The strong uptick in anti-Trump shilling here suddenly makes sense.
The strong uptick in anti-Trump shilling here suddenly makes sense.
Oh great here's the new MSM supplied boogeyman of the week.
Have a sage faggot.
At least you didn't direct link this time.
Shareblue right on schedule. Amazing.
So what do I have to do to get (((you))) to break character again?
I shitpost on the god Emperor's behalf for free.
Do I need to file that as a campaign contribution?
Regardless of what any of us think about Trump, it's beyond clear that he has gained supporters since his election, not lost them. Anyone with half a brain can see it. I assume this is why they are losing their minds.
Not one person who voted Trump in 2016 is going to not vote to re-elect him. And they are motivated right now to go vote more R's in their local elections. These people are not going to change their minds because some Sharblue faggot made an anti-Trump Rick and Morty meme. Nor do they believe 90% of what media tells them anyway.
Democrats are fucked. They may gain a seat or two, but they have NO PLATFORM that benefits the average Joe. Their platform is, literally, "We hate Drumpf. Do you hate Drumpf? Vote for us and we'll hate Drumpf together". And on that front, the lines are drawn and won't likely budge.
It’s all inauthentic astroturfing. You can’t pay someone to do what we do. The employment situation forces it and kills it. People smell it a mile away.
Essentially this. All theyre going to do is flood every imaginable platform with the usual
>drumpf betrayed you by doing x y next week, z the week after, then back to x
Zig Forums has been lousy with them lately. All they seem to have as a goal however is to derail the thread entirely instead of just atroturfing support for marxists.
kampfy/polvoljew are almost certainly agents of theirs, playing both sides as kikes always do
Its especially obvious when their brand new niggers don't even understand ID's because its their first time shitposting as anonymoose. For example
Also on accelerationism. It works when your side guides the message. It works in your enemies favor when they guide the message. Never forgetti anons.
Let this be a call to arms! Shitpost like you have never shitposted before! Spread memes far and wide! No matter what they throw at us, CTR, Shartblue, Chinese clickfarms, we are the best at what we do!
And so the next memewar began.
Its time boys.
Democrats have no chill and can't shill as middle of the line voices or reason let alone patriots.
have a sage nigger
Nobody hates leftists more than average working class Americans.
They will be their own undoing with their preachy bullshit and their cartoonish imitation of what they think the right-wing is, but by all means, help them spiral down faster.
They're not bringing their best, folks!
Already satured tatic, nigger, wont work anymore, we know you are all /lefty/ shills.
May Kek rape your mind, faggot.
We should be so damn lucky.
God willing.
Have you guys looked into psychology studying this could give us a stronger hand against the jews and their leftist golems. Being able to read what your opponent is thinking can give us a much stronger advantage and increase the butthurt.
Also trump is shitty get it through your thick skulls that he isn't the next Hitler. He is simply a puppet for the jews as this guy pointed out.
Thanks for this btw.
I miss how kampfy used to ban you niggers before CTR had him overthrown.
"Democrats seek stronger social media presence"?????
Social media is already seemingly 90+% Liberal. This is basically an attempt at COMPLETE CONTOL
Nobody thought he would be. You took the memes too seriously, shitbrain.
If he were simply a puppet we'd be at war with Assad and Iran at the same time.
Nobody cares about the deportation of some guy who wasn't even German.
You're quickly running out of lines.
Defending kikey now. Go back to The_Donald. 70% of people here aren't as brain dead as you and can clearly see through trumpstein's act.
In the turkroaches defense, that's one thing he did right. Your faggotry is overwhelming now.
As if Share Blue, Tides and the other troll farms are not bad enough they need even more shills and more bots… likely will be backed by foreign interests and money like the others. If I remember right is was said Share blue was also backed by Chinese money (along with globalists like Soros) talk about collusion with a foreign government.
Got the readout of that statistic, jew?
What is the end purpose of posting "Donald Trump is a kike puppet"?
We still have 6 years you know. Immediately calling me a shill for something that hasn't happened but could happen in the future is really fucking dense. A lot can happen in 6 years.
Becoming that desperate again, are you?
I'm pretty sure they're already upon us. I don't know about you guys but it seems like there was a massive uptick on Monday of anti-trump posting.
Not an argument. Also let's assume trump isn't the jewish puppet I claim him to be. He is still in his 70s the jews could easily kill him and call it off as a heart attack. Now let me ask you why hasn't this happened.
I'm pretty sure they're in this thread.
You guys do realize that CTR's list has been leaked multiple times by now, right?
Now why are you presuming that I was pointing at you in the first place?
My god they're pathetic. Well i guess when your party has no message, you have to deploy movie stars and ShariaBlue shills to drown out the opponent
It's not as if you are aware of your status and how you see yourself, right?
Whatever you're getting paid, it's too much.
You try argue against trump without like 30 different trump shills jumping on you for daring to have a different opinion than them. It's mob mentality at it's finest.
Zig Forums and especially Zig Forums is already so full of astroturf that it's getting embarrassingly obvious. This will backfire on them 100%
This thread is about Democrats forming another CTR group of faggots and (((You))) are more interested about moaning "Muh drumpf" in this thread?
And you fucking consider yourself as some sort of importance? Christ, why not start bitching that a salami is about Trump.
They've had 2 years to plan an assassination sorry but 2 years isn't instantly. They could pull their resources and do plenty of things in that 2 year span. However they haven't explain trump supporter.
It's become painfully obvious since it happened.
Lol battle station organizers… these memes are gonna be even worse than during the last meme war. THE LEFT CAN’T MEME!
where is the banners page link?
That's the most tryhard, fantasy-land bullshit I've heard all day. Leave it to the Dems to come up with something like that, their whole lives revolve around overhyped, brainless sci-fi movies.
At least it's not as retarded as Shareblue or CTR.
Speaking of the leftist material it's not going to work. The left can't resonate with people like Zig Forumsacks can and this is because leftists are unconnected with modern issues and only wish to expand their diversity agenda.
The left is very disconnected. You have rich jews, poor niggers, illegal spics, feminists, Fags, Sand niggers and all of the sort. We can easily convert people over to our ideology because we can relate to these people. The left is simply incapable of doing this and as such instead of promoting their ideology like we do. They have to resort to social shaming and trying to weaken our influence with Divide and conquer. Funnily enough the left is much more susceptible to divide and conquer due to the conflicting ideologies.
The reason I'm arguing against trump is that their is quite a bit of evidence to support him being a Jewish puppet. If he isn't and you guys are right then that's good but I don't have my hopes up.
Also, since when are midterms about Trump anyway? The anti-trump tards are the ones bringing Trump up and derailing a thread about state and senate elections.
I guess according to their logic we should just give America over to the communists and allow them to I don't know, win? fuck that.
If we lose congress he's going to end up being a lame duck president since the demoshits will obstruct him at every turn.
Name looks similar to the CCCP, they aren't hiding anymore
If he is a jew puppet, it's not the one they want running things. The kikes wanted Hillery in power no doubt. With how much they devoted to removing him, to screeching about how he won the election, its pretty clear that a Trump victory was not intended. If he's just another shabos goyium, I think the kike's plan was for him to lose and become a controlled opposition martyr, maybe start that news network the kikes were saying he would make after the election.
But he won, derailing a bunch of plans.
If you're a serious OP and not a FAG, is there a guideline for these "battle station operators" or templates available online?
I am asking so we can do a switcherooo and turn them 180°….
I honestly agree browsing Zig Forums for a while has made me extremely skeptical. Though I have 80% faith that trump winning wasn't intended.
or infiltrate their operations on normalfag socmedia with sock accounts that would make even them cringe.
Like the kind of shit Metokur makes fun of.
If a social media war can be started between CTR soyboy shills and trans diaper furs, it might be pretty damn funny.
You’re totally retarded and still listening to jewish media.
You have no evidence of this and are listening to jewish media without knowing a fucking thing about controlled opposition.
Controlled. Opposition.
Why can’t the redditor even spell?
is that even possible?
As if they ever left.
They've changed the rules of engagement, there are single drop response faggots and others that will spam the fuck out of threads and respond in such volume they think it raises the level of readership for their perspective on a subject they are spamming. Use of filter is highly recommended
Kill yourself you jew fuck.
Masons. You know, the original multiculti communist faggots (literal faggots too).
It doesn't, it just makes their shilling stand out even more.
Kill yourself.
It was obvious that they expected Trump to lose. They were actually terrified that Trump supporters would chimp out if he lost due to the well-known schlomocrat vote rigging machine. He even used the debate platform to call Hillary and the demozogs dirty cheats and rile-up the boomies
it's the DC's chosen platform
it don't fly so good
>doesn't understand (((thier))) best liberal trolls can't defeat pure, undistilled autism that's been brewing for decades.
I believe it might be, you just have to really tap into some sick tumblr autism and pretend to be it and talking shit while linking them to actual tumblr otherkin freaks in the @replies.
Find out how to push their buttons depending on who you're mimicking at the moment.
Well yeah, the truth is fucking "hate speech" and they would never attempt to do that.
Sounds just like the lead up to the election.
>implying Zig Forums didn't simply push Trump because he shifted the overton window by way of (((liberal))) overreaction and response to Trump would disgust normies into supporting Trump thus supporting more actual conservatives (((republican))) is left of center
Remember a week or two ago when Trump tweeted about social media censorship? Remember how the trumpcucks were elated and thought this meant they were WINNING? Remember when Trump did nothing about it?
False. His stupid Kanye stunt to bring in the niggers didn't pan out, and it just turned away his more hardcore white supporters. And his constant cucking has driven away anyone to the right of Paul Ryan.
Loving Every Laugh, as the kids say.
He tweeted about google search censorship too.
Unfortunately, they have unlimited funds from banks and other shady organizations. Express donations from citizens that got killed by niggers are, of course, down. But it's not like that was unexpected.
Fuck off
The cope.
Don't have any right now can you post gore?
More non arguments go back to r the donald.
lol no. It's the same shilling tactics over and over, because kikes and their pets never learn. The communist diet starves their brains of necessary nutrients.
Trump grabsem by the foreskin. If he misses he assumes jew.
CTR, Shatblue, JIDF, etc, have yet to come to the conclusion that being irritating to Zig Forums, H8, or Cuck, just results in memetic pearls. It's as if they are blind to anonymous boards innate quality of turning fail into epic fail, shitposts into memes of unfathomable power.
Boards such as Zig Forums or yes even /b/ are like digital oysters turning sand sized grains of marxist diatribe into pearls of memetic wisdom.
It's honestly a little disheartening, (((these))) are the people who conned my father and grandfather into forgetting their heritage? These cognitively impaired, as Marzism/Cultural-Marxism and their descendant ideologies are thought censoring and therefore a mental handicap in my eyes, asshats? Or has there own ideological teachings turned them into this?
We should set up another shill bingo thread updated with more recent attack vectors
Genius logic there Moishe.
Or is it possible that they know they wouldn't get away with it in this day and age, and would just end up getting themselves holocausted by the violent revolt to follow?
Did you fucking retards learn nothing from two years ago? Fuck's sake.
I would say that the last generation kikes and shabbos goy were a lot more competent than their soylent-driven retarded faggot descendents.
They thought they'd already won.
They were wrong.
I wish goreposting would make a comeback. Great way to filter the CTR kikes
This is also why literally every "user" you see saying not to vote is basically a confirmed shill.
(((They))) felt as if (((they))) had achieved complete victory. This was before the advent of the internet, and during this time time (((their))) disciples and children have grown complacent.
To us, the past half century has been, "Bad Times" which has helped grow stronger men, even while being under constant attack for being men, while for (((them))) it has been "Good Times" breeding forth weak men among themselves.
I find it to be a beautiful thought.