrier, obstruction, etc., suggesting a wall:

I didn't ask for boards, I asked for a wall, not a fence.
I was promised a wall and now you're giving me a fence and you say its a wall, but its not.

I saw it, but you also posted this old image at me and pretended it was new.

Why'd you do that?

It was real in Trump's mind

Semantics is an extremely Jewish form of argumentation.
I'm not going to argue with you on semantics.

That thing is a fence. It is identical to the old fence, only taller - so, if its a wall, then the old thing was a wall, which doesn't make any sense.
Because its a fence.

Making a fence taller does not turn it into a wall.

I want concrete, not wood.

Yeah, diverted around the fence and into the usa. How inconvenient they have to walk a little more or take a slightly different route. They'll just give up and stop coming over.

Where in the definition of fence does it imply that it can only be made of wood?, there is a difference in the definition of WALL and FENCE

You also pretended that they weren't repairing existing fencing - replacing it with fencing 12' taller - and I'd like an explanation for that too if you don't mind.

Seriously? You're going to try to lawyer a single Google image search image and ignore everything else, then pretend you're not a kike? So you're not just a jew, but a jew-spic? Neat I guess, filtered anyway.

If you took any of these prototypes, and made a copy of the selected prototype, and laid repeated copies of said prototype in consequetive order, it would be a wall.

What we are being shown is a 12' taller fence.
Unless the old fence was also a 'wall', which doesn't make any sense.
Because its a fence.

I'm just asking why you misrepresented something on two fronts.

Oh, also, I didn't ignore anything else - you posted a video of 'new wall' being built, but all they're doing, just as in the case of the image you misrepresented on two fronts, is replacing old fencing with fencing which is 12' taller.

At least you outed yourself as a kike.

Oh, I forgot my image there.

If you were to line copies of any of these up, they would constitute a wall, as I was expecting.
We already have steel fencing on the border though, and making the fencing 12' taller doesn't turn it into a wall.

I don't know how anyone could disagree, because if they do, they're, by requisite, suggesting the old fencing was also a wall, which means they think we always had a wall on the southern border, and that doesn't make any sense.
Because all we have is a fence.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2636x660, 1.75M)

Making a fence 12' taller does not turn it into a wall.

Then it's not an anniversary, is it?

Why does the height of the fence matter? Why not just shoot them?

Attached: spider-man vs ZA WARU.webm (494x360, 10.99M)

This is also a good question.

Looks embarrassing. Please die faster white niggers.

Attached: great wall.jpeg (500x281, 24.33K)

The wall is not being built. You have no evidence of the wall being built.
Fewer than any year under king nigger. We have net invasion by nonwhites of nearly 1,000,000 per year.
Directly from the US census, Mexican government, and total number of ((anchor babies)))
The stats are posted in this thread.
Reported for reddit hoaxes.

Maybe we should hire the jew company that builds enormous concrete walls all over Palestine? Bonus: Those walls aren't 'racist' walls! Right? Or maybe the Chinese? They have hundreds of miles of big beautiful wall designed specifically to keep unwelcome invaders out. Do you believe the Chinese and jews are racists? Funny, ain't it, that ya' never hear SJW faggots say that.

From left to right the first 6 would make up a wall, and id be happpy with any of them, the 7th one is a fucking fence which is what we have been shown previously throughout the entire thread by the kushner shills.
Hell fuck it, I'd be willing to say it was a wall too if as you said where laid down continuosly, but that is not what is happening, we have 40 miles in california, 2.5 miles in calexico, and 20 miles in fucking new mexico, so in effect it's all fencing until it's fucking connected.

Looks like a fence to me. Not a shill just someone who wants to see spics deported and deepstate kikes hung.