Thanks to Jewgle readding Zig Forums to its searches, we're gonna get some new faggots. So read here first, you godless kike monsters.
Mods, sticky this so the fucking retards can see something beneficial.
Are you a newfag?
We have a sticky for retards already. QTDDTOT.
So then they out themselves and we get to ban them for not following the board rules. Simple.
Are you Qanon? I need to speak with him immediately.
reddit too complicated LoL ! i bought a Q shirt for my wife n my 4 kids. also maga hats. bless you
Google re-listed Zig Forums to drive shills here. Along with CNN having us on their homepage right now.
Newfaggot raids were inevitable. Nothing gold can stay. But it seems quite odd that all of these companies have chosen now to advertise it.
Something tells me they were hoping for a more fertile seedbed to sow their low-effort memes in. The mass shilling over the last few months more or less confirms that at this point.
You mean the increase of civnats? I mean I can't notice any other kinds of shills apart from civnats.
Kill yourself.
Believe me.
friendly reminder
Why don't the site owners just make it so if you come here from a Google link (heck, any outside link) you're redirected to one of those gore collages from ED
I second this
So what? I got nothing to hide, all I do is shitpost and look at furry porn..
T. A fucking leaf
user, please. Not everyone knows that you’re using poe’s law.
I just love to shitpost more than I'm afraid of the Federales
In fact, ive never posted online anything I've never said in public
Paid a heavy price
This was a thing for a while in a few months ago you just realized this now?
Even with this obvious links we are still not getting as much traffick, we also keep bullying them out and due to being merciless and being relentless so there is no need to going to any other Zig Forums's at this point and also the fact this is a slow and patient board, they are going to go insane and go back to cuckchan.
The only newfags are probably 10-15 at best.
If you also like horsies,you are untouchable.
Only thing stopping us is shutting this board down and forcing another exodus to happen or taking back cuckchan.
but the scarecrow was the smartest of the group, he was just insecure.
You’re retarded if you think we’ll believe this.
And yet they’ve literally taken over the fucking board in the last week.
Years old? Yes. In number? No, there are hundreds of them.
Well,you are gonna have one less because le 56% tinyhands is gonna ban me in 3-2-1..
What you never read the story?
Story? Been on a 7 day vodka bender- a little slow
…4 the 20th time…
An user in the Trump Twitter thread said it's because admins gave each board the option to make their board open to web crawlers and listed on Google. Is that true? If it is we need to take it up with the board owner.
Pretty sure Google can't force any site to be indexed on their search, you have to register it with them.
You have to be white to post here.
So,you DON'T want more normies& even True Believer commies to redpill? Mm-kay
You dont have to be white to be a Federale.
I wouldn't even eat you if I was starving you dirty jew
Oh,I'm sorry,cuck.
Our Federal Brave and Heroic Safety Friends Intelligence Community.
That's what I am saying for weeks now…
I think it's time we post a strong red-pill thread and keep it at the top
Everyone knows he was 3D printed and used as a puppet for the hyper advanced mega rich russian oligarchs trying to turn America gay or some dumb CNN shit.
I hope they give assange immunity to testify.