Drop out of the elections or nudes will be leaked

California lawmaker slams 'slut shaming' attackers threatening to release her photos from Burning Man

A California city councilwoman fired back against critics who released photos of her engaging in “lascivious, drunk and drug-addled behavior” at the Burning Man festival and threatened to post more if she didn’t pull out of November’s council race.

Rachel Hundley, a former mayor of the Sonoma city where she’s running for the position on the city council, released a video slamming the threats from “spineless individuals” who tried to blackmail her with her pictures from Burning Man, an arts and music festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, where she is allegedly seen wearing only a bra and underwear.

She accused the blackmailers of “slut shaming” and insisted she never considered giving in to their demands. The recorded video addressing the situation was posted online by the campaign.

“I realized there were two paths I could take,” Hundley told the San Francisco Chronicle. “I could continue with the campaign and ignore it all, or I could acknowledge that this is something that happens to women all over the country, and is something we should talk about.”


Other urls found in this thread:


Hundley admitted that she has attended Burning Man and served wines from her city at a bar at a “consent-focused sex-positive theme camp” at the festival.

“What was especially disturbing in this era of Me Too was the attempt to slut shame me for celebrating my body and for my attendance at Burning Man,” she said in the video.

The candidate added that the now-disabled website “Rachel Hundley Exposed,” which called Hundley a “cruel and demented person” and “a cancer” in the city, was created to force her to withdraw from the race and “to make me afraid, to silence another strong female voice by scaring me out of this election and denying you the right to make a choice.”

It remains unclear who created the website as it was anonymized and signed only by “Sonoma Citizens for Peace and Cooperation.” She said the email from the attackers told her that unless she drops out of the race, more incriminating information will be posted online.

But Hundley said much of the information on the website is fabricated, giving an example of a woman smoking weed through a bong, which wasn’t actually her.

“This is a volunteer position, it takes a lot of time,” she told the Chronicle about the councilwoman’s position. “The website not only hurt me but hurt my family. I did consider the weight of it. But this is something I enjoy doing and want to do for another four years.”

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Reminds me of the herpes outbreak at Occupy Wall St

isn't blackmail a crime, and if not why claim it is a crime when a blackmailer isn't arrested?????

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She looks anorexic. Her titties are probably saggy fried eggs, ass droopy, and ribs practically breaking the skin. She's probably one of those chicks addicted to running.

Guaranteed false flag.

Dig up ANY criticism she may have said of Melania Trump for her nude editorial pics for Cosmo it was Cosmo, right? however many decades ago.
If she was critical or negative of those, point that out.

This hoe should not be any form of community leader.

Occupy was actually a decent movement until proto-BLM types began polluting it with identity politics rather than focusing on the real problem and exposing corporations like (((Goldman Sachs))). This is essentially what happens whenever a leftist movement actually gains a foothold somewhere which will expose corruption. Analogously on the right wing, people like Juden Peterstein and Ben Shapiro (effectively) are there to co-opt the movement and quash any attempt at exposing the real issue.

As long as everyone is the mainstream is dancing around the JQ, the people in power are happy.

I agree. Let's talk about why so many women feel the need to devolve into degenerate sexual animals. Let's talk about why you're not ashamed of being a slut, but consider someone threatening to expose you being a slut a threat. Let's talk about decency and modesty in modern American culture. Let's talk about putting yourself in compromising positions and then running for office.

Not even close to anorexic. Are you one of those morbidly obese chasers? Maybe a nigger?

her arms are emaciated, dude.

from her insta, cant believe she in govt

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She sucks dick for coke.

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It's fucking California

Hmm, that guy dresses like me.

So where are the underwear photos?

And I used to think the idea of a THOT patrol was silly. They're actually really dangerous in politics, just due to the influence of thirsty betas.

Look at the size of her fancee's nose.

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“I was stunned,” Hundley said. “It’s 2018. I thought we’d gotten past this.”
They talk like clones.

no luck user but there is a website for her in underwear it got shoahed was named Rachelhundleyexposed

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is that a nose or a total eclipse of the sun???

Burning whore deserves to be slut shamed

Oh man I wish I could go back in time and hear some old wenches in a pub squeal "Its 1618, I thought we were more progressive?"

pls post noods and vagine

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Shame this creature that tries to cover up her bad skin with pounds of makeup

lol…. she made the cardinal rule violation and brought it to the public thus now everyone in her area will know about it and talk about it. Stupid move toots.

She, like many other liberals think they are in the majority. Little does she know its they that are outnumbered. Remember when that one dumb cunt was screeching about where everyone was at when it came down to protesting a rights torch march? Yea same shit. Its just that they are louder due to shouting relentlessly due to their brain damage.

Don't threaten, just do it.

her instawhore

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Huh. Her legs seem to have anime proportions. Is that normal? They look unnaturally long.

It is. You need someone to arrest and charge.

I would bet the farm that if we spent even a few days looking into her background we would find a considerable amount of very politically bad shit. This may actually be a good idea during local elections as it would chase off a huge amount of these idiots and prevent them from gaining much traction in areas.

I like that idea actually.

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Is it just me or does she have a dick?

Dirty yid with a burning bush.

"Rachel Hundley, a member of the Class of 2005, moved to California after leaving a career in law, started a food truck and is now mayor of Sonoma, California."


She literally has no connection to that area.

That’s what annorexia looks like.
Many Chinazn females are ridiculously skinny bordering on anorexic. They look like they would shatter every bone if a strong wind came and knocked them over

for sure she engages in cucking her boyfriend. She is childless, and drinks too much plus does cocaine.



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It's funny when a woman says she's being slut shamed.

Yeah but look at her cans. I'd bet dollars to cents I could get her knees behind her head.
She's a dirty girl, though. Dirty Burner girl!

Even funnier when there are hookers that get millions worth of book deals for writing about the dirty laundries of male politicians and stars yet nobody points out the hypocrisy.

Found the "food truck business" lol…


She looks like a washed out whore.

I always preferred the moniker "Caliphoria" personally.

So where are the pics?

who are these old people that still party like they're in their teens and 20's?

Childless urbanites.

Couple interesting things I found. First, this guy who endorsed her. This is another example of a Rouse in that area with the other being the daughter of John Podesta/married to one and on the school board in Albany (if memory serves) and the other being the FBI Agent Rouse who headed the Vegas shooting investigation.

Lot of "Rouse" in leadership positions in Sonoma it appears through the years.


Do you actually think there is a huge chunk of greatest generation voters left to vote against degeneracy?

They’re the ones who voted for it. Most of the GG are dead. Boomers are the oldest generation of any political weight.


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We can put this thread to rest right away. This whore is unsuitable for public office because she is:
A) Female
B) Liberal
C) An Oxford-trained lawyer who sells fried chicken from a truck, which glows the fuck in the dark for me
D) Getting good press from the enemy press, which hints at major character flaws
E) Not married, but engaged to a subordinate man in her organization, thus perverting the natural order
F) Unironically turns to social justice lingo to defend her intolerable whoredom

Why is this an issue at all?

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This. Smelling some glow connections here big time along with her connection to Rouse and that being the county where Podesta lives.

Aren't those the Indian cannibals who threatened to kill Reza Aslan? Good guys.

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Rrrrrrrrr me mateeeeeeh…..got some booty orrr rrrrruum?

I wanna see her tits and I want her to feel bad about me being able tomsee her tits because shes a low-cog liberal progressive whore and im a a high-cog authoritarian nationalist White male and it secretly turns her on that i want to see her tits and call her a slag?

This is what we should be doing.
Getting into political positions of authority.
These leftists are doing it and have been doing it for decades.
We need to be the ones replacing them, not trying to leak nudes of them, which is pointless because these people don't have the shame necessary to make such a tactic worth doing.

She looks Latina but the name….huh…???

I cant tell on set of pooinloos from ankther to be honest. I cant tell whether those are the cannibals who tried to eat SteveO, the guys who raped a girl to death with an iron rod, or the guys who can wrap their balls around a cane and do squats.

Yeah, if you're a 15-18 year old degenerate, attending concerts/festivals is somewhat excusable. If you're pushing 40 you look like a complete mental defective. Mind boggling faggotry.

She looks Iberian/Med.

Before I explain what should be obvious, I'd like to point out the startling similarity of appearance this person has to
because 'women' using the skeletal frame of a man, and having received female elocution lessons from professional trans trainers, bear this core similarity which is hard to pin down but very obviously there

So anyway, the reason behind this story is a no-brainer.
It's very obvious that "she" has very masculine traits and appearance, many people - potential voters - will be suspecting that "she" is actually malebecause he is.
This story allays the suspicion by subliminally confirming that "she" is a she - through the purported existence of "nudes" (of a naked woman.)
This tactic is used quite frequently, and was used on a massive scale during the govt-sponsored psyop known as the #fappening
The #fappening was rolled out as an emergency response to a sudden outbreak of "transvestigation" of "female" celebrities.
And there you have it.
This is just another elite tranny, how can you not see it? Does the flowery "momsy" dress really fool your eye? The long hair? The excessive make up?
Come on.

Meh…I dunno…she lacks the typical extended pointed chin and nose that arte typical for Iberians.

She looks like a brazilian collegue of mine.

Maybe SA(brazil with strong portugese heritage?

I unironically want every man to collude and just beat out any notion of independence women have, then reset the counter back to the good old days of physical dominance, no votes, no college for them.

Stay gold everywomanisatranny shill.

Look at the gigantic dental arch, are those teeth or the Golden Gate Bridge?

You don't speak English, so I hope somebody translates this into Hebrew for you.

Woman's power is in her sexuality. Held privately, with her husband, it is the mainspring of the family and, by extension, the load-bearing structure in a healthy volk. Cheapened and put on display like the wares in a Jewish marketplace, female bodies are perverted into weapons against the men who should be defending their modesty. When a wholly degraded woman turns the corner to fully kiked, she strips to her bare ass and goes into public to shove a crucifix up her asshole in the Vatican, which is stunning and brave. Her sexuality is fully perverted and sinister.

When you desire such a whore, you have become like Herod, who would behead a man to see his own daughter dance for him. Shun this decadence and be very clear why you will never approach such infamita: Because you are rendered utterly sexually impotent in the presence of a whore. Sluts make your prick limp, and you can hardly stand the sight of them. As long as the disgusting sluts feel like real eye-candy, they will persist in their delusional acts, thinking they're the ones having fun, rather than the human sacrifice Moloch is consuming for power.

I will not consort with unmarried, unchaste women. That wasn't true 10 years ago, but I have learned the power of saying no to loose women's efforts to help me degrade them. By walking away, I mend one small part of the world, and eventually it becomes natural and easy to do.

Do not encourage whores. Women will fall apart without guidance, but it takes only one man's rejection to shock them into cognitive dissonance.

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Referendums when?

Whore drums up controversy regarding herself while showing how degenerate she is, gathering pozzed votes from both the degenerate faggots/trannies/leftists and the #metoo crowd. The sad part of this is it will work, by making herself the victim these faggots will vote for her multiple times (as that is just part of (((democracy))) now) and she will be elected.
That is really the point now, not just in California but in a growing number of pozzed states, towns, counties. Elect the most degenerate victim possible. Not the person best for the job, nor the person that will have what is best in mind…. Elect trash, because the trash want us all dead.

Sonoma/Napa county are not sure thing wins for them user. We could definitely push this the other way as those two counties are loaded with old white conservative types who are not pleased these types of people are bothering their towns.

Sluts deserved to be shamed. We should know what kind of morality she's into.

Are you saying that killers shouldn't be murder-shamed too?

The nerve…

You have a vagina, so I hope you can handle these bantz.

I don't care about your faggotry. This woman is already a whore. The only interest I have in her is in causing her cognitive dissonance as a result of her potential arousal at the prospect of a straight White male of a conservative, nay, nationalistic, bent, which, as a progressive liberal slag, is something she has been conditioned to believe is undesirable, bordering on criminal, as goes something that arouses such a woman.

I'm not suggesting any man should 'consort' with her. Merely expose her as the slag she is, which she actually doesn't want because it acts contrary to her political aims and social status, and that bothers her deeply, to the point she made a video trying to virtue signal her way out of the situation.

And so, my inclination is to try to get a look at her tits. Because it pains her for such to transpire, socially and psychologically.

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She's probably one of those chicks addicted to drugs


So many fucking hamplanet lovers who don't know what anorexia looks like trying to push fatties onto people.

Maybe we should give the chinks water so they won't be so fucking THIRSTY.

They aren't even impressive milkers but it's the principal.


Ah, she should just have smiled and said 'do it, faggots'.

When someone adds literally any negative word in front of "shaming" it's a good indicator of mental illness. If bad behavior is not "shamed" said behavior continues until bad things occur. Being a slut is self destructive, diseased, no respect for oneself or ones own body, self-hatred. Much like being fat, fat being another word paired with "muh shaming".

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Ask them. Why do you feel shame if you dindu nuffin?

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Ar the suffragets of the 1900s proud of this or not?

The demorats have been throwing a temper tantrum since the election.
If you dig for dirt long enough, you'll find something and this bitch has the gall to pull the slut shaming card when someone releases her's.

I'm sorry, if your running around naked, you deserve to be slut shamed.

H-hitler was right… Patton was right…. What the fuck…. This is driving me nuts here the so called greatest generation were actually the bad guys?

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Welcome aboard the ride:

it hurts doesn't it?


ahoy m80 it's a gay pirate! avast! thar he blows other dudes

Yeah thought the same. Addicted to running. Well mate, during the Ice ages, we had to walk an run daily. Any female which can't run and I mean run 5 miles is dangerous territory in genetics.
Fat butts are for ngigers.

Why even look? You can read after all.

I took back all the bad shit I talked about hitler back on cuckchan Zig Forums and eating all on those blue pills and believing he worked for the rothchilds
I thought the crime on german people thread showed me how terrible the polish were, but that didn't convince me what hitler did was bad, then so many natsoc and ww 2 threads here were telling me other wise till this video was the final straw. I thought you were a bunch of LARPers, but you finally showed me the light, hitler was a good man.
Now I will lurk 2 more years here.

Or you could let them work four years into nothingness and then suddenly lay out all depraved shit they do.
Might be a tactic.

must be her handler, or they're both tribeswomyn