Did Putin cause large scale spontaneous AIDS, or what's going on here? Is this part of a post-Putin anti-Russia smear campaign?
HIV in Russia
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have you ever seen russian pornography?
I would definitely be interested in hearing what Russian anons think of this. I've heard some say that the numbers are made up by the West are are strictly not true, while wilder claims are that the (((West))) are behind spreading it.
A lot of heroin abuse in the 90s and fags were no longer suppressed, a lot of times these maps aren't updated as neatly as people think. Then there was a big crisis with krokodil (also injected) a few years ago… all this resulted in AIDS spread rapidly among degenerates.
Probably heroin addicts spreading via infected needles.
Arabs have repeatedly said they deliberately sold on a loss their drugs to Russia as vengeance to Afghanistan and Chechen wars.
damn, source on that?
He posted it on the internet, so it has to be true
Sex education in Russia is in the domain of the orthodox church so not great
I don't remember the source, read about it a long time ago, but it stuck to my mind.
Kinda makes sense though, most of the opium drugs comes from central asia.
Daily reminder that AIDS is an invented virus with broad definitions.
The symptoms of aids are basically the result of unhealthy lifestyles(homosexuals), drug use and living while African. All of which lower your body self defence capabilities.
AIDS comes when you fuck it up to the point that it just collapses.
HIV in israel that only genetic ashkenaz jews can contract and spread to other jews with no treatment available death is certain in 30 days less if already weak immune functions due to excessive inbreeding .
Getting AIDS by the age of six from a sexually frustrated priest must suck.
mfw AIDS is a genderfluid social construct
Russia's HIV epidemic is not new, it's been a problem since the days of Boris Yeltsin, however, that doesn't stop (((them))) from shitting on Russians.
Could be something as simple. As better data collection/record keeping and improved health services since 1995.
Orthodox priests are permitted to have sex dude…in fact you can't get into some orders without being married. Only catholic church and some protestant churches ban sex for clergy.
I'm just wondering if you're some Jew or if you just didn't know.
Say whatever you want about the USSR, but they definitely kept the druggies and fags at bay.
It must be made up.
Or at least, they consider the WHOLE country as "one place"; rather than signing down each region, you can't tell me an area the size of Africa has such and homogeneous spread of a fucking disease.
Sure, the data could be noisy in a lot of different ways. But this is one talking point that the leftist western media frequently brings up when trying to shit on Russia. It has political power behind it. I'm guessing it's usually based on these WHO studies, and I don't trust the UN. From what I've read HIV is not a simple/binary thing to diagnose, so even if you don't go full HIV-denialism like , it looks like the data could be manipulated in a lot of ways, changing definitions and criteria…
Seems like it's malnutrition, homosex, and intravenous drug use that spreads HIV. People aren't starving to death in Russia, you'd have to imagine there's less fags there? About intravenous drug use I'm not sure. You can bicker about specifics, maybe there's less sex-ed/condoms around, maybe the needle hygiene is worse… that's why I made the thread.
But just based on intuition, I don't completely buy this. You can easily see agendas that'd want to color and modulate the truth here.
1995 is right after the fall when the oligarchs raped them. And 2006 is not that long after Putin came into power and most of the oligarchs had still a lot of control over him. Only during the last couple of years Russia began to rise up again and then sanctions, lower gas prices and proxy wars hit them. They'll still at a slight upswing, and the focus on patriotic propaganda and the Orthodox Church keeps them relatively stable. It's still painfully slow. To reach first world status during Putin's lifetime, they need a legit geopolitical alliance with Germany and the complete expulsion of the US from Europe.
Not only that, in commie Poland we barely had organized crime because they were treated as a threat to the system, and fought like foreign spies trying to do the same. Tankie or bust.
Nice try commie.
Because stats in both commie USSR and Poland are reliable, yeah?
Those drugs and mafia didn't come from nowhere, the death of the USSR just make them go underground.
Why are germans such cucks?
They are literally asking for ruskies rapists to come back as their friends?
They are about as much cucks as anyone else in the first world. But they had Hitler.
And? Hitler isn't some kind of god.
Every nations have their nationalist figures, and Germany even got better nationalist figures than Hitler.
The fact now that germans hurry to go suck Soviet dick instead of american show how whore-ish they are.
It's due to heroin m88.
Druggies plus a lot of North-Eastern Europeans are immune to AIDS, so they can spread it passively w/o getting sick
the organized crime in Poland is the excommie secret service, you daft shill
it's because of homosexuals and drug users. they carelessly share needles even though they know the risks ("ну да похуй вообще"). i work in a drug addict treatment center in france, and most of the people coming here are from russia. they all have hiv or hepatitis. they have a serious problem with addicts that is worse than in other countries. they just don't talk about it and don't let the media jews talk about it
IF the numbers are real, then I'd guess it was due to intravenous drug use. I'd like to see a breakdown of the regions in Russia that are affected, because I'm guessing we're talking mostly cities, just like in the U.S., where drug abuse is a constant.
No doctor believes AIDS is a virus. HIV is a virus dipshit.
Similar to the murder rates. I'm not surprised.
russians are jews so i don't know why you make the distinction
>mine stays
Putin introduced HIV to Russia as a form of eugenics. Since HIV only kills degenerates, it is actually a good disease to have in your population. It is more of a societal antibody than a disease really.
Jew detected
There is such a thing as immunity to AIDS but still carrying HIV. Basically the virus is incapable of entering your cells for some reason I don't remember and it just floats in you and you can infect other people.
You do know that the USSR doesn't exist anymore, right?
Honestly, dude, this country is about to collapse Yugoslavia style. Allying with Russia will probably be better for them in the long term.
Yeah, because Hitler invented anti-jewry.
And in place of it, Russia.
Are you fucking serious? Arminius, Frederick Barbarossa, Frederick the Rick, motherfucking Bismarck.
Honestly, dude, Russia is more in brink of collapse than America.
There is no long term for Russia, aging population, very low birthrate, largest muslim population in Europe.
It's hilarious the amount of American-hating here coming from americans themselves.
Yeah, but there ain't no fucking snow-nigger faggot ruskies who are like that.
Hey Schlomo.
Hi Mordecai.
He did. All German nationalists before him were pro-Jew, which is why Jews controlled most of the country by the time Hitler came around.
I'm a hohol and I'm not sure about the extent of the actual infection but my aunt there caught it from routine bloodwork (she's a school teacher my mom grew up with, had husband with two daughters, healthy family so i think i can cross out degeneracy). I also know that comdoms aren't (weren't?) very popular over there, not to mention an ever present heroin problem. My one cousin who is the daughter of said aunt is a pharmacist and tells me she has people come up all day begging for pharma opiates, and apparently there you don't need a script, just a convinced/uncaring pharmacist
So, like most European countries?
Because this country is a depraved, half brown hellhole on the verge of splitting into at least 3 parts, based on race.
Also this-
Holy shit, the fucking ignorance of this board.
Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact Germany just lost WW1, nope, all germans nationalists were pro-jew.
Which means it's a bad thing, yes.
Which is not going to happen any times soon, while Russia will be fucked as soon as Putin kicks the bucket.
And seriously, ALL german nationalists before Hitler were pro-jew? Are you guys honestly pro-German or are you pro-Hitler?
Perestroika and jew vultures reformatting russian culture. Look up Семибанкирщина to start your way down the rabbit hole.
t. ))))))))))))
He is going to live at least till the 2030s.
I don't even know if the US will last that long.
Pretty much
HIV doesn't exist, it Western Big Pharma fake invention created to push their drugs sales.
If you are an american, you don't know shit about your country.
You don't know? Just wait for it. The roman's decline takes about 100 years.
Are you honestly retarded?
Because you are worshiping Hitler while trash-talking past german nationalists?
It seems you have no interest in Germany history and culture aside from the fact they got Hitler (and it's not even Germany, it's Austria).
Communist culture is no Russian culture.
Drug scene was big in the USSR too, they just hide it.
Clearly not the ruskies. But the Balkans have barely suffered.
Civilizations generally have major upheavals/changes after 250 years. America is turning 250 in 2026.
Also, the blacks and Mexicans are not going to stay peaceful for 100+ years. Once we become minority white, that is when the racial secessions will start.
If they solved the severe problems beforehand, hitler wouldn't have been necessary.
Afghanistan produces 90%+ of global opium supply and supposedly most is processed to heroin in Iran
What underground? Mafias openly controlled the state in Russia in the 90s, and continue to control things to this day as long as they give shekels to putin. Under the ussr organized criminals were executed whole cloth, fags were sent to the gulags to be "resocialized", and the borders were impervious to heroin traffickers. Now the southern border of Russia is probably more porous than the southern border of America. And just like glorious capitalism in America, the powers that be in Russia are either powerless or may in fact be directly aiding the people who traffick heroin by the kilo every day from central Asia and Afghanistan.
If you are an american, you don't know shit about your country
The roman empire lasted for 1000 year, the Holy Roman Empire/medieval Germany/Austria/Czech also lasts 1000 year.
And you think the turks, arabs and asians in Europe will? lol, Russia has the largest muslim population in Europe.
Uh what? Last time I check Austria is a different country, or you going to count France as a part of Germany?
Yeah no, the very criminals that plague Russia today come from the USSR bureaucrat.
They went underground in the sense that they are now criminals, instead of policy makers.
I'm convinced DARE was used to introduce kids to drugs to turn them into slaves to LEOs and the 'healthcare' industry. I remember being in 5th grade and the police officer brought a suitcase full of real drugs to show us, and when i told my soviet raised parents they flipped the fuck out on the administration.
This is my last response to you, so enjoy it.
Nope, they will probably do the same there. As the current world hegemon, whatever we do, Europe copies. If the USA racially fractures, Europe will as well. Since they have a lower nonwhite density then us, they will probably be able to deport them, and not have to cede territory.
Read about the "stab in the back"
France isn't, but Austria is.
Hello retard, the roman empire also has consumerism, mindless entertainment and muddification, and it takes 100 years for it to fall. The HRE is a mixture of culture, and it takes Napoleon to end it.
Really? You believe the non-whites in Europe will deport themselves? When they become 30-40% of the population? Holy fucking shit.
Which has nothing to do with the germans being fucking pro-jew, there were less jews in Germany back in goddamn WW1 than in WW2.
The austrian people fucking disagree, thus Osterreich.
Any argument?
Do you know how viruses work, user?
Goddamn, Zig Forums is really shitty nowadays.
I hate to say it, but the board is trash, we have self-hating americans and mutt spammer who hates America more than fucking Israel and the USSR.
Everybody who is anybody in Russia today was a former apparatchik of the old Soviet system in some way or another, from your favorite physics professor to the local mafia boss to the man who manages the post office. When states transition from one system to another the elites of old the system tend to retain their positions of privilege and prestige so long as they are willing to play ball with the new order. A similar phenomenon occurred when the third Reich fell and formal power transitioned to West Germany. Just because some former apparatchiks went on to become rapine criminal bosses involved in drug trafficking, protection rackets, extortion and human trafficking does not mean they partook in these activities when the Soviet Union was still standing. Organized crime in this sense simply didn't exist under the ussr, it maintained a totalitarian monopoly on power in all aspects of public and private life. All threats and deviations were dealt with harshly. Your claim that the ussr had the same issues the Russian federation does today /w/r/t organized crime is horribly misinformed.
I changed my mind.
Roman empire=/= HRE
Did I say that, you fucking retard? I'm talking about the actual Europeans expelling them, by force if necessary. They don't have a hundred million nonwhites like in America, even after they become 30% of the population in Europe.
Doing nothing about a festering problem is being pro-jew by proxy.
Cry moar, bitch.
*population in European countries
And? Never said they are the same.
Ok, I misread it.
Huh? You are mathematically incorrect, the current people living in Europe is about 700 hundred million people, a 30% of that will be fucking 200 millions people. You think europeans can deport that amount of people, but american can't?
Except medieval and early modern germans actually polgrom and exile jews while Hitler did nothing, which explains why jews were very small population until Germany lost WW1 you fucking retard.
And what happened to anschluss? Why is there still an Austria now?
I'm gonna cry for the state of Zig Forums, yeah.
Also, the HRE was a more compact ,mostly Germanic entity. IIRC It was far more culturally and ethnically homogenous. The original roman empire split apart into its constituent parts. This is what will happen to America.
You implied they were.
Answered above.
Oh wow, a couple fucking pogroms! That sure helped Czarist Russia!
Because the wrong people won the war. People you probably support.
Funny thing: Putin's judo trainer, spiritual father and first mafia employer was not executed in the USSR. Though he had some jail time fro money changing (illegal in USSR)
HRE was an entity composed of germanics, slavs as well as italian culture, it was european but not homogenous. And the point is that despite that, it and the HRE still last 1000 years each.
Which matters how? You are speaking of europeans as a whole, yet you can't talk of Europe as a whole?
That pogroms helped destroying the jewish population much more than anything Hitler did, considering the Holohoax is fake.
Yeah, ask the austrians today if they still want to join Germany. Go on, ask them.
It was almost entirely Germanic. The areas in eastern Europe were german for the most part, and so was northern Italy at that point.
Not especially, other then some nods toward it, so that they could claim sucessorship towards the original roman empire.
Still didn't stop jewish communists from taking over, just like the german pogroms didn't stop jews from getting in control of the german arms industry, banking, and media.
The "HIV" is a totally harmless passenger virus.
"AIDS" aka GRIDS aka 4H is, in the Western world, a lifestyle disease that sodomites and drug abusers get. In the shitlands of sub-Saharan Apefrica, the NGOs characterize everything from normal third-world diseases (diptheria malaria etc.) to malnutrition as "AIDS" in order to feed the global foreign aid scam.
No, it was not, it incorporated Hungary and Czech, who were slavic, not germanic.
So it does incorporate italian culture. In fact, it's the precedent for Hitler later considering he adopted fascism from the italian/roman.
Hey retard, it stopped them until they lost WW1, in fact, you are doing a huge disrepect for all german nationalists for having kept a jew-free Germany until Hitler came along.
If denazification works, there wouldn't be nazis anymore. Come the fuck on.
I'll give you hungary, but Czechoslovakia, especially western Czech, had massive amounts of germans. (Sudeten)
A vestigial coating of roman/italian culure=/= Hey guys, we wuz Italians!
That is a good comparison, because just like the HRE only used a little bit of culture from the Roman Empire, Hitler only used small bits of Italian fascism. National socialism is not Italian fascism.
No, it really didn't
also, If they were able to subvert Germany so easily after WW1, then the BASED pre hitler german nationalists you are defending didn't do a good enough job to PREVENT that from happening.
There isn't Nazis in Germany or Austria. At least open Nazis.
And if the people don't want to be part of Germany, why did the western allies have to ban any future Anschluss's by law?
Maybe this is why the US encourages Afghanistan to produce so much opium, because it's being used to weaken Russia.
And? It doesn't change their slavic root.
Oh yes it does, it means you are incorporating italian/roman culture.
Yes, it did. Before losing WW1, there's only hundred thousand jews in Germany. During WW2? Millions.
Duh, they just fucking lost WW1. Hitler didn't come out of nowhere, he built up his bases on EXISTING german nationalists who hated jews and propagated stab in the back. Hitler FOLLOWED the tradition, he didn't invent shit.
Oh yes, it does.
Because Anschluss is unlawful? What would you say if France annex Germany because Germany used to belong to the HRE?
So, ethnic germans are slavs now?
Just going to ignore the already answered pilpulling garbage.
So, his idealogy of national socialism didn't bring anything new to the table?
It was made unlawful by people that should have no part in german affairs.
Whelp, I have IRL stuff to do right now, maybe i'll argue with your faggot ass later.
check in at >>>/suicide/ ASAP.
So slavs are ethnic germans now? Are you implying all czecks are ethnic germans?
Yes, and specifically talking about anti-jewry, which is what he built upon, not invented.
It's no more german affairs when Germany is involved in a world war.
How is it false equivalency? That's an actual precedent.
God damn Schlomo went on a spazzspree.
How am I on a spazzfree?
And why are you conveniently ignoring the guy I'm arguing with?
And why do you call me Scholmo?
You're autistically screeching your faggot opinions at everyone, jesus, schlomo here is fucking retard.
a* fucking retard
It's not an opinion, it's fact.
Or do you seriously think that every german nationalists before Hitler were pro-jew?
I'm specifically mad at that, it basically sucks Hitler's dick all days to Sunday despite all the germans that have kept for over 1000 year of German history.
Nope, only Hitler counts.
Fuck that shit.
He also misspelled the word he quoted
Hitler was the one that informed the German public at large of the jewish problem. The ones in Berlin knew, because jewish degeneracy was plastered all over that city, but people out in the rural areas of Germany weren't aware of a large scale jewish problem
No, they're your opinions, and your opinions are factually incorrect.
The stab of the back story was a huge conspiracy that was spread all over Germany.
Everyone fucking know of it, thus they have reason to support Hitler or the Nazi Party.
Hitler didn't just come out of nowhere and say ho jews are bad everyone follow me.
Never mind that this does not count that before Hitler's time, the jewish population did not even exceed 500 000.
I like how my defending of past german nationalists are factually incorrect.
No, you Hitler dick sucker, they are facts and they are factually correct.
Anti-jewry did not start with Hitler and will not end with Hitler. Read.
based af
They knew because the NatSoc party started to have fights in the street and it made German newspapers. Once Hitler had a large following in Berlin (before he was elected), he was able to start spreading the message of the jewish problem to rural Germany.
I'm not saying Hitler came out of nowhere, I'm saying it took time to teach the rural Germans to care about the jewish problem
You seek to insult Germans and denigrate their history, you seek to belittle them, that is perfectly obvious, you're an anti-German shill, most likely British, and you're a poor one at that.
No, they knew about it before there's even a NatSoc party.
The freikorps were a thing and they were the fucking 20s.
Funny, it's the rural germans who hate jews the most, since the rural germans actually serve in WW1.
And hey, I'm not the guy who says every german nationalist before Hitler were pro-jewry, now that's an actual insult AND actually belittling Germany's proud history.
If you seek to defend that claim, you are anti-german like the rest of them.
In fact, this nigger>>12076084 still thinks that without Papa Hitler, the german people CAN'T wake up from the jewish problem.
Some did, most didn't.
Germans from all walks of life served in WWI, and that wasn't even seen as a jewish war at the time. It was seen as a way to defend the Kaiser's rule from France
I jumped into the conversation late, learn how to read IDs. And your argumentative tone with no proofs tells me that you're a shill. Last (you), enjoy it kid
Russian porn is like 99.99999% anal sex so this doesn't shock me all that much.
Most actually did, since they end up voting for Hitler's party. Not Hitler, but his party.
Except that it's those same germans who propagate the stab in the back myth, which is the source of Hitler's anti-jewry. Hitler didn't just invent that shit out of thin air.