I literally didnt get a full time position at my job because the company i worked for needed to meet their diversity...

I literally didnt get a full time position at my job because the company i worked for needed to meet their diversity quota (i was told this) And gave it to a philipeno who works twice as less as hard as me instead

tl;dr: i didnt get full time at my job literally because im white

im going back to tree service fuck this, 14 hour shifts are better then this fucking amount of disrespect

Attached: RAGEFACE!!!!.png (300x309, 15.55K)

How much an hr. if I might ask?

15, could work 6 days a week if i want

boss is usally there from 7 to 10 or when ever he feels like quitting, the longer he works the more money he makes because its his business

As a ***Filipino (you are retarded and can't spell or phrase sentences accurately–no wonder why you got denied), I'm surprised they gave it to him. I was shafted for all scholarships because I'm not as oppressed as much as nigs and spics.

This is a clickbait slide thread.

You're also illiterate. That could be part of the problem you're having out-competing flips.

if the employer stated it then write a series of polite letters to their board or moneymen
and raise hell outside the wellfare office because that's where they sent you
or be white about it and make it your life's goal to do exactly what your prospective employer does but better, at a higher quality, and more efficient at a slight discount and let it be know that you are only doing this because they practiced racism by mandating diversity and not hiring the, clearly qualified, best man for the job

This. Only bottom of the barrel whites suffer from affirmative action. You are too low IQ for this board. You should consider using 4/pol/ instead.

my company had a diversity quota to fill for some contract so they just hired a pooinloo to be a receptionist for the minimum number or hours required…. she just sits there and does nothing.

Ignore the retards
What type of job were you applying for which got you denied for being white?
I'm only asking because of context.
I have an uncle who was in the tree trimming business.

Just say you're a hispanic. I was having a hell of a time getting called in for interviews until I started saying I was a spic, then I got swamped. There is literally no downside, HR can't do shit.



one of the other full time minorites left, so she got bumped up to keep up with the diversity quote

i wasnt denied i work there part time (but i usally get 38 hours a week), she got the full time promotion because shes a minority, when i work as twice as hard as her, twice as fast, and do everything by the book

I should rephrase that

this, im too pissed right now to even care, literally 2 steps away from just straight up quitting, i could get 80 hours a week 15 dollars an hour tomarrow if i wanted, its just this job gives better benefits

Were you hired before or after her?

Then quit.
Hm. I see. Better pay vs. better benefits.
I suppose with better pay; you can pay for your own benefits.

Virtually everyone on 8ch Zig Forums has an IQ above 120. I can excuse a lack of formality and capitalization, but blatantly communicating like a tactless brainlet with a low-energy OP is inexcusable–especially considering the amount of effort that anons put into formatting and embedding effectively. He's probably not fucking retarded, but he opened himself up to the criticism with the gesture.

I'm sorry for being so harsh with my reply because i am sympathetic to your plight, user. The fact that it was a she probably guaranteed her that position even more so than her skin color did. In the end, Asians identify with the plight affecting whites because they know they are next on the diversity chopping block.

My wife had to go through Starbucks sensitivity training, and when she started arguing with colleagues about oppression (because it was all about blacks) and the race of her husband, they confirmed this: "Asians are NOT oppressed, silly woman. They are not suffering in America like blacks and Hispanics".

As well, a search through scholarships offered during my undergrad returned nothing for Asian or white men, but countless for nigs, spics, and women.

Sorry, but i have to…


I think it's time someone kills affirmative action and diversity quota, you should try to sue for discrimination. Maybe an attempt to do so will remove such an anti-white policy.

ive been there 2 years, shes been there for 1 year, gonna say fuck benefits because i might just work better pay because im gonna take the requirements of becoming a cop, or correctional officer more specifically

Ah, that reminds me of the story where my uncle didn't get to become a police officer because he was a couple points off the test, but a nigger got in with a lower score because of Affirmative Action. I'm just surprised people haven't tried to take it to court yet, it's discrimination.