Eeven by most optimistic metrics used. I personally hope that Trump explodes your debt and increases spending, so it hits -2 trillion $ deficits.
>CBO projects that in any of the scenarios, debt would equal more than 200 percent of GDP by 2048
Eeven by most optimistic metrics used. I personally hope that Trump explodes your debt and increases spending, so it hits -2 trillion $ deficits.
>CBO projects that in any of the scenarios, debt would equal more than 200 percent of GDP by 2048
Other urls found in this thread:
Collapse is going to happen no matter what. The most important thing is what condition the public is in prior to it. That's why Jewgle and others are banning everyone.
the suffering is not my worry,
I worry that another super power will move in to America when it collapses.
My hate for America goes beyond all imagination but who knows what it will become under another even more kiked rule.
my bet is that there wont be a war, just democracy at its finest.
Thats nothing compared to the unfunded liabilities. Education, Pensions, Medicare & Medicaid combined is well over 200 Trillion. 9/11 was the symbolic end of america.
Something funny to think about:
When the Soviet regime collapsed, all the regions in the world held in their military grip suddenly felt the mighty of America's War machine. Some peacefully, some not-so-peacefully.
It's funny how you can look back at the fall of the USSR and how it closely mirrors the present, except the communists aren't in power (which is bullshit because the Republicans don't control shit even after being elected).
I can assume that the next superpower will not move against America. Not directly. It will extend it's iron grip over Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and every other nation with more than 100 USA mil-bases.
Russia is recovering at a steady pace, but not really a threat. Their foreign policy is about making allies with neighbors and mostly ignoring the rest of the world.
If I had to take a guess: China will be the next superpower, however it will be a short reign before they too collapse. The economic shockwaves from the fall of the American Dream will linger for years, shake their bubble-economy and topple it, unintentionally a few years after their rise.
That's the only time I predict a major war propping up. Maybe sooner though: as soon as too many people start facing this possibility, they'll grab their guns and try to prevent it by annexing territory/conquering resources. Anything to prolong their empires a few more centuries.
"You shall consume all the peoples whom the LORD your God will deliver to you; your eye shall not pity them, nor shall you serve their gods."
The debt is owed to boomers.
Yep the Jews take over a foreign govt and then use their military to achieve global Jewish rule. Look at our insane military spending, what it does and where it goes. None of it's for the USA.
If it wasn't for the Palestinians we might of already been offed in a nuke war w russia or china.
In my opinion, America was already doomed by the time 9/11 hit. It's dead inside, but the body still shuffles along. To me, 9/11 was simply an epinephrine pen being staked on it's chest, a last ditch effort to save something you know damn well to be dying anyway.
Often, when a nation is headed for collapse, it's leaders will attempt some disastrous motion to "save" it, often screwing other nations in the process. Sometimes screwing themselves. That's all 9/11 was, a great way to kickstart the war-economy and pump up those dollars. But that's only treating the symptoms, the cause of death is still there (corruption and money-games under the table).
One thing I'll never understand in American politics is why Lobbying is a thing. A legal thing, an expected thing. It's so common and normalized, a candidate without 2 or 3 lobbies behind him will garner strange looks from his peers.
I'm not saying we don't have those in Europe, but here people at least have the decency to hide it or try to be discreet about because they KNOW it's fucked up evil shit and the public would react rather badly at Corporation XYZ trying to but it's greedy heads in politics like that.
When I look at America, I see the exact opposite: Coca-Cola supports a candidate, sends him fuckloads of money and in turn he sponsors and helps them out. The people know about this, and clap their hands saying "Well, if Coca-Cola is supporting MY candidate, they're probably good guys."
I blame political-tribalism and the death of debate along with the extinguishing of the free exchange of ideas between people.
The Jews will never try to ascend to the level of "World Police" the USA did. They don't want it.
A wise king once said: "Don a crown, and you paint a target on your head. Don a cowl, and you'll rule a kingdom."
There will always be a Superpower bigger than Israel that protects them. Israel calls the shots behind the curtain, but that Wizard of Oz doesn't want the "President of the World" Throne. It will gladly sit the next sacrificial lamb on it before gently whispering him what mad act of war to commit next.
Yep and the USA under Clinton rigged the Russian election for Boris Yeltsin then the Jewish Oligarch raped Russia so hard life expec. dropped an avg 8 years.
Yes we rigged their election, HBO made a movie about it called Spinning Boris.
Those retards can't predict how things will be in 6 months, so lets not get ahead yourself.
Only realistic option that comes to mind is Mexico, backed by China.
God, just like all those china shills who say the US must pay China money.
Are you all retarded?
Mexico as a proxy of a China would make a lot of sense, yeah.
In college had a business prof lose his shit cause noone in a jr level class knew what fiat was (except this user) in real practice. Next lecture forced the class to watch videos completely unrelated to statistics.. about the rotschilds and our incoming collapse. Never seen such a mass red pill in my life. Pretty sure they fired this guy by now.. hes probably lurking around here somewhere.
There's a shitload of anti-american butthurt flying around for literally no reason at all right now.
Call it shitty, but I really wouldn't care if all Americans just gave up on Europe as a whole and stopped supporting their efforts. They'll just go back to treating each other like garbage based on their precious ethnic lines anyway.
Don't buy D&C bullshit.
America & Europe are the same stock with the same problem.
Aw, did some one call you a mutt again, mutt?
You know there is a reason why people there hate you right? Do you see ivans and vatniks being bewildered why Euros could POSSIBLY hate them, you absolute retarded mongrel?
Post your genetic record.
The fun thing about the mutt meme is that germans and ivans are mutt too.
That isn't possible. USA is the most kiked country of all time.
Forgetting USSR & Israel, champ?
Underrated post
TOO MANY fucking Americans show an unflinching level of concern for the plight of Europe and "oh I hope those Eurobros are able to clean up their countries" and this is the fucking shit we get in return. We never asked you to adopt "white nationalism" nor do we have the desire to force it on you, like you blame us for so many other things. It is an American concept for Americans to rally under. You want to keep your ethnic lines and your precious little "bantz"? we don't give a shit, do it, just keep us out of your fucking mouths. This American is done giving a shit about your plight and I can only hope the rest wise up and realize you're nothing but a fucking burden to us.
Call this D&C if you want, but I've been reading this horse shit for months and I know it's not all from shills and I'm fucking done.
No, I did not forget. The USA is literally more Jewish than Israel. And by the 1960s, the USSR was already less Jewish than the USA.
Is the reason you haven’t posted your skin yet because you’re a shitskin or because you glow in the dark?
That's literally not true though.
I find it funny that now kikes try to deflect all the hate towards America instead of themselves.
German blood and vatnik blood are very unique composition. Yes it is usually not a singular haplotype. Yet upon closer examination we clearly see facial, biological, cultural and historical differences that define each European Volk.
Why in muttmerica, you are either irish or french or feather nigger depending on the flavor of the month. Because all you have is the skin color. While all Europeans are automatically hwite and beyond.
The USA is already a dead country. Europe is getting better while the USA only continues to get worse, even with alleged "nationalist" and "populist" zog emperor Trump
As for the supposed Dixie fag. Keep trying to foment the same civil war that wiped out good whites on both sides instead of focusing on the problems that ail all of us. I'm about done with your shit too, and I'm not even a fucking northerner.
Post your mutt hand first, mutt.
No but you're a dead motherfucker.
No we're fucking not and I tried to believe it for a long time. These fucking pieces of shit are never gonna stop this. It's not all D&C this is what they think about you. They consider our pan-european nation to be just as bad as fucking niggers and I'm tired of it.
Uh, nowadays you have some very turkish looking german, or slavic looking german so that's not true.
Genetics is not some magic, when you mix and match it changes, and this is seen first hand in Europe and America.
you are falling for some bad D&C man.
It is true. There were far more Jews in US government in the 1960s than in the USSR government.
So like Japan already? So like half of Europe already? Is this /b/ in 2010?
Lets talk about where that debt comes from. If the US was only white, that is to say if all the budgetary costs of niggers and spics were discounted we would have a 0.8 Trillion dollar surplus right now and would have had between a 0.5 and 1.8 trillion dollar surplus every year for the past 40 years. This can be calculated by removing all their consumption and production from the economy and their tax inputs from the federal, state and local budgets while simultaneously discounting their consumption of welfare and federal services. This doesn't account for city services or state specific services they consume. Nor does it attempt to calculate the total cost they inflict on society in crime and the resultant need to punish and incarcerate them for their crimes. Nor the cost in inefficient work done by 85 IQ shitskins. And of course it doesn't measure the amount of malinvestment inflicted upon society by the kikes nor the money given to the various governmental and private bodies they use to employ their fellow tribesmen as they produce nothing of value, liberal arts departments in colleges for example.
I don't want to here anybody in here bitching about modernity, capitalism, or anything else. Because despite any problems that my be incured by any other hypothetical cause I can give you hard data regarding how much the shitskins cost America right now.
White Medicare beneficiaries
White Social Security beneficiaries
White Welfare recipients 2015
White Medicaid recipients
Total Medicaid Spending
Total Medicare Spending
Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014
Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014
2014 income distribution of Whites, alone, not hispanic
2014 “Who pays taxes”
2014 US Federal Budget
US Non-Hispanic Whites in 2012
Yet most Europeans remain the same as their ancestors biologically.
Because we are not mutts, dingus.
Most americans are the same actually.
And no, some germans and slavs are mutt due to historic rapes/invasion, as well as the greeks and the spaniards.
Do I have to speak Mexican to you now? No hablo taco!
The vast majority of US debt isn't actual debt. It's promises made on future entitlement "needs".
AKA promises for nog gibs.
You can't even master your tounge. Which I don't blame you. Mutt "english" is a global mongrelized shit tounge made to assimilate as many brown people as possible and made them "based" US Christian.
That is why every month all of you claim to have descended from the celtic potato men or the feather niggers or the mafia, depending on what the kikes tell you on TV what is cool.
A typo doesn't make me wrong though.
That is true though, and it does not change that most americans are the same.
You are trying really hard to D&C.
It wasn't a typo. You reinforced my point while showing denial in denial.
And I say it again. I don't blame you. You are all mutts. Filled with nigger blood. And feather nigger. And potato nigger. Baguette nigger. Kraut nigger… ad infinitum.
The southern hicks really had something unique going on. But nope. Civil War for niggers happened.
So you have nothing anymore. But an increasingly brown skin.
You mutts started it. Ever think about what could have been if you mutts never saved communism 80 years ago?
Alas, you don't. You still celebrate it more than the vatniks do.
Note to thread:
Fiat currency is a figment of kike imagination. It doesn't actually mean something in the real world because it is all based on disgusting kike make believe and their deviant imagination.
Oh boy, all the things you are saying are happening to Europe.
All the african blood, arab blood, turkish blood, even asian blood.
You calling anyone mutt is a big ass irony.
Ever think what would happen if Germany didn't ship Lenin to Russia?
Last time I check, the ruskies still have an actual parade over the Great Patriotic War where they beat the fascists.
And you want to ally with them?
Oh, it's the German mutt spammer again. I could say that you're making your people look like total asswipes, but I actually know Germans and they don't act like shitheads the way you do, so I think it's just you. I highly doubt you're some kind of 120% Aryan übermensch related to Hitler himself. Protip: Germany's economy is going straight down the tubes once Deutsche Bank explodes. Don't bother replying, you're filtered.
He's not german, most likely an ukrainian.
Maybe because it now is?
so you are saying America is South Africa tier bad?
And how many percent is that? Even Sweden is still at 80% Swedish. And that is already the worst case in Europe.
The thing is, Chinatowns and niggertowns are more prevelent here than in muttmerica.
No European country will be le 56%. So there is no irony here. Unless the mutts get butthurt again and try to save marxism another time, because we don't call you huwite.
You see, this is why we are superior to you subhuman mutts. We see our mistakes, we try to fix it (Hitler).
But you mutts are like locust with all the nigger and kike blood inside you. You pretend to like European cultures but you hate them. They remind you how rootless you mutts are.
Evidence? Where is the number 1 headquarter of globalism and liberalism?
That is what I mean. They have one each year per Jewtin's mandate.
You mutts squeeze the holohoax and muh greatest generation myth every week. Evident by your gun culture. nazi this nazi that. And the Hitler gun control lie.
They will beg us to buy their gas and oil. And you seek to prevent it buy holding Europe at gunpoint, forcing us to by arab resources instead.
Typical inferior mutt. And the faster BRD GmbH goes to shit the better. Thanks for that.
Pretty sure I have never seen Andrei posted yet. :°)
I'm saying when I look out my window "fucking niggers" couldn't be a more perfect word to reflect on.
In how many years? Europe is darkened faster than America, while having even less children.
You speak too soon, as you said, Sweden is already 80%, while France should be around 60-70%.
You try to fix it by waging war and losing war, and end up losing Europe, how is that not fixing anything?
So you openly celebrate their parade of killing nazis? What a cuck you are?
Really? Harder than Russia who to this day still jails and kills nazis? lol
Yeah, like they are doing now, huh?
Fucking pathetic. You aren't even german, do not say "us" or "our".
Which has everything to do with your shit living environment rather than America as large.
Still not 56%, mutt.
I love how this bother you.
Fuck france. Only half of them were Vichy anyway.
I love how this one event in history can strip you of all your rational thinking.
I know it is hard, but the truth is your grandpa fought so you can share the same classroom and neighboorhood with niggers, so spics can rob your young brothers of the jobs he so badly need in the holidays.
We waged war to remove communism.
Subhuman amerimutts saved communism to brown their country.
Do you deny this?
When did I say this?
Can't even read your subhuman mutt butchered language?
Can do what vatniks want. They can't project their forces as well as the USSR anymore. So they will beg us to buy their crudes and not say anything further. And why should they? They are smart now. Unlike mutts, as long as krauts buy their shit, krauts can be nazis all day long.
Only mutts are so retarded they subject themselves to kikes to impose "freedom" upon the world. Which means feminism, muttism, liberalism and general rootless bullshit.
Yes, like every time until you intervened. Like the Ukraine fiasco.
Gibst du mir Befehl, uh? Was passiert wenn ich nicht zuhöre? Mehr Negersoldaten auf D? Komm dabei, besuch uns mal im deutsch/pol/. Dann lernst du persönlich was wir denken.
Back up your claims
You mean both coasts. Simpletons squabble over the America v Europe philosophies. This is why culture is shifting so drastically and it's only up to you to embody the change you desire, starting with civics. Especially among Zig Forums and nationalists that aren't of average stock, all this time spent learning the world and we're unable to have direct, precise counters and would somehow rather facilitate the same unyielding ignorance that troubles the majority of people to begin with. You are the user that said and I agree, entirely what I was attempting to relate to.
He's not right (at the start), Pennsylvania and Westward has many central/northern Europeans, with the east coast withholding that Anglo/French/Irish roots far more prominently. I never thought I'd see much of a difference with them, but I do not feel at home with the original colony people's as much as I did with the more Germanic Americans.
And? It's a matter of time, mutt.
Oh wait, you already are mutt.
Oh but France is in Europe, buddy boi.
My rational thinking is you wage war and you lose war, and now you are trying to blame everyone for your loss.
America too wage war to remove communism, meanwhile Germany exported Lenin to Russia.
You just say vatniks can have that parade, and that would be lesser than american, meanwhile, america has no nazi defeat glorifying parade.
Oh wow, so they can freely jail and kill nazis while you are dick riding them.
Ha? Which is why they are still celebrating killing nazis in Russia. Seriously, try it.
Oh so why didn't you nazis just go join the Donbass republic then? Oh wait, they fucking kill you over there.
Fucking pathetic. You aren't even german, do not say "us" or "our".
I'm asking how Germans and Slavs are mutts doe to invasions.
Germans are mutt due to the rape of Berlin, as well huge transplant of "ethnic volga germans" from Russia.
The slavs are mutt due to them being conquered by mongols.
Ok… I'm not taking your word for it, post proof.
You wish mutt, haha!
I love how you now resort to thinking like a nigger.
"Da REAL wite men will be gone anyday now."
What kind of comeback is this? Did I make your blood boil so hot you don't "GET" the historical context of my remark?
Is this the fruit of muttducation and inferior genetics?
Say it, mutt.
Aw. Pic related. "Arsenal of Democracy" started way earlier.
funny how you cant refrain from using the slang "nazi". But I will entertain a subhuman like you.
Vatniks have ONE single parade a year.
amerimutt gun industry and community, the supposed bulwark against communism, have an ad about ww2 this and that we did Hitler in this and that. And the Hitler gun control myth.
See the difference? I pity a mutt with a pea brain.
Because nowadays, it is the mutts that want to impose liberalism upon the world. Not vatniks.
Yeah, "russian NAZIS". Don't give a fuck about larping vatniks. Should have joined the white army.
How would you know that? German to your eyes is like the holy water to a vampire.
You don't even speak German.
Funny how this little retarded subhuman mutt forgets that it is on Zig Forums and using "nazi" as an insult just give it away.
All of Germany is Berlin now?
Typical mutt thought process.
I guess since muttmerica has San Fran, LA, Chimpcongo, Portland, New York, etc
Muttmerica is decidedly unsalvageable.
Oh wait, it is !
Tartars aren't Mongol rape babies you fucking idiot, they're like Finns or Hungarians.
Oh wow, some countries in Europe are already America-tier, namely France.
It's not a comeback, it's factual. Europe has mutt, buddy boi.
There, I say it.
Uhm, and before that, there was a little thing called the invasion of Poland, where Germany aided communists, hmmm, and the fact there's the USSR at all is because of Germany.
Didn't you say "nazi" first?
And they jail and kill nazis every single day, lol
See the difference?
Vatniks want communism for everyone else, they still are supporting various communist parties worlwide lol
Hey retard, there is no more white army, and the US sent a battalion to help them, remember that.
But you just say the vatniks let you LARP as nazis now? lol
Because your wording is not german, your spirit is not german, your blood is not german. You are a slav who hates on America.
Tartars ARE mongol rape babies as well as turk rape babies.
And no they are fully asian, not like finns or hungarians.
You mean occupying it after destroying it?
German soldiers specifically surrendered to the western allies because they feared the slaves.
There's a reason there's so much former heer soldiers in the Bundeswehr.
How can it be when the numbers say otherwise?
Do mutts not operate on facts anymore?
Never said we didn't, mutt.
We just don't have enough to be called muttland ;^)
Your subhuman mind still can't comprehend this.
The European Overman made mistakes and will attempt to correct it.
The muttmerica subhumans see the beauty and integrity of the Europeans and hate them and seek to save communism from destruction with the largest logistic operation ever. 1940-1945.
Of course, to expect an amerimutt subhuman to comprehend political and military manuever is asine.
Your pooland wasn't innocent either. Did the Czechs and Hohols forced poor poles to invade them?
Who fired the first shot at communism? Not the mutts, I tell ya!
Not as an insult. Just an example of how you subhumans always cry nazi this nazi that.
vatnik larpers =/= German National Socialists.
But to a mutt, all is hwite so there is no difference :^)
Do vatniks support the kurds and ISIS?
Really don't know. But vatniks politics are not my problem as long as they don't touch me.
This is beyond the comprehension of a mutt though.
And after that arranged the biggest logistic operation ever to help out communism.
What are you even on about, subhuman? Where are vatniks? I only see mutt soldiers in Germany. Vatniks left a long time ago.
Hoho, woher weißt du das? Bist du jetzt auch ein Deutsch Lehrer?
Ich hab schon gesagt, besuch uns mal im Deutsch/pol/. Oder hast du keine Eier dafür?
It is like I'm talking to a retarded teenage mutt, being absolutely furious about pic related.
And then they proceeded to genocide the soldiers in deathcamps, did they not?
Both are in bad shape but US has better chance. US still have civil freedoms due to their long tradition of them. Most European countries are literally serfs with zero rights.
In EU there is hope for just some countries like Italy who have southern "I give no fuck about written laws" mentality so legal slave shackles put on EU people has less effect on them, if they angry enough they can throw them as out as useless paper. And East European countries who get insane injection of nationalism during USSR occupation.
But largest EU problem is that two of the most cucked countries with nope hope of recover (Britain and France) are nuke countries! When they inevitably turn caliphates Europe awaits horrors of new Muslim conquest non nuke countries have no possibilities to resist.
Number says France is around 60-70% white, I guess that's somehow not mutt?
Oh wow, but that's not true, per our one drop rule, even one nigger means you are a mutt already.
Because I have a rational mind.
You create problem, you "attempt" to solve them, then you fail and lose half of Europe. Nice try. Never mind, it's not you, it's Germany.
America sent a battalion to fight with the white army against communism actually. Meanwhile, Germany exported communism to Russia.
Just following you, nazi.
German nazis, or any kind of nazis would still be jailed in Russia. Try it.
Wait, ISIS is communist now? But yeah the vatniks do support the kurds, germans do as well.
Which is after Germany sending Lenin to Russia, creating the USSR in the first place lol
You said Russia let you LARP as nazis now. I say you can try it, and see what the consequence is. You can only LARP as nazis when you have the american army protecting your ass.
While I'm talking to a slav faking german. We have done this dance many times, and you lose every times.
Evidently not, considering some german veterans still live to this day.
You can go ask them about these deathcamps though lol
Didn't the south break off from the Union for what the EU is economically doing to to Greece?
Then what is this?
And who are these guys?
Christ, user, your Neo-con shilling takes up 1/3 of the posts ITT.
So just go ask these surviving veterans about these deathcamps then? Why do you stand here?
In fact, post-WW2, I'm not sure there's even 2.5 million german soldiers, most of them lie dead in eastern Europe.
You can't even speak proper English, and you claim to be shilling for America. Looking at your posts they all seem to be D&C claiming no European country is white.
My post is responding to the notion of accusing America as mutt, yet totally ignoring how muddified Europe is, especially France.
The fucker I'm arguing with immediately changes tunes when France is mentioned.
15 million germans were killed (not only soldiers)
This guy gets it. As long as I have the means to feed and protect my family I don't give a shit about the (((stock exchange))). I'm looking forward to a labor-backed currency. Cheering about your country (((GDP))) while your race is being genocided is retarded.
Jesus Christ I just went to the toilet and took a shit and you just ate it right up to post here.
Ok, you "win" now hehe.
Like talking to a pigeon.
I don't give a rat fuck about France, you stupid subhuman mutt.
But France is in Europe, mutt.
See? I don't give a rat's ass about you, but when you say someone as mutt, you better take a long good look about yourself.
What do we have here, kek.
Where is your German credential?
Show us. Mutt.
nice b8
Was noch, mutt?
Versuch mal groß D zu beleidigen! Mach es!
(((they))) have been trying to destroy it since before they even got here. They have been trying to destroy western civilization since the days of Rome. They have become exceedingly good at it. But there is still ONE thing that is effective against them. Rope.
Why don't you do this LARP shit in Russia, your greatest ally? My point remains you can only do it under the protection of the USA.
It's not about getting a rise out of you, it's about actual fact.
Europe is muddified, France is an example.
Want to argue?
Just to clarify, even if France is mutt, why do other nationalists give a shit? Actual Frenchmen will just go Vichy, again.
It seems that an Europe of nations or just the concept of Blood and Soil is incomprehensible to the mutts. Ah well, why should it!
This week you are potato celtic men. Next week you are paella folks. Next month spic larping. ad infinitum
It's weird as hell that you are trying to do this mutt insult when you admit that France is mutt.
So why give a shit about America?
The same for "actual american".
At this point, you are trying to make americans mad here.
I love it when you open your mutt mouth.
Because National Socialism was made for and in Germany and was meant for Western Europe?`
Why would I feel the need to larp as vodka?
I'm not a mutt. Can't just change my blood like that!
Slowly and already causing reaction. All possible under the boots of mutts after the war against communism, which mutts fought for communism.
Because I don't give a shit about France, you subhuman mutt.
Real Frenchmen will find a way out and go Vichy.
The rest of the amerimuttized mongrels will just die without the EU.
EU soldiers in muttmerica: Unarmed, less than what, a battalion?
Muttsoldiers in Europe: 40k alone in Germany, more are flooding Eastern Europe. All armed. All prepare to nuke the next Hitler.
Except muttmericans can't even speak French and pic related. Remember that you have both the feather nigger festival and the Irish pub to visit next week, mutt!
Factually incorrect.
Hitler did not say this, national socialism is a nationalistic system that is applicable for every nation, asiatic nation like Japan included. Actual western Europe nation like France and Britain reject it.
It's not, France is already muddified.
It's possible because Germany lost a war against a communist regime that it helped create.
France is in Europe.
So why give a shit about America?
Factually wrong, most american troops in Europe are actually supporting staff, most are not armed, and the heavily armed ones are stationed in eastern Europe in order to fight communism.
Why the hell does american have to speak French? What?
What's wrong with vising an irish pub? What do you have against the irish?
And I honestly laugh at this.
US controls NATO, and NATO >>>> EU.
China will collapse before the USA will, for three reasons.
One, the demographics time bomb is already hitting them. Nigger females are not going to replace all the female bugs they murdered.
Two, their entire strategy rests on conquering Niggerland, which is both sad and hilarious and will be a complete disaster for them.
Three, and most importantly, non-whites don't become superpowers. China, India, South America, etc will always be retarded shit holes, especially without whites to provide direction and technology.