Free Speech is going BYE! BYE!

Ben Garrison and Metokur Shoah'd

Ben Garrison:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Low energy op.

Fuck off nigger.

Ben confirmed that his web host suspended him. He did not get banned from Twitter. Metokur seems to be banned from both youtube and twitter simultaneously. He posted a video earlier today about how the shooter at the madden tournament was a Jew. Did anyone save it?

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This is the beginning. They're going to try to totally deplatform the right. The net is about to change. Buckle up, niggers. Their Technocracy has arrived.

Looks like they got Metokur's Facebook also.

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We need our own video streaming services and social media. Jewgle, Twatzer, Faceberg, etc. are going to make their final purge soon and then there will be no options to organize behind Right-wing/nationalist websites.

They're doing this first as a prevention of us winning the elections, worldwide, and second because they are losing ground fast and can't allow anyone else to be redpilled.

Blogs will likely be next after social media and jewtube. Jewgle owns blogspot.

That's a damn shame, I was putting a good chunk of his videos on my backlog. Hope he it's saved somewhere.

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What did the "One man Klan" do? Is this because of the McCain post?

Oh, no. Not Jim. Did he lose his loicense, guv'na?

How tragic.
First he has to live without a foreskin.
Then he has to live without a girlfriend of his race.
Now he even lost his social media loicense after gloating at Europe so hard.

Can he ever recover from those "bantz"?

Shoahed , wouldnt be surprised the podcasts he appears on are next.

I heard Redikur before and didn't care but Benny G, what the fuck, he's a basic bitch libertarian

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There's like 50 accounts that re upload all of hapa man Jim's shit, dunno about Ben

They got Ron Paul's side kick(Daniel McAdams) a couple weeks ago too.

I'm blackpilling I know but I don't see how we can beat this. Cuckservatives don't care because "muh private companies" and millennials don't care either, they increasingly support censoring "offensive" speech. At least the boomers usually take a “I don't agree with what you say but…" position. The government is certainly never going to do anything about it.

Jim is a degenerate sure, but I still think hes doing more good than harm. Hes kind of like a gateway drug for people to the right.


Yes I can, now I wonder why they're going for a target so low on the awareness spectrum, is it they're that retarded they think Trump has been anything but their asset

Yeah he gives off that impression, but he wasn't always that way. There's an account about Ben you should read:

Alt-Tech is already a thing. Vox Day was leading the charge, but not many joining him. I expect that to be changing soon.

Jewtube and Twatzer were always going to do this. Alex Jones found out the hard way, and was a test run.

Initially then they become a swamp, Jim has in the past been great for that now he's the same as all of them a shame he was the last to go

I have to admit I'm not very tech-savvy but I hope that succeeds. Building our own alternatives is our best bet.


Oh and then there was the time he drew a picture threatening to burn a cripple

I'm not knuckles

He's either one of us, or the jews got REALLY good at mimicking us (which judging by their shilling attempts, and Jim's years of service, is not very likely at all). He's a degenerate for sure, but then I would wager that the vast majority of us are in one way or another; we just don't ever put our personal information out there so no one else will know. Jim is probably the only person who is 'semi-mainstream' who admits to browsing, and sympathising with Zig Forums. There's plenty of people who say they browse Zig Forums, but I'm not aware of anyone else who actually advocates for us.

With all that said it looks like his bantz has bitten him in the butt. Land of the free my arse. Now he can shitpost with the rest of us on here instead of on his yid platforms.


mid terms coming up goy jews want that house they know jew is kill without it.

We are at war,have been for a long time now the veil drops as we start waking up rn masse …another jew mistake LMAO!!! YES ban censor deplatform de monetize.

Best way to expose a dictatorship is making (((them))) act like one.

This is totally getting out of hand now.
Fuck sakes.

you don't remember when Ben came here?

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I just want Americans to realize that most of the bullshit that is going on is coming from their jews, not Europe. Europe is tiny and can hardly harm the US, especially not Germany, but Germany gets the blame for the vast majority of EU shit.

The EU can easily get cleaned up if "too large to fail" America has uncucked itself.
It's far more important than Europe. What's Germany gonna do?
Attack you with broomsticks to defend the jewish interests of the EU?

Then what would the US do if you defied the ZOG?
Bomb the shit outta you.

Anyway, not saying Britain and co didn't do nuffin, but we gotta heal this at the most important set of roots.
No country, no western country has as many jews as the US.
No counry, no western country produces and consumes as much pro jew interest and anti "white" propaganda as the US.

I have long stopped laughing at Sweden and co.
Europe is easily swayed, WW2 is the prime example.
US was the deciding factor of its defeat and suddenly everything sucked harder than before, with many nations becoming republics instead of kingdoms, etc.

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Jim is one of us. It was clear when he departed Gamergate. He stood for his convictions rather than water it down with Reddit trash. He may knock up an Asian girl one day, but that doesn't really change anything about the bottom line.

It's not hard to make a website. Homebrewing and underground website scene is the way to go.
Welcome to 1980s GDR unter-kulture
We Cyberpunkz nao

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keep censoring jews we gonna fuck you up royally for it.

Youtube and twitter operate at a loss just to keep competition out.

At least he's still alive apparently.

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the competition wanting to be in jewtube or twatter instead of competing is the problem.

When a demographic is denied service there is no longer any competition for a startup catering to it.

We can't at the moment because we don't own anything in tech. It's all been converged. But we can beat this in the future.
Cuckservatives are wrong. Most of those companies were built up with alphabet support.

user is right. I know we don't follow ecelebs but more people should listen to Vox. He's super high IQ, always right, and is 100% on the side of ethno-nationalists. We need Alt-Tech (tech belonging to real right-wingers, not cucks or lefties).

teaches him well to be such a subcuck

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checked for had a based teacher always said shut your trout lmfao

Well how viable is bitchute? Vidme was supposedly the thing that was supposed to save free speech and give youtube a run for its money. Its been spread that bitchutes payment processor , was worried about doing business with the site supposedly mastercard had a problem.

No, I'm only 10, I love summer. Yes, I remember… Cuck a duck moot

kikes the lot

Do you have a nigger dick in your throat that is interrupting your cognitive processes? Can't? Can't?
You can't get a $10 SBC and microSD card and run a Gigabyte library from solar power in a local mesh??
Stop being a nigger.

It was a money problem. The video sites and social media are currently impossible to make profitable. All the major ones we know are running at a loss.

Either you limit your shit to a crap resolution and scare off everyone who's there to watch fancy lightworks, or, you invest a shitload more than what you're ever going to make back into your service.

If you were here right now, I'd knock you out for being an arrogant faggot and retard.

If you think mesh and SD cards are an alternative to modern tech or will fix anything or be viable for normies, you're wrong.

Mesh would be good for a command center after the shooting starts, but not much use right now.

Good time to be pressuring Trump to do something about this social media censorship bullshit. The companies clearly don't give a single fuck, their investors must have given the go-ahead to go after people. The issue requires intervention.

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CB Radio / Ham Radio

Kike-full first post. Sad.

who the fuck is active on those kike sites anyway?
)))they((('re doing us a favor
enough whoring


i dont buy that
that may work in peaceful times
we're way beyond that
goys need to wake up
war has been declared a long time ago
rotherham comes to mind

we've already won
Zig Forums is on each and every free comments section all over the anglo world and more
they're doing what they can to contain or at least segregate us from the normies
leave the normies aloooooone
by this point normies cant use jewgle anymore, imagine the nightmare of watching cat videos and seeing nazis in the comments every fucking time
i'm afraid you're still jewed in believing that jewish platforms are important (anymore)

pick one

When was the last time any of us bothered visiting shit like that let alone trying to redpill the comments section?

Coal is not saved. It is BURNT.
and they're called normfags round these parts redditfag
Yes mesh and SD cards IS an alternative to being banned. Do you think you can use the kike's tech while he holds the cut off key, or have you missed the point that anyone to the right of Stalin is getting shoah'd on it?
ALL these tech giants started off smaller than what ONE user could create today - so why aren't you doing what many of us are and starting the Cyberpunk Internet were we aren't banned - BECAUSE WE FUCKING OWN IT!

That's good for communication, but I meant for local data transfer and organization.

Is Brendan Eich an e-celeb? Brave browser has integrated Infogalactic, the non-kike/non-cuck startup of Wikipedia, into its searches by default.

Fuck off.

startup clone

yeah he left GG by pointing and laughing at patreoncucks then what does he do?
everything he can to get as popular a youtube channel as he can
he became what he fought, pretty fast

For communication with your friends, yea. That's about it.

It is a shitty OP though.

What do you think made Facebook into the giant it is today, nigger?

It wasn't dealing with high latency issues, that's for sure.

I wouldn't be surprised if (((they))) made the Bundeswehr into a Wehrmacht-light to get Germans to fight and die for (((their))) interests. But mostly likely (((they))) would expand the French Armed Forces, since France is the military power behind the EU and Germany is more the financial power.

Okay, so create a powerful network out of your Arduino in a coke can, nigger, and get people to switch from normienet to it. I'll be waiting here, especially for your marketing campaign. Will it impress fossils still using 56k? I'm dying to find out.

How's it feel to be this fucking naive?

No. What part of
do you not get?

Oh, so it's not a viable alternative. Thanks, retard nigger. That was easy.

Honestly, the best competition is going to come when the cost comes down on launching satelites.

we are all over the collective mind now
we dont need large jewish platforms anymore
we are the counterculture

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So edit it, you fucking huge nigger.

oh boy
this explains a lot of your dismay


Tell us nigger, you know better than anyone. Were you there at the time? No, you were only born yesterday.

Now stop bitching and run back to reddit and suck your kike masters cock like the good goy you are.
pic related is (you)

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I bet you aren't even white.

Vox Day owns the fucking website. Please go run down your nearest hood street and scream "nigger" at the top of your lungs. Please. Just remove yourself from the genepool.

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The point of info Galactic is, it's owned bu Vox Day, an ethnonationalist and a supporter of murdering nonwhites. He also holo-pilled and Jew pilled. That means, it's under good control. If you don't think pages are accurate, re-write them in a scholarly fashion. As said, the content is derived from Wiki.

You're strawmanning me and you know it, you stupid little nigger.

I've been here for more than four years and I work as a data scientist IRL. WTF do you do, nigger?

i guess they're too young to know the power of the underground counterculture

it's a resistance thing
it comes out of non controlled channels
it has street cred

the CIA

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Not just a test run. Remember when the ADL and jewtube introduced the video quarantining, and the first "victim" was the ADL-linked philosemite Jared Taylor? The kikes understand the Streisand Effect and know the first targets of major censorship will benefit from it. And if you think Jonestein is really being attacked, then why is he protecting the people behind the censorship and pinning it all on the "Communist Chinese"? Never underestimate jewish tricks.

He's a Qcumber, meaning he's either mentally retarded or a liar, conning his listeners. I assume it's the later.

Daily reminder that he also publishes this kike's work.

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you're conflating FAGA with "the internet"
those are the (((government internet))) only


The redditfag unironically thinks editing kikepedia is a worthy effort. Do you also get the feeling we're talking to things we'd normally
put in the oven?

Makes sense. Since you want to measure dick sizes, I'm retired at a young age after helping others start businesses.

Settle down you histrionic nigger. Trump has already mentioned several times that the shuttening of "conservative" media is a problem, after joenstein was banned, and that he plans to tackle it. The more conservative normalfags they shut down, the more urgent it becomes to take action. Trump knows better than anyone that he is heavily dependent on a free social media; far more than any Democrat. Thus, this acceleration of "shut it down" is a good thing, because it will force action to be taken sooner, rather than later. The jew always overplays his hand.

oh joy
niggers vs trannies: WW4

he owns the hosting too? and the DNS servers?
centralization is kikery
we are distributed or we are dead

Meanwhile in Fingolia: closing down the NRM is again in courts today.

Apparently this CFR cunt is linked to the attack on Jim.

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Oh, thank you for the enlightening words, Juden Pederstein.

the fuck is "source hacking", is this some newspeak shit?

false dichotomy

you just said before my claim was that i think google is the net. that's a strawman.

Data science is a hobby job that rewards me with academic publishing. IRL my main money source comes from my marketing business.

Source hacking? What a donut shop?

Jim was trolling some blue checkmarks the other day pretending he was at the shooting in florida.

Not at all. Nobody with even the IQ of a nigger could take the Q LARP seriously.

Source Hacking is what journalists call people who pretend to be sources in an attempt to fuck with them. Rather than do fact-checking and actually be journalists, they just blame the people fucking with them.

So people troll, and they think it's "source hacking"? Lol

>my (((friends))) are going to save the world

Let's sourcehack the socialmainframe.
