The first iteration of this vid got shoahed form youtube within 12 hours, in it, the holl of costs is laid at the zionist's feet, the gaschambers are disproven, George Soros is shown in a normie friendly way to be total scum, and the weird cult behind the entireity of communism and the Frankfurt School is exposed!
he even indirectly says, what all we here will say (save for the shills) Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong
He then goes on to say the entire point of the camps was to store kikes for shipment to Palestine, and the Zionists simply stole these kikes wealth from them and left them to starve and die of typhus. Kikes kiking kikes.

Other urls found in this thread:

nice, we should be posting the video everywhere, in every normie social media so we can redpill the masses

Good video, he puts out content that I enjoy.

Got a copy saved. I'll have to watch later though.

I wish i had a webm of the vid that wasn't 104mb, its a serious pain when you can dig up dark things on tumblr and stuff like barebacking wehraboos, but can't edit videos as you have no clue how and everyone assumes it's common sense and so nobody tells you anything.





it's called a wiki lazy nigger. christ

that's why you need to lurk moar
sage for offtopic

Is he really a yid?

He says it himself 10 minutes into the video, saying "us Jews."

This video is very interesting so far. If he nailed it, that means there is a subversion even among the kikes that are inclined towards degeneracy. Jews as they are are already prone to degeneracy for ages based on history, but this event pretty much enabled them to go full kike. "Those who call themselves Jews but are not Jews; the synagogue of Satan." really hits home with this.

No thanks. MP4 and Webm nigger you know the rules



Attached: No_Jews.PNG (641x87, 30.3K)

holy shit absolutely


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From what was implied, the Sabbateans were just one sect of Jews that poisoned the well on the rest of them. Imagine if all whites ended up degenerating their own race, the Sabbateans already achieved that with all the Jews and now they're trying to drag the rest of the world with them, starting with us first because they're passing off as (((white))).

No nigger, it's all jews poisoning the well for everybody else.

did he actually say that in the video?

I don't know who this is, but I don't believe a word of it.

Fuck off with your ejew

That video makes so much sense. It finally explains so much of the nonsensical shit you constantly see the kikes doing. What's unfortunate is that it shows that Uncle Adolf was even more of a cuck then I originally thought, when it comes to dealing with the kikes.

Attached: fashy future riech.png (877x910, 169.63K)

The "good jews" are just playing their role as the end draw nigh for them. That way when the DOTO (oven) comes, there will be bleeding hearts pleading for the lives of the "innocent" but this time we will know, THERE ARE NO INNOCENT JEWS!

That's not Robert Sehper, that's Barry Chamise or whatever the guys name is. Robert has admitted to a jewish relative, but if it's not his mother, he technically is not a Jew. I don't know who Robert Sehpers mother is, she may be a jew.
However, Robert gets a ton of hate and literally no help from (((them))) that I can tell. His vidz get removed and he gets silenced so he's either deep cover infiltrator or he's not kiked. Either way, it's something to be aware of and cautious about if watching his videos or dealing with him personally.

I haven't watched it yet but your description left me laughing my ass off. That description is PERFECT; and such a fucking kike thing to do…we need to think of some verb that describes the kikes utterly hilariously kike'n good times. There must be some hilarious name for the genocide of even their own people FOR MONEY; a figment of their imagination BWAHAHAHAHA!! Or their genital mutilation of their own children or their torture of their kids and ripping off their genitals to make them into trannies…can you imagine living with that much self hate?
Kikes as CLOWNS!!!
And what happen to the sperg who used to call everyone Robert Sepher? He should enjoy this tidbit of fun.

kind of nullifies any argument made there

this. If you believe in this "sabbatean" bs you're a fucking pleb. this is a typical jewish trick

fuck off with this

who has ever done more than him in all of history? nobody. gas yourself

This is a (((ROBERT SEPHER))) production. The first 15 posts are literally him replying to his own thread. As per usual. If you're buying what this merchant is selling, you're a fucking kike. Someone gas this thread. Saged

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Damn! I knew you were still around somewhere. What lured you here at this moment in time…was it like a psychic moment? d-d-d-d-d-d-d…red alert, red alert…sepher invasion Zig Forums…red alert, calling all troopers, respond…sepher invasion.

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Penis-roni? No thanks, I be like Hitler, my dude, down to be friends with the fluffy critters of the planet.

Adolf wasn't a vegetarian, his favorite snack was some type of German sausage, which he still had from time to time even with his digestive problems.

Did he name himself then?

Working for satanists then and now.

Attached: antifaschistische.png (627x344, 306.96K)

Ah thank you, I've been looking for the chance to tell you my little story…

You can take it for what it's worth. It's just rumors but unfortunately sometimes rumors is all we have to go by. I think it's more valid than a lot of "official" history but that's just me.

In the 80's the Reichmann family became one of the most prominent and wealthy family of jews in the world. They were seen everywhere, consulting with world leaders, they owned Manhattan Island it seemed. They were particularly famous in Canada in Montreal Quebec where they were based.

They became so famous a journalist of the Toronto Life magazine decided to write the family's biography.
As the date of publishing neared suddenly the publisher was hit was a massive $102 million libel lawsuit in 1987.

"Bianco devotes considerable space to the $102-million libel suit the family launched against Toronto Life magazine after a lengthy 1987 article gratuitously cast aspersions on the family’s philanthropic activities in wartime Tangiers. The suit sent a chill through the Canadian media establishment and threatened to bankrupt the magazine until the parties reached an out-of-court settlement in 1991 that involved a $1-million charitable donation and the publication of a full-page apology.

Was Bianco affected by this libel chill? “It was something I certainly thought about,” he admits. “I started with confidence in my ability to set a standard for research and writing that would keep me out of libel. It concentrates your mind to know that there has been a libel suit and you’re going over the same ground again: you pay attention.” (The Toronto Life lawsuit produced an unexpected bonus for Bianco, he says, since it compelled the Reichmanns to put much original family material onto the public record.)"

So how did this family get so wealthy?

I asked a dentist friend from Montreal from a well to do family.

This is what he said;

The family were chicken farmers in Romania and when Hitler came to power the matriarch of the family called a meeting and declared that they would do two things;
1. They would move to Tangiers and set up a bank.

2 They would go to Vienna, the most important city in the world to jews with the wealthiest synagogues in the world.

Why Tangiers? Because the intelligentsia in Romana are francophones and francophiles and the Reichmanns all were rabbis and fluent in French.

So they did that. Being orthodox rabbis gave them access to the membership rolls in all the wealthiest synagogues in Vienna. They went door to door and convinced many that Anschluss was around the corner and that when it happened the NAZIs would seize the jews' money and that they should move their money to safety in Tangiers Morocco.

When the war broke out they then moved the bank's money to Montreal another French speaking city. And then they sat there and waited for the end of the war.

When the war was over most of their clients were dead. (not going to get into the validity of the holocaust here)

So they took that money for themselves and used it to set up a construction company which was a mess since they didn't have a clue. But when the US economy tanked in the early 70's as the US was bankrupt from the idiotic Vietnam War, and NY City on the verge of bankruptcy they moved in and bought up Manhattan real estate for pennies on the dollar.

When Reagan got in NY City boomed and they got rich…off dead jew's money.

So no surprise they didn't want anybody to know that sordid story. They fit right in with Soros. Slightly different racket but same vulture ethos.

Attached: paul-reichmann.jpg (800x533 41.15 KB, 87.87K)

Beware that knowledge dispensed which does not differentiate/delineate the "NatSoc" from the ashkeNAZI. This is exactly how misinformation, misguidance, deceit, fraud and misdirection happen.

Off with you, jew.

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These people are smart.

Barry Chamish was a kike and devout zionist who did podcasts defending the Talmud and the actions of Israel. Although he he is a good jew now, he wasn't when that was filmed.

used to love Atlantean Gardens deep investigative presentations of all things dear to that "Old White Man" within the hearts of the Caucasian of European descent; the non-Jew(ish), non-Semitic old man with zero tainted blood from the Jew, no Jew "cult"ural influence nor proclivities, no Jew ethnic traditions as far as the eyes can see.

one and the same jews offer their own blood as a sacrifice to further their goals the premise of their entire religion blood sacrifice of kin. makes context with the cuckianity too. sacrifice the blood of god for the salvation of man

One jew beating the other jew does not absolve that other jew of being evil. All jews are bad. They're the closest this world has to being pure evil.

tbh I believe whole heartedly in Evolas "spiritual aryanism" for lack of a better term. In which, among nonwhite populations, individuals are born imbuned with a soul with noble qualities. This endowment is particular to the white race but as with all things there are exceptions.
No, before one if you retards sperg with some nonsense, this does not mean Afrikans should live anywhere but Africa.

On the subject of the validity of the Sabbatean story, let me just say that one of the secrets of Judaism is that it has a caste system.

I haven't mapped it out yet; they're quite secretive but there is definitely a caste system and it's based on how many books of the Torah (and perhaps the Talmud) that a group of jews accepts.

I'm not sure where Syrian jews stand (they seem to be fairly high status jews) or Iranian jews stand (they seem to be very violent criminal thugs of great physical stature) but I do know that the Samaritans are the lowest caste of jews. I think they only accept the first 3 books of the Torah (old testament).

Scientific American magazine did an article on them…there's only 7000 left in the world and they have genetic problems due to their tight circle of acceptable mates.

And this is worth thinking about because Jesus actually speaks of the Samaritans (from Samaria of course). Remember the parable of the "good Samaritan"?

Why does he specify that it's a good "Samaritan"??

Why not a "good Egyptian", or a "good Hittite" or a "good Greek" or a "good Assyrian"??

But he doesn't say that. He very specifically says "good Samaritan".

What is he going on about?

What he's saying I think is this;

There's this jew, travelling. He gets set upon, mugged, beaten, stripped naked, etc. He's alone and naked in the wilderness but a Samaritan saves him clothes him, takes him in.

So what Christ is saying is that in this very tribal world where a jew can be set apon, beaten and robbed he has only his own tribe to rely on when he's in a fix…EVEN A LOW CASTE SAMARITAN, the minimum qualifying jew.

He may not want his daughter or son to marry one, he may not want one for a next door neighbor, but when the chips are down you can depend on a Samaritan to bail you out because even though he's low caste/status, HE'S STILL A JEW.

So yeah let's examine this caste system further in our study of the jews. There's a lot to be learned there, paticularly about the Sabbateans.

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Middle Eastern religions belong in the _ ___.

I'm not a jew. I'm a bigoted little Catholic peasant and I'm living in a society swarming with jews, I have not choice but to examine them and figure them out, just as I'd have to figure out leeches if I lived in a swamp .

If you lived in the Amazon jungle you'd probably end up creating a vast collection of insects you'd categorize them, read up on them…

Smart people would have done something positive with the money. As far as I can tell Jews just hoard it, and use it to control their betters.

Early one morning when I was working on a golf course I observed a couple of crows cannibalize a dead crow.

Strangely disgusting actually.

Crows are some of the most intelligent birds.

I have a pair that follow me everywhere.

I mean the actual birds, not natives of the Crow Tribe. Technically they are Ravens, because they don’t have a pale beak.

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You don't understand;

Jews stick together tightly until they win their prize, then like drunken thieves, they murder one another over the loot.

(((Robert Sepher)))

Hitler believed Palestine should belong to the jews. /debate amirite?

Attached: nazi ship moving jews to palestine.png (389x209, 171.39K)

To what end? Everything factual is rejected, up is down, bad is good, wrong is right, chaos is order, etc….

I mean he had no choice. I'm pretty sure he would have let Palestine be as it was but his hands were tied.

Do you truly believe you are fooling anyone that genuine people are having this conversation? Or making these one-off comments? You do realize anyone with an IQ above 85 who uses this board frequently can very obviously recognize this fakery, right? It isn't even clever at all, you're extremely bad at it.

Anyone reading who doesn't understand whats going on here: let me enlighten you, OP is pushing a fully Jewish-concocted theory about a defunct 500 year old sect of Jews called the "Sabbatean / Frankists" - this was a break-off sect of Judaism from the 1600s, when a mentally ill Jew named Sabbatai Zevi claimed he was the Jewish Messiah and a bunch of Jews believed him and followed him around. In 1666 he was captured by Muslims in Constantinople, they put him against the wall to be shot and told him that if he was really the Messiah, God would save him - at this point he threw his hands up and begged for mercy, admitting he wasn’t the messiah and thereafter deserting all of his followers and converting to Islam.

After this however, the sect lived on in far-off places, in the Ottoman Empire, etc. as an extremely small and kooky / obscure sect of Judaism for some time, with their own unique cultural customs, beliefs, etc. which differed from other "mainstream sects" of Judaism in some ways, so they kept to themselves for the most part and eventually died off. During this period, some of them had pretended to convert to Islam, but were secretly practicing their brand of Judaism.

What OP and others would like us to believe is that this sect is actually huge - and that they are a massive world-wide cult-like shadow entity made up of "crypto-jews" (not actual jews - some are actual jews, but most have no jewish blood, they're just "crypto-jews") who run the world behind the scenes, of which Hitler (because why not?) and any Jew who ever did anything wrong is a part of. In this delusion - these "Sabbatean / Frankists" believe that the way to bring about the real Jewish Messiah is to act out everything opposite of traditional Jewish teaching, which will corrupt the world and bring about "the end times" more quickly. These modern “Sabbateans” who still follow this abstract cult-like subversion of Judiasm actually hate Jews and are hell bent on destroying Jews as well as everyone and everything else, and they are actually satanists. This is all part of their plan to bring about "the end times" and the "real" Jewish Messiah.

Much of this modern "Sabbatean / Frankist" horseshit comes from a book written in the 70s by a mentally ill Jew: Rabbi, Marvin S. Antelman (real name: Mosheh Shelomoh Anṭelman) in his book: To Eliminate the Opiate: An In-depth Study of Communist and Conspiratorial Group Efforts to Destroy Jews and Judaism, 1974

Quick summary of this book:
‘To Eliminate the Opiate,’ an exposé of the Secret Societies who control the world and who have scapegoated the Jewish people in the process.

So it isn’t really jews at all - its crypto-jewish Sabbateans! They’re scapegoating the poor jewish people!

His sources used in the book are shit like: "testimony given in a New York Rabbinical Court." But doesn't provide what the testimony was, who gave it, etc. etc., its literal Jewish horseshit through and through.

The author of the book is also a “natural medicines salesman” and holds many patents, including one claiming to be “the cure for AIDS” - its basically just an IV shot of colloidal silver. This “cure” was tested on AIDS patients in 2003/2004 resulting in the death of the one of the patients that same year, and having no real effect on the others. As well as many other wacky medical patents. Same old typical Jewish horseshit.

Another big promoter of this "Sabbatean / Frankist" horseshit garbage today is (you guessed it) another mentally ill jew named Dr. Henry Makow. Just google "Sabbatean / Frankist" and read from google and look at the people who promote it - its all fucking garbage based on less-than-nothing evidence and its all written and promoted by Jews to send sub-100 IQ people down a rabbit hole researching the "Sabbatean / Frankist" world-wide conspiracy!!1, so they don't spend any time looking elsewhere.

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It kind of makes Trump literally Hitler. lol. Be careful what you wish for.

Nigger loving kike, weeeellll color me surprised. Africans are an abomination on Earth caused from species mixing with animals (chimpanzees). They do not belong on this planet since they are subhuman and as your kike ancestors that means you don't belong here either.

IKR at 24:20 "all of the jews who went to Israel were German." I hate to break it to that dude but 'jews' can never be German. They are the antithesis of the German/Aryan people they are our ancient enemies who have parasitized off us and slaughtered us wherever they found us.

But we're the 'good jews' goy…those sabbateans are the 'bad jews'…

Seems you think we have 'mysteriously forgotten that your international banking scam is 6,000 years old and that you used it to overthrow everything pure, holy or good on Earth So that you could 'cover your crimes with the blood of the innocent? Guess what you fucking kikes…we haven't forgotten who you are or what you have done on this planet and to our people. As surely as the NON KIKED version of the British government (before they corrupted themselves with your jew nigger blood) exterminated the Thuggee people completely off the face of this planet so to will you be SCRUBBED OFF IT for the hundred of millions of HUMANS that you have murdered, raped, tortured and starved. SCRUBBED OFF IT YOU KIKE PIECES OF SHIT!

“We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth… I speak of the death of the White race. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate. We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction. We can ruin
the ancient pure blood of an Aryan child by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this
country. More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD.
It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children.
We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment. Finally, we will see the end of this White race. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at our feet. Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we
would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it.
Perish Aryan Goyim!”

Attached: 72037_ww2-bomb-shelter-containing-dead-found-14-mths-after-war-ended-6-Dresden-GE-19461.jpg (298x366 106.76 KB, 21.48K)

"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away” -Netanyahu, 2002

"The Bolshevik revolution (the genocide of 60-100 million Christians) in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a ' new order ' in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia* shall become reality all over the world." - ' The American Hebrew '. Sept 10, 1920.

"In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated;have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions;have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal. "If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for alltime, your children will curse you in your graves." This statement was recorded in the diary of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.

"We should turn Her (Russia, Europe, and America) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red rather than white in color. Its color will be red literally because we would spill such torrents of blood that they will pale all human losses of the capitalist wars and make the survivors shudder." -Lev Bronstein

To the hundred million of our people that they tortured to death for sport in their 'semitic inquisitions' of their foreign church that invaded and slaughtered 100 MILLION OF OUR PEOPLE OVER THE LAST 2,000 years of their foreign occupation of our nations.

"Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold.
We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet." ~ Chief Rabbi in France, >>>in 1859 Zig Forums long before the holodomor, long before the Bolshevik revolution, long before WWI and WWII, are you understanding the SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS Zig Forums? Have you bothered to count our FUCKING DEAD AT THEIR HANDS AND THIS ONLY OVER THE LAST 200 years?

Attached: inquisition torture women.jpg (1200x800 17.68 KB, 190.11K)

that kind of posting seems famililar. are you that crazy guy going around with the ethnoglobe idea?

Unfortunately, not even the smarter chimps it seems. The jews fucked retarded chimps because the smarter ones were able to get away from their redemption through sin festivals.

And when did they start this backtracking of their positions, ANONS? When Ethno-globe came to the forefront and they realized in an ALL ARYAN EARTH there would be no place for them to scamper off to and hide until they can strike the unsuspecting from the shadows AGAIN AND AGAIN…and hold out an olive branch of peace WHILE THEY PUT OUR FAMILIES IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND KILL THEM. Or murdered prisoners of war who had surrendered.


"You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War, but of
every other major revolution in your history." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812

"If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others! The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it. Those who object to my advice, knowingly or perhaps unknowingly, are themselves white supremacists. They wish to go on oppressing and exploiting other races and maintaining their own privileged positions of power. That is the conscious and sometimes subconscious motivation of all of my critics. That is why they object to destroying the cancer of humanity known as the white race. That ugly disease, which dares to call itself a people and a culture." -NOEL IGNATIEV

"It is in the jewish interest, it is in humanities interest that WHITES EXPERIENCE GENOCIDE [meaning the end of us all]. Until WHITE CHILDREN ARE BURNED ALIVE, WHITE WOMEN ARE RAPED, MUTILATED, MURDERED and all white men who have not been slaughtered WATCH POWERLESSLY as their people are terrorized; only THEN will mankind be on an equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have"
- Ishmael Levittes



I shouldn't watch this JEWISH BULLSHIT when it gets late…because my rage at their incessant murdering of our people becomes to much to bear…but IDK guys if you believe their bullshit FUCKING AGAIN YOU MIGHT AS WELL TAKE OUT A GUN AND BLOW YOUR FAMILIES BRAINS OUT…this is our last chance to be free of the FAGGOT/PEDO PLAGUE ON HUMANITY FOREVER…if you don't take it you are commiting suicide for yourself and your entire family.

Attached: Jewish leaders push for the islamification of europe.jpeg (600x449 343.67 KB, 45.77K)

So get off your ass and do something shill.

thanks for sharing that user. copied and saved to my jew filez

Smart isn't making the world hate you and painting yourself into a corner in the desert.

It's a woman. You can tell by the histrionics it's a woman, and she has admitted so in other threads. And yes, it's pretty certain at this point that she is nuts.

Oh yeah I remember that she admitted as one. But then it could be the works of a dedicated shitposter.

I have a crow, too. I throw food at him and he drops acorns on me. Little shit thinks it's funny but I guess I think it's funny when I wing a corn nut at him and get him. We fucking hate each other, but we still have a laugh at each others expense. It's a really weird relationship.

Well you're both dirty fucking jews so your opinions are worth their weight.
Do your parents put one bowl of cereal out for you kids in the morning and tell you to fuck each other over in order to eat? How does one become such a vile piece of shit?

What are you even implying user?

You either have a soul, a little one you're working on, or you don't. It just appears euros tend to have it more often than the others. Nothing wrong with your post.

Not every jew is evil, that's straight retarded. But it doesn't matter either. They have to be stopped at any cost.

Don't buy into the bullshit. Hitler knew how despicable jews are and he shipped some off to form their own ethno-state. Those jews in the desert should erect a statue of him, but they have coined him the most evil piece of shit the world has ever seen.
Do you think Hitler would have let such a creature exist if he had known? He was fooled into thinking some jews are not jews, but make no mistake, he was tricked.
There are no good jews. Being a jew is, in and of itself, evil.

People calling you a jew have just shut out their minds to reading more into the JQ. It's an incredibly complex subject if you're a serious person. There's lots of simple people on Zig Forums and just "it's the jews" is enough for them, which is also true but some of us like digging deeper.

Thank you for your contribution to the board, it's very much appreciated.


Attached: ObeseUnicorn.jpg (736x736, 58.29K)

kikes has their own Alex Jones

It's not a 'plot' you fucking retard, read the thread. We can really do without morons like you.

This is just minimization and attempts to discredit source, any thoughts on Jacob Frank carrying these ideas to Poland and Germany, his connection to leading European aristocracy, his connection to Frankfurt, the Rothschilds and the Illuminati?

The presentation in the OP was very poor but this issue isn't going away anytime soon and the only one's concerned about it being raised are Leftist/Atheistic/Anarchic/quasi-Satanic kikes.

Thanks for taking the time to debase the retards incoherent babbling.

kill yourself you mentally ill kike

thank you user, this was the best shit I've seen in a very long time. saved

>trying to get me to fall for (((sephers))) ridiculous kiked disinformation
nice try, faggot

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There's that Quasi-Satanic again.

literally who

Insulting the leaders of the Third Reich or calling someone a Nazi could be classed as Anti-Semitism.

That isn't how it works. Jew genes are jew genes.

I'm not considering an invitation into the nation, only making mention of the facts surrounding this mystery which is Robert Sehper.
It's a puzzle that I've yet to solve and anytime there is illusion, the jew isn't far to find.

Holy shit, what a work that is!
"Himmler was shown to be a jew faggot by a jew writer in a book titled, "Himmler was the most evil man alive and I'll prove it!"
No citation on the next quote,
Another jew author for the 3rd

Are you trying to be funny?


Yes i did find it amusing the suggestion that they were all a bunch of crypto kike faggots, Jewish writers are increasingly arguing that the Third Reich was a Neo-Frankist conspiracy, i neither believe that nor disbelieve it, but it wouldn't surprise me.


It wouldn't only surprise me, it would reverse the known laws of the jewniverse. NatSoc Germany went against everything jew. It was the epitome of the anti-jew.

Nationalism, Fair trade, private property rights, no immigrants, separate more stringent laws for aliens, strict voter registry and verification, no non-elected officials in any position of authority, citizens before foreign nationals, equal rights AND DUTIES, contribution on an equal scale, no pay without labor (Ie no interest, charging interest punishable by death), Nationalization of corporations, profit-sharing for workers of corporations, house prices being locked at 1/8th a household income, mandatory vacation, elimination of materialistic society, children first policy, career criminals put to death…

Man, how can you even think for a second that a jew could be behind National Socialism?

Based Druid Neanderthal Bob.

That's true a total inversion of what it outwardly purported to be about, but then again that is a Frankist doctrine, it's a question of whether National Socialism doctrine was created by Moses Hess or Rudolf Hess as dictated too by Hitler, or are they two sides of the same coin as indicated by the close relationship of the NSDAP to Labour Zionism?

It's a strange thing but there have been many books written on the esoteric/occultic nature of the Third Reich but none have actually found anything, esoteric Hitlerism is just others projecting their own beliefs onto such, it is almost as if they believed in everything and nothing.

It's from the book of Revelation. Verses 2:9 and 3:9.
