Is there a single right wing thinker the past 500 years as smart as this man? I've never seen a post on Zig Forums refuting anything he says. You can call him names like psued or whatever but I've yet to see any sort of longform refutation of anything at all that he has said.
Is there a single right wing thinker the past 500 years as smart as this man...
Bam Margera's dad?
For real, why haven't you guys said or done anything about him? you just seem to pretend he doesn't exist despite his popularity. He's openly a marxist, talked about on imageboards all over, and widely beloved by leftist imageboard users.
I don't see why there have been zero attempts to even acknowledge him by you guys.
I dont know who the fuck he is, for starters.
How the fuck do you not know who Zizek is?
nah, pretty sure this deserves a thread. At least moreso than the drooling retard who wrote the turner diaries
Dude zizek threads get posted all the time. Just fucking lurk more.
Because he's not really important except as a fashion statement among a certain set. I only know he exists because Zig Forums leaves their board to peacock about
Slavoj Žižek, the guy sounds like he's high on coke all the time. And why would we bother to listen to Marxists, who've produced nothing but failure?
Hal Turner did nothing wrong
Ok, then there's nothing wrong with this one being up, and if this is the one right now then why haven't there been any posts refuting a single one of his beliefs?
You are obviously new here, and with how clear you have already made that fact with your post style in this thread, I don't know why you expect any answers, as you certainly aren't entitled any.
If you do a simple Google search on 8ch and zizek you will have your answer. Now please go back to whatever site you frequent, as you don't belong here.
nah, I think I like it here. I'll stick around, mayo
Cool. Lurk more. Or you are just gunna get more people calling you out for being a massive faggot, and just a general waste of people's time while begging to be brought up to speed.
Who knows, If you wait lurk enough you might even make an interesting thread on a topic that has not been discussed to death, but I doubt it.
i want an answer and im gonna keep posting until i get one
You won't get one, no one cares. (I literally already told you how to find your answer, is a quick Google search too hard for you? Do you really have to be force-fed information)
Night man, Enjoy your thread.
get the fuck out of my thread you dead weight
Then fucking post something specific he's said if you want a refutation. You are basically asking us to go and waste our time listening to this sniffly faggot drone about god-knows what and poke holes in random shit until you are satisfied (spoliers: you never will be)
Either post something specific he's said that you want us to try and refute or GTFO.
Ok I looked him up OP
found a 15min vice doco where he stuttered with a mouth full of spit for 15 minutes shilling against Assad about chemical weapons etc. anyone could refute this mutant.
Alex Jones is convinced that demons from another dimension are behind corporate politics, and yet there are no threads dedicated to disproving that. Does that mean Alex Jones is an unmitigated genious and was right about everything? No. Maybe, like with your pet eceleb, he's so retarded that nobody can be bothered to pay much attention beyond what is immediately entertaining to them, and frankly, your bumbling old man doesn't seem entertaining at all.
I mean if this were a board dedicated to how there aren't demons from another dimension behind corporate politics, yeah it would be. So go ahead, make your case scum
Martin Heidegger
LOL you can't bump an anchored thread, dumbass. We don't "argue" with leftists because it's a waste of time. You only posted this because you want a rush of agruing with someone on this internet, not because you want to change our minds. You're in the wrong place for that, go too halfchan to get your fix. And no, you won't be staying.
He's so smart he can't even keep a straight face when he talks.
Interesting caricature you've got there. Looks a lot like your hero.
Strange that you would project like that.