You are literally the same as the New Left in the 60's except Right-Wing. Sam Hyde's Government book is literally the same as the Steal this Book Book. You keep thinking that you will wake people up but they you materialism. You are gonna end up the same fate as the hippies. Becoming what you hate.
Learn materialism. It's not gonna hurt you if you don't.
Class is important, there is more in common with a ghettto nigger, drunk injun, and a trailer park White than Bill Gates and that White.
Capitalism is actually the reason for all the anti-White stuff. It's because the Globalist Capitalists are trying to pave the way for a new source of Capital. It wants non-Whites to move in so that it can suck the Capital out of them. There is actually a War on White Males but it's because of Capitalism. Capitalism is in favor of White Women and Non-White Men which is why Race-Mixing is being pushed. All the degeneracy that people hate is because of Capitalism. The reason for Multiculturalism, Homosexuality, Trannys, even Cuckolding is because of Capitalism. It wants to keep the Rate of Profit up and so it will push all this. Something that people need to realize is that Immigration literally only happens because of the falling Rate of Profit (Adam Smith talked about it waaaaaaay back). Capitalism also destroys Culture.
Capitalism forces the breakdown of the family by forcing relatives to break apart due to financial difficulties, job requirements, commute requirements, alienation etc.
Capitalism destroys tradition by advancing technological progression which in itself brings about social change.
Capitalism destroys culture via commodification and replaces it with mass produced McCulture.
Capitalism destroys morals by neutralizing it under the banner of the market and justifying actions on the basis of their voluntary nature and the legal parameters which surround such actions whilst creating a system in which individuals who determine such legal parameters are themselves subject to enticement through lobbying etc.
Capitalism is responsible for mass immigration as it destabilizes the third world, the upper classes or elites promote mass immigration through official government policies, academia, and the media, and condemn as intolerant and xenophobic the working-class who have to suffer the adverse consequences of that immigration. It has undermined the political strength of the organised working class, along with draconian anti-trade union legislation and mass de-industrialisation backed up by state violence. A labor shortage means the working class have power and mass immigration prevents this and them from getting too uppity. The last thing the upper classes want is their cattle being empowered.
Instead of having to finance families and kids for the working class with decent wages, constant mass immigration allows them to just replace aging, childless proles with fresh young bodies. These immigrants will also have no social affinity whatsoever with the aging and now jobless indigenous population. This allows the capitalist class to overturn the pension systems by playing the pensionaires (=indigenous population) against the working class (=immigrants).
Therefore, mass immigration is a hidden form of genocide (indigenous population can no longer afford to procreate) that increases the profits of the upper class. The vast majority of births historically happen in the lower class. The future middle class recruits itself from the current lower class.
The ultimate goal is to create defunct nation states under an all-powerful, informal world government that consists of transnational banks and transnational corps with their armies of hired lawyers and the mass media they use to control public opinion.
This is class warfare pure and simple.
If you want to win you need to adopt a Materialist viewpoint. You don't need to be a Communist, you can be NazBol or whatever but you are gonna win more with this than what you are doing.
Ever noticed that the BASED East European nations had a Socialist economy?